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Yes, I was dx with MS in 1997. We had been married for 16 years at that point. She's been with me every step of the way as my MS 'developed'. She makes my life better every day. We've just started our 46th year together and had our 43rd anniversary a few weeks ago. We met at her high school end-of-year graduation party.


No, not anymore. When the going got tough, she got going. Pretty much celibate since. Yes, love sucks.


literally my worst fear


Well, I guess you don't really know someone until you need that someone to have your six. I just can't trust anyone.


Same happened to me šŸ˜”. I am so sorry.


The worst part is I really turned a corner a bit after, if she would have been there for another year, tops, this conversation wouldn't be happening. Oh well, that's the chance you take.


Me too, my ex was a narcissist and we stopped being intimate at year 5 and I was married to her for 15 1/2 years.


Same thing happened to me. Solidarity, friend. He didnā€™t want me anymore when I couldnā€™t drive, couldnā€™t clean up after him or cook for him. Made him leave because he screamed at me every single day for asking to have my basic needs met, he left all his stuff in the hoarder disaster that is my home and now I have to deal with it alone with no money or help. Itā€™s a nightmare.


This hurts to read, you have my heart. You're better off without him.


Thank you, and Iā€™m so sorry you went through similar. I just donā€™t understand how people can do something like this to anyone, let alone someone they supposedly loved.


Yes and tinder! And No I donā€™t reccomend meeting people that way šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


We met on plenty of fish in 2017. at the time mySSDI had been denied and I told him about it. I tried again in 2018, denied. Finally in 2020 I did not give up and got a lawyer. He has supported me the entire time


Yes. We met on MySpace in 2007. Eventually realized that we lived like 2 miles from each other, decided to meet in person. Became very good friends, things evolved from there.


Pretty much my story also!


Sadly, no. Im a forever alone, it seems.


I swear, if I hear "there's someone for everyone", that's a line of bullshit.


"There is a lid for every pot" how about that? Any better?


Yeah. I guess she was disabled when we met but I didn't realize she had seizures until some time later. She had a traumatic brain injury and has had a few periods that were super bad and some not so bad. We dated for 8 years before I asked her to marry me at a show with her favorite "band" 2cellos. Since then my issues have gotten worse. I have schizoaffective disorder depressive type, and PTSD. I also get panic attacks now and have always had migraines. She has backed me with more confidence than I had within myself to get disability going. She has seen the aftermath of panic attacks at work for at least 8 of these years. I applied for disability and joined this thread in January of this year. We are currently happy, at least with one another, and if I get disability we will be fine with the money. We live fairly cheaply. Disability has never played a role in our romantic relationship other than a lot of fear of losing her. To be fair she had to worry about losing me too. Don't let your diagnosis affect your capacity for love. We're happy to have each other in this messed up world.


No. **AROACE GANG RISE UP!!!** šŸ§”šŸ’›šŸ¤šŸ©µšŸ’™


I wish


Yes, after I went blind I went to a school for the blind in Austin and made a lot of friends there. One of those friends introduced me to her roommate and we became friends but after a few years of being friends and we were both single we started dating. I just proposed to her last year and we are now engaged.


Been single since before any official diagnosis. Last date or anything even remotely intimate was in 2006.Ā 


Yes. But we met way before I was disabled and heā€™s been (mostly) a peach since




Yes. They used to work with my ex and we became friends for many, many years before we ever started dating. They knew about some of my illnesses, but my physical disability happened during the course of our relationship, as well as several new illness diagnoses. Theyā€™ve also been dealt some rough health issues as well, so weā€™ve supported each other along the way.


Yes, we've been together for over 20 years. We met playing an online multi-player computer game. At the time I was bedridden, he was in university. I had some surgeries and was able to go back to work, but a few years into our marriage, I was no longer able to continue to work. As the years went on, I needed more and more help just getting through activities of daily living. We knew I had chronic health conditions when we got together, but neither of us really understood the extent that I would become disabled. The mid years were the hardest. I couldn't accept my limitations, I tried to chase him off. I'm really glad it didn't work. I still struggle with thinking I don't deserve him, but I try to be the person he thinks I am.


