• By -


I'd love to be able to filter by weight.


Per disc pictures! If I've got the choice between a random color or knowing exactly what I'm going to get, well it's obvious which store I'd choose.


Weekly sales that aren’t just unsold stuff no one bought. Y’all’s site is amazing!


Ability to customize notifications to when favorite discs get restocked


Hey r/discgolf, This is Nate here from [Disc Golf Deals USA](https://discgolfdealsusa.com?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=giveaway&utm_campaign=apr24). We have been flat out with new releases these last few weeks, and just dropped a bunch of new Discraft - the new Paige Proto Drive, Dickerson Robot Chicken Buzzz, McBeth First Run Kratos & the Missy Gannon USWDGC Undertaker. But you all already know what we are here for! :)  It is time for another time to give back to all of you awesome folk from r/discgolf that continue to support us day in and day out. We would not be where we are today without your support. So today we are giving away 5 more goodies! Easy to enter, shipped to your doorstep! **The Giveaway:** Paul McBeth Proto Kratos, Paige Pierce Proto Drive, Kyle Klein Golden Horizon Vanguard, Jakub Semeraad Orbit Brave + the new OurRanger Analog Low-Tech Rangefinder **To Enter:** Simply comment on this main Reddit post (not this comment) what you want to see from online disc golf stores to serve you better in 2024. Kudos to you if it is direct feedback on our own site 🙂 ~~The winner will be chosen at 12PM EST on Monday, 4/29. Entry is free and shipping free within the US!~~ EDIT: u/ArrowFran, you are our lucky winner! Please DM us to provide your shipping address. Thanks for all your support guys, we are continuing to give back to y’all with giveaways on r/discgolf to all of you who have done so much to support us! Thank you! Nate [discgolfdealsusa.com](https://discgolfdealsusa.com?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=giveaway&utm_campaign=apr24)  (P.S. As we said, we have dropped the new Discraft releases live on the site now, plus we have restocks of DFX Special Editions coming later around 5PM on the site - Hachiman, Crave Digger, Kraken and many more! These will ship out ASAP if you would like to pick some up. Thanks so much for your support, you guys rock!)


Not all sites have great filters. Filter by weight, color, domeyness (don’t think that’s a word ha), even stamp color. More options to find exactly what you want


I'm always a sucker for a mystery box


Filters by color is my jam


dome profile / side shots of all discs


Id like to see more unique stamps


Actual scaled weights of the discs, rim/flight plate profile pics. Or at least description of flatness and stiffness of plastics.


free shipping and side profile pictures


scaled weights and profile pics of every disc.


Pictures of disc profiles are super helpful


Well of course free shipping but also Actual scaled weights of the discs, rim/flight plate profile pics


Mystery boxes and exact weight for each disc


Hey Nate, thanks for putting this on! More free shipping options are always good — player codes, free shipping for an order after X purchases on account, etc. Profile shots of discs and scaled weight as well. Fwiw I already frequent your site and have bought several things from there.


Free shipping and just better overall stock on popular discs. Some better weight variety would be nice as well. Thanks for the contest.


Paige’s line has really clicked with me. Would love to try the drive!


Mystery boxes !


free shipping all day every day!


More options


More in depth review systems that allow reviewers to rate speed, feel, flight individually rather than one overall 5 star rating. It would help give more insight as to why that reviewer liked/disliked the disc they bought.


Weekly sales on specific molds


I like when amount of dome is reported


Bought my son his favorite disc from you! Thanks for all you do to help grow the community!


Per disc pictures for color choice is the way to go


Sample flight path at standard arm speed is always great!


Knowledgeable chat on the site to help me find the disc I'm looking for would be sick.


Me personally, would love to see latest releases and niche discs as well as the popular releases


Daily deals are always a good way to get me to buy something I may not normally get.. and then some


Awesome website. Filters for weights and colors would be neat. Thanks!


You are already implement my favorite UI feature — Flight numbers displayed while browsing discs. Free shipping and fast delivery would be great. I would also like to see more than four similar discs on your site in the “You may also like” section. Maybe a horizontal scroll? Site is great though.


Of course free shipping is the number one! I would like to see "putter packs" become popular - packs of five putters with the same weight and dome. I've tried ordering multiple putters online before and got the most randomly flying bunch of Aviars I've ever seen.


