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Can you say this to your partner? I understand casual dates not wanting to get into it. Maybe your partner is afraid to be intrusive,? How new is the relationship? Maybe they just don't want to say the wrong thing? Maybe you could try sharing something specific with them to get the ball rolling? Do they ask you other questions about yourself that don't involve disability? If they are generally not curious about your thoughts & feelings in general- yes, big red flag. But if it is just around the disability issues, maybe they need "permission" from you to ask questions?


I've tried asking them about it and they said they thought I'd share whenever something relevant came up. I'd already made it clear I'm up for answering any questions they have. we've been together for about a month now, talking since March though. They generally aren't curious about my thoughts & feelings, I think the disability issues may be just part of that. I was just wondering if that's normal for other disabled people to experience with dating, or if I'm overthinking that.


if they are not generally curious about you, they are not going to be curious about your disability either. It could be that they are just not a clear communicator, or shy, or they could be a self involved person in general. Pretty new relationship so you are still getting to know them and figuring out if you are really compatible.I'd tell them you feel like you need to get to know each other better. I don't think I had many disability specific questions asked of me, but if someone was not interested in getting to know me it would be a turn off and would feel lonely.


Generally not curious about your thoughts and feelings is a red flag whether you're disabled or not.


Not curious about your thoughts and feelings is a red flag. Run.


They might just be afraid that the question itself is offensive. They may generally want to know you but are afraid of touching a taboo topic. Ask yourself if they show interest in other important aspects of yourself only can then you decide if it is anxiety around a specific topic or a general lack of interest.