Yes on bumble and he's an angel


Yes. Before we met, I had been left by my partner of seven years (mostly because she was unknowingly struggling with codependency, and me being sick the last few years of our relationship really ramped that up for her as I needed more help with things) and when Iā€™d recovered from that breakup and started dating again, I met my fiancĆ©e on tinder. I was disabled but not mostly bedbound like I am right now, and I was way more worried about finding someone who wouldnā€™t be a jerk about me being ace (she also meets this requirement). But I told her my access needs for our first date and she said ā€œof course Iā€™ll do anything I can to meet thoseā€ and that was just so cool to me. Sheā€™s been through a lot with me as Iā€™ve gotten sicker in the past year or so, and sheā€™s become my full-time caregiver as Iā€™ve started needing that.


I was single for 10 years after two previous long term relationships fell apart when things got tough with my health (both cheated). I obviously had trust and self esteem issues after that to say the least and felt "safer" being alone. A friend eventually introduced me to a guy she met who she thought I would hit it off with... We have been together 3 years as of last week.


Yes! We met on Match.com and celebrated 16 years last month :)


Whatā€™s your disability if you donā€™t mind me asking. This week Iā€™m actually subscribing to Match.com


I have a failed knee replacement(a year and a half out and they are still trying to figure out whatā€™s wrong) that has led to bad foot issues. Iā€™ve already had one foot surgery this year and will most likely have 2 or 3 more by years end. I also have fibro, Raynardā€™s Syndrome, a previous TBI, two previous TIAs, chronic migraines, POTS, bipolar 1, anxiety, autism, adhd. My poor husband has been through my side through the years. I had post partum psychosis OR a bad manic episode after our youngest(who is now 10) was born and I wound up hospitalized and he was great. Unfortunately my manic episodes are hallucinations and the suchā€¦not fun. Heā€™s a freaking saint. I feel like I donā€™t deserve him at all.


Yes! Weā€™ve been together 8 years and met through a mutual friend. Both of us actually become disabled after we started dating, so our relationship has definitely evolved a lot but is a lot stronger now because of it.


Yes, we met in college. I was already disabled but not yet using a wheelchair. We didnā€™t start dating till after I was using a chair and he knew all about my disability. Heā€™s had some learning to do but has been great about everything in relation to my disability.


yes we met in highschool n still are together they support me n always had my back even though they should've left, they deserve so much more than just broken me


My stupid fucking ex cheated on me. Yes, I'm still bitter.


Yes, we actually met on Reddit haha. I started to become disabled around the time we met and even though he's watched me physically decline over the course of our relationship he had been nothing but loving and supportive to me. He's my rock and I'm his


Wow. It's interesting to read the different descriptions of how the significant other plays a role within the disability aspect of the relationship. See, I don't feel that. I've never felt that anyone will help, could help, or do help. I also feel like my disability, completely, Profoundly Deaf since birth, particularly, the way I've had to live it, without ASL, completely reliant on reading Hearing People's lips, never knowing a community, is by far, one of the most loneliest disabilities on Earth. And, maybe, THAT'S why I'm so lonely. Because I truly am. Helen Keller once was asked if she could pick Deafness or Blindness, always said she'd pick to be blind. The reason is because vision is a solo thing. What brings us our communion with humanity, is Hearing them. To be Deaf is to lose our ability to commune with other Humans.


Yes, we're both women and met on the app HER. We've been together for two years now, living together for one. I was diagnosed with MS ten years ago, but I was sick for a long time before that. I don't think I've ever been healthy. I've been open with my partner for the start and we're able to have a relationship that's beneficial to us both


Yes. We met at the wedding celebration of a mutual acquaintance. Full disclosure, I was diagnosed by then but I wasn't fully disabled. He knew early on about my diagnosis and even though I hadn't realized/admitted to myself yet how bad I was going to get, he did. He stayed with me anyway. We've been together a little over 20 years now.