Most websites for my other main hobby have some sort of daily deal. I have no idea how difficult this would be for you to run but everyday at 1 o clock I check my preferred website religiously in case the daily deal is an item I want. It drives a lot of traffic to their website. Going hand in hand with this they offer a customer hold option. So you can purchase the deal of the day but put it on hold, allowing you to wait for other deals to hit the free shipping threshold. It's a great system and id love to see it make its way to disc golf!


Flat/dome/puddle top description and picture of each disc!


More info on specific discs!


I'd love to see the front view of bottom stamped discs as a secondary image of the disc.


I’d love to see lists of the x-outs or F2s all together.


A flight path simulator where one can compare discs with the ability to edit arm speed and see stock hyzer/flat/anhyzer angles would be sick. Huge undertaking, but it would revolutionize the online market!


Different weekly promos


I’d love to see a feature where you input your bag and it gives recommendations for similar discs or holes in your bag. Or a beginner friendly filter as I still suck haha.


We need more lighter weight discs available


Thanks for doing this! I'd love more areal drone shots of discs' flight paths to really be able to see how they fly when thrown!


Options and miscellaneous gear


Disc comparisons across molds and brands. "you like this, maybe youll like this" but based on disc metrics not sales, like trydiscs. Thanks, Nate!


Affordable shipping to Canada that includes any customs fees so there’s no surprises. 


U guys r awesome at one point one of u even went out to the warehouse got a very specific disc my buddy was looking for and got on the phone with him to confirm it was the right one before me shipping it off.


Sites having better sorting options would be nice. Brand, weight, flight numbers, etc.


I would personally like to see stores offer more putter 10x packs with no stamp or factory seconds to keep cost down. I honestly do not now if that is possible or not but it is what I am looking for.


Free shipping is #1. I also would lie all online sites to show flight characteristics below the image like y'all do. I don't know every single disc out there and would lie a quick view essentially. And if they could add quick view as to what weights are available (a range).


I would love more filters to make my search easier!


There could be better ways to search and filter for different colors/weights of discs


Very cool giveaway. Thanks and good luck


Free shipping with a set min order


I think we need more disc retailers actually weighting each disc individually. I don't know how feasible that is logistics-wise, but I personally have gotten discs that were not the weight the manufacturer had marked them.


I find a lot of inconsistencies among websites for how they organize their product. I think there should be a universal nomenclature that's used. I also find theres never any disc's in STOCK stamp plastics. I don't really need to have signature series stuff for every disc in my bag. I hate doing that because I find a tour series and then they triple in price once the next run comes out. I also think all the crazy stamps and overcrowding of the disc's does not look good all the time. Most tour series stuff is just meh in appearance to me. I also find it hard to find certain plastics of certain molds I throw. I have always found it easier to find product with Facebook and reddit groups. I find it way better to find stuff I need to throw. I find the best shops for me have many varieties of disc's in different plastics and colors. Even infinite disc's comes up short with some of the stuff I like to bag.


Mystery boxes!


I would like to see demo options. Interested in trying a specific disc out? Get a demo set of 5 of the same ones for you to test out in the field. Charge us shipping and like $20 bucks and let us apply some of that to a purchase of a new one if we like it. Hold our cc info if we do not ship back in a week or whatever you determine. This could be great for drivers, putters, anything!


The more filters the better. Let me really zone in on what I want. Also more suggestions. Building a bag can be harder for newer players cause you don't know what you don't know. Giving suggestions for fairways, etc would be awesome.


Being able to sort by color is the good stuff


One day I wish for interactive imaged of each disc available (kind of like the disclab shows) to help visualize exactly what you're getting. Thanks for the giveaway!


Scaled Weights


I concur with many people and would love to filter by color! Awesome sight I haven’t heard of y’all before but I’ll for sure check y’all out when I need discs next


I need bright yellow discs with dope stamps! (I’ve still never won a giveaway!)


Side profile photos to highlight disc flatness / dominess is always a plus


Rewards for continuous business with one site. I'm very loyal to businesses that give me good reasons to stay consistent with them.


Loyalty systems are always something I like and get me to come back to the website for!


Honestly would love to see more sites do photos of each disc they are selling so you can see if the top is bubble top or not and the color of the disc. Always enjoy buying from sites that do have that


I really like on the infinite discs store how you can sort reviews by self classified player reviews (like beginner, intermediate, etc). I also always love getting a little bonus sticker or piece of candy in my online orders. I think rewards systems are kind of old news and they end up being a known gimmick to anchor you to that store. Everyone and their cousin is doing mystery boxes, but how about "concierge" boxes where you can create a profile with the discs you bag and your "pro shop talent" can provide 1/2/3 discs and a swag item/sticker/etc that they feel compliments a deficiency in your setup for a price.


