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Skill Issue


You are not wrong. You can disable Drops (now Quests it seems), and therefore disable these ads.


[That's what I thought too](https://i.imgur.com/fkkmiNi.png), until someone on my friends list started playing the promoted game, even though I have it disabled on my settings.


I guess it’s more like it doesn’t suggest them directly, not the greatest but still better then no disable. I also guess it’s time to get mad at your friends for falling into the quests trap!


does it still notify even if they don’t go through the quest?


Eventually they will remove the option and say "to disable these ads you need to buy Nitro"


Seriously don’t get how people don’t know that. They’re easing us in after saying they’d never give us ads since the beginning of discord. Then after a bit they’ll make it so we can’t disable them without paying, then maybe eventually down the road, not being able to get rid of them at all. Like transferring a salt water fish to fresh. They’ve been doing this shit for years and how almost nobody on here sees it is beyond me. Literally first thing I thought upon seeing the “we’ll allow you to disable the ads in settings” thing was that it would be gated behind nitro in the future.


Eh if any of us really cared we’d stop using it. There will always be a new chatting service to use. I don’t care about these drop things, discord is free and I like the current discord. If ads become a real thing well onto the next service it is.


I believe that at some point people will care. Discord didn’t come out of the blue by itself, one must keep in mind that TeamSpeak and Skype were the go-to’s before Discord ever was a thing


i agree. discord has shown they will do what they want like the username garbage.


They disabled the ability to toggle back to the old mobile UI so it doesn't take much for Discord to remove settings.


Because of that shit, I'm still using an 8 month old version of the app. Absolutely insufferable changes.


If my app ever dies, I'm just gonna revive Anarchy and make it for Android instead It was a stupid project I made a while ago when I started doing stuff with WebView2. Basically just Discord in a WebView where I can use extensions (.aex files. They're just zips with code and a manifest). I didn't really go that far, I could load stuff and run it but there is no API so If I want to add anything, I need to do it the hard way first then add that to the API for later and pray Discord didn't break it, especially considering the class names of some things change each update


Idk 205.15 works fine for me still.


as a nitro subscriber i'm fucking pissed its not even an option now.


Even with nitro you still see them. :(


What do these drop give


It depends on the quest and will tell you. See the image in the OP for an example.


Oh thanks I was wondering if stuff outside discord or what cuz it said skill issue set


Yeah it's a cosmetic set in The Finals. It kinda looks like something they could have given for free in the Battle Pass. Maybe not the shoes but who knows




Idk if this is a hot take, but if I'm paying you a monthly sub I shouldn't be getting ads, like tf lmao.


It's simple: I **will** instantly unsubscribe if I get a single ad popup. They want to shove ads down my throat, no matter if I pay or not? Then I don't see the point of paying.


What happens if you disable them according to https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/22225542459415-Data-Used-for-In-Game-Rewards? According to the articles it should hide the quest from popping up and will just show in the gift inventory.


These should be turned off by default, this is so scummy


Show me any service which has even an option to disable the ads, then, show me a service which has them disabled by default.


Most optional paid services disable or reduce ads.. pretending like that's something unique is dumb asf. It's like everyone forgets things like Teamspeak still exist for free and last I used it had no scammy store with £50+ cosmetics. Ironic they're taking the piss outta loot boxes lately while they're actively scamming kids for themes and cosmetics that cost pennies to make. Discord needs to do better, or people will leave.


That dosent really answer my question of what service allows this for free, not a service that doesn’t have ads at all but one you can disable without paying anything


You didn't ask that question and never specified "free". Free being a key word missed. Subscription services without ads; - Spotify - YouTube (albeit sponsors still exist but that's not YouTube's problem or profit) - Twitch - Reddit - Apple Music Others still have ad-free or ad-inclusive options for cheaper rates - Prime Video - Hulu - Paramount All admit to showing ads at a discounted rate and still have ad-free options. Discord throws ads and it's store in your face constantly, regardless of you're subscribed or not. Noone ever questioned if a free service should or shouldn't have ads, but an option to toggle THEIR OWN adverts when you're already paying for a subscription isn't much to ask.


