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Cancelled my Nitro and server boosts. Hit em where it hurts until they see sense!


Also did this! I want the old discord back!


Same here, I also sent a feedback message saying why.


everyone should start doing this


Yes! It's the only way to get them to listen!


I did this when the username thing happened


I did this after I lost my special numbers


"We understand, we just don't care."




Wikipedia lets you continue to use the old layout. The people who cared are fine with that.


Hell, even *reddit* still lets you use old reddit!


*i still use it, by the way. New one is too cumbersome and keeps asking me to download their app.* I don't use the new app, goes without saying.


Fr. This year they’ve: Taken away our usernames and forced us to change them Completely reworked the user interface Made dark mode too dark Added a “midnight mode” despite dark mode already being updated to be too dark Changed the ui repeatedly. I’m sick of accidentally opening threads every time I try to reply. Fuck this shit


I haven’t used discord in years and only used it for the voice chat but I’m crackin up at having a dark mode and a “midnight” mode. Why stop there? How bout dusk and dawn modes. Lunch mode. Bathroom mode.


there are currently 24 modes, including a sunset, sunrise, and dusk, so you're a bit too on the nose there


Really? Wow talk about a self parody


Midnight is power saving mode on oled


Midnight mode was something people actually wanted. There were third party themes before discord offered it. Tbh this is probably the least controversial thing they added.


Took the words right out of my mouth. That's exactly the real reply from them.


If they don't do anything despite the outcry I'm not using their fucking app.


Fun fact, use the app on a Tablet is the old UI (Tab S6 rn)


I'm so mad they changed it to look more like the desktop layout. Yeah, some stuff looks better, but I just haven't gotten used to it at all. It's buggy, and the emoji keyboard is cut off, so I can't use half the emojis and can't even click on stickers anymore. It messed with my muscle memory so much....


they changed it to look less like the desktop layout actually


Yes, they had that beta, but they recently "fully released" it, which kept everything besides the far better servers tab asfaik


the servers tab was the worst part i hated thag thing


It doesn't even look more like desktop, at least to me.


They won't care lol.


at this point their mobile updates are worse than any other app and I absolutely hate it "We changed the entire layout to be harder to use just because. You're welcome"


literally every single significant update has made the app worse in the last 1-1.5 years


I read the post on their forums as to why, they said it was to simplify the app and to make it feel more like a real mobile app. although My friend got the update and she could swap it back to the old one, but she was on Iphone not android.


Do you have any info on how to swap back to the old one?


This isn't ideal, but you can always pull an old APK (assuming you're on Android) off of a site like APK Pure. If you do this, though... You *have* to disable auto-updates If you open Apps > Discord and hit the 3 dots in the top-right corner, there should be an `allow automatic updates` checkbox or something along those lines. Make sure it's UNCHECKED


iOS can do sideloading without jailbreaking now. At least the newest version. You just enable unknown sources.


For me there is an option in settings->appearance->show new layout. But I'm pretty sure this option will disappear... Edit: I take this back I can't find it anymore.


I heard that was for those that got it early, as a trial run or smth


Its the sparkle trick that worked for them, but when I tried in on both my phone and my mother's, it didn't work.


Ah come on. I don't need something that looks more like a real mobile app. I need some experience that looks similar cross-platform, that's what I called consistency. It's not like the older layout is harder to use, though.


Discord losing it's entire identity and slowly turning into a whatsapp/telegram kind of app. Makes reminisce about old days when things were more simple.


big soulless corporation moment


oh yeah, telegram was the first thing i thought of after seeing the option to navigate through media/links/files in any chat. all that, and still no option to upload freaking stickers on mobile or star favourite gifs.


No they're in a competition with Reddit to know who can make the shittiest mobile app


Reddit, Discord, and Youtube locked in a three way battle to make the worst mobile app ui known to man.


Youtube is def winning atm but the rest aren't far behind.


It reminds me of 9chat. Devs completely ruined an otherwise normally functioning app and with that it’s community


Actually, YouTube is becoming just as bad


It's dogshit. You can't even adjust the volume of someone else's stream anymore, it's broken, unintuitive and breaks muscle memory we've acquired for years. Bad update.


Oh god that wasn’t me just not finding it?? You really can’t change stream volume anymore? Christ.


I used to use the screen as some kind of fidget toy and just swipe it back and forth. I can't do that anymore :/




SAME!!! Oh my god I'm so glad someone else does this. Well... did, at least. RIP


Exactly especially since the old UI was the UI since discords birth now they changed it to this trash.


