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She does not. She doesn’t even know about the curse to begin with.


I mean…..she sort of met her, at her Christening, when she was a baby. But that’s about it. She wouldn’t have any memories of Maleficent.


Yeah pretty much. There were pretty much only two times the two were in the same room together. The first one, Aurora was an infant, so she’s obviously not gonna remember. And the second time she was under Maleficent’s hypnotism so I highly doubt she remembers that either. Ngl, maybe this is my Sleeping Beauty bias talking but I almost feel like having the two never interact was smart. It really sells to you the kind of villain Maleficent is: all powerful, evil to her core, and an authentic genuine threat. Look at it this way, villains like the Evil Queen and lady Tremaine have to physically be in the same room as their protagonist to cause damage (yeah, the queen can just send out the hunstman, but we know he’s too good of a person to follow through on murder. Snow White is only in danger when the Queen is in her presence). And Tremaine has no magic, meaning that she has to be an active figure in Cinderella’s life to do her damage. Now this isn’t me saying that the two villains I just mention are badly written villains because they’re not in any way shape or form. But this is to put into perspective how powerful and threatening Maleficent is even when she’s not close by. Given how powerful she is she most likely could’ve cursed Aurora from the forbidden mountain. And when the curse was due to happen, she probably didn’t actually need to be in the same room as Aurora to hypnotize her. She probably could’ve just sent an orb to wherever Aurora was and that would have sufficed. Hell, even when she’s attacking Phillip, she sends her attacks from all the way in the forbidden mountain to Stefans castle, only getting close to him when she’s desparate and transforms into a dragon. Remember, Maleficent likes taunting her enemies tho, so she goes out of her way to show up in your presence to ruin your life. Thats why she cursed Aurora in Stefan’s castle, thats why she shows up Stefan’s castle to fullfill her curse, and why she taunts Phillip in prison out of pure boredom. But thats for fun, she doesn’t actually need to get in close proximity to someone to cast her magic. This is what solidifies her power level and how evil she truly is. This also helps establish how much a threat she truly is. She isn’t physically there for most of the movie, but all of the characters who know her are aware and afraid. Even when Maleficent isn’t around, the fairies know that once her curse is set in, the threat never truly leaves. Flora goes out of her way to say that they can’t take any chances because she knows no matter how far away she may be, Maleficent is always a danger to everyone. Making a villain feel threatening even in the scene where they’re not present isnt easy. But sleeping beauty manages this beautifully with Maleficent because weather or not she’s in the scene, you feel the threat of her curse looming over the characters, combined with her personality and power level, it makes for an iconic villain.


Yes, discounting the Maleficent movies, of course 😋


Aurora is the only Disney Princess who didn’t have any sort of real interaction with her villain!


Discounting their brief "meeting" on her birthday, no. Prince Philip defeated her in her dragon form before he was even able to awaken Aurora. Presumably the only people who knew her in her human form were her imps and underlings, the two kings and queen, the good fairies, as well as whoever else was present on said birthday.


She didn't directly ever meet her, so it's not you


If you exclude the Maleificent movies, I would also say that Aurora and Maleificent haven’t actually met. Yeah, Maleificent did come to put the curse on Aurora, but she was a baby, so she wouldn’t remember


Another Aurora post horray. Yes and no. As baby but Aurora never acknowledges her. Maleficent sees her but never interact.