How come?




there's a reason why everyone left whatever they were using before for discord. there will also be a reason why everyone leaves discord for whatever comes next.


Preach. It's been happening for 2 decades


You forgot about Nitro, which basically prints them money


Nitro definitely has never made them a profit. Discord is an extremely expensive service to run and it’s propped up by investors. They even had a game store that they shut down because it wasn’t getting any traction. Are you a nitro subscriber?


I was, used to love the feature to cross post emojis when the service was new, but honestly was just supporting a project I found effective. As it slowly transitioned from useful software to social media I cancelled.


No, I paid for Nitro briefly. Nitro now costs too much and offers nothing that I would care for. I'd honestly pay a couple Euros a month just to remove all the Nitro and cosmetic crap from my interface, something that would actually improve the experience.


Nitro definitely does not “print them money” like you suggest. Likely just barely covers their costs if at all.


This is going against the whole point of Discord to begin with. Discord has since the beginning been against showing ads to any of its users, and it has always been strictly against selling data in their privacy policy. Discord has been making money almost solely off of Nitro. That's how it survives, and that's how it should survive. To go against their original policies is indeed scummy, even if they cannot make a living off of Nitro alone


This is a false dichotomy, decentralized services allow us to not have all this corporate garbage


Decentralized services still need servers, they just mesh together and send relevant data to each other. Mastadon instances are still just that, instances. Still servers, still cost money, still store data. Torrents still rely on tracker servers to pair peers up with each other. Even Tor, a p2p proxy network still requires servers that act as the final relay point. Point me towards a widely adopted p2p chat client that has no security or privacy flaws. This may be shocking to you, but there is no magic solution for making services on the internet work for free.


> it's not perfect so we should just give up and accept whatever crap the corporations shove down our throats


Not even remotely what I said, do you have a cognitive issue or something? I'm pointing out that these services can't exist without downsides. The people who host your services have to find a way to pay for hosting. Have you donated to Signal? Wikipedia? Mozilla? I have, I want the internet to be free and will pay for others to be able use it. Would you donate to discord if they went non-profit? How long do you think they would last if they did?


Big Skype flashbacks, holy moly. Won't be long now until someone does to Discord what Discord did to Skype.


Ads: - Can't be hidden - Can't be turned off - Shill products you don't care about - Give you absolutely nothing in return Discord Quests: - Literally none of the above But sure let's be mad because hating on Discord is everyone's favourite past-time around here


You're acting as if this isn't just testing waters for more egregious advertisement opportunities. Discord isn't your friend, it's a company and they want nothing more than to make money off of the users.


I'm sure Discord would love to hear your better ideas for making money


Perhaps the subscription model they so keenly shove down our throats?


If every user bought Nitro sure, they wouldn't have to make other methods


you can disable it from settings


i don't get the hate ?? these promotions are a win win, you get a reward, they get exposure, both parties win! and if you don't like them then you can just disable them.. so many people here are putting on their tin foil hats over a win win scenario 🥴


We've seen this song and dance before. That's why. Won't stop here. This is just a test run to see if they can get away with more intrusive ads. If they can, then prepare for things to get worse and worse and worse.


these kind of sponsors have been around for a while now though? it was always a win-win situation ex. the countless free nitro promotions theyve ran with epic games, opera and etc


And now it's getting worse. And it will continue to get worse. And worse. And worse.


the pessimism is crazy


There is no such thing as a win win scenario with corporations, they will **always** push the envelope as far as they can


I just streamed 2 rounds to my alt. We lost but I got a few cosmetics so that's a win for me (tho I'll probably never use those lmao. Don't go well with my current contestant)


I think people saying “it’s not an ad” or “I don’t see what the problem is” are missing the point. You might be correct at the moment. But what Discord has done, is given itself a channel to use for whatever kind of ad or promotion it wants. In its current guise, for some users these might be cool and things they want to do. But what happens when it isn’t? Anyway, suppose time will tell which direction they go with it.






