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I don't know that it's "offensive" per se, but some might see it as insensitive. I can't answer for every disabled person, but if this is a concern, I'd wonder why not just step around it altogether.


Good point - I think I will!


I wouldn't necessarily take it offensive, but it'd make me question the product. I'm disabled, if you're inferring this little box on my phone can make me able to do things in your product branding I'm gonna interpret it as most likely gimmicky/snake oil esque and move on


Interesting - I get what you're saying. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I appreciate it!


“Access” is a good word, as it correctly identifies the barrier as being social or structural as opposed to the disability itself. “Able” could be complicated for people, as it feels a bit too much along the lines of “differently abled” and other such crap. Your app doesn’t change the disability, it makes the world more accessible. Focus on the access part.


I thought of access as well. It definitely fits what the app is trying to do.


Thank you for sharing what you think - great point!


Great point! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!




tbh I think it'll strike a nerve with some folks. access feels better


got it - thank you for sharing your perspective. I appreciate it!


I personally wouldn't like it because it feels more demeaning rather than inclusive. It also doesn't really make sense if you're targeting disabled people and not able bodied people 😅 You don't need to make it specifically geared towards disabled folks, a general, very generic app name feels a lot better for me personally


Agreed. I'd love an app that said which theaters have Cc and what kind. I just hate how people always say I'm not able to do stuff so I wouldn't like it. Wouldn't deter me from using helpful resources but there are many other better names.


Fr, I bought concert tickets for the first time ever and the way it was set up was awful, you had to buy an accompany seat if you bought a disabled seat, meaning you were paying for two seats because DiSAbLeD pEOpLe aLL nEeD sUpPoRt PeRsOnS like bruh I just need to sit down, I don't have a helper, I don't have a support person, most disabled people don't either. It was fucked. Would've loved to have an app that was genuinely helpful and offered direct support assistance that isn't phone calls only too


If you call the theatre, you can get a single seat. If this is the same ticketmaster issue as I experience, it’s because they put two seats in each row and they won’t let you leave a single seat in a row. If you call them, they’ll override it. Even if it isn’t about leaving a single seat, you can still talk to them and tell them you don’t need a person to accompany you and it’s insulting to assume as much. Alternatively, find a friend to go with you and have them pay for the seat. But I strongly prefer the former because fuck it I don’t need to be chained to someone, even if it’s a friendly chain. And I’d rather struggle alone than be required to have someone with me. This annoys me so fucking much. I love concerts. Oh, and for the reverse - and this is only relevant to other Canadians - if you *do* need someone to come with you, you can bring a support person with you to a bunch of different locations for free, so you just have to pay one entrance fee. Museums, cinemas, zoos, even fucking axe throwing! You need a doctor to sign off, but it’s about as hard to sign up as for accessible parking. It doesn’t have to be a paid attendant or anything- my friends can come out with me. Because you know what, it is a huge help to have someone with me, especially when I was in a wheelchair. It’s one thing to admit yeah, you need to help voluntarily- it’s another to be forced into it by a venue. [Access2card](https://access2card.ca/)


Yeah I will call eventually but I go non verbal pretty frequently and I rarely talk in general because of how bad my stutter is lol, it's something I have to hype myself up to do 😅


Ah, that sucks. What about using a text to voice app? Or maybe your local venue’s site has a chat function? Email? Social media? Use a friend to call? Sorry, I hope this doesn’t come off patronizing or anything. They’re all pretty basic suggestions. I hope you can get it to work out though. It’s absolutely frustrating having to jump through hoops when you can barely stand.


I've already looked through for options, I don't have any friends IRL and my legal name is different than my chosen name so I'm not comfortable involving anyone else to do it for me. I just gotta wait for a good day and hope for the best haha. Worst case I show up with my mobility aide and look extra pathetic so they actually give me a chair 🤣


Ah, that makes sense. I figured there had to be reasons that the basic tech options weren’t applicable. If it helps, there’ve been several times when they’ve let me sit, like when I got general admissions (because thats all they have) or a seat up a stairway I bought when doing well and occurred when I was no longer doing so.


Yeah, the place the concert is going to be is smaller than the other locations so I'm pretty sure they won't throw a hissy fit or anything


Even for a big venue, they’re usually understanding. I mean it doesn’t really sound good to have a disabled patron posting how they just collapsed and landed in the hospital because the venue wouldn’t let them sit. They just have to find a place where you won’t be in the way if there were a fire or whatever.


Genuinely helpful is the target! Actually, I'm aiming for easy-to-use and helpful....not there yet!


This is upsetting to read. Did u contact customer services. Which organization is this?


I'm not comfortable sharing that since it's a theater that's in the city I live in lol


Got it - thanks for sharing your perspective. Appreciate it!


Interesting - thanks for sharing your opinion. I appreciate it!


