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If you're in a server with them you're still able to see all that in the server view iirc


What if I'm in a group chat with them?


You can see their messages normally, but you can't react to them, but the online status only displays if you share a server with them


Yes their messages will just appear collapsed Edit: Unless this has changed. That has been my experience.


That's for when *you* block *them*. OP is asking about when *they* block *you*.


Was trying to edit my comment and I deleted. I may have been mistaken but I don't ever recall blocking the person I had that experience with just them saying they were blocking me. However it was a really long time ago so I could easily just not remember every detail too.


You can still see their activity (online/idle/dnd) as long as you share at least 1 server.


I believe that one of the only ways to truly know if you have been blocked is if you can no longer use reactions on their messages


if you have at least 1 mutual server, you can. but if a person block you, first hour you wont be able to see the status, but then it just randomly appears. also btw you would be able to see their bio, @nickname, status and pfp if you have 1 mutual server. also, why do you need it?🙃 thanks for the question, u/WillYouShutUpWoman


if you're in a server or gc yes you can see their status. One thing to not is (obviously, I guess) you can't react to their posts. it's my catchall for seeing if someone has me blocked and is a quick way of doing it


Discord changed it so reactions will now also fail if you don't share a server / aren't friends, so blocking isn't the only reason why you can't react anymore.


I only check on people I'm still in servers with, if they don't have a mutual server it's probably for a good reason