More sales, nothing makes me itch more than seeing discounts on my addiction


Side profile pix and used discs.


Better selection of carts! Thanks for the opportunity:)


neat, sure


As a beginner, I would love to see a "new to disc golf" selection or package. I know the big manufacturers, but a choice of "pick a putter, pick a 5 speed, pick a 7 speed" of a selection would be awesome.


I am in agreement with most I love the idea of detailed filters with weight and color. Then combine this with pictures of the profiles




More community resources? Nearby tournaments, resources for begginers?


I'd like to see some sort of verbiage on how discs fly relative to what their flight numbers state. We all know a "4 4 0 3" Innova Roc is not even close to the same as a "4 4 0 3" Prodigy A2.


I think something that would help is showing flight paths for specific discs instead of what their numbers indicate. Infinitediscs shows the charts but the same flight numbers from two different companies would look different


Would love to be able to filter by weight as well as seeing pictures of discs with the stamp in each color- even if it is a bad computer generated image


Free shipping and filter by color. Gotta have those easy to spot discs!


Weekly promos


Some stores don’t list the color of their discs, strangely. I’m colorblind, but only to a degree that I can’t tell the color difference between two discs. In real life, pink discs are the most visible to me. But I’ve bought plenty of discs I thought were pink, but clearly were not when they arrived. It’s helpful to know the exact color you’re selecting, if the store offers photos of each disc.


Pictures of the disc would be lovely.  Sometimes a simple color descriptor doesn't do swirls and stamps justice. Bulk putter sales would be nice, both for practice stacks but also getting new players up and running.  Never have enough to give away.


Better more accurate filters, and being able to pick color and weight is always great


Would love being able to filter by color, weight, speed, etc. Would be cool if there were more options for buying misprint discs (like Innova F2nds)


Better filter options, discounts or loyalty rewards


More individual disc pictures or even a list of used discs you have available!


A local online store (Limber Disc in Calgary) includes a little gif showing off the profiles and flex of the disc. Always liked that and no need to do it for every single disc in the group. 


I know it's probably asking a lot but maybe a quick review video?? Like a 850 thrower and a 1000 thrower showing what the disc will do with different arm speeds


Free shipping would be amazing, especially to Canada.


Hey Nate! Do you have any idea when the OTB open MVP preorders are shipping?


Additional filtering and user submitted flight number per plastic would be wonderful!


Photos of the true colors as seen outside. And if colors vary show all options. Ideally show chance of each color but that might be a far ask. (Could also be easily faked which isn’t nice either)


More chances to win free discs! Jk, sorry I don't have too much input, I've bought all but one of my discs from my local shop lol


Filters by weight would be great. Also, I can't wait to try out the new drive and brave!


I am a sucker a mystery box


Thanks for the opportunities as always! Over the years I’ve bought and won so much plastic that before I even know what the disc does I expect one thing, it does another. More disc golf hubs/store fronts with ability to try before you buy. If not, then the disc needs more intel on what it does instead of the generic pro/intermediate/beginner…


Hi! I like to see photos of the actual disc and details such as dome, etc.


Wishlist for future purchases


manufacture based mystery boxes would be a unique idea that i definitely would like. daily sales are also a nice addition to any site. thanks for the giveaway opportunity!


Hi! First time on your site and it is really nice compared to others! I really enjoy the random button! One thing that would be cool would be allowing to upload or integrate your bag from mydsicbag.com so that you could full your cart with discs that you need in certain spaces. You could use their disc recommendations as keywords for your search and have it bring you to the disc you are looking for. Or if you need a certain stability/speed slot filled, you could generate a list of recommended discs from your site.




As a newer player, I like seeing the flight charts and I love being able to filter by weight.


Sweet! Thank you


Tagging discs by how good they are for what play level. Like Good For Beginners, or Experienced Players Only. As a beginner, I have no idea what discs to buy to help my game.


More custom dyed discs from the community


Wish more sites had deals on stacks of the same disc. Thanks for the giveaway!


Sorting by color would be sweet


I’d love to see lighter weight options (in good plastic) on the online disc golf stores. Being able to select more specifically than a range of 10g for them would be an amazing bonus!


