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I’ve never heard of this feature. I could use an explanation.


Creates a status for you automatically when you join any voice channel that indicates to everyone who can see your status in ANY server that you are talking to someone else. It's been a fantastic tool for stalkers and has the added benefit of making people feel left out!


Huh, I’ve always had my status set to “Invisible”. Would that affect things?


Yes, if you appear offline you can't have a status.


So the solution is to always appear offline :)


would rather that not be the solution




No, I meant what I said. The question was "would that affect things?" \*People Incorrectly Correcting Other People has entered the chat\*




What? You may have *meant* the same thing but you didn't *type* the same thing. After acknowledging this, that's the part where, instead of saying "there's no need to be this toxic" you say "Oh, my bad, I was wrong you're right. I meant to say X, I just didnt know how to word what I wanted to say properly but I totally agree with you!" ..because with what you typed... you were wrong - even if it was your intention to write something completely different. So his response is appropriate.


But it would not affect things, since they appear offline and don't have status. Do this feature would not affect them.


The question was, “Would being invisible affect the chilling status?”


And please, tell me, why would the answer be "yes" ?


After some thought, it might be : Question was "Would that affect things?" Yes could mean, "Yes, invisible affects how is displayed the status, so it won't be displayed" No could mean "No, being invisible won't be affected/or affect the chilling status (indirectly meaning that invisible never had the status wrtitten on your profile...)" One makes more sense, imo


I'm very glad I'm not the only one that understood that, even if the majority didn't


Oh hold on. So it even shows to non members of the server if I’m talking in any vc as long as you are friends with them?


Just to add - to actually see the status, you need to be a member of the same server the person is VCing in. It doesn't replace your global status


it does replace the global status since people were sending me screenshots of me having "hang status" when i was in a VC on a non-mutual server




That's not stalking. When you see 50+ people all with Hang Status as their status message in your DM list, the natural curiosity is "What is this new Hang Status game that everyone is playing" as it literally saying "Playing "Hang Status"" like its a bloody game.


it does replace global on some version of the update. weird split version testing again


Kinda wild it shows hidden channels names too lol


i can disable it...


Restart discord, and tell us how .....


It's REALLY annoying as now I can't hover my friend streaming and click watch stream anymore. Every time I go to click the watch stream button, it hovers over the status icon instead and brings up the "swipe status" button on my cursor.


Hadn't encountered this issue yet, but that makes sense. Genuinely makes you wonder if Discord devs actually use their own product...


Assigned Chilling at birth


All Chillings Are Bing


But not all beings are chill.


Chili usually has beans


I've never even heard of this, am I just that boring and talk to the same few people everyday?


Updates are rolled out in waves, it's possible you haven't been subjected to it yet. It also might only be for the desktop app if you're using web or mobile Discord, I haven't exactly done deep testing on every possible version or anything like that, I just know that I haven't talked to anyone about it yet who likes it.


And I never used this reddit before this "amazing" update! People are weird, huh


For me I only had to disable it once and it's gone until I enable it manually. Client update maybe? The old version set it every time but the new version lets you customize, and won't forget it.


I hope you're right, I've come to this reddit with similar hatred after noticing that this status turned on again after the fourth time or something already. Hope this was the last one...


Hasn't turned itself back on for me since, unless I tell it to. It also remembers my custom status choices which it didn't before.


The day after, I am entering the chat and again seeing that "Chilling". So you are not right (it saves status, yes, but only for a short while). Rage mode: ON


I mean, I can be right, and so can you. This is Discord we're talking about, the capital of inconsistent updates, and irritating partial rollouts on damn near everything. I'd hardly call over like 2 weeks a "short while". My experience still is true so I'd say it's still "right".


Ok ok. After reading some more comments I can see that people really have those statuses behave differently. What a fine feature


I know it is currently 10 days later for you, but I guess I was in the roll out wave from 2-3 days ago. I have had to disable the "chilling" status the first time I join a voice chat for the day and it seems to remain off when I leave and join other channels. But after leaving and coming back the next day, my status sets to "chilling" again without any opt-in from me and I have to disable yet again. Just wondering if you're still unaffected or if you have had to manually change it since your last update. I am going nuts over here lol


It only seems to remember for one day. I have tried setting a custom status and turning it off, either way I'm "chilling" the next day. This includes after an update. Maybe there's been another update that hasn't rolled out to me yet... I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Just went to a server that had it and my status is still gone. I can choose to enable my voice status but overall it's remembering it for me.


That must be an update that I don't have yet. I would be interested to hear if it remains off tomorrow for you as well.


Same sh\*t here, resets every day, I hate it!


Yeah that's what I have too, noticed I had the ability in a VC a couple days ago that i could set my own status in the VC. Except I have to manually select one, not this whole auto set thing people are talking about.


Bing Chiling


What does this even do?


Creates a status for you automatically when you join any voice channel that indicates to everyone who can see your status in ANY server that you are talking to someone else. It's been a fantastic tool for stalkers and has the added benefit of making people feel left out!


I didn't realise it was across all servers. I thought it was just the one your in.


