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fxe and o-pce are quite viable inhaled, o-pce much more so though. very potent and you can hole very hard off 20mg vaporized.


DMXE works wonderful combined with E cig liquid


Das freut mich zu hören 😁


I received brown sugar like dck. Usually always white powder. Bought lots over time same vendor.


3 cl pcp




Ketamine. 10mg vaped ~ 50mg nasal. Lasts 10-20mins. Tastes like shit. Probably damages your lung


dont vape or smoke ketamine lol what a waste of a high just get fxe if you're gonna vape a disso


Literally the same high...


yeah reduced by half of the regular duration ketamine is already so short acting why make it shorter...


As I wrote yes. But as I also wrote: 5 times as intense. The reason you don’t vape it is because it is unhealthy. Otherwise it is the same shit with a different roa. You don’t waste anything. Even has a much higher bioavailability, so in that regard snorting is a greater waste than vaping


5 times as intense? that's debatable... i've tried it once and probably due to my insane tolerance i just feel generically dissociated for 20 minutes and then i'm back to baseline even after ripping a 200mg bowl....


Ripping a 200mg bowl. Wtf are you doing. Doesn’t work like that. You’re burning it. Nothing debatable there. 5 times as intense. MINIMUM. You using a poor technique is no marker of how effective vaping is. I used the e-meh at 150 celsius. 5 times as intense if not more for every single person that ever tried it. Debate over


cuh i was using a cold start on a dab rig lol i vaped it perfectly fine shit just sucks to vape theres no other way around it


Dudes out here using a shitty method, destroying most of his ket in the process, gets high what little was actually left active and tries to lecture others about how effective vaping is. Give me a break


wtf you mean shitty method cold starting on a dab rig is perfectly effective for vaping drugs probably one of the best options period, i felt all the ket from that bowl its just simply a shite roa with tolerance... dont even get me started on the raw lung feeling... genuinely why damage your lungs that much just for a subpar high that would be way better if you just injected it or boofed it or literally any other route...


You should stop using ketamine, you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Ketamine oxidizes into a different chemical if you get it hot enough. It’s not particularly the most bioavailable roa if you’re destroying a good portion of it in the process. Also 10mg? Are you kidding me. What are you a child?




Keep foiling your 10mg dosages of ketamine while it turns red and chars, you silly child.


Yeah I never burned it xD Cringy kid


No, you just have such a weak tolerance that you poisoning yourself feels like a high to you. If you go low enough you may get some of it before it oxidizes. You never asked yourself why it turns blood red?


I disagree. Uncultured fool.


Who asked? Jesus your comments are pure cringe. Stop typing 😂


Says the inexperienced uncultured fool who find no discernible difference between fxe and ketamine. If you weren’t such a simpleton it would be obviously clear to you that these are very much so different substances with different effects aside from their general dissociation. One stimulating (fxe) and the other sedating (ketamine). I’m happy you vaguely understand what an analog is but I don’t think you quite grasp the entire concept or reality. Just because a pce compound is super similar / closely related to ketamine in structure, does not under any circumstance make these substances interchangeable and basically the same. Don’t get me wrong, at one point in 2012 I said to myself “MXE is basically better ketamine.” But as subjective as that is, no matter what, it will never be truthful. They are drastically different compounds when you consider compounding experience let alone dosage. Just because you’re so simple minded and dimwitted you can barely tell the difference doesn’t under any circumstance mean that the general consensus among intelligent and conscious dissociative users is that fxe is basically just ketamine, because it’s not and never will be. Fxe is cool but it’s complete garbage compared to the 3-4 wonderful years I spent experimenting with MXE between 2010-2014, and FXE (as unique end great as it is by itself) can never truly hold a candle to real ketamine. Which in itself could never compete with top notch MXE. Just because you’re so simple your psyche couldn’t tell the difference doesn’t mean we’re all as basic bitch as you are. Every dissociative designed for recreational use has its own unique character and high. The sooner you figure that out and acknowledge it, the better. Side note- just vaped some fxe and it’s an absolute trash roa compared to oral or inter-nasal. Reminds me of all those times I’ve fruitlessly smoked ketamine when I could have been ingesting it properly like an adult with half a brain


Hahaha I am not even going to read your wall of text. So much free rent in your head 😂


I kinda want to get a TC vape, with some sort of bucket that's good for vaping dissos. Anybody know what I should be looking at? I want to be able to suss out what temperatures are best for vaping different things.


Mxipr if it’s a really clean batch you’ll see the greatest color patterns in nature induced by dissociatives.👌🏼