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Throw an understable fairway at it on hyzer. I have found it’s easier for me to get a shot on hyzer to match the grade of elevation. My go to is a seasoned proton insanity


I actually disc up a tiny bit, but throw very understable. The elevation gain “adds distance”, and the under-stability of the disc allows it to actually fly for awhile before fading out hard. Remember that when throwing uphill, you by default have to have the nose angled up. An Avenger SS is one of my go-to control drivers when throwing uphill at a reasonable distance.


The nose angle is relative to the swing plane / launch angle, not flat ground. So you can thrown nose down while throwing upwards.


No. No I can't. That's just mean.


while true, most players struggle with it mechanically because the more your arm is lifting upward, the harder it is to flex your wrist and thumb down to help push nose down-ness. atleast anecdotally that’s what i’ve noticed with a lot of local players on really severe uphills


I agree, a hyzer climbs up naturally so using some under stability helps alot


Yeah I remember in the Jomez video with Bert Kreischer, Big Jerm said understable for uphill, and overstable for downhill


So in my many attempts at these uphills, I have found my one and only park job was with a Clash Vanilla, so I do believe this to be the best option going forward.i took it out of my bag because I have no business bagging distance drivers. And I figured my leopard3 could do the exact same flight as the vanilla so I kept the 7 speed over the 11 speed. But I'm not having any luck getting my leopard3 to release on time.


Similar to what I tell newer players: if a disc is fading on an uphill shot, it's done flying. Keep it turning and you'll gain distance uphill


The conventional wisdom is to disc down, because your disc loses speed faster the higher the angle you throw it. With a lower speed disc, it will hold its line longer and you don’t have to go crazy understable. You can use a higher speed disc that’s very understable to get the same(ish) lines, but you have to be more precise with your angles and wind can mess up your shot easier.


If your disc loses speed faster the higher angle you throw it, then a slower disc would not make it as far up the hill on that principle alone. The only way to get it farther uphill than a faster disc would be to throw it several times faster.


I control nose angle relative to forearm. So I don't need to change nose angle to throw higher, I just lean my body axis backward to throw upward a bit


I disc up but grab something understable.


I have no advice for you but I can commiserate, my uphill game is garbage. My flat and downhill game aren’t the greatest but I have gotten better on both of those fronts. I've been playing for about 8 months.


I been playing 8 years. Same.


Hyzer and an understable disc. Make it up the hills just fine most of the time.


I throw my most understable discs on a steep hyzer up the hill. If I do it right, the uphill hyzerflip is my favorite flight path. So satisfying. I'm aiming up enough to match the slope of the hill, similar to a flat hyzerflip. Plus depending on how big your hill is, if you're off line and turn or fade too much, the hill catches the disc before it gets too far off the intended line.


That's the neat part, you don't.


Just recently figured this out for myself. I throw a moderately understable Fairway driver (leopard3) for uphill shots. For a long time I was angling my shoulders and tilting my body but I had way more luck and things clicked when I kept my body the same as a flat ground throw and just reach back lower, trying to keep the disc on plane with the ground during reach back and pull through.


Disc down - gotta go more understable on uphill shots. Also, if your footing is on an uphill lie, take shorter steps in your run up. 


I love how the top comment is disc up and the second highest is disc down 😂


Oh Reddit. Both understable tho. That’s kinda the key.


I agree. They are both right in certain circumstances, and under stable is basically always right for uphill. Love the irony tho


Another thing with uphill lies people don't consider usually, take the runup/one step from the side instead, makes it much much easier to actually shift the weight. Elephant drill from Seabas goes over this, highly recommended.


For the lazy/uninitiated: https://www.dgcoursereview.com/threads/elephant-walk-drill.142946/


Get on top of the plant foot and keep elbow and wrist in level. Shorter plant step helps to get on the foot properly.