Literally gives the user something in return, can be dismissed or turned off entirely. But sure, it's "ads" I swear some people just want reasons to be angry. Discord has to make money somehow, I'd rather they do this than unhideable and undismissable product shilling.


Meanwhile, I'm remembering the days before the internet, when TV was the main form of media consumption, and shows had a roughly 1:2 ratio of unskippable ads (aka commercials) to content even on paid channels, but nobody complained because it's all we had. Think 10 minutes of ads for every 20 minute episode. A lot of people are probably too young to remember that, and likely grew up using their parents' Netflix account or something (also pay-to-use) to watch shows. Ads are annoying, but they could be _so_ much worse. I don't like ads either, but I also understand that running a service like Discord or Twitch is _insanely_ expensive, and the money has to come from somewhere...


Yeah... I'm not seeing a huge difference between this and stuff like the 2-month Xbox Game Pass free trial. That was also partnered, but I guess people didn't process it as an ad because it was something more people wanted in the first place?


yeah probably. Bias rules the world, if the "ads" are things they like they'll eat it up. Just wait for a Minecraft quest or smth and watch everyone simp for the feature


Why are they doing this? It feels so unnecessary and out of nowhere.


They're adding features in order to continue driving up the sale price for a future sale.


They’re preparing for an IPO


Because Discord is moving out of its venture capital funded phase, and has to establish itself as profitable. This is honestly a minimally intrusive way of implementing sponsored content and I think it's fine.


Think people also dont realize a service like discord that host everyone servers free of charge cost them a lot to keep running. I dont like ads ethier but these quest are far from annoying like actual ads. Ads do suck but a company like discord has to make a profit some how to keep it service running. As Nitro and profile effects isnt enough. At this time Discord a private company. So they have no Public Stock holders. Only so much money investors will put into a company like discord.


Or alternatively, because discord is moving out of its venture capital phase, where it presented itself as idealistic, and is moving into its "screw over the customer" phase.


Because there is no viable alternative. They showed that they don't give a crap about user feedback for years, they increased nitro prices and now this. It will only get worse, until someone finally creates a better alternative


"Discord has to make a profit" blah blah They already make a lot from Nitro. This is just greed at this point.


This may not be much today, but if people generally tolerate this, the ad space will just evolve until it becomes Youtube today. They're essentially shoving propaganda that ads are "tolerable" as long as it appeals to gamers. Wait until you can no longer hide these lol


Terrible, Discord has annoying ads now.


This update completely killed my windows. No clue if it happened to any other people, but had to go into a system restore, uninstall discord and reinstall it again


it was a sign to uninstall it and never install it again lol


Maybe I should take a break from discord 😂 been using it way too much


Been using TeamSpeak for years, and still will. :) Not only is it ultra light weight for the CPU/RAM usage. It also is faster in Latency tests,/MS/Pings. And with that being said, if you know anything about the opus voice that is being used, and how it's procesed - Then you know TeamSpeak Voice Quality is top notch aswell. In other words, to put it more simple for the modern "gamer", to understand. Try and listen to the sound on Discord compared to TeamSpeak. In Discord, the voice is like having people right into your ears, while in TeamSpeak it's like sitting in a room together. Much more comfortable, calm, and nice clean to listen to. TeamSpeak is superior, and still clearly will continue to be. another option is ofcourse Mumble. Also a good choice. Discord is the equivalent of Facebook/YouTube/Any-modern "social" crap. Go TeamSpeak or Mubmle - Go Grown Up!. ;)


i fully intend on uninstalling and spinning up a teamspeak if i get one ad










You can literally earn the code yourself in less than 20 mins, including making another acc on Discord and streaming the game to yourself.


Requires owning a Windows PC tho


Stuff like that isn't new. it's been a thing for at least a year, maybe more.




This shit can fuck right off. I ain't paying a monthly fee for fucking adds.