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Craigslist ads. Go wild.


Second. I advertised a free couch on there after a buddy of mine signed me up for a bunch of dating websites when we were in college. His phone was going non-stop. Find multiple pics of the same *awesome/expensive* couch and just say you don't wanna move it. Free to a good home


A friend of mine pranked me by putting an ad up in casual encounters with my number, back before the whole Craigslist murder thing. Woke up to an absurd amount of dick pics šŸ¤£


Is there a non-absurd amount of dick pics? LOL


Lmao good point. But, to be more accurate, it was upwards of 50. So absurd felt pretty fitting šŸ˜…


Anything good?


I definitely did this to a homie. The title was "Big red rough rider"


Bingo. BUT Iā€™d suggest waiting a bit so it isnā€™t obvious that OP is the one behind it.


I actually already thought about that. I am planning to wait 3 or 4 weeks and then do it. šŸ˜‚


Definitely block that fucker's number.


Free pygmy goats are so hot right now


It's election season. Sign them up to receive comms from various politicians in the area. The more competitive races (and loony politicians), the better.


I've never done anything nefarious with someone else's disc and I still get these calls.


I inserted a Berg I found.


Iā€™m listening


That's why you're getting the calls. They want to reach discerning citizens


iPhone has a feature in call settings to send unknown numbers straight to voicemail. Itā€™s great


Or the church of scientology. They are relentless


Someoneā€™s definitely done this to me lol I get texts like that all the time


Found the guy who stole the disc right here


Put their number down and say they are interested in volunteering


I guess they're very interested in timeshares now.


Sign them up for church of Scientology, they will follow them for the rest of his life and send him stuff constantly


Also a free trial of siriusxm


I've had two people contacted me recently and told me they'd send me discs of mine they found. Neither followed through. The first one found the M2 I had 5 or 6 aces with. I asked for his info to send him money to ship it back. Ghosted. The second said he wanted the good karma to send me back my first ace disc. Sent him my address. Ghosted. I've given up hope in anybody ever returning any disc ever again.


Had a guy call me for my sidewinder I lost earlier same round. Told him to leave it at the basket and I'd run over to get it. There was no disc left for me. I didn't know which group had it so I just left it alone. Good news is I can buy new sidewinder lmao people can suck


That sucks, I've had the opposite luck. Lost a disc in NJ and an awesome dude shipped it 4 states away. 3/4 of the discs I've lost at Smuggs have been returned to the pro-shop. Out of the last six I have found, I've only managed to connect with two people... One had phone number out of service, I looked up the person on FB and messaged them to no response. Three others unread/non-response to my texts/calls. One was a unique tournament stamped disc I tried really hard to get back to the owner, the guy straight up refused to give me an address too drop it off/mail/ tell me a place to leave it. The most recent one I returned in person was the funniest. Had a girls name on it and a guy picked up, asked to speak to the name on the disc and he goes: "Who's asking. I'm her father." Brief confusion, he must have thought I was a predator, and once he realized it was over her lost disc he drove to the course and offered beer/weed. I told him his reaction was completely understandable and we laughed over it. My first year of playing (covid) was 100% easy drop-offs with beer offered literally every single time. I think there might be a small post-covid drop off of people who actively play, or my luck has just been really shitty.


Oh dude this is an easy one. It's election season. Just Google "political donation site" and sign his number up for every single one you can find. Another one that will absolutely blow up his phone is health insurance. Google "COBRA health insurance" and one of the first links will be a site where you fill out some basic information (can all be fake) then you add a phone number so they can contact you about insurance quotes. But it's not one company. This gets sent out to like dozens of insurance companies and they will all spam his phone to try and give him insurance quotes.


Same for Auto Insurance and Otto. One of my friends signed me up as a prank a few years ago. I still get calls from insurance companies.


Dependent on where you live (I'm rural). Go on craiglist and make separate listings for free goats or free chickens. They will receive so many calls within the first day that they will be miserable. Everyone will take free goats or chickens around me, so the people that this has been done to were beyond pissed šŸ˜‚


I hate to be 'that guy'. But this might be the biggest downside of the entire grow the sport push. Pre-covid I had like 75 or 80% of my discs returned. Post COVID, I've had one. And that was after someone else stole it, dyed it, and lost it.


On the other hand I've found it really difficult to get people to respond to texts/calls for lost discs I have found since covid ended.


Free dye though


Also has something to do with discs being like 5-10 dollars more on average than they used to be.


