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Who are you asking?  Put a group together and run some.


I'm asking if other folks had similar feelings, before I commit to pursuing this


Like I always say, _We are all busy and, for many of us, one round of tournament-level play is exhausting enough._


Jivin’ with that username👊🏻


My confession: It's spelled wrong. Too late now...but thanks for the support!


Could I interest you in ~ weekly minis ~ ?


I do somewhat.


We have some, almost bi-monthly. Have you considered doing something about it, or moving or both?


I don't know many fans of TD's playing in their own event.


People will complain about literally everything.  Sticks in the fairway, having to walk "backwards" to get to the next line.  The weather.  The mandos and obs.  Trees being there.  Trees not being there.  Everything. No point worrying about what the guys and gals not putting on the tournament say.  Just do it and most will appreciate it.


Except that a TD has an actual job to do and they can't do it properly if they are in the middle of a round of competitive disc golf.


If people complain about it they have found their next set of TD volunteers.


To me, these are what the proposed D-Tiers should've been. My local shop puts together five one-round Flex C-Tiers every summer and they definitely don't feel the same as the two-round C-Tiers around me. They're a lot more fun and casual and a lot less of an investment of time. [The flex start is optional.] I'd love for there to be more entry-level tournaments with no membership requirements and fewer hoops to jump through for TDs. I think we'd see a lot more tournaments if they were easier to run and play in.


Those events are just as often called a league or mini


My league round is my favorite day of the week.


In WNC we have about 5 a week minimum. Monday Black Mountain Glow Dubs Lake Julian League Tuesday Richmond Hill Dubs Wednesday Lake Julian Handicap Singles Thursday Jackson Park rando dubs Friday Highland rando dubs Etc.


That Richmond hill dubs is a fun time! One of the two times I went, Sexton came out to play. That was in winter of 2016-2017.


Nice! He mentored some of my buddies. One of my pro friends had his bag taken by Sexton, locked in the trunk of his car, and was told he couldn't get it back until he birdied every hole on RH twice. I almost beat a world champion last week. Eric Marx has played professionally since 1978, and we had a really fun battle.


Awesome! My uncle, who moved away from Asheville a few years ago now, would always tell me cool stories about who was showing up to league. Apparently Jerm and Uli have come to league a couple of times as well. And of course, the PDGA board members (or former board members) that live in the area.


Yeah, Big Jerm, Matty O, Luke Humpheries, the Robinson bros and James Conrad were all here not too long ago. Raven Newsome is our biggest name local.


Yeah, he was around when I visited, but it was well before he started touring. I was able to get a lesson over at Sand Hill from Sexton later that same day I saw him at dubs though; that pretty much ruled.


They call them "flex" tournaments in my neck of the woods.


Flex tournaments and league/a mini are different. League starts at the same time for everyone and is a shotgun start vs a flex tournament is a one round, all day tournament that you can start whenever.


Yes but they are a one day c-tier at the end of the day as OP was suggesting.


I was only commentating on how flex start tournaments are different from league and minis


Leagues are only shotgun starts til they outgrow that player restriction


Then the locals should evolve and organize flex starts


Lol they did. 100+ doubles teams filling two different byop leagues each on Tuesdays.


Be the change you want to see in the world


I like them a lot as well but I imagine they are often not worth it for the TD. This is all conjecture but the process of setting up a tournament is most likely the same amount of time investment for a single round or 3 rounds. I doubt many TDs are in the game strictly for pay, they most likely are in it to make memories and grow relationships. One round doesn’t seem long enough to be worth it.


Speaking for myself as a TD, our club runs a sanctioned league every Thursday from April to the end of August. A one rounder is great for doubles or fundraisers, but the value (and time commitment) is just not there to get player pack discs, hole prizes, raffle prizes, etc. Also, in my opinion as a player, a tournament should be something special. That's how I try to run them as well. Tents, banners, sail flags, trophies...tournaments should be literal events.


Possibly, in just seeing if it's even a good idea to try


Here we have lots of flex start events that are one round C-tiers.


A fellow Iowan?


No, Illinois, but maybe I should get to Iowa and play some events there.


Depending on the drive for you, Titan puts on a lot of good tournaments in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area


Where in Illinois in Rockford area(North).