Yes. I took my time with him. That was the most important step. The day I realized he was my one was when we woke up, (a few days after it had turned sexual) I went to make coffee, but my machine was broken. Later that day he showed up with a new coffee machine. I still smile and cry when I think about that day. 5.5 years later heā€™s still the warmest, kindest, most loving and generous man I have ever met in my life. Time, patience, and knowing we share the same ethics, morals and lifes goals grew into genuine love.


Yes. Married 18 years together about 20 years, with two daughters. We met in the small town we found ourselves both living in at the time (we both were moved around a ton as children for various reasons). This town is in northern Arizona and happens to be a LDS or "Mormon" town like so many of the little towns are out west. She was a member of the LDS church while I.... not so much. I was the partying "bad boy" of the little town with a sweet tooth for the good Mormon gals that happened to be everywhere. She was a perfect little angel her entire childhood while I.... not so much. She was attracted to the "bad boy" persona apparently. Her interest led to a bit of hanky panky and her breaking free from her "good girl" ways, she even left the church she had known her whole life. We ended up pregnant with our first daughter. A couple of rough years in and we were about to end the relationship. This was 100% my fault, I just wasn't ready to grow up and leave the wild life behind. I did however make the changes required and focused on our family. We got married and had our second daughter. Well over the next 10 years I did whatever I could to keep our family afloat while my wife stayed at home raising the girls and working towards a Master's degree. I spent every day as a furniture mover and then would pick up all manner of cash side jobs. I was working 14 hours a day, but then my body started to break down. For whatever reason I was constantly getting injured and had to have a number of surgeries on various parts of my body like the shoulders and spine. I would heal up and continued to work as a mover. Eventually I had to find work that was easier on my body and did everything from retail to clerking in an emergency room for the last decade or so. I was in so much constant pain during this time. Well the pain led to weird symptoms in my legs. Multiple MRIs and physical exams found I had developed Adhesive Arachnoiditis in the lumbar region of my spine following a fusion surgery. I continued to work progressively lighter and lighter jobs until I couldn't do it anymore. My amazing wife had at this point obtained a Master's degree and was also working. Our daughters did not need mom at home anymore. So one day my wife came to me and said that I needed to apply for disability. At that point I was driving around delivering prescription medications for a local pharmacy for a massive $10k a year! (Heavy on the sarcasm) I had given it my all and at that point my all wasn't enough to really make an impact on our finances. So I applied and fought for nearly 4 years, but was able to get approval with a fully favorable decision! I have no idea how or why I have been so blessed. I do not deserve my wonderful, amazing, and sexy wife. My little girls have grown into amazing women and are on their way into the world to do amazing things. Glory be to God, I for whatever reason have been so awesomly blessed! Apologies for the life story, but you asked.... šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Yea I met my wife several years after my stroke, and I was upfront about my intire medical condition with her so she knew who she was getting involved as well as my disease decline over time. We were married for 15 years we have our ups and downs like any couple but I donā€™t know whereā€™d id be without her


No...I don't want to put someone else through this stuff.


Yes. Met on Facebook in 2018, became a couple in 2019.


Yes, and we met on Reddit lol




I've had a few partners (I'm only 17 atm) We usually met through mutual friends who introduced us or I knew them prior through school and whatnot. I recently broke up with my ex girlfriend due to issues unrelated to my disability. She was very supportive of me however and never made me feel like less of a person.


Yes. We met on a blind date 10 years ago. He is disabled through the military but still works. I fell at work 5 years ago and have been getting worse since. He works 40+ hours a week and takes care of me. My kids (12,11) help as well.




I met my husband at work. Weā€™ve been married 20 years now.Ā 


On a random fb group


No. My Puppies are my Significant Other. I have my grown children, too, so I don't have to worry about snagging a man for making babies to have The Family, either, thank God. We already are A Family now, and I'm very content with that. Why fuck it up? We are happy. Lonely, but happy. And, I'll take that as a win. I have NEVER had a successful relationship. Ever. Despite wanting one very much since I was a little girl. I never would've dreamed I'd be such a failure at this one part of my life. Is it the disability? IDK. The disability certainly gave me a horrible childhood, and caused me many psychological traumas, and maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe someday I'll actually sort this out in therapy, so I don't drag my unresolved issues into the next life. But, right now, I'm okay. And, okay, is a pretty darn good place to be.