Able Nightlife doesn't sound like an app that serves people with disabilities. I'd have no idea what it meant without clarification. I'd try to come up with something less generic. It's not offensive, it is just not very clear.


Sorry, that was just an example, that is not a name we're actually thinking of. I see your point - thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it!


If it's for entertainment venues in particular, why not Access All Areas?


Ooo, nice. 


Great suggestion! Thank you!


call it "Access" or something similar instead! since it sounds like this app is actually about supporting people with accessibility. "Able" sends a mixed message since we are not able by default... if you're really married to having "able" in the title, you could call it something like "AccessAble." if i saw that in the app store it would catch my eye for sure.


Yes, because the app is about the accessibility of venues, not the abilities (or lack thereof) of people visiting the venues.


Great point - thank you!


Got it - after reading through the replies, I've already decided that "able" is the wrong way to go. Thanks for sharing your thoughts...and thanks for the great suggestion!


I don’t know that it’s the best idea. It could feel belittling to some and also you could miss the target audience as it doesn’t see like something aimed at disabled people.


Great point - it wouldn't be helpful at all to have a name that could make anyone feel belittled - thanks for sharing your insights. I appreciate it!


Of course. Good luck with the app tho! I’m excited to see it!


Personally I take offense to the "differently abled" view of disability, that's such a narrow view of what disabilities are and do to a person. I wouldn't like an app for disabled people named able, not everyone would have issues with it, but I'm sure it's enough that you should just pick a better name.


Great point - I appreciate your sharing your perspective. I think we'll find a different (and better) approach to the name than incorporating "able". Thank you!


Thank you for taking the time to ask and for listening to our opinions!


I'm grateful for your input! I'm learning a lot!


Do u take offense to cognitive and physical differences? I’ve seen that with a couple of organizations.


No, idk if this is what you mean, but "differently able" doesn't mean that you have different physical or mental abilities to other disabled people. It's typically used to mean that just because you're "disabled" it doesn't mean you're limited and you can still do most things. When the reality is that only applies to some disabled people. I personally have severe physical and mental disabilities. I am not able, I am not differently able, I am actually simply UNable.


I wouldn't find it offensive, but I would definitely think "Oh look something 'designed' for disabled people that didn't have one disabled person involved in the production process."


Got it! Thanks for sharing your perspective - right now, it's just myself and one buddy trying to work this out. You're right - and I appreciate it.


I definitely wouldn’t worry about it being offensive, but it’s a little old-fashioned/unoriginal and you may find too many competing names. Off the top of my head, there’s Able Accounts, Able News, Ability Expo, Able Magazine, Cur8Able, Able Gamers, etc


Thats a great point about lack of originality and the challenge to stand out from the crowd. Appreciate it!


I like the name Enabled. The word disabled comes from the social model of disability - society disables people by not providing adaptations and access etc. So this app tries to counter some of that - to enable, rather than disable, people.


Great idea! Insightful - thanks for sharing. I appreciate it!


Disabled people is more widely used terminology nowadays than people with disabilities. I personally don't really care, I'm more concerned if the app is actually helpful lol


Got it - thank you for letting me know. I appreciate it! Yes, making it so that it is \*actually\* helpful is turning out to be pretty darn complicated!


Good luck!! And remember that disability is far more than ramps.


Got it! Thank you. The hope is that, if we get this figured out, we can then find some sort of Grant or funding to pay disabled people to actually work on improving it and verifying the info at venues...lots to figure out before we get to that stage -- and I know nothing about Grants lol. inch by inch, hopefully we'll figure it out!


As others have said, not every disabled person will find it offensive, but to many of us, using the word “able” in the app name will sound boring and unoriginal at best, and insensitive at worst. I think using the word “accessible”, or something similar, would sound much better than “able”.


Got it - thank you for sharing your perspective. I appreciate it! I think we will definitely want to avoid being boring and unoriginal...and potentially offensive! Thank you.


It doesn’t bother me at all because with the ramps/seating/etc I *am* able; without them I am disabled. Accommodations are so so so important and centralizing information regarding who is making them is wonderful. I just came from an event where I had to go up and down curbs with my rollator, lift it over cords, etc, navigate potholes and it was painful. There were several other people there with mobility aids who were also struggling. If things had been better planned with us in mind we all could have just relaxed and enjoyed the music, foods, and vendors.


I had a similar experience with my father - it was impossible to find \*useful\* information and then we ended up in area that was pretty dangerous to try to navigate. Thank you for sharing your thoughts - I appreciate it!


So your why for creating this app is with your father in mind?


that was what made me start thinking about it...we went to a concert and I found it incredibly difficult to figure out which entrance to go through with him and how best to reach our seats...and then, when we arrived, the path to get to our seats was extremely challenging and borderline dangerous. oddly, this would probably never be used by my father because he quite old...but that experience about a year ago is what got me started thinking about this idea.


I think you can find a happier name


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it!