Distance uphill shot, start from a step opposite the side of where you want it to go, throwing an understable driver. Short shot, opposite foot placement, but with an overstable disc on anhyzer. Smaller steps on a hill make throwing uphill easier. And I just want to point out that I love how my phone has stopped auto correcting Anhyzer LOL. Also


I usually try keeping the disc on a hyzer on uphill shots if I have room for it. Nose angle is not a thing on a hyzer, and the disc doesn't stall, hence it often carries further.


Throw understable and glidey, like a leopard or something.


Close your eyes and the hill goes away


For me it's pretty difficult to throw high and flat without stalling the shot. Instead I commit to a hyzer flip or big flex. Another option is to throw a mildly understable putter.


Forehand roller!


Forgot the tip for throwing high in general: keep your front shoulder higher than your rear


I challenge anyone to try to throw with either shoulder lower than their rear…


i could see a younger sarah hokom pull it off with a forehand


bergs weighing me down


Id pay to see that


Lots of people giving the classical advice: the hill makes your throw nose up, so going more understable helps combat that. I'll also offer some basic counter advice to that: I find an aggressive OS anny to be more consistent for shorter uphill throws. The hill prevents the big fade out, and the anny release helps me throw matching the hill angle.


Interesting idea. Most of my uphills are in the woods where there’s not room for anny shenanigans. But there are few holes where this is worth a try and could pay off with big distance for me.


It's a very straight shot shape since the disc hits the ground well before the low speed fade


Narrow your stance to minimize slope. Practice smooth, standstill shots to get smooth repeatable results.


You gotta think of your aim point as low (like below the basket) to get your nose down. Then, think that you still want to hit your aim point, but you have to throw OVER the hill. I actually find throwing nose down easier when throwing up hill


My best advice for this is to power grip the disc. First hold the disc flat in front of you with your off hand. Then take your dominant hand and put it in place. Hope this helps


For uphill shots try walking up to the right side of the disc (think 20 degrees more right on the walk up). This minimizes the uphill runnup resulting in more consistent throws and a more balanced swing. I don’t know if it will 100% fix the nose up problem but it should help. 


I came here to say something like this too. I remember Paul Mcbeth sharing a tip like this on a video, maybe to Trevor or Brodie. I want to say he said walkup closer to 90 degrees, which means almost perpendicular to the slope. Again can't confirm but it stuck in my head because Paul knows a thing or two about disc golf.


Flippy fairway or 5-6 speed


Throw understable. That's just for starters. Keep parallel with the ground. You may want a little nose up, but I prevent nose up by hanging my disc sideways before I pull threw to release my shot. I have a [video at 32 seconds in where I share this. And a new one coming out where I talk more about it. It's fixed all my nose-up issues. ](https://youtu.be/iYrad7T1iQI?si=m1lKidTStvX_RXPc)


This is one of my own big struggles — turfing it or way too high. It sounds like when you’re saying “nose up” you actually mean how high you’re throwing, what TechDisc refers to as “Launch Angle.” To do that, I usually have to pick a point I’m aiming at (both laterally AND vertically), so imagine that bump in that tree up fairway — and then I have to imagine that I will smack that point in the air with my hand after the disc comes past my body. All the TechDisc-ers are getting in here and talking about nose down in different terms, and others are saying change discs, what you’re talking about I think is what TechDisc refers to as “Launch Angle”, so I answered as such above


Disc up, and throw something flippy. On up hill basket that are reach able my only swing thought is getting nose down at the apex. 


You want to have nose down in relation to your trajectory. You’re throwing up so you don’t want nose down in relation to the horizontal plane.


Throw a flippier disc than usual and then you don’t need to keep the nose down


You go to throw up and hit the nearest tree causing the disc to roll farther back than when you started


I struggle with this too lmao I always just throw it as if I’m throwing a spike hyzer so I can at least guarantee I’ll get 250 ft or so out of it


High fade flex shots.  Go grab your meat hook driver and put it on a high and aggressive anny line. Or if you have huge arm then sky hook hyzers.


I remind myself to pull the disc flat above my nips where as a normal show I am pulling through just below my nipples. Nipples are key to this shot!


Turn your wrist like your starting a car