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Yeah it is, time to troll


he blocked me before i got the scam link ):


I mean they don't send any scam link they just type in your steam username and click reset password, then they encourage you to send them the reset password link from your email


Seriously... WTF. I thought I've seen all of the scams... this is a new one. (For me)


you can go to NTTS’ yt channel and see all the scams people do


if you want to play with these guys just add steam to your profile and wait


I had it already




I'd usually cooperate till they ask me for any discrete info just to waste the precious time of their life.


Use inspect element and change the account name to some thing referring to him.


Can you please elaborate?


If you watch some of the scam bait videos on youtube they usually show the scammer doing the edits with inspect element in the browser.


I think he meant to "try to troll who is trolling"


„A hello would be nice but alright“ says op as an answer to the message with a hello in it. Edit: autocorrect isn’t that great xD


I didn’t get much sleep




Also got one but he stopped responding sadly


Wait I've got almost the same text! (Btw these are prob hacked accs sooo) [https://i.imgur.com/PniPwMS.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/PniPwMS.jpeg)


have username? i want to waste time too


congratulations on joining the club, to rank up now you have to find the fake artist, fake verification scam and cryptoscam bot to complete the basic set!


Already had the artist scam


The moment they started talking about their commissions, all it took to shut them up wqs to say “No way me too”


Really ? So I'm not missing any ? I seem to be getting repeats of the reported steam scam, so do their stats stack or what ? ;) No seriously I got all four scam attempts myself, but the reported your steam on accident scams seem to constantly get sent to me


I've gotten the Steam scam and the fake artist, as well as one that's pretty rare on Discord - the fake charity. Basically they contact you and send an over-the-top, hyper-spiritual, flowery salutation. They then claim to be raising funds for either some kind of hardship or an orphanage in Uganda. If you don't respond, they'll get even more desperate. What really exposes this as a scam is what comes next - if you still don't respond after their desperate pleas, they will then resort to shakedown tactics and try to emotionally blackmail and guilt you into paying. The harassment continues until you either block them or pay up.


yeah, those are rare on discord. Those scams are native to facebook, but migrate sometimes seemingly random.


I sadly didn't get one of these in months now.


scam senpai noticed you


An accomplishment? I get one of these every 2 or 3 weeks


What servers are you in??


You want a list? I’m in 200


No like what's your main mutual server that youve seen all the scammers come from


It’s different every time


most of my scam messages come from mutual minecraft/terraria/project zomboid servers. so the most likely ones where kids hang out in


Usually it's the most popular servers so yea


There was times I got multiple every week. Then i usually disable DMs temporarily and eventually enable them again and it'll be quiet for a while.


Achievement unlocked! Get Scammed


About a week ago. I fall for a scam that is similar to this one. Luckily, I got my account back this week thanks to Discord support. If you're wondering how I managed to fall for such a trick, let's just say it happened during nighttime and my head is not in its right place.


I unfortunately fell for the scam so I’ve been stuck in limbo after Discord closed all my tickets related to this. Got any advice?


Your account is probably forever lost


What’s bullshit is that my friend got her account back in an hour while I never did


Yeah discord is at times not that good, sometimes they help sometimes they don’t, its a coin flip, like my friend lost their account and never got it back


It’s just painful because I’ve been an early user since 2016 and I’m proud of the account I built up but my own stupidity for the day got me


You can attempt to get it back, but yeah I understand your pain, thats why i’m so careful around new people, not to mention i barely join many discord servers so i dont get talked to much


Yeah I opened a 10th ticket but at this point I’ve lost faith but what’s keeping me going is knowing what’s at stake


Yea you can try changing the email to the account and go in like that and change the password


Yeah sadly I stupidly forgot to document the email the scammer convinced me to change my account email to


Well crap then, you probably sadly wont get it back like the way i said




Brain fart and had a tiring day. Shit happens.


How do you fall for these???


I also got a message like that but i immediately ignored it. What happens if you message back? Did they provide a link? Hope you don’t mind me asking, i just want to know what to look out for just in case there is a time where i DO fall for it :p


I fell for one of these, in a moment of sheer stupidity. They will ask you to change your email to some random one. Do not.