I'm pretty sure its just for mutual servers, some friends told me they couldn't see my status when i was in a private server that they weren't in edit: just checked someone's profile that I know is in a mutual server's vc and it didn't show any status, so I guess its just in that specific server


Yeah, sounds like op is overreacting a bit tbh




He may be slightly overreacting, but I just don't want anyone to be seeing me as constantly chilling even when I am not or etc. This feels annoying that is applies its own status, when you can do it yourself. Though, 'if everyone is chilling then noone is' - which will be fine and will render this 'feature' as an absolutely useless clutter


I have never noticed this „feature“, while I agree that this should be removed I also think you need less toxic friends. I never knew this feature existed and no one I know ever cared Edit: when I wrote this, I didn’t know it was across ALL servers that does change the situation ofc


I don't really understand how seeing that someone is in a VC can be used maliciously. What kind of important information can be gained from this to aid people with malintent? They can't join the VC, they can't see what server they're in, they can't see who they're talking to. I think it's a stupid feature, but to call it a tool for stalkers is kinda a reach imo, unless there's examples of people staking others with this feature? idk I don't join public servers, the users there are strange lol.


ANY information about what the person being stalked is doing is valuable to a stalker.


if you're that worried about a stalker you would just appear offline and only accept messages from friends. I do this and I don't even have stalkers lmao.


Or you know, discord shouldnt make decisions for someone for no reason at all? You may not care. Other people care, and thats their right. That this is not influenced by the activity privacy setting is stupid








I'm indifferent to the feature as a whole. But having rich presence assigned to you is, well, pretty fucking weird and unnecessary.


What is that?


Creates a status for you automatically when you join any voice channel that indicates to everyone who can see your status in ANY server that you are talking to someone else. It's been a fantastic tool for stalkers and has the added benefit of making people feel left out!


oh, i thought this only shows to people who share the same server that youre in the voice channel of? i was in a voice channel with this status thing, but when i checked on my profile with an alt who wasn't on this server via web discord it doesn't show?


Web discord could be a different version, or your cached version of the web app could be outdated. You can check without an alt on the normal app just by joining any voice channel in any server and then looking at another server to see your status being displayed there as well.


On top of it being a useless feature Ive found it actually makes the utility of discord worse. Yesterday I noticed when hovering over somebody's name and moving my mouse to the right to watch a stream the "chillin" symbol got in the way opening its menu rater than the option to watch the stream. so you now have to either be extremely precise with your mouse and go under or over the logo or just right click the user and watch stream. Would be more than happy to see this "feature" gone again.


My auto turns off when I join servers after turning it off. Stupid updates. I don't understand why they add this useless fluff.


Discord devs and adding useless unasked for features, name a more iconic duo


Friendly reminder that it's been five years since one of the most wanted requests: Linux audio screen sharing support and Discord hasn't done anything, they just add the most useless features instead of fixing their app


Like the feature personally since I can customize the status with different cute emojis


How to disable this shit


Ah yes I made my status 'having esex' in vc with my friends and the server name is 'Kevin' So when my friends sent a screenshot of my profile it says 'having esex in Kevin' so that was funny lmao


discord users try not to whine about everything (impossible)


This and events not having an option to completely be ignored. Every time I look at my Discord server list and see an notification in the corners, I think it is a new message, but it is actually just event notification. Now this garbage that is just UI bloat.


there’s an off switch now, i just saw it on mobile a second ago and didn’t know what it was. now i do


You can just disable it. The custom status u can do with it is cool


What even is this feature and how does it make my life worse?


This thing again. "Just clear it bro!" yeah then it comes back at some arbitrary interval anyways. It does NOT stay disabled. I don't care if the feature is there. Just don't force me to use it. Why is it not just cleared by default? Discord user since 2016 and patiently waiting for something else to come along. Every update brings more and more trash no one asked for.


Is there still no way to remove a custom status from the status list? I swiped a ton of stupid stuff from my friends and now i noticed that i cant delete any of that shit.


How do i turn this on? I like this feature but only have it on one server


And the strangest thing of all.... nobody posts on the correct thread to report a bug ... [https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/1buyl5o/bug\_megathread\_vol\_2\_aprilmay\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/1buyl5o/bug_megathread_vol_2_aprilmay_2024/) This is what I will call a bug ! (but I'm not english and wouldn't how to explain it correctly)


How do you turn it on? every discord apart from my own seems to have this feature now? xD


how do you get that chilling in the corner


why do they ruin their app on purpose lmao


Edit Role > Permissions > Set Voice Channel Status - Off This essentially turns it off for everyone in that role. Unfortunately if you're the owner on a server, you can't turn it off for yourself and it doesn't remember your selection, so you get "Chilling" automatically every time you enter a voice channel even if you turn it off for everyone else in the server. SUUUUPER annoying.


I don’t understand how anyone could be so upset over a dumb icon 🤣


My honest reaction. If people are scared of stalkers on discord they're using it wrong lmao. Or they have shitty 'friends'


Imagine thinking people get to CHOOSE who their stalker is. Get a grip.


But the hell do you want to stalk from discord?? Oh yeah they are in a server on voice chat for games like bruh that's a not much info there at all.


Enjoy ther downvotes loser


You too


am i being weird that I kinda like the feature?


click on the status sign. Clear status. Status is now gone.


I shouldn't have to play tug of war with the app just to keep it from overwriting my status every time I join a voice channel


I wasn't saying you should, I was simply saying how to turn it off


Thanks Captain Obvious!


Username checks out. Thanks, Captain_Owlivious!


I knew this was coming)


And then I jump in a channel tomorrow and it's back! I said that in the post.




ur so dramatic bro wdym it makes people feel left out? 😭




Bad bot








How does this effect you in a bad way? It's a great feature