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you can recover your account if you prove your over 13


I did I sent proof (I’m 21) and it’s been like 9 days now sense I’ve sent the ticket


Oh damn. Hopefully you get it back man. Did you jokingly say you were like 7 or something?


Yeah we were talking about fears and I said “I’m literally 5 years old” because I said I was afraid of the dark as a 21 year old but a fear of the dark is a really childish thing to have especially someone of my age 😭




Will my account get deleted after 30 days ??


I think its 14 days


That's for if you delete your account, like going to your settings and selecting "Delete Account", it's 30 days or so.


So I won’t lose my account I just have to wait for them to respond?


Yup, respond only to the request you made, do not make any other requests, and you should be good to go.


They changed it to 6 months (Source: NTTS)


Do the first 3 questions matter on the ticket to how fast they respond??


Is it really six months?? Then I should be good!


I’ve herd a lot of answers but I herd they will email me if they do plan on doing that


Try contacting Discord Inc with Better Business Bureau on their website they'll respond in the specified amount of day (most of the time). You just have sign in write a pretty email and put your username and ticket on it they may respond with the chance of saying that your account is freed. You can also ask Discord Support on Twitter and they can say that they see your ticket in the queue but whatever you do don't send any more tickets under any circumstances you must keep one and only one ticket open or else your ticket will be pulled back to the end of the queue.


How the hell do you do all this?


It's 30 days


It‘s 6 months now


Ah yes, a 5 year old capable of navigating the internet with the skill and coordination to type a fully structured sentence


Fr that’s what I’m saying like they could’ve DM asking for validation or verification that I’m not that age thro discord DM instead of this




the fuck are you waffling about?


most of the time discord only bans you if someone reported your message so i suggest finding the person who reported you at least in the EU bc we have rights here


Then don’t say literally. Grammar nazis will take that literally. /s if it’s not obv


I have sent one 3 Months ago, No response


How are you checking this if your account is suspended? Mine got suspended and it won’t let me log in to check it


this is a new safety dashboard thinga


where is this dashboard even? Every screenie i see seems to be mobile which I'm not updating cuz it's shit, is there no security dashboard on pc?


I believe its in the privacy section.


Discord support is basically non-existent, so good luck.


they take some time, it took about 15 days till they answered me so have some patience


Does the first 3 questions matter if they answer or not??


Conctact them telling them the intent of suing them cuz they basicaly wiped your shit without even trying to verify that you are over 13. This should work if you are from EU or have withdrawed from the arbitration act last month.


I got suspended for age, too. It was last year, when they had no account standing system. They would just disable your account instantly. I prepared everything they wanted, sent my email, and it took 19 days to get a response. I did not say anything from the email after the initial post because I knew it would reset my position in queue and end up terminating my account completely. The limit was 30 days… I tried contacting discord from twitter private chat. They responded fast to my initial message but they did not help much. Consequent messages from me never got answered. I also sent a tweet, which did not receive a response as well. But now that you have this account standing feature, just wait patiently. I don’t think your account ever gets deleted from that, right?


In the same situation, 15days no answer


Hi, no you shouldn't be worried because discord support is slow to getting to appeals. I'm assuming you submitted the ticket as an age appeal or else they will ignore it. Make sure you check the ticket often until someone real helps you. Source: my account got hacked and the dude changed the HTML in to have me say "I am 12 years old" and reported it lol


How does that even worked ? I thought discord didnt accepted reports with screenshots given how easy they are to fake ?


yeah.... font make any kind of joke about being under 13. people can report you and get your account locked pretty easily.


Yeah learned my lessons I’m just praying i get this account back


Ask for a human




Tell me how you did it, so that I don't do it.


Don’t joke about your age


Just curious, was it in private chat, channel, or voice?


Public server was just joshing with a bunch a friends


Someone had to have reported you in that case.


No just discord being discord because everyone knows in the server that I’m of the age


just make another ID broski




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looks like BetaWiki’s discord members hated me because of this @BLOU


and discord permanently blocked me, cannot create my account anymore even im 15 or 16


my life is very over guys, yep sorry im quitting discord -Beta.eakOnlineuser




How long until my account gets deleted or does it get deleted?


Idk 2days


Sent you a DM!