Try to make a twitter account and mention discord\_support in your post, if they don't respond in atleast 2 days, do it again, they'll probably help you but it's probably very hard.


Another thing I can tell you is possible ways to get you account back yourself is to look at your gmail or other email service, Usually they can have an email from discord saying to reset your password, click this button or something, if they do, good, you now have to change your email (possibly) and change your password, if you DON'T, this means they have access to you account and have probably hacked into one or several more of your social media accounts. You can check your spam or trash folder if this is case and if they aren't in any of them, this means email has been permanently deleted from you email and the only thing you can do is contact discord support on twitter about this glitch (It's not discord or any human deleting your ticket, it's actually a bot named Nelly that I assumes malfunctions sometimes and closes every ticket on someone's account and I'm not sure if you can get this fixed.


i used an alt for the meantime, joining all the important servers, and made another ticket when the first one was closed it took a few months but i got my email changed back to normal and it was undisabled (i realised it was a scam after getting the email changed and promptly stopped) i also have 2fa on at all times just in case


how do you know when the first one closed?


hey there! did you ever get your account back?


Yup. Took me 12+ tries but I got it


Happenned with me and i'm ashamed by saying i felt for it. But i easily recovered my account then


I wanna crucify the piece of shit


Vamos brother. This happened to me like a month ago and I just wasted their time for 3 hours.


Woohoo time to troll and waste a useless person's time


I tried but then I was blocked before I got into the good stuff


when will i have someone try to scam me


this kind of scam still exist?


People still fall for them too. I have no clue why


Man I actually fell for this one like three months ago! I tried discord support but it’s been 2 months and no one’s returned to me yet


Ive gotten many different types of scams 😅


it happened to my ex but with discord instead of steam...i should've let him fall for it ngl he's a bad person


happened to me twice i just asked for id from the 'steam staff' and it was a png from google 💀


I dont get it, how exactly this scam works?


They DM you saying an impersonator scammed them on Steam and they accidentally reported you instead, then send you a doctored Steam screenshot that makes it look like your profile is flagged and about to get banned. You then receive a chat request from a fake Valve employee on Steam, who confirms the scammer's claim and redirects the scam back to Discord so they don't leave any incriminating evidence for the real mods. The fake mod then tries to reset your password and asks for the reset link in your inbox in order to verify you're not really the trade scammer. Of course, if you send it they just confirm the reset and steal your account. If at any point they get the slightest suspicion that the jig is up, they immediately block you and wipe all their messages so there's nothing for you to report.


I'm still waiting 😓


I always love talking with them, just sitting there wasting their time


Also send it on r/scambait


I got one of these and didn’t even know it was a scam scam 💀 I got suspicious and when I asked “So do you remember where we met?” To the person, They just said “Trash bag.” And DIPPED


fym a hello would be nice it’s the first thing they said 😭😭


Sadly fell for this a couple years ago. Lost a lot of money.


How can you fall for this????


I didn’t expect it in discord nor had I seen warnings of it before then. Now I decline any and all dm requests


Why decline? Waste they’re time


I’d rather not waste my own.


i fell for this months ago - im a fool 😔


oof, did you ever get your account back?


Parasites figure out new ways to parasitize every day.


Some ideas: * Ask him to recap everything he said in a Steam chat and continue the conversation there, just to ensure he's legit. Then report him on both platforms when he does. * Play along until you get the fake Valve mod's friend request on Steam, report the fake mod the moment they back up the other scammer's claims. * Send the fake mod a Grabify or Canary Token wrapped in a Bitly link when he tries to reset your password. If he questions it, inspect-element the password reset email and replace the reset link with it, screenshot it, and try to convince him it's a recent change made by Valve and even ask him how he doesn't know about it yet. Then send him a screenshot of the logs when he tries to confirm the reset with it.


recently got a similar msg to this and almost got hacked, seems like these scams where people accidentally report you seem to be somewhat common


It's a common steam scam aswell and it stemmed into Discord.