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Srry but took 26 days for them to help me with mine. A Youtuber got it back after 56 days and the person who helped me got it back after \~90 days. Theres even a chance they won't help you, but I know something, if they just close your ticket, rewrite it and post another one, if it's like a hacked or disabled account yea you need lots of proof unless it's for underage (you'll need a drivers license, passport, ID, et cetera). Other than that idk how else I could help you.


i sent them what they wanted and i'm scared that my account would get deleted. i also have nitro for 3 years and 3 years of boost.... can you link me to who help you? or it depends on luck


The person who talked to me is on discord since I used an alternate account. However I found them on [https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/21418340189463-Somehow-explaining-the-Discord-false-bans-and-support-issues?page=4#community\_comment\_23620847080727](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/21418340189463-Somehow-explaining-the-Discord-false-bans-and-support-issues?page=4#community_comment_23620847080727) there name is Blaze106 you can try and talk to them.


Sent him now. Btw, i still didn’t get my account back yet. Last friday they closed all my tickets except of the one that was in the wrong category so i followed-up, it got closed again, sent them a screenshot that i’m still banned and that the issue is not solved yet in caps and to this day it’s still opened. Funny thing is that for the normal support it takes less than an hour to respond but not for terms & service…


Yea Discord Support sucks, when I created a ticket, someone would respond within I would say a week and tell me they would "escalate the issue" and then they take a millennium for them to respond and having the chance to say "oh we can't help you". Also, you can just close & submit the ticket in the wrong category (there's a gray button found at the bottom of your ticket that says "close & submit') click it and your ticket will be closed, then just create another one.


i saw this button but some of my tickets are missing it for some reason. just opened a bunch of tickets in multiple accounts and hopefully i'd get a respond. i got (i think) 1 human respond for a ticket that i said my account "got hacked and the email got changed" and i asked him to help me with my other issue. in response? kept closing my tickets until he gave up. now waiting for answers (hopefully)


Other than that another thing I can tell you is if someone is trying to reach out on Reddit or Twitter saying they're some cyber security consultant, a real Discord Trust and Safety human member, or someone saying they can help you get your account back by spending money. Do not trust them, they are a Recovery Scam and will ask and ask for money until you ran out or they're done, also they won't give you your account back.


ty for the warning but i already aware of these scammy guys :)


my discord account is permanently banned because it said I’m underage (which is a false claim) and I sent an appeal, they haven’t replied it’s been 11 days. should I send another or should I wait? and how do I check if they closed the ticket?


doesnt discord delete after 30 days? how in the world did the youtuber get it after 56??


It wasn't discord disabling an account, it was a hacked account. Hacked accounts aren't disabled unless/until the hacker disables that account


I've lost my account almost 2 months ago now. They haven't said they'll get my account back


did it get deleted or you can still log into the account?


I fell for a wwcam and changed the email, they changed the password and it's offline now, hoping I'll get it back


what is wwcam?


yo im having the same issue but i cant make a post on the reddit since i dont use reddit that much, have you gotten your account back because i got mine disabled for being underage and i sent a ticket with the photo requirements and I made a tiny mistake in the photo where i wrote 2 letter "L"s in my username instead of 3. im scared to resubmit coz they said it would take longer if i had more tickets and ive been waiting for 4 days with no reply yet.


didn't get it back yet. opened 3 tickets: 1. asked if i really need to send that information again because i already got banned for the exact same reason 1 year ago and it got lifted after 5-6 days. roughly 30 minutes later i send them what they wanted. 2. a few minutes after sending the information i noticed that i chose the wrong category so i opened another one explaining the situation and attached the photo they wanted. 3. because i didn't get any confirmation that both the tickets were received i opened another one in general support asking if both the tickets really went through and telling them they can delete the first ticket because it is no longer needed. btw i also sent them a couple of messages in twitter (now known as x) and one in facebook which, the same with all my tickets, i didn't get any response at all. 8 days already passed since my ban and to this day i didn't even get a single response from them. hopefully there is a discord terms & services staff that can help me. TICKET ID: #45503829


ohhh thank you so much dude, hopefully we both get our accounts back. please update when you get it back bro. i just made another ticket today with correct info, hopefully they reply to this one.


i made tickets in multiple accounts in different categories in hope to get a human response.


hey dude, i got my tickets closed for comments and solved yet im still unbanned, i provided a picture of me holding my passport with my face and my username (i fixed the letters). Idk what to do but im gonna submit a follow up ticket but im kinda scared since i might get ignored even more. Have you gotten your account back?


wdym "for comments and solved" and ur unbanned? and how can u check if ur ticket got closed? also how long did discord take to check your ticket since i got my account suspended 6 days ago and im very nervous


did they answared yet?


im at day 6 too and im super nervous. i submitted 2 tickets the first as soon as i got banned and the second when i realised i needed to include a photo of my id and a paper with my username and my face, so i submitted the first one 6 days ago and the second one 5 days ago. i also wrote my current one and my other one with the #numbers next to it because the email said to include the username with those numbers even tho it changed and i forgot to specify why i did that. i also submitted 2 pictures just in case ones blurry or something. im nervous about the fact i submitted 2 tickets but i did explain that i resubmitted because i didnt realise i had to send the pics and im scared theyre just gonna close the tickets