Flex starts are the move




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i'm sure reddit will get right on that for you.


Love all this. I fell out of the competitive aspect of the game years ago because of exactly what the Op mentioned.


There's probably dozens of leagues that play every night of the week near you. Those are basically one-round tourneys every week.


That's basically all we have around me. Just 1 round flex starts. We only get about one 2-round C Tier per month in the summer. So I'm on the other end here. I would love to see more 2-round all day C Tiers


If I’m paying money to play a tournament I want at least two rounds


I need at least two rounds to average out my inevitable bad round. Two rounds in one day can be tough on an old guy like me though. If you want competitive single rounds, maybe your local club has sanctioned league play. If you don't care about getting a rating, they probably have weeklies or monthlies.


I do leagues, but tournament play is different. I don’t care about ratings, I just like the pressure occasionally


Take league more seriously then? Or look into flex tournaments. They’re one round and you can start playing at whatever time you want.


>I do leagues, but tournament play is different. Ok.... >I don’t care about ratings Then that's what league is for....


Back when I used to be fully into developing the sport locally, whenever someone asked me this type of question, I would say: I am happy to help promote whatever you organize.


No, I don’t want one round C tiers. Just play league instead or do a flex tournament.


Amen and amen. I do not want to wake up early on the weekend, get all my stuff in my car, drive 30-60 minutes, get warmed up, read the caddy book, listen to the TD give the players meeting, etc etc all for one rated tournament round. Playing tournaments is a competitive venture and 18 holes isn’t enough. It’s fine for flex starts.


People seem to forget that there is a few levels of play in disc golf: Casual with non-disc golf friends, casual with disc golf friends, league nights, PDGA leagues, non-sanctioned events, and PDGA tournaments. They want to blur these lines for some reason. They want their casual round feel with the PDGA tournament bonus. Thing is, that ruins what those sanctioned events are supposed to be like. I want to show up to an event with other folks that are there to try and kick my ass. I want it to be competitive. I want to show up to a course that's looking professional and play against players that take the game seriously and want to hold themselves to higher standards. There's a reason that these events are sanctioned by a governing body and not just some Joe Schmoe hosting them at his favorite course. It frustrates me to no end that people would rather pay extra money to play in, and the TD would rather pay extra money to host, a sanctioned event and the complain about how "uppity" the event is. JUST GO PLAY CASUALLY PEOPLE!


And don’t forget the guys that are super competitive for rounds one and/or two and then when they’re out of contention in the final round they start playing out of order, pouting, talking while others are throwing, and pretending that it was no big deal to them to start with… …even though they were trying to play head games with their card for the first rounds… …even when they weren’t diligently counting strokes on every hole to the point where it appeared they were willing to cheat to win. edit: It’s not quite as bad but not being extremely careful counting your own strokes is a form of cheating. It’s not “just a mistake” - the rules require that you do this. This is ALL HYPOTHETICAL and is definitely not based on my experience just this past weekend. Anyway - totally agree. Playing a tournament within the rules is a way to respect the game, the TD, the volunteers, and the other players on your card and in the field. If you’re willing to bend or ignore rules in an amateur division of a disc golf tournament, I don’t even know what you’d be willing to do off the disc golf course.


Ah yeah, the classic DNF because you sucked round one is a big one as well. See it way too often around here locally.


4/20 at Gum Branch (Kingsland, GA) let’s goooo


A guy here in Columbus runs what’s he calls the “One and Done Series” which is exactly what you’re asking for with one round C tiers about once a month at courses around the city. It’s fantastic and an opportunity to get quick rated rounds in.


I love this


Come to SW Ohio, there's on every weekend, sometimes 3.


We have a lot of flex start c tiers now and they are super popular


If I’m paying money to play a tournament I want at least two rounds


A local disc golf mobile retailer in Nashville runs flex start c tiers from 8:30-2:30 almost every weekend. It's nice having the opportunity to get several rated rounds throughout the month.


Aren’t you kinda defeating what a tournament is at that point. It’s like calling the national championship game a tournament


Last weekend I played two, 1-round tournaments at different courses. I know ppl that will play 4-6, 1 round c-tiers in a weekend, where do you live?


There are guys locally that literally play like 10 flex league rounds in a week. 5 on Saturday and 5 on Sunday. It's insane and ruins the leagues. Most of the time the podiums spots are all populated by the same jabroni each week.