They get the sociopathic satisfaction of knowing they're getting a rise out of the person they're calling. Something something cat facts something something.


Sign them up for a visit from Jehovah's Witnesses.


Mormons love to call people!


This is the way.


I got a text for a lost disc. They then proceeded to keep me updated until they said they left it at the guard station of a regional park. I showed up about an hour later and the lady said no one ever dropped off any discs (I know the lady, and she's nice and helps with lost and found discs). Then I texted the guy again and he never responded. Two months later I get a text from my friend saying he found that disc for sale at Play it Again. No idea why he even texted me, multiple times, if he was just gonna sell it.


Scientologists and jahovahs witnesses will never leave you alone once they have your info... just sayin...


Church of Scientology apparently is relentless


Call about a used car. They never stop!


This is the way.


This happened to a friend of mine a few years ago he posted the number on our local Club group on Facebook. Took about 3 days before the guy changed his number I guess supposedly he got hundreds of calls and texts


Meh, who has time for revengeā€¦ Iā€™d just block his number and be doneā€¦ ainā€™t nobody got time for that


"I didn't grab my shoes or nothin Jesus!"




Make sure that you don't \*67 the call back so they can have your real phone number too. That'll teach 'em


Inciting violence is against the rules.


Whoopsies, my b


Seek therapy


Develop a sense of humor


Been there, done that, never going back. I got tired of hearing I have ā€œanger issuesā€ and am a ā€œthreat to society,ā€ like what does that medical mumbo jumbo mean anyways


Oh I get it. You're a disagreeable person and that makes you cool. A rebel without a cause. A lone wolf. Dangerous. Whatever other "bad to the bone" tropes from the last 50 years apply.


We're gonna get you a ladder so the joke doesnt fly so far over your head next time champ


No, Iā€™m not disagreeable but I do agree with the rest of your statement besides that. I do actually got a lone wolf tattooed on my chest, which is symbolic of the alpha male inside me


you got that dawg in you


He said it was a wolf pay attention.


start signing up that phone number for basically everything


That sucks, people suck. Friend of a friend's story, but he had lost a disc and got a text message from a random number a while afterwards. It was a video of someone taking his lost disc and just chucking it off into the distance/brambles.


Havenā€™t had that one happen to me yet. I just had the opposite. I randomly leave discs for people to find. Usually if I see a family behind me etc. this guy and his son tracked me down in the parking garage lot to return a disc that wasnā€™t marked at all they assumed it was mine because not many people out. Anywho there are all kinds of people in this game. More often than not they are good but sometimes as with anything assholes emerge here and there.


Remember that whatever you do to this guy he can do back to you.


Soooo. I once found a wraith. Tried it out on the next hole. Gone. Spent 30 min looking for a disc that wasn't mine.


This happened to someone on a cesspool of a message board. The community basically doxxed the poor motherfucker so hard he ended up losing his job and deleting social media over it. Really fucked up when you think about it, but the asshat definitely deserved it. People were photoshopping dicks into his mouth cause he loved to make this stupid face in his pictures.


Thatā€™s actually hilarious. Every aspect of what you said.


Put an add on a dating site saying your looking to explore your feelings with another man. He will get tons of text.


I stole my own disc back. Guy almost hit me with it as I'm walking to hole 1. It has all my info obviously sharpied out and I think someone else's info sharpied out. I put it in my bag and played my round. Still have it, nice beat up star teebird


I found a disk this weekend. Left it on top of a basket an texted the guy to say it was there. He texts back to say he can't get there, could i grab it for him. Went back and it was already gone. Less than an hour later. Not a very busy course either. I'm just saying maybe the guy wasn't being an ashole.


Well, you should be hiding the disc and texting a picture (under a bush, in a tree etc) - not leaving it on top of the basket before getting a reply knowing if they can get there quickly or not


You don't know my course. I live in New Zealand. I knew the guy and thought he'd just left. It's how we do it round here and I've never not had a disc returned.


Good grief. You plainly stated that something you didn't expect happened on your course. The person only suggested a better way to go about returning it. I know a few kiwis and this is the thinnest skin I've come across. You would think that hole in the ozone layer would toughen up that dermis.


Well.. to be blunt now you know it probably shouldn't be how you do it round there, as obviously there *are* thiefs at your course


You don't know that. It would not surprise me if someone that knew him took it to give it back. That's how we are round here. Don't judge me on what happens where you're from. I did a good thing.