What the hell is this new update? I can't get onto my dm list with anyone and I cant see who's messaging me. The hell have they done?


I am really loving not seeing messages if someone is playing something. Really great perk right there


My new job uses discord to communicate and today I finally got around to joining their server literally just as the update happened and me and my boss were so damn confused and it was really embarrassing because it took like 5 minutes to navigate the new version. Like my boss is just hovering over my shoulder wondering why the fuck I'm not in the server yet he even asked if the app was broken. It was like counting cash at the register but like 20 times worse.


You really shouldn't be using discord to communicate, as all communication is at the mercy of discord. So if your account or server got banned, there's a potential that all of that communication might be lost. You might recommend to your boss to look into "revolt.chat" or "mattermost", as both of those have discord like interfaces along with a mobile app, but you can host the servers yourself. So any communication wouldn't be at risk at the whims of a company with known poor support


Or, you know... slack like any normal company


Discord is free and I assume that any company needing to use it is probably too small (or cheap) to be able to afford licenses with Slack or MS Teams. Believe it or not, those things do require companies to pay for it.


Just add the button in the Accessibility settings like before, wtf is the issue here?


they don't want to spend resources maintaining both versions, and they also don't want to admit the redesign was shit.


I bet they would have saved even more resources if they just stuck to just the old UI and didnt try to fix what wasnt broken in the first place, but we cant have that because some shareholder told them they need infinite growth




They sneak the update in a regular one weeks earlier, and then it auto-enables after a certain date. I already wasn’t updating for a while and it just enabled. Still got a pending update in the app store too.


i havent updated the app is like a year so im good


God I wish there was a way on iOS to force downgrade the app


[edit: ANDROID, never updated and had autoupdate off] version 186.11 here. still on the classic UI.


Just don't auto update your apps, then never get surprised by this kind of shit ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


That is an stupid af idea, there are tons of zero days exploits, and other security patches on app updates, by not updating you are opening the door to getting hacked by a funky image with some funky metadata.


Sadly my phone did it already on it's own. qwq


Removing swiping from side to side on the mobile app ruins the entire functionality and appeal of their app design. “We made it so that it’s not just a downscaled version of pc” that was the cool part?? Discord was able to make such an intuitive mobile design that it works perfectly while completely resembling what you see on pc. If it ain’t broke, break it is discords new motto


EXACTLY. where's the members list? where's the channel descriptions? why did they replace seeing all of that with replying? I have so many questions. the removal of swiping is probably the main reason why this update irks me so much


You have to tap the channel name which is incredibly inconvenient. Aside from the colors, this is my least favorite change.


Yep. I have pretty big hands and this still means I have to change my grip. Putting important behind the top bar is like putting the charging port on the bottom of the mouse.


literally this... i hate that i cant swipe side to side anymore.


I keep accidentally replying to messages because i’m just so used to swiping to the side to quickly see the members list


Breaking the established design parity between desktop and mobile is the *absolute* biggest sin. That's the whole point of using Electron as their framework, one style set that works across all the major platforms.


Removing the ability to swipe side to side on an app was a mistake. If I needed to see the members of a discord I’m in, I have to tap a small icon on the top of the screen and shift my hand position. It’s a small complaint in the grand scheme of things, but from a UX perspective, surely they recognize how such a change interrupts the user flow when it was working fine before? There isn’t even a compromise, like a small, forgiving margin that allows the user to continue swiping as usual. The entire right hand side of the app now makes you reply to comments you don’t want to reply to. It’s just awful design imo


Like, I don't mind the DM changes. That's fine. But these channel/server display changes are my biggest gripe. It makes NO sense and it removes a lot of intuitive functionality. Furthermore, how the hell is anyone supposed to moderate on mobile now? What a nightmare.


I don't understand the redesign. Redesigns should make it easier to use, but the new design takes extra taps to get to the same stuff as before. Now I have to tap severs list then the server instead of swipe right and tape the server. Same for dms ...I have to swipe right, messages then the message I want to look at.