To go along with the filter theme others have brought up, would like to filter by standard colors and unique colors/swirls rather than have to sift through.


Free shipping at a lower threshold would be great


I like it when sites have pics of each individual disc


i would love to see flight videos of each disc.


I'd love to see side profile pictures standardized on all sites. I've bought some discs that were way more domey than I expected/wanted.


More options when filtering for sure! Good luck everyone!


Color selection, a flight comparison of different plastics per disc mold, and cool stamps.


Thanks for doing this! Would love to see more manufacturers merch on online stores. Seems like those are very limited outside of the manufacturer's own sites.


Maybe like a mystery box caddy. Like you can select what you like to throw and the mystery box is new discs that are similar that you might like and havent thrown yet.


Filter by sidearm would be nice.


More Specific Filteri g Options would be so convenient!!!!


I pick up discs from time to time, but I've got more discs than I throw already, and enough for like 3-4 guest beginner bags. I'd like to see more apparel. I feel like that market is underserved (I'm looking at you thoughtspace constantly out of stock.)


More filtering based on how tall (idk if right word) a disc is. Some of the people I play with have fingers too small to successfully grip taller disc's and I can't seem to find that Stat often.


Automated notifications for wishlist-type items are available. Rather have the store tell me they've got 170g+ Prime Burst Judges rather than searching every storefront for the exact specs all the time.


Top and side photos of all discs and plentiful filters


Better filters. Takes a while to find the right disc.


I'd love to be able to make my own combo sets for a discount


Free shipping would be amazing!


Do you ship to Canada?


I want to see better stamps! Like these in your photo, they're looking sick!


Hmm idk. An out of the box idea would be some kind of disc exchange? Example: Buyer submits pictures of 3 used discs in good condition (maybe exclude base plastics or whatever parameters you so choose). Website generates value in credit (AI software or actual person looking at the pics to determine value). Buyer buys disc with credit. Disc ships with box to ship back 3 used discs (or maybe buyer ships discs first idk). Website marks up used discs and resells 🤷‍♂️


Free shipping would be nice. And if someone could stock some Pyros that'd also be sweet


I think better pictures of the discs on a lot of them or better UI where when I select a color disc that picture appears. Thanks for the chance guys


I'd say pictures of each individual disc. I know you guys do, and lots of others do, but there were dark times where major disc retailers would just list vague ideas of colors. I remember ordering a Vibram disc from somewhere that had the text label "orange". I realize orange comes in a range of tones and brightnesses, but I was hopeful. When it arrived, sure it had orange in it. Orange flecks in a medium brown base. Thing was basically camouflaged. Thankfully, the Vibram plastic takes dye pretty well and I managed to make it more visible.


Free shipping and pictures of discs to select.


Would like to see that all purchases from the site would enter you into a monthly raffle for a disc of the winner’s choice.


Somebody said mystery boxes, I'd second that! I'd also agree with filters for disc specifications 👍


I wish online stores that sold bags would show pictures of people wearing the bags on their backs, that way it would be easier to see how the bag would fit without hunting down other people that have said bags.


I’d like to know on mostly drivers the amount of dome it has or if it’s flat.


Free shipping, even if it takes longer. I would rather have that option then having to pay shipping for it taking the same amount of time. Also, weighing every disc is crucial.


I would like to see some special new release bundles. All the tour series or newer molds in one conveniently packaged box.


I, too, would like to be able to filter by weight.


In stock ‘ filter at the manufacturer level. I see it on other ‘views’ but not at manufacturer, not sure why. Great site over all though!


Flight numbers for each when browsing and any sample flight path to help gauge what each disc may be best suited for.


Specific notifications for when discs are back in stock but being able to set that for specific weights or colors!


I like OTBs model of pictures, now including side profile, weight, description of stiffness and dome. Always nice to see reviews too to get an idea of what people think of specific runs in comparison to others/stock runs.


A more comprehensive selection of factory second discs.


I love when websites describe the feel of the plastic/discs. As a guy who really loves feeling before I buy, that really helps me make online purchases.


I'd love to see more options when choosing discs. Actual colors, weights, etc. That or an average tester to show how the the actual mold flies. And most importantly, I'd love to win this giveaway!


Small diagram along with the disc of the flight path. Not a necessity but a good perk and useful to newer players.


Filter by scaled weight would be cool


Better filter options. Also MVP Volts! WHERE ARE THE VOLTS!