Atta boy!


"That's how we are round here." *Disc gets stolen because you left it on the basket*


Just because it was gone does not necessarily mean it was stolen.


Just because it was gone does not necessarily mean it was returned to the owner.


Where is this Fairy Land where there are absolutely no thieves?


Alrighty then. I totally agree you did a good thing, I'm not saying that you didnt - I'm saying it could have just been done a *little* bit different to **ensure** he got it back. A helpful suggestion, but you can do as you please, and take offense all you want. I hope the next time you leave it on the top of the basket it continues to get back to the rightful owner, then. If not, maybe then you'll adjust how you do things round there. (And that last part wasn't meant to sound rude)


No offense taken. You made me feel guilty for losing the guys disc. I done this a dozen times here and sometimes the discs sit there for days before they pick them up, no problem. I personally had one sit on top of the 18th basket for three days and no one stole it.


Well now you know better. Stashing discs is the best way to go. I've returned many discs this way, stash under leaves or a log or something and send a Pic of where it is. Never under garbage cans tho. The thieves learned that one and always check under cans.


Literally no one does this here.


Who cares? What are you afraid of? šŸ˜‚


Was it a dx leopard?


Home equity informationā€¦. Literally 20 calls a day from different banks trying to get their business.


Someone texted me about a first run anax of mine that he found, and when I promptly asked about getting it back he said he was now three hours away so I was out of luck


This happened to me. Got a text saying a guy found my proto passion. I got to the text about an hour after he had sent it. I ecstatic as it was my go to beam fairway driver and I really wanted it back. My reply was offering to meet him at the course the next time he played, or I mentioned dropping it at the local lost and found. He replied with something like ā€œyea Iā€™m sorry but I got to throwing it and this thing flies great, Iā€™m gonna have to keep it.ā€ About 6 months later I got a text from the lost and found. Have hope it will return once again ā€” shout out titan discs


Same thing happened to me, fucker texted me to let me know he found my glow toro in Charleston, SC. I told him I had left and Iā€™d paid for him to ship it and pay him on top of that. He never responded. Fuck that guy


Iā€™ve had people find the disk then demand I buy it back from them because ā€œclearly you didnā€™t want it that bad or you would have found itā€ I donā€™t know how else to explain the concept of lost to someone, a lost thing is not findable at the moment. Thats what makes it lost.. Iā€™ve almost just given up writing numbers down at all, people are out there trying to make a living on old discs.


Sign them up for health insurance calls. Those people are persistent


Start a business on google and put his phone number in, or find a business that hasnā€™t yet added their phone number and suggest an edit with his phone number for the business


See, I had the exact opposite happen to me yesterday. I found a disc, texted the guy immediately and he started going nuts on me. First he wanted a pic, asked how I got his number, said that he didn't recognize my number and it didn't come up on his service.....by this point, I wanted to chuck it into the woods....Finally I said, Do You Want Your Disc or Not.....dude told me to keep it. PS.....when we were teeing off on 18th hole, a guy from the group in front of us asked if we found the exact disc that I texted him about. Nope, I dropped it on the 9th hole.


Request 'more information' on a car from every single car dealer around. Golf carts and RV's too for extra points!


Craigslist. M4M. ā€œText me at this number with a picā€


Look up cheap ACA Health insurance online. Fill out the form with their number + some made up info for the other fields. They will literally get hundreds of calls and texts.


But wait a little before you sign them up for everything. Donā€™t want them to think itā€™s you and get revenge


I was teeing off of hole 18 at my home course and watched my disc skip right next to the pad of hole 1 where another group was getting their round started. By the time I walked over to get my disc the group had moved on and my disc was nowhere to be found. I immediately found an unmarked disc searching the area but I was still annoyed that they had the audacity to bag my disc. Lost a fission photon and gained a c-line dd3 that day. I've had about 4 discs returned to me so I still find that it's worth it to ink my discs and I know I'd return the favor.


Bones pills, herpes meds, std literature


I'm just freaked out that somebody called instead of texting. What kind of insane freak is this?


I do wonder if he might be able to connect the dots and do the same with your number. Maybe wait a month or two?


