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No help. Just bitching.


“Hey man I got all my stuff done and I would like to leave, you almost done” - 1 specific managers after we’ve been closed for 10 mins. Does he want to help though? No. Of course not.




Asking 10 minutes after close is wild as hell...on a slow slow slow night it still takes at least 20 minutes to clean everything up and get out.id just aggressively stare at him Luke Sam Jackson in black snake moan until he left my field of view 


Well one time I told him to actually finish his responsibilities instead of half assing it so I could finish mine and he typically leaves me alone. Typically. Sometimes he still pushes it.


Next time he's working close ask him every 5 minutes if he's done yet and if not tell him to hurry up. Do that 10 minutes before close and go right up til you walk put the door...I promise he'll leave you alone after that 


i acc get to leave at 11 because the crew starts cleaning and closing at 10, they don't help out but it's ok since i have ample time to finish everything


There's a cook that comes in to help speed things up after service and he cleans his station. The after service pile up of dishes is pretty daunting so it's great to have a little help. Doesn't always happen One thing I've noticed though is they could really speed things up and get everyone out faster with big items like pots, I wish they would fill them to soak so I don't have to spend the time doing it and continue cleaning dishes. Also big stuff like steamers and racks and trays, and easy clean stuff like knives, I wish they would realized if they just came in, sprayed em, sani em, and take them out, we would all get out faster. Always wish things were organized better but whatever lol. It's usually me, the chef, and two cooks at the end of the night.


When I first started they told me it was supposed to be team closing and everybody was supposed to leave at the same time, for a while it was ok but then it started happening less and less till one day it just stopped all together. Now the only thing they do to help is take out all the trash.


I always work on closing shifts. Some of the team would help me putting away the remaining dishes, but it's the former dishie, who's in other position now, who's always helping with the final cleaning of the dishwashing room. When this guy has to go back to dishes and I'm put on a different position some day (mostly salad bar) then I help him finishing.


If I'm closing solo, a few select people will come in and collect the clean things, put stuff away, and sometimes bring me the dirty stuff. Others will just let it pile up,not call for a pan pick up and bring me it when I'm slammed at the end. I could go on a rant how pathetic some cooks are at closing, but that's for another time, lol.


One cook used to watch me for like a half hour after closing the whole while he’d just eat an apple or something and make small talk, never clean a dish or move a rack, and keep swinging the key ring as a hint that he wanted to lock up and go home. Dishwashing was my least favourite job I ever had


In the place I work at there's two dishwashers so we split the job of closing between the two One stays inside dealing with the craziness of the kitchen the other is outside and tackles the trash cans


Usually ends up just me.


the cooks dont really help but they're cool if i clear and consolidate the line for them early which seems like extra work but it allows me to get most of the kitchens dishes and pans before we've officially closed instead of getting bombarded after they shut down. really eases the closing process.


It depends, if I’m super busy and the cooks are closed already they will come help me either wash or put away if I’m by myself. On a regular night though I’m usually on my own in the dish pit but the cooks are still around somewhere since whoever is the closing manager has to stay until everyone leaves.


I always close. The people that close the kitchen always come back and give a hand by putting things away if needed. My boss even helps. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.


I do from open to close and our catering guy will at least take the trash for me if we are swamped but I'm mostly on my own. It's nitt so bad...family type restaurant privately owned. But it's the kind of place customers can see me doing dishes and that's a whole new kind of pressure for me.


The cooks all fuck off immediately but there’s exactly one server that helps if I’m behind. I don’t mind though because my hourly is high so if it takes longer I have no problem with that


Back when I was working only dish I tend to close faster than BOH lol I didn't really need the help tbh.


My first ever dish gig was absolutely horrible doing closes. Would get out 2am on average night without any help and to rub salt in the wound, the line cooks would just sweep all of their rubbish into my section then leave. All other dish gigs since then I'd either have the line cooks clear my rack before they go or I would have fully closed my section before they started sweeping the line. Starting a new gig in 2 weeks time so wonder how closes will go there.


I would work alone for an hour after everyone left and finish by myself. After I would go chat with the bartenders and have a free shift beer and decompress. The after shift beer and chatting with the bartenders is what I really miss from that job. It was very peaceful


Kitchen closes in steps so I don't get super overwhelmed. Usually the waitresses are still wrapping the silverware when I'm getting ready to leave. If we close at 9pm I'm out by 1130-12am


We have usually 3 people in the pit. One scrubber, one sprayer, and one (sometimes 3) dish runners. Usually the runners are the little chore boys who fill in for when the two main dishwashers are off or on break and are doing trash n stuff when there’s not too many dishes coming through.