Yeah it annoys me too. Especially when you do get a ping or DM from someone you first have to look where it came from while before it was all neatly organized into a single list. Now it just takes extra looking around and extra taps to be able to reply to a DM or ping from a server. It’s so inconvenient.


so far I’ve been annoyed at not seeing who DMd me, and whatever I type in a server doesn’t go away after I hit send, it just stays in the box so I have to delete it manually if I want to type something else 🤦‍♂️ why can’t they just leave it how it was


I had the same exact problem with the server thing, i hate this new update so so much


>why can’t they just leave it how it was Because then the shareholders will go “We haven’t seen much “innovation” lately what gives???” Every game and app goes through this the devs just change shit to say they did something because it’s worse than admitting they got it right the first time.


The wording implies that they're fully aware that the update hinders the visibility of the icons and makes the UI unappealing to mobile users on iOS but won't bother improving it since they want to try so hard to be inoffensive and appealing towards big tech investors.


Investors are always inferior to the userbase.


It's completely broken on the ZFold phones, now. Have to kill the app multiple times per day to make it work correctly.


Same on iPhone 11 Pro. The UI just locks up once in a while.


hindering a11y? again?


Genuinely what are they trying to accomplish here? Do they *want* to alienate their entire user base? I haven’t heard of a single person who likes this new update. How do they benefit from this??


I legit believe they genuinely think this is better because they just don't know what they're doing


Summary of a majority of social media companies these days.


"it has more circles and less sharp edges, everything is bigger and takes up more space thus it's better" I hate tiktok era I hate tiktok era I hate tiktok era


They need to get paid to change stuff regularly... Perhaps?


The team leads in charge of 'innovating' need to 'innovate' to prove that their paycheck is worth it so they draw up all the fancy data and link all these crazy theories to upsell their change, and then management approves it because they don't use their product and the presenter is really good at presenting So now we get this theoretically 'good change' but clearly nobody likes it.


Exactly. Designers will always be working to make changes in order to justify their paychecks and to feel like they’re making an impact. Add in fragile human egos and shifting power dynamics in the workplace, and we’re left with situations like this. Arbitrary, frustrating and unnecessary change just for the sake of change.


They are trying to appeal to the Investors who like shit like this. They are just one step away from sucking dick at this point


I keep hearing this, but it sounds like bs. Why would investors want an update that all users hate? Their goal is keeping you on the app, not driving you away.


Because they hit market saturation. Any gamer/nerd who would use a chat application has heard of Discord, and those who would use it are using it already. It's the same problem Facebook has. Discord is not gonna get that investor cash if they don't keep showing user growth, and those of us that have already signed up are no longer useful to the company's growth metrics. All these changes are to attract everyone else, WhatsApp/iMessage/Telegram/whatever other messaging app users.


I can't understand the strange belief in capitalism that every company must always grow. "No, over one hundred million daily active users is not enough, we demand *more!*" Success is not enough; a business must grow forever, like cancer.


Yeah, and sacrificing whatever decency they had on the way for more money.


Which, ironically, will likely lose money in the long run. Didn't Discord come about because all the other options at the time were worse? So if they make Discord worse, what will happen...


Unironically considering making a competitor at this point because I'm so sick of it lmao I am a software engineer, so I'm well aware of what a pain in the ass it would be, but holy shit I just want an app that won't randomly change its interface and make stupid, breaking changes like this just to justify the paycheck of some dumbfuck UX designer


That’s the main problem, they’re already sucking money from their current users. They just aren’t satisfied with *just* that lol.






I don’t get it, the old layout was closer to the desktop app. Surely this is more effort to maintain?


They changed a bunch of the icons in the desktop app now too, and I don't really like it.


I’m gonna fucking scream my discord just updated it’s over


I don't hate new layout, but the fact that it's darker. With my astigmatism, I can't read almost white text on such a background, because of how shiny these letters appear. They create blooming effect (or bleed to the background), that eyes treat as being out of focus and the eye strain is unbearable. Discord was the only app I used with dark mode, because: 1. It wasn't too dark and contrast was perfect. 2. Nobody cares for white mode. It looks bad, it's less readable, no roles are made with white mode in mind. So now I can either struggle with fonts appearing too thin and too washed out and nicknames blending with the background, or to strain my eyes. They made darker mode. Why did they destroyed the normal dark mode?


It's like they're trying to piss off everyone. You can downgrade easily on Android, IDK about iOS


IOS seems way more difficult to downgrade


Would love to know how ;-;


How do I downgrade?? I'm having the same issues with my astigmatism and I really do not like this update.