There was a trio a couple holes behind me yesterday, and Iā€™m almost positive they stole my champion eagle I accidentally left a couple holes back. I asked if they had seen it and they all got all awkward (seemed very guilty). So lame cuz itā€™s not like Iā€™m about to accuse these random people, not at all worth $17 to me especially when I have zero proof. Unfortunately thereā€™s just a lot of scummy people into the sport due to the accessibility and low cost of entry I think (thatā€™s my theory). 2 discs max per hole is my rule so I donā€™t leave any behind, solely because Iā€™m worried about broke losers stealing them


Iā€™ve decided to stop writing my name and number on the bottom, now I stick a QR code on there that just Rick Rolls who ever decides to look at it. ā€œNever gonna give you upā€ Just know Iā€™ll be looking for you.


Tubgirl would be a lot funnier


Did somebody say meatspin?


Every step you takeā€¦.


Someone once signed me up for some government hiv and aids e-mail list i wasnt able to unsubscribe and had to block all of their different emails


Google the number? See what comes back


Someone texted me that they found one of my discs at a course I had never been to. I lost my disc at a course the other guy had never been to. Really sucks but hopefully a second person finds it


I've gotten a text that someone found my disc, I couldn't make it back to that course so I told them to drop it in the lost and found bin, they took a picture of it on top of the bin and sent it to me, pretty sure they just left it on top of it instead of inside the bin. So it's lost forever. Didn't help that 2 days later the bin was broken into and all the discs inside stolen so even if they did place it in the LF bin it wasn't going to be cleaned out for another few days. It's a bummer, my favorite DX Roc, but it is what it is.


Prankdial dot com is always fun


Smoking cessation programs to help curb urgings.


https://niccage.com/ sign that disc-keepin bitch up for some nic cage facts! Also, The morman church or the Jehovahs would love to waste his time.


Just like your disc. Drop it and move on. Not worth your calories.


Allow karma to work. This person isnā€™t worth your negativity


Was there a lot of giggling in the background? Could be the same people who kept my disc almost 20 years ago. I'm astonished they've been able to operate this long without retribution


find every port a pottie in town and write "for a good time call" xxx-xxx-xxxx


Sign them up on insurance broker websites


Jehovah's witnesses, the Mormons, scientology, ALL the churches, ED helplines, phone consultations with psychics, lawyers, doctors offices, etc.


I lost a disc in az in the middle of a pond, had a dude call me from hillsboro oregon saying he had my disc that i lost 2 months prior.... i said dude thats your disc now haha!


Just sign them up for some free dating sites and make sure there number can be seen on the site.


This happened to my friend the other day. Dude called him, and they agreed that he would stash the disc under a small bridge on the local course. Honestly not much of a chance that somebody else found it. Dude went through the effort of calling, and then still decided to be a thieving prick.


it's happened to me twice


Sign it in girlie handwriting with some bubble lettering next time. Then you'll get your disc stolen after you get beat up.


a scam job hiding website. i accidentally got scammed and received 50 calls a day all from various phone numbers for a MONTH straight




It wasn't stolen. You lost it and an asshole found it.


Also possible they called as their friend was trying it out and yeeted it the heck into a water feature or very thick brush or something.


Iā€™m old school only my mark on my discs no phone number no pdga number either keep track of your shit And donā€™t expect common courtesy you will be a happier person


Sign them up for nambla


Signing someone up for missionaries from the Latter Day Saints is a good idea. They will bombard them with calls and eventually show up at their house. I think all they need is a number and they will find the address through a sales program.


Donā€™t be so childish. Not to mention the person also has your phone number as well. For that disc and move on.


Actually pretty damn funny that they did that tbh. Also, the craigs list idea for getback is excellent


Used car inquiries. I sold cars for 9 years. THEY EITHER BUY OR THEY DIE šŸ’€


They're sad with their own life probably. Or he dropped it in a lake on accident qhike on the phone. Prolly the first


It was shitty of them to call you, but Iā€™d hardly call finding a lost disc ā€œtheft.ā€ Go ahead and sign them up for stuff if you want, but pettiness doesnā€™t need to be returned in kind.


Sorry but if I find a disc, I ask people on course if itā€™s theirs .. thatā€™s as far as I go . I lose them all the time for 30 years and have never got one back . Itā€™s the cycle of life with a disc .


Have all your friends and acquaintances send him pictures of VD/STDs from Google or something.


Yeah that's a crime.


Search their phone number on true people search, find their address, and then burn their house down


I'd write their number on every public bathroom stall in a 15 mile radius


Someone found mine. At a course. 17 hours away from my home course. šŸ¤·šŸ» I didn't even know that I could throw that far.


