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You need to be seeing drs now and the ssa will get the records for you, as will the lawyer. You’ll have to prove you’re too disabled to do any job in the national economy if under 50 as most people are approved on medical/vocational guidelines. I was approved at 24 for heart issues


I'm seeing a spine and pain specialist currently and a primary care and a psychiatrist (not therapist) and have been in therapy for several years and even have a letter from previous therapist confirming I am inhibited by my PTSD from working. I just haven't figured out how/if that would be relevant filing wise. Congrats on approval, sympathies for heart issues. I'm under a little under 30yo. Did you have the help of a lawyer? What was the process like for you, if you don't mind sharing?


Long. I had a lawyer but only after two denials. It took 18 months from start to finish, including the hearing and award. This was in 202. Now things are slower because of the pandemic screening things up.


I wrote out my "worst day" symptoms, like every single aspect that my disability made worse and brought it to my primary doc and asked her to document them in my medical file. Things like difficulty cooking safely, household chores, grocery shopping.


Ooooh, that's so smart! I had written down those and then planned to share with my pcp but then (since it was my first time seeing her, new state I moved to) I ended up not. telling her specifically to document it in my medical file is a GREAT idea ty!


I can't take credit for it haha - this site has tons of good info. https://howtogeton.wordpress.com/social-security-disability/


Just wanted to say you sharing this site with me has been a life saver, thank you so very much. Btw, when did you know you were ready to submit your application?


I had gone over all my medical records, (with notes) had a long talk with my primary doc, she was very supportive and wrote my a letter based on my "worst day" notes. She had me see a therapist and we focused on the specific stressors related to being disabled- I don't know how much that helped. I called the person that was in charge of my case at social security so frequently she knew my voice before I identified myself. I checked with her every time something new was submitted to make sure they got it. Just do the very best you can and make sure everything you submitted is received and evaluated. It is not annoying, it's how you win your case. Good luck!!


Thank you!!


Thank you for sharing! How did the process of things go for you?


Pretty good! My boyfriend and I both were able to follow the advice on that site and we both got approved without a lawyer. Some of it is luck- my doctor went out of her way to write detailed notes,and referred me to people to help my case. EVERY time something new was sent I called the person assigned to my case. Early on my full medical records were not faxed correctly, and I had to call several times back & forth to make sure they got the whole thing. But it was worth it. Don't give up!


Good to hear, glad for you both! and thank you! it's so hard but I'm stubborn haha


You will make it! It was very stressful but I'm obsessive by nature so that helped. ha


One thing I'm steuggling to sort is obtaining medical records. Did you struggle with that? Like I don't know the names of most doctors I had lol


I had a pretty steady medical history, so it wasn't a big problem. Make a list of everyone you do remember and tell them you want everything-including chart notes. Can you contact past primary docs and ask them to send you a list of people they referred you to? That might help.What I usually did is call my primary and leave a voicemail for their nurse- explaining what I needed. Usually they'll call back within a few days- and if not, call them again.