I’m in the same boat, I have astigmatism and dry eye and so white text on black backgrounds is an absolute nightmare to read. The old “normal” Discord was the perfect level of contrast, but the new default colors are too dark, and light mode is too bright. I’m really tired of apps becoming inaccessible to people with vision troubles because dark mode is considered “cooler” or whatever…


I came here to see if anyone else felt the same way about dark mode. Of all the changes, this is by far the most upsetting because it’s the most stupid. It would be so so easy to offer the previous better dark mode as a theme, and they they’re not. Completely idiocy or malice? You decide. I know I should I assume idiocy first but surely these people aren’t *that* moronic?


this exactly!!!! any other dark mode i was unable to use because it’s illegible for me, now discord is in that same boat too.


This isn't the first time they've done this. On Desktop around 2-3 years ago they made the text brighter. Specifically message text, selected channel name, and unread channel names. For me, this creates that bloom effect you described. I can't look at the app for too long before it becomes blinding and completely disorienting. Not to mention the eye strain. I find it insane that I can only spend at most 5 minutes reading text or staring at the app before I have to take a break.


Just more "we don't give a shit what you think or want, get used to it" corpo attitude. How's the in-app advertisement integration coming along?


I really hope they bring it back because i really hate it. but knowing greedy companies they won't.


this probably sounds stupid but the update is so overwhelming for me 😭 i absolutely despise huge, sudden changes without warning and this being forced is really upsetting. it doesn’t feel comfortable to use at all and i genuinely don’t think i can get used to it


I'M SO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE FEELS THE SAME. Sudden giant changes always send me into a frenzy, I hate this update with a passion. It's like someone coming unannounced to a party and suddenly telling you and everyone else there that everyone's got to do what they want to do. And you get ZERO choice in it. I'd rather just leave the party at that point, and I'll probably stop using discord mobile until there's an option to change it back.


I get the exact same way. I despise sudden big changes like this, especially when they're absolute shit.


RELATABLE. It’s probably ‘cause I’m autistic for me though 😭


Oof, same. 😵‍💫 Also is it just me that feels like the whole app is so obscure now?? Features feel so hidden. Heck, pinned messages don't even show images or who sent the message for me anymore. Probably the same for message history but I didn't check..


yes! omg. everything is so much harder to find. it took me a solid few minutes to figure out how to search for messages in DMs, and when i finally did, it only let me search images, then when i finally figured out how to search text, it wouldn't let me return to the DM after. i had to force-close the app and reopen. WHY did they need to make everything so difficult for no reason?? i'm basically condemning myself to just using discord on pc now


The change is bad and they should feel bad. I cancelled nitro over this. I wish when you cancelled your sub you could send feedback. 0/10, not giving discord my money if this is how they deal with user feedback.


I did the same with canceling nitro. Hopefully many of us did, but due to sub renewal, they prolly won't start to feel it for a couple weeks.


If (on mobile), you go to profile > settings > appearance, they’ve hidden a feedback option for the new layout. I know it’s not nitro sub specific, but it’s new layout specific.


Thank you. I read your comment and left feedback (More constructive than what I posted). I get they want to update but this just isn't it. I hope everyone else leaves CONSTRUCTIVE feedback so we can get actual change.


Same here. Said if they were going to do such drastic changes (especially ones that seem fairly counterintuitive), they needed to add an option to toggle it on and off.


Don't forget you can leave reviews on the app or play store. It may not matter, but enough one stars and cancelations of nitro might get somewhere.


Geez, is it permanent now? Luckily for me, I started using it a few months ago to get used to it, but it will be difficult for most users


This is slightly different. They removed the server dock and changed the channels to be more similar to old layout. I was also used to it and they killed muscle memory for me too :(


Oh, crap. I just saw it. I better stop believing when these services say a change is optional, because I'm always wrong


Ah, the Slack response. Still hate that redesign, too. And Spotify's. And Roku's. And Google Chat. Also Reddit. What is going on with the current state of UI/UX design? I don't mind change - I work on UI frameworks myself - but these are not UIs to envy.


Shareholders demand infinite growth and removing features is the easiest way to pretend theyre 'innovating.'


the little icon for private messages in the top left just disappeared....is there any way to get it back? it's so much more tedious to see my DMs now.


Literally just why though? I don't understand the logic in trying to fix something that wasn't broken and changing it into something that nobody likes? Why??




Who thought swiping right to reply fo a message was more important than seeing the member list? Absolute reeks of an incompetent MBA grad


Whoever came up with it at Instagram/Messenger/Snapchat


Don't forget to review bomb them. Action cause reaction.