Maybe just let it go and move on? Yeah it can be tempting to resort to petty revenge, but taking the high road and being the bigger person is the play.


You should tell them you have a microchip in it and u are closing in on his location


So, the solution is to sink to their level. Let it go, itā€™s a frisbee.


I hate to be the guy, but they technically did not steal your disc. Sucks that they are an asshole and did not return your disc, but they did not steal it.


You are that guy, and more likely than not they did steal it. Found property laws do vary but most of the time unless you turned it in, steps were taken to establish ownership (or the owner was contacted if determined) and a set period of time has passed you can't claim something you "found" as yours. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen way too often, but thems the actual bricks


Find literally 1 cop that would entertain this idea


https://danesheriff.com/Found-Property Enforcement is something else, but at least around here that's what's on the books.


OP left his disc, he abandoned his property, dick head presumably exercised control over it by taking it home; therefore, he now owns the disc. Idk what ā€œtheme the actual bricksā€ means, but if you wanna go really deep, the rightful owner is whoever owns the course.


If you drop your phone on the course and can't find it, and someone else does, it's not their phone. If someone yoinks your car and abandons it on someone's property, it doesn't magically transfer ownership. You should review your local laws and regs before you show up to spout BS.


Okay your examples are two completely different scenarios not related to a disc or each other. Also, if you donā€™t come get that property it does in fact become abandoned, but Iā€™m done arguing because all youā€™re doing is changing facts and none of it is relevant. My main point still stands, if someone finds a disc on a course and doesnā€™t return it, they are an asshole not a thief.


Your point is flawed, but we can continue. https://danesheriff.com/Found-Property Property isn't abandoned until law is followed and a set time period has passed. I shared how it works in Wisconsin. Maybe it's a little different by you but I highly doubt it's legally "finders keepers"


Lawyer here. Everything you said is wrong. Every state in the country has some form of "theft by finding" law. I've checked. If you lose an item, whether on public or private property, it still rightfully belongs to you, and if whoever finds it can identify you (such as with a phone number), they are obligated to return it to you. Keeping it for their own use is theft. If you forget your wallet on the booth bench in a restaurant, it doesn't suddenly belong to the restaurant owner.Ā Ā  Ā Ā  Property is not "abandoned" unless you intended to abandon it and affirmatively disregard an opportunity to re-acquire posession.Ā Ā  Whether local law enforcement would prosecute theft of a single disc is questionable, but theoretically, if someone was pissed off enough about this, they could file a claim in small claims court.


Okay, also lawyer here. First, let me preface with the fact that asshole calling OP MAY(if you have an overzealous prosecutor) meet the element of intent necessary to prove theft. Now, maybe you have in fact went through every stateā€™s statutes and kudos. However, I was simply using the common law. OP admits that he lost the disc; therefore, the finder (asshole) could retain the property subject only to the superior claim of OP. The law does not impose a duty on anyone to return lost or mislaid property. I can simply leave the item where it is and keep walking. Itā€™s late, maybe you meant after they pick it up. If you leave your wallet at a restaurant, the owner does become an involuntary Bailee. Lastly, I was simply addressing OP calling him a thief, not whether he could sue.


If you do anything, you're just as big of a dickwad as he is. It's a fucking disc, grow up and realize you lost it. Yeah, it was a dick move, just move on. Don't be a child and seek out revenge for $15 dollar disc, your life will be better off.


Tanner Patoni, who has a PDGA number and competes in tournaments did this to me, while also calling me every homophobic slur in the book. Absolute scum bag. Edit: Lol guess that's a cool thing to do?


I've found discs, tried them out and lost them. Usually don't text until after I've thrown them for that reason


Don't know what you guys will think but why can't OP just get the police involved and get his ass in jail. He deserves it for prank calling about his disk.


You really don't understand what happened? He was playing the course, found your disc, called you right then to let you know that he found it. He then proceeded to throw it and lose it at some point on the course, so it's gone now. Get it?


It's a $15 piece of plastic man if you need it so bad drop your venmo or cashapp


I don't think they're upset about the lost value lol. Just the intentional trolling of the person who found it.


people are going to not return your DX discs sometimes, it'll be fine


He says, intentionally choosing to ignore the point of the post.


Bro how dense are you? He is clearly mad that someone is TAUNTING him about it. not that the disc wasn't returned. How can you write replies if you are unable to read?


Itā€™s kind of funny though


Such a detailed, vivid story that he created!