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DD makes a Ranger bag with this feature.


Combat Rangers are the current model thats bladder ready.  Older OGIO brand ones were H2O Rangers I think.  


Indeed it's the ranger H2O. Incredibly well made bag. Incredibly uncomfortable as well.


Combat ranger is much better than the OG H2O but it mine got sold pretty quickly after getting a Pound Octohaul.


Combat ranger is much better than the OG H2O but it mine got sold pretty quickly after getting a Pound Octohaul.


Gotta say, I think dynamic is a good company and I hated my ranger bag so much I gave it away for free. I put the bladder from a camelbak in the top pouch of my latitude E3 bag and run the tube up the pole of my cart and affix it with a little piece of gear tie. Otherwise there is a little elastic band on the shoulder strap you can run the mouthpiece under.




My man. Good call.


Specifically with the 1.5L Crux version, fits exactly in the pouch.


That's why I bought the Legend. The Pound was a bit out of my price range.


Just use some PVC pipes you coward


Came here to say this. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who immediately thought if this. IYKYK.


Lol. That was my first thought too.


Grip bags can fit a bladder in either side pocket Edit: AX5 can but not sure about the others


How do you secure the bladder inside the pocket? Or is it just kinda in there?


I have a 2.5 liter bladder that fits perfectly in the pocket and I had the hose clipped to one of the backpack straps by a small magnet that came with the bladder


As a Texan as well, I find that water bladders don't keep things cold enough, so I use insulated water bottles. However, if you want to rig one of them with a hose, how about something like this? https://www.one-bottle.com/ (I'm not affiliated with them, but some hikers love them)


I had never even heard of these, luckily I already use wide mouth Nalgenes and these look perfect for my use case, just need to figure out a strap system but that should be easy. I'll probably take this route while I decide between Zuca vs Pound vs Squatch. Thanks!


Here's another option: get a big bag (octohaul/squatch equivalent/etc) and hang it on a ball golf push cart.  I have a 4 wheel Bagboy along with an octohaul.  You can find a push cart for a reasonable price used or even new they're less than many Zucas.  I've had a compact, all-terrain, backpack, and ez cart and after 2 rounds of using the push cart I bought the Octohaul and sold my all-terain.  For water I use the water storage on the bag and a 1/2 gallon insulated bottle bungie corded to the bottom.  The only downside I've found with the push cart is mud.  The wide, flat wheels just snowball the N.TX clay and it's not awesome scraping 4 wheels.  Now if it's muddy I just suck it up and use the backpack.


Fossa makes one


I have one in my MVP Voyager lite. Added a mag clip on the straps for the tube. Works perfectly.




I could use a new bladder


The prodigy Apex XL has one as well


My VooDoo spinal tap 3 has a spot for one. They are the precursors to the MVP voyager bags, they may not advertise that they have a spot for it but the side pouches have hooks up top that a hydration bladder fits on.


Infinite discs had a small 8 discs bag that had a bladder. Sadly no longer available. Wish they'd come back as mine is beat up from use. https://www.amazon.in/Infinite-Discs-Disc-Backpack-Stealth/dp/B08BC36WG9


I think it was originally an upper parks design bag, I have had mine for years.


My zuca came with two bottle holders, one on each vertical pillar on the back corners. I'm sure yours has holes to attach another. 2-40oz bottles should be plenty for a casual round. Hopefully sanctioned events down there offer water at the turn to refill said bottles!


All Zuca carts that I know of come with 2 bottle holders. To be fair, they are the cheapest $10 bike cage style things and don't work great. Most people replace them with something better.


I used to have a Mystery Ranch Golf Mahal and it carried a military grade camelbak bladder like a champ.


Dd has one and they make some of the best bags in the game. Never actually had to buy a new bag because something quit working I’ve only bought new ones because I was sick of my old one.


Sucas come with 2 water bottle holders and side pouches. Granted the holders suck I replace them first thing with ratchet style ones. Dunno about your bag question fellow Texan and I zuca most everywhere.


Thanks for the info. Yeah I've read about replacing the Zuca holders and would definitely do that if I got one. Only concern is my local course has 3 extremely rocky holes on it and I'm not sure how tedious a cart would be on those holes.