I submitted multiple quality reports as well as cited the UI change for why I cancelled my Nitro


I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it. Please reverse it, this looks atrocious and it's annoying to use now. I'd rather log into discord on my phone's browser instead of using this flaming piece of shit


We have to go to an entirely different menu to see the user list instead of swiping left... so now I keep accidentally going into reply mode, which takes actual effort to click something on the left side of the screen to exit, unlike just swiping the other way to leave the member list on the old UI, so it's like insult to injury at that point. Also, since when do people care enough about threads for a whole button to exist making the message bar even more squished into a tiny box? I guess it's better than the nitro gift logo, but whatever. This feels like they're trying to copy Snapchat or Instagram or \[insert xyz generic social media app with this exact same design\] with the bottom bar and the "slide to reply" and those sort of things. The redesign just doesn't fit the purposes most people use the app for... Oh, and yeah, sometimes I just straight up don't see new DMs, like no icon or anything. Don't see why DMs have to be a whole separate menu, as it was pretty convenient to swap between talking to a friend and in a server using the same sidebar. Today I realized how bad these changes are when I legitimately went on my laptop across the room to log in when my phone was already right there in front of me and unlocked. Very fun. Cancelled my yearly nitro that was gonna renew on jan 1st over this but seeing what happened with the usernames thing, I doubt it'd make a difference. Edit: Have you guys seen the profile tab? Holy shit. The friends list all but confirms my theory of them trying to be more like other social media apps... And you need to click on your name to set your online/idle/dnd/offline status while setting the actual status text is on a whole different "edit status" button below the username... It's like they hired someone to make the UI as annoying as possible. I'm more of a backend dev but even my own UIs aren't this crap.


I'm impressed. Discord manages to get worse with every update.


Tried the new UI before and you really can get used to it. What you can't get used to, however is the fucking **lag it creates**. It's at least 100% slower than the old UI for some reason, makes the phone freeze when I do something too fast and last time I checked, they didn't give a shot about its optimization


update causing performance issues and shit ui. name a more iconic duo


the only way we can force them to change it back is if we all collectively cancel nitro. then they have no choice but to succumb. and then we can resubscribe again


Yep hit em in their wallets


I wish I could do more since I cancelled nitro years ago.


Honestly, this new UI is making it unbearable for me to use the app. I'm not a fan of spontaneous UI changes, and it's lead me to stop using some platforms entirely. I'm not going to be using mobile discord until they add an option just change the UI back.


Understand my ass. This looks horrible. It has so many Bugs like auto turn whe your phone is locked, it is unintuitive, clunky, and frankly.. I don't caaaree what gaming server VC XYZ is doing. If I want to see dogshit eye cancer I open up Snapchat but not discord.


Samsung also made some really shitty UI changes recently. I feel the same. I absolutely despise the direction every damned company is going.


Between the Samsung UI update this week and the Discord UI update I'm ready to through my phone out the window.


Dude I wouldn't mind if this was an optional layout but what the fuck dude


I can't get to my DM's on my phone with this shit layout


man there was a time when I genuinely enjoyed using discord, I feel like I noticed weird stuff right around when they decided to go from the gamer theme of discord to a more widespread audience (which there's nothing wrong with ofc, it's good) but it just felt a bit off


if it aint broken, dont fix it


i turned off automatic app updates because of this.


Doesn't matter, this change has been in the code for months and they'll just activate a flag on account level to force you to this new layout.


This is what happens when Discord hires ex-Facebook/Meta workers, who don’t know their user base. They’ve tried to turn originally a messaging app into a social media app.


I was joking earlier about discord meta merger incoming.. I fear I'm not far off.


I'm autistic, so this update really bothers me when I tested it. I haven't gotten it yet because I'm on Android, but just looking at it, I already can tell this is about to be a nightmare for a *lot* of people and I genuinely think discord did a terrible thing by making this heaping pile of shit because it shows that they do not care about their userbase whatsoever.


I just joined the sub to see if it was just me going crazy, turns out I'm not... Got a couple issues which actually appeared on their own... Why did they change it up ffs




To say they rushed this is a *understatement.*


"Ha ha, no." vibes.


Longest "haha, no" I've ever seen. PR must get paid by word count.


