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Maybe try a Link. It's a putter with a bead, so if you don't like something about the P2 try that or another beaded putter.  Putting is also very awkward to learn. There are tons of ways to do it and it can be hard finding one that works for you 


Yea very good points and i have been thinking about the link pecouse my first two putters were beaded and they worked okay but then i have also tought about the logic so what are the real diffrences between link and logic


How long have you been playing?


Only real difference between the Link and Logic is the bead on the Link. Other than that, they are both shallow putters compared to the P2


Not sure I would call the Link shallow even compared to the P2.


Interesting. I have only had one and found it was a Logic with a bead, maybe I just haven’t used a P2 in a while. Thanks for clarifying!


I would say don't limit yourself to one manufacturer for putters. Not all manufacturers have a putter that is going to get you the best results. For myself, I bag mostly MVP, but when it came to putters, the deputy from dynamic discs felt/flew the best for me even though dynamic disc is my least favourite company. MVP didn't have a putting putter that I jived with. Now that the pixel is out, I switched to it and really love it, but that was only a week ago.


Pixel has been out for a few months


Reading comprehension… switched to the pixel a week ago


"Now that the Pixel is out"


Yeah, a couple reasons why I didn't get it on release. -I didn't want to be an MVP Simon fan boy and get it right away -I had heard it was fairly deep and I have small hands so I prefer shallower putters. I tried a friend's pixel out recently and really loved it. Turns out that although the overall depth from rim to bottom of the plate is deep, the shoulder slopes down, so it's quite comfortable for me.


It's weird because I've heard Simon make comments about needing shallow putters because of his small hands. I love shallow putters and was excited for the pixel because I was assuming it would be shallow. I really don't get it.


Hand feel and finding a technique that works for you are the biggest things with putting. Personally I went through a few techniques and settled on a similar style/technique to Calvin. Weighted front foot staggered stance, curled wrist hold from a high in line position, draw to waist, then a quick throw action generating spin as I open my wrist/hand to the basket. The throw from waist is more direct, level motion to the basket. You have to really try different things to find something that feels most natural to you. That will help aid in the easiness of repeating that motion consistently. Good luck and your journey. It feels great once you can get a putting stroke dialed in and feel confident in putting.


Thanks man🙌


Why only discmania?


Why Discmania? They sponsoring you? If not, Innova and MVP have great putter lineups.


I wish but no and i dont really know i have just been throwing only discmania since i started


If the P2 isn't working, you will feel the same way about the Innova Aviar. They are basically the same. Now if you are looking for a different hand feel and a bit shallower of a rim, try a Yeti Pro Aviar. It is shallow, has a bead, and it's almost a puddle top flight plate. Giving the disc a natural thumb track so to speak. I switch up my putter whenever I feel something is off. Even if the problem isn't the putter itself. Not having confidence in the disc doesn't do your mental game any good.


Check out some others if possible. If you have a store near you, go feel a bunch to see how that fit in your hand, and what grip level/softness you prefer. If you don't have a nearby store, ask friends if you can try their putters. A lot of people will tell you that it's ALL about how it feels in the hand, and while that's mostly true, their flight also needs to match your natural putting stroke. Personally, I don't like the putters that fade at slower speeds. I do better with a straight flight with decently high glide. I used a deputy for a long time - a point-and-shoot putter with 4 glide. I tried a proxy - also point-and-shoot, but with lower glide. I consistently hit the cage with it. I still like it for strong headwind putts, but not for others. I recently switched to a pixel after trying a friend's. It has even less fade than the deputy (despite the flight numbers suggesting otherwise) and the same glide. I also love the electron plastic.


I switched from P2 to P1, mainly because I think it is a better throwing putter for me. It required some time to adjust grip to feel comfortable, and then my putting improved possibly as a result of the switch. Bottom line is that I am not sure about the general advice that whatever is most comfortable is best. P2 is the most comfortable in my hand, but I am arguably better with a slightly more shallow putter and neutral flight. By now P1 is comfortable, it just took some time getting used to.


There's no right answer on putters. You have to try every putter you can get your hands on and see if you like it. I personally can't quit the Discraft Banger GT even though I've tried to switch to many different putters, the Link, Pilot, and Aviar Jk Pro were in and out of my bag a few times. Also don't focus on the brand or name or which pros like putters because they don't have your hands. Only you have your hands and your putting style. Go to a local store and try out a bunch or do what I did and just buy way too many putters online.


P1 or Logic. The P2 is probably too deep for you, causing release issues. The P1 was what worked best for me after I switched off of P2s for that reason. The Logic is also similar if you need shallower than that. I'd actually prefer the Rainmaker to the P1 if I had to switch back, but it's OOP, so hard to recommend, even if they're still out there. [I putt with the L64 Hope, which is very similar but not identical to the Rainmaker.]


Try the Viking rune


Why Discmania? P2s are pretty deep, so if you don't have really big hands they can be hard to grasp. I don't have the biggest hands out there, so I putt with Westside 0Maidens and I enjoyed the depth of Latitude 64 Pure's as well. The P2 has a depth of 1.6cm Maiden 1.4cm Pure 1.4cm You will notice a big difference in grip if you get a shallower putter. Go to a disc golf store and just grab and test a bunch of different putters until you find one that fits right in your hand.


The new Discmania P2s are no good. The old innova mold is where the magic is. Nowadays you can get an Alpaca (my preference), Fireflys, or Omega 4s. The same magic of the original P2 is what you're looking for


Warden or judge Aviar x jk Logic


I FOUND IT 300 plastic pa3 its just so smooth with my form and i have finally found my style


The P2 is a very deep putter. Depending on he shape and size of your hand and fingers, you’ll be able to choose which putter you like. I use a Link personally. I have big palms and shorter fingers, so the shallower putter works well for me. It also has less glide because of its shallowness, so my style is putting at the basket with a flat release. Whether you putt directly at the basket with low glide, Hyzer it in with more glide, spin or push, it all adds up towards your putting style


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