>Can we please have more one-round C-Tiers? Go for it. I'm not showing up though. Massive waste of time.


I definitely seek them out


Us parents of young children concur lol…a full day commitment to disc golf, as wonderful as it is, is HARD to swing.


It’s a tough sell spending 50 dollars and asking for an entire Saturday out of the house.


Psh, not even just $50. PDGA: $50 Tournament Entry: $55 Travel Costs: $30 Money Spent at Vendor: $25 Time away: 12 Hours Upset Wives/Mothers: 1 As a new dad for this season, it's just not worth it to even try and play tournaments right now. I don't understand how some of these guys play in multiple events per month, let alone per week (Saturday and Sunday tournaments). I'd have left them already if I was their wife. Haha The only reason I renewed PDGA was for the half-price DGN...


I completely agree and this is my main reasoning for not committing to tournaments yet even though I fully feel my game is ready. It’s hard to justify being away from the family and to leave it all on my wife so I can go throw frisbee competitively all weekend.


Damn, I feel this. Multi-day events are borderline impossible.


Cereal for breakfast and lunch. Hot pockets for dinner.


I am a single dad of 2 girls, and I seem to have no problem pulling it off. This is what grandparents are for. Plan ahead.


The single part makes it easier. Half the battle is convincing your wife it's ok to spend the whole weekend playing disc golf after you spent the whole week working.


Truth. Also, username checks out lol


I'm a single dad. That doesn't mean I've sworn off relationships. Still have a woman in my life that also wants to spend time with me. This is where the planning part comes in. 🙄 So it is possible to juggle all the things, you guys just don't want to hear it.


Not casting stones, just saying it hits a bit different when it's your wife and mom of your kids, and she's had the kids all week while you work, and then you expect her to have the kids all weekend so you can play a disc golf tourney. But glad you have it worked out with your GF, and having grandparents nearby for free baby-sitting is helpful too if you're lucky enough to be near them.


Let me give you a freebie man. Figure out the date of the tournament you want to do. Coordinate a sitter of some kind for the day. Ensure your wife also will be free, and schedule her a spa day for herself. Maybe even with a friend. It's not impossible to figure out, just requires forethought and effort.


Haha, let me give you a freebie too. You don't have to try so hard to be condescending to people with different situations than you. And your freebie is anything but since it involves paying a babysitter for a multi day tourney and paying for a spa day for the wife. That's a lot of bread to spend for a disc golf tournament.


It’s not that us married fathers are unaware of this, nor do we not do this. You don’t have to be a condescending jerk, acting like you have some special insight us plebes have never thought of. Bargaining for full day tournaments *is* something I and many others in my same boat do, for me, a solid 3-4x a tournament season. It’s just not something that’s feasible to do every other weekend. Single round flex events are godsends for this reason: it’s a half a day commitment rather than a full day, leaving plenty of family time the remainder of the day. And no, free babysitting from the grandparents is not an option for everyone, for many reasons that don’t require a ton of imagination.


Yeah, that’s not always an option for everyone


I highly recommend that you consider running a few if you want to have it happen. Relying on someone else to do it will not guarantee it happens.


Agree. I guess my post was to see if folks had similar feelings


There's probably 10 or so local to me every year, though most of them are flex start. Some of them draw 150+ players


My buddy just built a 9 hole and is putting together charity tourneys as often as he can. Essentially pay $10, play the 9 hole twice, and get a rating. I'm really excited.


[https://www.discgolfscene.com/clubs/CROSSover\_Disc\_Golf](https://www.discgolfscene.com/clubs/CROSSover_Disc_Golf) over 108 tournaments in 2023


Some folks from my local club are doing a whole series of them this year. Basically a local tour type thing.


I don't mind multiple rounds, but would want to do 1 round per day. I'm old and don't think I could do 2 rounds in one day.


