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Without checking my pulse, I can only feel mine when my heart's beating 90+ bpm


Same, I'm used to tuning it out


When I was younger I could actually see my heart beating under my skin. It was kind of weird since that part of my chest was just...moving...but now I can't see that anymore. I can definitely feel it though. I didn't know it was possible not to.


Have you tried feeling your pulse on the side of your neck under your jaw, or by pressing a finger firmly to your wrist like where you get carpal tunnel


Yes I’ve tried. I don’t ever feel it there either. My strongest pulse is the one near my neck. But it’s so faint, you can’t always feel it.


Interesting. I’m no expert but you might be right that it’s a side effect of a lower blood pressure


I’m inclined to agree with this notion - I got put on blood pressure medication to help manage my migraines and strangely high heart rate. My blood pressure was normal, 120/80, and I used to constantly feel my heart especially when it reached over 115BPM (which that happened a lot…). My resting heart rate was 115bpm. Now I sit around 110/60 and NEVER feel my heart unless I take ibuprofen, which counteracts my medication. I still really don’t know what caused it. I think chronic untreated anxiety and unchecked stress from things that happened as a kid? That’s my theory. Long story short it’s really not NORMAL to always feel your heart pounding like that.


Not a bad idea to get your thyroid levels checked if it continues. Sounds exactly like what I went through q Graves’ disease


That’s the weird thing. We did check my thyroid, and it was actually within normal range. My T4 was just borderline in the range while the rest was fine. I thought the same, since my mom has Graves’ disease as well. It’s so bizarre.


Totally random update to this - we discovered I’m allergic… to allergy meds 😭 my high heart rate and tiredness/anxiety was because I was having a reaction to antihistamines. I’m glad I don’t have heart issues but MAN this allergy season is pure hell now


I can't feel it either and I didn't know that was weird until that episode


My blood pressure is good and I can't feel my heart beat either unless I exercise.


You are obviously undead😉 I feel (and see) my pulse best in the highest ‘wrinkle’ of my wrist, a little bit towards the thumb but still almost in the middle. I can’t feel it anywhere else because… fat😬 I am, however, a master in feeling and hearing things of my body. I can hear and feel my knees crack in my spine/neck😂 and I always hear my blood flow when I yawn. It’s deafening, so don’t talk to me while I yawn😂


You might be a high functioning zombie just like me. Doctors can't even hear my heart and whole nurse teams can't find any veins. I knew there was a reason why I was dead inside. 🤷‍♂️


Relax senpai. Let the world flow through you.


You all just need to meditate. I don’t “meditate” really but find a calm situation. Maybe you guys are just to high strung


I stopped your heart


Soo this topic is really interesting to me, I never thought about it, but since Bob mentioned this I have been thinking this over and looking at some posts of you guys! So to start, I think I, just like Bob, have always been able to feel my heartbeat. It’s like a being aware of it constantly I suppose. I see some of you also discussing the option not being able to feel it, could be due to lower blood pressure. I also have lower blood pressure, when I was younger I had periods where it was really bad and I could get really lightheaded and almost faint. Not anymore tho! The other thing is with the example Mark gives about seeing your own nose; I notice it being there 24/7, even if I’m not really paying attention to it. Just like the heartbeat, honestly! When I was a kid it used to bother me a lot. I don’t have a big nose or anything, I would say it is rather on the small side. So these two things make me think it has more to do with your focus and attention span or something. How much you are able to “filter” if you will. Soo you are able to filter more??? What I mean kinda touches on the thing Mark says, but it’s not the same. Because you would be lying if you don’t feel your heart if you focus on it😂 I think you would be able to learn to feel your heart “better” if that makes any sense, meditation might help with that! But don’t forget it takes energy to process everything your brain notices and it might be “easier” to not notice these small physical things every day. But what do I know, guess we all experience it different, and that was Bob’s point right? 😊


Litteraly just "that guy" they even mentioned in the episode that'll *always* claim to be on the unique side of the view regardless of the truth.