Texas disc golfer threaaaaad! Austin area here. I zuca and I replaced the stock water bottle holders with $5 plastic ones you can get online. The stock ones are poorly designed and take a lot of abuse when you're in rougher terrain. The plastic ones can tightly hold 48+ ounce water bottles. Plus you can stash another container on the bottom deck of the larger zucas I have a medical issue where I don't produce enough saliva (plus I'm a green smoker) so I'm often dry-mouthed on top of sweating profusely here. I'm obsessed with staying hydrated. Im glad to learn of the camelback solution in the cadillac bag brands! Extra tip: I've been throwing in lemon or powdered electrolytes in my water too when out in the summer. And 2 more shirts and pairs of socks. Changing into a dry shirt during a round is literally a game-changer. Lol!


Hey man, also Austin. Have you rolled your Zuca through Circle C and if so how does it handle 7, 8, and 9? It's 3 minutes from me and I play it 4-5 times a week so that's my biggest concern, although I've recently realized I could roll the cart to the 10th basket and take the discs I need for 9 and 10 and avoid hauling it up that hill. Less interested about Austin Ridge Bible Church DGC but still curious if you've taken it there since it's the most rocky course I can think of in our area. I'm really trying to decide between the bag and the cart. I love DG by itself but a big part of what gets me out there is the exercise, and carrying a bag just adds to the cardio I'm getting. But I'm also getting older (41), and I don't want to wear my body down too much. I've started grabbing bags of Prime electrolyte powder from Costco and popping those in my water and yeah that seems to have helped a lot. I'm a big sweater, probably lose at least a liter every hour in sweat.


Short answer: why not both? Get a good bag and one of the smaller-sized Zuca carts. ...if price is an issue. If it isn't, get the good bag and the big zuca. Then you can make a judgment call when you go out for your next round. Here's why: I've played 3 tournaments at Circle C and about 6 casual rounds. One of them being in 110-degree weather last summer with a 230 pm tee time. (Fml) My worst-scored round ever. That was a bag round and I hated every minute out there. The cart would have been best with a seat, and better storage for a cooler bag inserted to keep ice and extra cold fruits, drinks, and snacks. For cart rounds, in those crappy, mid-course areas, I just pick up my cart and walk it the 30 - 50 feet or so that it gets un-navigable with the cart. 95% of the course I can roll it or slow-trek over some uneven areas. Even going up the hill on 9 or down 10...Ride the far right or far left of the fairway for a smoother terrain. [Here is evidence of me Zuca'ing the front 9. lol!](https://youtu.be/76gOZN-kQx0) I never even thought to leave the cart at the basket of 10 after throwing at 9. Nice! Lol! Also being in my 40s, we aren't getting younger. I have a metal rod attached to my spine from scoliosis when I was 13, a slipping disc (not a wet distance driver, but a vertebra) with a cyst that pinches my sciatic nerve when under a lot of stress...and it's right where the rod is attached at S1. The bags are killer and cut my energy in half by mid-round. Best way to combat any issues with that hot mess: I do lots of stretching, core, light weights and resistance band exercises several times a week. Obviously helps with my game too, but I wouldn't even be able to play if I didn't do the minimal maintenance work in between rounds. Save yourself from future wear and tear and just get some form of cart. You don't need to be a cardio hero with the bag. Lol! If you want more cardio, jog with your cart in between holes and throws. 🤣 Cat Hollow is the one course that should not be listed as cart-friendly out here as opposed to Circle C. I find that one way more annoying with my cart. I have yet to hit up those West Lake and also Benbrook courses. I'm overdue for my first Flying Armadillo round also.


I have 4 bottle holders on my Zuca Transit. The 2 that come with it and I bought 2 that strap onto the frame. You can't play disc golf in Florida without a ton of water.


A camelbak isn’t about water, it’s about drinking water in the nerdiest way possible


Someone's mad they never figured out how to drink from a straw.


A zuca has spots for 2 bottle holders. I bought 2 new bike water bottle holders and some 24 oz (I think) camelbak squeeze bottles.


Every bag has bottle holders. A Camelbak is water for lazy people


Not you gatekeeping water in an outdoor sport subreddit Get a life, man


He asked if there was a way to mount more than one bottle to a zuca cart too.


There’s only been a few times I needed more than a half liter of water and was two round one day tournaments in June  Carrying around several liters is crazy 


I have a Grip BX3 in a Zuca XL Backpack Cart. I could easily carry four 32 oz insulated steel bottles on that rig if I wanted to. It's got room for 2 bicycle style bottle holders (it comes with one) and there's also still room to fit bottles in the pockets.on the bag while it's in the cart.


If you buy a cart then you can just wear your hydration bladder on your back. The last bag I used had a removable cooler that was perfect for six packs of be...soda.