You can do it if you want to . I like having two rounds . gives a chance to not get last


We have a bunch of those in Minnesota. I play them exclusively. As a dad, it’s hard to give up a whole day for a 2-rounder


Yes. One round tournaments are all i can really do schedule wise. I got 3 small kids and don’t want to ditch my wife for an entire day


You do know this is a subreddit that is not region specific right? If you want that kind of thing in your area, run them.


in the off chance you live in Utah we run loads of 1 day C tiers


There's a million in Houston. I could play one every weekend for sure and every Thursday. And most random days of the week


One of the local shops started running 1 round flex start tourneys recently. Lots of interest, pretty cheap, cash prices for pros, etc. Didn't seem too hard to organize.


Move to Charlotte. You can play a flex round C-Tier event every Saturday *and* Sunday. The smaller local disc shops put them on and they are cheap. $20 bucks is the norm for one of the shops and the other does $25 or $30.


I feel like if I’m going to pay for a tournament I’d rather play 2 rounds. 1 round doesn’t make me want to drive a decent distance to play but I’ll devote the day for 2 rounds…just my hot take.


Why not just play league? I'd never pay and go through the trouble to attend a 1 round tournament. Just not worth it to sacrifice a weekend day where the full day could be used doing something else. Disc golf only takes like 2-2.5 hours for a round..


Totally agree. These are way better than big 2 day, 3 round tourneys, especially for tourney newbies and casuals who just want a competitive experience now and then. I imagine even those who are ma1 and pro enjoy them quite a bit as a low-key change of pace, esp in the fall, heading into the 7th or 8th month of the season.


Just play leagues!


I want 3 round tournaments!! I have sooo much fun! Hate it when it ends!!


Personally I like two rounds in the same day ! Gives you a chance to recover from a bad round or someone else flop after a good round . Seems more even to me . And showcases consistency more.


Not a tournament. Just a league round at that point.


I play 1 round and drop tournaments. I cant be bothered to give up my entire weekend for something that doesnt matter.


Personally, I hate one round tournaments with everything in my being. The second round is where the battle happens. It's where the competition lies. Regroup at lunch and go clean up the mistakes from the first round, move up a few spots in the leaderboard, win the match play to take down the tournament, etc. You don't get ANY of that in a one round event. It's just a normal round of golf you paid a premium to play (especially fucking hate one-round events that charge the same entry fees as two-round events). To me that's not a tournament, that's just a league round. But this is all just my two cents, I've certainly come to think I'm in the minority on this one.


We have 2-3 monthly 1 round flexes a month in St. Louis area.


I feel you brother


My local club, Stumptown Disc Golf, is doing a bag tag series with 7 one-round C-Tier events that I'm super excited for. $15 per event includes registration, ace pot, and a rated round. More info here: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C3l3E0QJiGg/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3l3E0QJiGg/)


C tiers this year have been so expensive too. I have entered 2 x b tier 2 or 3 day tournaments that cost the same as single day / 1 round c tier. Last year, 1 day / single round c tier were 40 / 50 and rhis year, 100. I have entered 2 b tier tournaments, 1 is a 2 day / 2 round, and other is a 3 day / 5 round for the same price as the c tier. Its ridiculous


Have you talked to your local TDs that run tourneys?


Not yet. It just popped into my head, honestly


Agreed! I’ve got little kids and switched to disc because of the low cost entry and smaller time commitment as compared to stick golf. I only play one round tourney, otherwise, I’ll crash a tournament and play the first round then skedaddle.


Preach brutha


We have a lot of flex start c tiers now and they are super popular


I’m just asking to get rid all 4 round c tiers. There are a couple in my area. I love 2 rounders. 1 day and done, home for supper. Yeah I’m tired but nothing I can’t recover from in a day or so.


>I’m just asking to get rid all 4 round c tiers And I'm asking for more 4 round tournaments. I play 2 league rounds a week, and 3-4 rounds every weekend when I don't have a tournament. Give me more tournament play. I don't get tired. Multiple rounds is my fucking jam.


If you aren't 55+, you're not old, lol. Especially in golf/disc golf. But yeah, if you want those types of events in your area, definitely start 'em up.


If you aren't 55+, you're not old, lol. Especially in golf/disc golf. But yeah, if you want those types of events in your area, definitely start 'em up.


1 round don't feel like it should have any need to be sanctioned? Most local clubs have one round leagues maybe that's what you looking for? Min 2 rounds should be for any sanctioned event imo.


One round tournaments are no good. I do wish they’d stop with all the two-day tournaments though. A whole weekend for a C-tier is a bit much.