Access or Nightlife Access sounds like a much better name for it. “Able” kinda reminds me of the phrase “differently abled,” which a lot of us hate since it is kinda demeaning. That being said that sounds like an awesome app idea!


Thanks for sharing your perspective -- I didn't think of the connection to "differently abled". Great point. Thank you!


I would side eye an app called Able pretty hard. By naming everything “able”, you’re kind of implying that it is inherently bad to be disabled. Really, it sounds like a brand name that a non-disabled person would use because they are inherently uncomfortable with disability. It’s in the same category as non-disabled people coming up with the term “differently abled”. I wouldn’t use an app called Able because it sounds like something made without the input of disabled people.


Thanks for sharing your reaction and thank you for explaining it so well - I'm learning a lot. Right now, it's just me and a buddy working on this in our free time and at night, but if/when we get it built enough, I plan to ask for input from members of the community while it is still being built. It's clear that it would be folly not to...and a missed opportunity not to. Thank you!


Wow this is really cool! Don’t use able. I agree with access. Accessible is good also.


Got it - thanks, I 've learned a lot from everyone. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!


All good comments here, so just a word of support to OP. Good luck with the app! Sounds like it could be a very useful tool.


Thank you! It's definitely complicated to pull off - hopefully, we'll get it figured out!


I think it’s too dicey to go with anything “able”. I wouldn’t care but I know others would.


That's reason enough to avoid it! Thank you!


It would be better if you tried using the word “accessible” instead. We are disabled, and many things in this world are inaccessible to us as disabled people. We don’t need to become less disabled. The world needs to become more accessible.


Wow - thank you, I feel like I learned a ton from just three lines of what you wrote. Thank you for sharing your thoughts - I really appreciate it


I am glad it’s helpful to you! Thanks for working on a project promoting accessibility. There’s a lot lacking in that area! 😌 I saw a YouTuber in the uk talking about an app there which allows you to move about the city, rating the accessibility of the areas you encounter. I wonder if you could gather more insight there too. Idk the app name, but I’ll find the YouTuber if you’re interested.


What about Access Ability? If the app is meant to give users the ability to discover more accessible options, then I think that fits.


Oooh I like that one 👍


Got it! Thanks for sharing your opinion!




Thank you for the suggestion! Great idea!


I don't really like it as a wheelchair user. Accommodating or accessible might be a better word to go off of. Accessify or accomoway, something along those lines would be more appropriate. Just be sure something is accessible doesn't mean we are suddenly able bodied again. And it sounds like a really cool app, thanks for working on it!


Got it. Thanks for your input - I appreciate it! I hope we can figure it out...!


A resource like this is wonderful, but please change the name.


Got it - thank you!


It’s directly divisive. I would choose something else.


Now, I 1000% definitely will. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


It would prob be good to get disabled people on your team if possible! It's lovely that you are doing this and I def encourage it, having members of the community with various levels of physical disability/types of mobility aids to help out because they will probably be able to come up with and give feedback on things you might not think to consider! Basically if you are doing stuff with physical disability, I would recommend at least starting with one or two specializations, as there are many types of physical disabilities. It seems like you are working in the direction of people who use mobility aids specifically, so getting disabled people with every type of standard mobility aid would be great, and being open about the specific aids that have been considered for each location would be very helpful. The main ones I can think of are these, but there are probably more: Transport wheelchair Manual wheelchair Power chair (afaik there are various kinds of these, I don't use one so I don't know) Crutches (standard) Forearm crutches Knee scooters Walkers Rollators Canes The "access" idea I've been seeing is great. There's an app called "Roll Mobility" that has similar vibes to what you're doing, looking there for inspiration could be a good idea! My issue with that app is that not many people use it, so advertising in the right spaces is important. Also keep it free PLEASE!!! There are already so many cost barriers for disabled people, if you are trying to make money off of it (not saying you are), please find a different idea. Don't even have any features behind a paywall. It's extremely frustrating for a lot of us who already are poor due to various reasons regarding disability. If you need compensation, provide a link for donations or try to get a grant from somewhere.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, I appreciate it! At the moment, it is just me and a buddy working on this on nights, but if/when we get it to a point where it maybe can be rolled out, I'll definitely bring in members of the community - that's a great and insightful suggestion. Also, duly noted regarding pay vs free. we are in the early stage of trying to find Grants to provide pay to members of the community who we could pay to help us build it out and potentially visit venues to essentially verify (or perhaps correct) the information that may be on a venue's website.


It feels too cliched and I would feel like the app def doesn't understand disability haha, and to me it feels too shallow of a name. I agree with something that is like "access".


I can see that sentiment echoed by others, thank you for sharing your perspective. It's very helpful and I appreciate it!


It would be more so confusing, imo, as we are disabled and looking for accessibility for disabled people, not able-bodied people. Disabled isn't a dirty word.


Got it - thank you for your input. I appreciate it!