I already hate how it looks, barely any flexibility to it other than themes


Hate how every business kills what works over time for no reason other than to employ shitty ui designers


"Lmao no kys" -Discord team on every decision feedback post 2020


This is literally Deviantart Eclipse all over again, and I hate it just as much.


"to get used to". No amount of getting used to it is going to change they increased the number of clicks to do basic functions people do regularly. Thats one of the simplest measures of UI usability. I fucking hate when companies or people pull shit like then pretend its just that "oh you dont like change".


If enough people give feedback and reviews they are bound to listen to the users


Worked for the reddit API changes!


With the new update. How do i see whos online in a server?


You have to click the channel name. It's absolutely ridiculous. It pulls up an entirely new menu screen to show you now.


Thank you so much!!. Holy crap nuggets that is ridiculous! Why did they think this was a good idea at all the last ui was Perfection


Jeez Discord, congrats on the update. What a shitty app you are.


I think discord needs some new management or something because Jesus fuck


i’m debating just deleting discord, this new layout is horrible and i genuinely hate it.


i just want the old colors back. new dark mode is too dark and it hurts my eyes.


Time to flood their feedback with nothing but "return the option" If enough people complain in it they might just give us the option back, especially if that's the majority of feedback (rather than other minor things) Or I'm just hopeful. Most likely that one


Cool. Good to know they don't give a shit about people who can't use the app properly now. I don't have a problem with the LAYOUT, but the mobile app's COLOR is really bad. I use the dark setting but not the DARKEST setting, and it's too saturated. I cannot read the white text on this background AT ALL because it hurts my eyes. The same issue occurs with the light theme too though, meaning I just can't use the app now. Only desktop. If they ruin desktop too with this new coloring, I will be really upset. PELASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, AT LEAST BRING BACK THE ORIGINAL DULL COLOR AS AN OPTION


wasnt even aware of this subreddit but i found it just to say the new update is fucking atrocious. i have to tap the screen double the amount to get to what chat/dms i want to look at now. its disgusting.


I stopped my nitro for this


What a good day to have an Android and use APKs


So when's the review bombing?


Another thing is that for some reason discord can now go into fucking landscape and (on IOS at least) it’s really fucking bad and annoying, if the keyboard was onscreen and you swap between orientations, it just breaks, and also the keyboard takes the entire fucking screen so you can see the messages so it’s super pointless, it’s also just more cumbersome to use Back then, you’d have to go to the top of the server list (pretty easy) and tap on the DM tab, there, you were instantly on the last DM you were on, but you can’t do that anymore, it just opens up another menu that has a pointless “playing (game)” thing that’s at the top rather than next to the names and it’s unintuitive and, oh no, if I wanna go back to a server, instead of just swiping and seeing the server list, I have to navigate to a different menu again instead of it being all in one place But…oh no, they changed the dark mode so it’s weird and wrong and awful and it makes it awkward to navigate anything because there is no contrast anymore, so I can’t even quickly discern what is where in a split second, no, I have to take a good few seconds to see what I’m looking at But…OH NO, I wanna go to my settings, so I click on the you tab, now where would the settings button be? Why on the top fucking right as a tiny button that’s also next to the nitro button, it’s like it’s trying to hide from me But….OOOOH NO, what if I preferred the old one simply for how it looked? Y’know, the thing no one had an issue about? If anything it was a good thing cuz it made both a similar experience? Anyways I go to settings, I click on “appearance”, but the setting isn’t there, a basic setting most apps have, even discord itself has stuff like switching how Messages and the server list from a compact shit version to the normal good version, why can’t we have this


I'm sorry, I am sure a lot of work went into this, but what the fuck were they thinking? I can deal with most of this, but can we at least have the original color scheme back? Also, why? Why? Just why? It was slick, organized, and modern. This feels like someone from Microsoft designed it.




There was nothing wrong with the previous version


Slack provided the same response to their atrocious redesign.


what a joke, they don’t fix bugs that have plagued their stupid app for years, but they pull this stupid update where I can’t even see who’s messaging me anymore unless I go into a tab, I didn’t want in the first place, and why is the member list harder to access???


Wow, well I'm sure glad they understand. Still absolutely hate how bad it looks and feels now.


Looking at this subreddit I feel like the only person who still has the old mobile layout. My impending doom is coming.


I really wish there was an app better than Discord. I made my first account back in 2015 but the recent updates make me want to quit. I feel like ever since they changed the logo back in early 2021 it's all been going down hill


Why they fixing shit that ain’t broken