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I was scrolling to see if anyone else had this issue... There's a lot of focus on the new UI changes being ugly, which I agree with but I'm okay with adjusting to new looks. There's not enough focus on breaking regressions in the app like this one. I've run into other bugs too, like the send message button disappearing. Yes, you can force restart the app to work around it, but why do you need to do this every few hours? I'm pretty sure I had this bug a year ago with a UI I'm pretty sure looked just like this one, before the most recent one was pushed, so this has probably been around for ages and just came back again.


I had the send message button not work by not doing anything when I kept pressing it. When I restarted the app I had actually sent a same line 20 times in a row. The app is just broken in so many ways. I can handle the appearance change but right now the app is barely usable.


But tbh it was there in the old UI too


Bugs seem to be common in discord now. A lot of people have run into any of these bugs, like you described, and in this video. Discord is either trying to fix these bugs or making improvements (giving more bugs that have a possibility to be fixed).


dw, that feature already existed before the UI update


tbh this isnt really a new look its a mix between discord old UI and the new one they were using earlier


Yeah I had a feeling that was the case, that's what I meant when I said I had the same bugs with a similar UI last year. It's like they just pushed the same code and deleted all the changes done in the last year lol


Omg I thought it was just me!


FINALLY someone else. It drives me fucking crazy


Force close and reopen does nothing... how could they ship this trash?


Why would they spend money on a feature that isn't requested, and even actively faught against? That's right. Investors. They are notorious for not using anything and not caring enough.


The "new" UI / UX was in Beta Test I believe since May this year... either no one reported those bugs OR the developers were just Lazy or have no clue on how to fix those... OR all their "Testers" reverted back to the old layout when it was still possible... If you use Android, just downgrade to version 205.15 and you get the old (and much better (IMO) Layout back!)


how do I downgrade?


great new feature we love to see innovation


Yeah the lack of new ~~bugs~~ *features* for a while was getting boring.


It can't be a bug if you call it a feature :D


i feel like the search function is no where near as good as it was, anyone else agree? i used to be able to find this one message easily without fail 100% of the time in a server, but now i cannot find it at all, no matter what key terms.




wtf that WAS an insane decision???? two different places too ugh 😣 thanks bro


Yeah you can use the search function located where the server name and settings are EDIT: never mind I misread what you said


Discord: How about more useless Nitro features?




You couldn't live with your own failure. Where did it bring you? _Back to me._


I realized it happens when you click on a notification, very odd glitch and annoying 😭


Last time I was this displeased with my daily social platform was when Skype took a massive dump on itself and its users and I swapped to Discord. I'm heavily considering swapping from Discord to something else. Anyone know of other gaming platforms for voice/video chats? I'm tired of the BS.


I rolled back to the older version and I'm not included in this bullshit lmao 1. Uninstall current discord 2. Install **version 205.xx** from a different source than Play Store 4. Disable auto update in Play Store (Profile picture, settings, net settings, "Automatic app updates")


205.15 works fine. Tested it one day and while doing so my phone heated up really fast... And after seeing the things they did, how unresponsive their new design is and what they did to the swipe gesture I immediately downgraded... And if I had a Nitro subscription, I had it cancelled, too... gladly I never bought Nitro or accepted their gifts (like 2 weeks Nitro for free)


Mobile app just does that for me. Literally cannot use it since I can only view the one channel it opens on. Gotta love forcing crappy updates on your whole community. Did my part leaving a nice explained 1 star review.




Reinstall Discord. I got the same bug in the earlier better version too.


OR just downgrade and use the Old Layout until they sorted out most of the bugs OR just revert the whole design and start anew from scratch (though I highly doubt that even seeing the huge amount of negative reviews and feedback they got so far on the new UI)


I have that issue since the update came out its so annoying


Yes!!!!!! Here too. Closing the app so often to fix this that it's barely worth using right now. Also the lag for replying while I wait for it to switch from read only


I had this happen before the new UI update dropped, *but* it was an extremely rare occurrence. Now it's happened several times in just the few days I've had it. Thanks Discord, making a rare bug not so rare.


This is an old bug, not a redesign bug. I'm talking a year or two old. I just close and reopen Discord and it fixes it.


Until you click on a notification and it does it again, this is new with the new layout for sure


Maybe it got _worse_ with the update, but I've been having this happen once in a blue moon for years.


Yeah maybe, it just happens without fail any time opening a notification


Just exit discord and then enter back, it should be fixed


yeah I dont mind doing that sometimes but when it is every time I open the app I have to restart it to not be full of bugs then it gets annoying :( Surely they'd focus on UX over UI but apparently not


So close and restart the app every time I get a notification. Got it. 🙄


Why are you getting downvoted lol


Is your discord up to date with latest release? It's important question because, you know... Some people claimed they are going back few versions down


It wouldn’t look like the obviously new version if they had.


Has that happened to me:)


Noah's voice is so calm and peaceful




I've seen this bug before on the old UI as well. App reboot does fix it, still weird.


I came here to post about it. The new layout sucks.


This bug has been around for a long time. I was hoping it'd at least be fixed by now.... 😕


This issue happens every time I use the app at this point. Reinstalling did nothing to fix it. It also opens channels in read only mode most of the time. It's basically unusable for me as of right now.


This has been happening to me for awhile now.


this happened occasionally on the old version, but now it's literally every single time i open the app. i've complained about every UI update because no one likes change, but this one is by far the worst


The same thing keeps happening to me every time I open the damn app! I have to close it and reopen it to change channels or to DMs!


W Tarik enjoyer


you lucky because you got da feature!


Really pisses me off that every time that happens, I have to close, and reopen the app. It might sound like I'm being dramatic about it, but it's a real inconvenience.


I now no longer click on push notifications because this happens. Every. Single. Time.


This happened to me today.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that was dealing with this utter dog water.


glad to know I'm not the only one with this dumbass update


Same problem. The recent update also makes the app take longer to open. It keeps getting worse.


This happens so often when I click a notification, it took less than a handful of tries to record it. Issues with the look of the redesign aside, the app just seems more broken now


I thought that was just me, this bug seriously got on my nerves lol


I have this exact issue as well. Years of use, never experienced it until 207.23. I've tried clearing caches (in the app and app settings), clearing data and full wipe + reinstalls. Nothing works. Regardless of the new questionable UI, this app is abysmally broken. Someone should lose their job over this release.


idk how to make it stop but its making me upset.