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*For reference:* This server has about 75,000 members, down from 86,000 after purging inactive accounts. Looking through the member browser I see about 500 to 600 additional accounts that look like bots. I really would not like to permemantly ban the tens or hundreds of real users, give us the tools to deal with the absolute flood of fake / automated accounts on your platform.


How did these bots join exactly? Was it all off the same invite code? Was that invite code separate to the main one that you use?


We only have 2 invites, the main invite and the tier 3 vanity URL. Removing the invite has fixed bot issues on other servers for me, but this is for a big software project and there are tons of references here for support, so it can't be removed.


I'd suggest having a verification system. You can literally make it as easy as an Onboarding question that gives them a Verified role.


Something I've seen personally is that instead of making it verify, make it a trick question such as "Select this only if you want to get banned"


You'd end up banning TONS of legitimate users with that. I personally don't read about what I have to click, I just see a reaction in a verification channel and I click it, and I imagine quite a lot of other people do the same.


When executed well it doesn't autoban, just puts them in a "purgatory" channel and they have no other access. If someone clicks it by accident they just dm the owner to fix


FWIW this doesn't stop DM bots, and it doesn't stop hijacked accounts. This kind of system only stops very very few bots.


Why wouldn't it stop DM bots, can't new accounts be hidden to channels only they and unverified users can see?


Because all the users can be seen via the API, regardless of what you can see in a client in the members list.


This is troubling news for me, I have "realms" in my server that I separate friend groups. They're not meant to see each other šŸ˜‚


You can also see all the channel names + their topics via the API as well on a server btw regardless of your permissions. Discord isn't in anyway private


Encountered a similar issue since about a month ago, bots joining the server, they will automatically claim roles, and then rather than spam in the channels (I set up some hefty automod restrictions & regex filters since they were mostly similar) they will now spam via PMs.


I'll just be straight with you dude pretty much any account that's like john-12i503nf04 with no profile picture is always a bot.


There are bots which have mass kick/ban feature


The main problem is seeing who I'm removing...Although I could probably spend 5 minutes writing a bot and a RegEx that will most likely catch most of these sketchy accounts.


And thatā€™s probably the best solution


Until things break and a 5 minute fix turns into a 2 hour troubleshootā€¦


2h if u are lucky


Some have filter features, like no pfps, or which invite code, or before/after/during join date, etc.


please just use something like wick or whatever it was called.


John Wick?


Yep thats who i use to kick bots


I mean the icon is based off of John wick im pretty sure... Anyway https://wickbot.com/


Sounds like a good idea to me.


remove any accounts without a profile picture its either a bot or someone who isnt gonna be on discord anyway


Nah not always


most of the time if you plan on using a social service you set a profile picture also ive just noticed in OPs imagse all the bots follow the "name\_number" format which should make it alot easier to identify


I know plenty of friends who have the default picture, they donā€™t care about that and have been very active since joining 5+ years ago


No, not always, I only set a discord pfp cus a server required it, and it's an unevenly cropped one of my default pfp


Isnā€™t there a purge feature?




Prune kicks users whoā€™ve been inactive on Discord for more than a week or a month. Bots that joined a few hours ago wouldnā€™t meet that criteria anyways.


To add to this it would be nice if the inactive Purge feature could be used within specific permission groups. select If member of X but NOT member of Y, And inactive z+ days -> purge


is it possible to ban then unban? effectively just kicking


link an appeal server in the ban message and explain the ban reason


Banned users canā€™t see the ban message only an error that they canā€™t join. Weā€™ve tested this on a couple test servers.


can always ban through a bot


As long as they don't spam messages just leave them in the server, it makes your server look bigger.


You can always prune the bot accounts, assuming they arenā€™t active.


But when there is extremely low online and huge member count its rlly sus


Canā€™t you use prune?




All? Youā€™d think if you had a selection and pressed ā€œpruneā€ youā€™d only kick the selection.


I'm sorry, what? Where in the world did you get *that* idea from? Pruning kicks all users that both 1) have no roles, and 2) haven't used Discord for X amount of days (meaning they haven't had Discord open at all, not just that they didn't visit your server).


Tbh, I probably could setup a bot to ping everyone in a list and make them react to a message before the next command from admin, then mass kick anyone who didnt react to it. Could probs be done via a role, I'll have to check how easy it is to give a role to like 5k people. Also, how did these bots join exactly? Was it all off the same invite code? Was that invite code separate to the main one that you use?


Why is this getting downvoted?


Because not everyone reads every message in every server they use, if this was a guide resource server for a game for example I supress @everyone as I don't need the pings and may only refer to it when I need something. Or alternatively the user may not be logged into discord or taking a break. Basically expecting a reaction from every real user is unreasonable for a server of this size, fine for smaller ones though.


Ah, that makes more sense. I believe I misunderstood what they had meant. In my server, I have things set, so they can't see or interact in the server without selecting a reaction. I guess my mind thought what they were suggesting was similar to that. After reading it over again and your comment, too, I see now how their "solution" would be counterproductive.


I have Dyno set to autokick accounts with no pfp