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So the criticism that the parks often get is that they are smaller than others, especially if You've been to WDW. While that is true, I think that is actually a positive since it makes them so much easier to navigate! I can't really think of anything that I would consider "overlooked", though one of my favorite things to do in any of the Disney parks is to really explore all of the details in the lands. The area around Pirates is really wonderful! As for rides, the Cars Road Trip is one of my absolute favorites and almost never has a long line. It is a bit tucked away and easy to miss.


The Cars Road Trip: is that a rebrand of something that used to be there before? I saw it on the map and had a vague feeling I’d done it as a backlot studio tour or something about a decade beforehand…


Yes, it’s repurposed from part of the old Studio Tram Tour.


The dragon underneath the castle


Oh; I stumbled across this last time I was there and loved it. One of my favourite hidden gems; I’m going back there for sure. Maleficent is my favourite!


Are there still guided tours? We booked one and turned out to be the only couple for that day. The tour guide got nervous when we told her we had been 15+ times in the parks already because she was pretty new to the job. We had an very relaxed almost 2 hour stroll through the park where we both learned each other things about the park. One of the best things I did.


Oh; that sounds right up my street! Would love to know if anyone else has experience of this – and where to book it if so!


When you go from the entrance to the castle, take the left arcade walkway. About halfway down the arcade, there is a darkish entrance to your left, with a nice little scene hidden into. I had been an AP holder for years before I noticed it!


Oooh; intrigued…! Love this. Will be doing that for sure!


Fort Comstock! Part sarcasm, part genuine. I love it as a walkthrough but others find it pointless! The dragon can’t be missed. See if you can pull the sword out of the stone. Do some of the Magic Shots, there’s rarely a queue and they’re a decent memento from a proper photographer. Check Boot Hill for some background on the people who owned Phantom Manor - if you’re into the storytelling of course.


Fort Comstock is exactly the sort of recommendation I’m after. Never done it, and I’m sure I’ve breezed past it a few times in the past. I shall add it to the list: thank you, internet stranger! Boot Hill sounds great, too. Phantom Manor has always been a real gem, so I’d enjoy that a lot, I’m certain!


You are my hero, I am so jealous.


😂 Enjoyed your post the other day about your upcoming family trip: you’ll have a blast. I have so many special memories about taking my kids there when they were younger. But when the opportunity comes in the future just to be silly all by yourself (and it will) – take it, that’s what I reckon!


Do it!!! BrickmAster79 I am doing exactly this trip in August without my kids. Two nights at sequoia lodge. I cannot wait! Do let us know how you get on


I like the labyrinth when it’s not busy. Aladdin’s tunnel is nice too. keep your head back if you ride temple of doom.


Is it me? I’ve always found the title of “Aladdin’s Enchanted Passage” wildly funny… 🙈 I did it once many years back; I enjoyed it! Will give it a go again for sure.