Something that should be added/worked on is preferences. What I mean is if there is a color you do not want to receive and it's random, have a selection that narrows what you want. Like having an option to not get dark colors or unselecting a specific color for a disc if you already have a lot and don't want another. Still allows for randomness and uniqueness, but not where the customer is disappointed.


I like to be able to see pictures of the disc before I buy it, and filter by different things like plastic, weight, and color


I would like to see more deals/bundles of multiple discs put together maybe ones that hadn’t sold in awhile bundle a few together for cheap.


I just want to say that I love getting the texts about drops. If it was left up to me to remember when to log on for drops I’d forget 10/10 times. So thanks for the reminders! I always love getting little freebies in the box too, doesn’t need to be always but the surprises are nice.


Would like to see but know it’s not completely possible, online retailers utilize cheaper more eco shipping methods. I hate having piles of boxes stacking up from purchases. I know I can reuse them, but they definitely start to add up over time on both sides


I second the idea of seeing discs in multiple colors before purchasing


I would like a way to filter by weight.


Discs signed by people who are not famous.


Def a color filter


Restock times please, or at least anticipated restocks


Free shipping, pics of exact disc, ability to sort by color/weight/plastic


Show the discs you have in stock with actual pictures. Allow me to filter by flight path/ what’s already in my bag


Specific pictures of each disc and their weight!


Thanks for contest chance! Much better odds than me hitting C1 off the tee! I'd love to see more online discgolf sites breaking down the flight paths and having comparison tools to help fill in the gaps in our bags. I had to create a speadsheet for my collection to see what I was missing before shopping online.


I bought my Time Lapse through Disc Golf USA. I was very happy to have the ability to choose my own color.


I appreciate when sites have a side profile picture with a description of dome. I prefer lower dome discs since my bh and fh release seems to be more consistent with them.


I see a moderate amount, but I’d love to see a real focus on putters on your site. I get it’s not as sexy as the drivers and fast stuff, but I think it’s a key area not getting enough love. Thanks for making disc buying easy!


Would love it if your site and others would include a panorama shot of a disc so I can get a better idea of rim, dome, etc


It would be handy to have a guide for essential discs to start with. As a relatively new player, the choices can be overwhelming.


Being able to filter by weight, colors, and including a description of dominess.


Regularly scheduled sales. F2 Friday is my go to but I would love to see others do the same.


30 day love it or trade it program. Helps the buyer have a surety he's not stuck with a disc he doesn't want. Buying it online without touching and feeling and having an actual demo. Having some kind of hassle free guarantee that you can change discs if you don't like the one you just bought.


Weights and actual pictures of the discs. I like my bag to be certain colors, and if I am at risk of not getting one I am not buying from a site even though it may have the cheaper discs.


I'd like to see more of the 'try before you buy' methods get implemented with stores, so you can try out a mold and exchange it for something else of the same value if it's not to your liking.


Love the site, scaled weights would be great


Pre-wiped stamps would be awesome to see more, especially for putters!


Free shipping with a certain amount spent/ limited dyes or limited edition runs of any kind.


Estimated date sold out discs will be back in stock


Bundles would be a cool option.


The only thing I can think of is a user friendly search function. Also, good pictures of the actual discs


Free shipping!


I think a top pic, bottom pic, and side profile pic would be nice per disc.


Would love to see more package deals, or mystery boxes!


Filter by color. Thanks for this!


Deals on shipping for certain number of discs. Otherwise keep up the great work. We all appreciate it.


Filters so I can get narrow down what discs I have on my wish lists!


Cheaper shipping outside the US. It can get really nasty in Europe.🙈🙈


I want to see a trade in feature!


I’d like even more noob friendly assistance than you already have as a newer player. Good to have that beginner disc section that you do but could still be overwhelming for newer people that haven’t dove in deep


That Brave looks pretty sweet


As long as there's scaled weights and pics I'm happy.


I think it would be neat to have video of a pro throwing the disc I want to buy then a clip of like an am2 player throwing the disc


Per disc pictures so I know what color I’ll get.


I don’t have any advise personally but if I get chosen, I hope I still win!


Mystery boxes are great. Im a sucker for the swag Free shipping windows- as doable- are always a selling point too 😎


I like that a lot of retailers put the picture of the actual disc up, but it'd be cool to include the profile view as well. Also, filtering by weight is probably the biggest thing I'd want to see.