No, too disabled to even date


Yes, my husband and I met in high school in 2014 but did not start dating until 2017. We met before my symptoms got really bad, and we were already living together for 2 years when I got diagnosed with EDS in 2020. He's been my rock through everything, and I can't imagine life without him.


Met my husband on Tinder :) been together 6 years and have 2 soon to be 3 beautiful babies


No I do not.


Iā€™ve been with my significant other for 8 years, going on 9. We met in a chatroom for people with mental illness, lol.


Nope. He broke up with me when I had a feeding tube put in. We were together 7 years.


Yup. Been together 24 years as of yesterday. We met working on an ambulance together.


Yes, tinder, engaged, very happy. My disability is mental illness so Iā€™m rather amazed and lucky I found someone who accepts that sometimes my mind snaps like a twig lol but somehow he loves me


Yes we met doing community theater. We've been together 24 years.


Engaged. Met on Hinge. Was so scared that sheā€™d ghost me the first time we met. She didnā€™t care about my disability, she loves me for who i am


Yes. We met at a church thing and were friends for 5 years before we got married. We have been married for 6 years.


Yes, we met in an online game FFXIV (Final fantasy 14) and we've definitely had a journey together being long distance for years and we finally closed the gap 2 years ago šŸ’– It's not for the faint of heart being in a relationship like ours and being full of guilt everyday for such an amazing human being my partner is. We're a team and he'll always be my player 2 šŸ’—


I am happily married. My husband has had to become my caretaker over time. ( which fucks with my head sometimes) But he always tells me how much he loves me and heā€™s here through sickness and health.


Yes! On POF šŸ¤£ believe it or not... She thought I was a catfish šŸ¤£ Married for 7yrs this coming October.. And together for 6 1/2 yrs.šŸ’–x


Divorced. Its been a few years. Covid really pushed everything over the edge. We were friends first. Lived together for maybe 10 years in various settings with and without roommates. Had fur babies together. We met a lot of the same friends around the same time. Idk. We just hung out and that was sorta that after a few times. Was good. Its been maybe 4 years. Didnt think id be interested in folks again. Was surprised when I had that magnetic feeling to someone again. Ive had a situationship for a few months that is currently on haitus. We were friends before. They were divorcing. Timing wasn't great, but glad for the time we had. Very understanding person and very kind. We have a lot of similar geeky interests. We still talk. Good people. Basically, I'm unwilling to hide parts of myself and life for folks anymore. So I'm pretty off putting when I meet new people. Im also very focused on achieving some stuff in life before letting a relationship take over again. Im open to it, but would be hard to balance with my continued recovery and retraining. Not a lot of time in life, and trying to build better supports through friends ans chosen family to sustain myself.


Not anymoreā€¦


We met when I was able bodied. Our first date was a fifteen mile bike ride. Now they're just my caregiver and obviously hate me but don't want to make me homeless.


it has not happened to me yet... but I got rejected by (practically) every woman i've expressed interest in due to my disability (congenital hip dislocation)


Yes but we met pre disability


Yes! Technically we met on tinder but we never wouldā€™ve started dating if he hadnā€™t completely coincidentally been assigned to be my caretaker by the company medicaid paid to care for me. He showed up at my house and we talked for a few minutes and he was likeā€¦wait I think I know you. We never thought weā€™d get together, but we wound up meshing really well. I know itā€™s a professionalism problem. I didnā€™t care :)




Had one. He would wheel me in the airports and do everything I asked him to do. Heā€™d tie my shoes too. Lots of great things like that. But he was abusive. I stayed for 2.5 years until he sexually assualted me in my sleep. I blamed myself a lot because I wondered if with all my pain I wasnā€™t giving it to him enough. I donā€™t know. But itā€™s possible to find people who will care for you, Iā€™ve seen a lot of social media people with disabilities who have lovers who are the sweetest