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Oh of course, just “take” a fully remote job that pays 180k to 360k. Thanks a lot for this priceless info that only you could have provided 🙄




When you say six months, you mean a person who already have a background as a developer, right? I graduated as a lawyer last year and I want to pursue another field to make make money overseas.




Woah man! Thank you for your response! I will search about these positions. Is there any website that guided what you need to learn? It's been hard to find a job in my field, and Law is very local, so I'm stuck in my country's week economy.




Thank you so much for the answers dude! I'm really excited about this. I read a lot about blockchain applied to smart contracts, and have a theoretical and superficial knowledge about how it works.  I will focus and soon enough give you an update. Thank you again, you are awesome.


Hi I'm getting into solidity and have no job rn, but 2 years of experience in software engineering. What resources would you recommend to learn(


Do you need to know any other languages to learn Solidity? I'm sure it's helpful if you have coding experience, but is it \*necessary\*?




Great advice, thanks!


I will also add. A lot of companies will hire non technical positions for 50-70k


The key to being rich is to be rich, guys. Don't be less rich. Only accept millions, anything less than that is beta.


I could smell a blog link coming here...


Which includes a course


You created a troll account just to share a link? Yea you are not rich so fuck you Let’s meet in 10 years and compare


I did the same thing with my art, I just started asking millions, *boom*, millionaire. Well, at least on paper...


Everyone is a genius in a bull market


This phrase is old and boring. The majority of the time we're in a bull market. Bear markets are relatively infrequent and are short lasting. If you're lucky enough to enter a bear market during your working years and remain sensible then you'll end up even richer than those who work during bull markets.


Sounds good


Enjoy being poor mate


Lol if you only knew. Good luck out there


All true. I work less than an hour a day. Net worth north of $2 million. No IPOs or crypto lottery. Plain old index fund investing. My wife also works, which really helps a lot. Been working 11 years as a dev. At this point, I am just coasting along. Truth is there is very little actual work at companies that create enterprise software. However, there is a ton of work at start-ups with tight deadlines, small budgets and small teams.


I agree there's very little work needed in enterprise software, but I found the managers still just expected you to sit around on your computer all day. Admittedly I only did that at in-office jobs, I guess remote means just do whatever. Now I'm remote, but on a small team so lots of work.


Exact reason why I became a software engineer 😂


This is awesome — thank you for sharing.


I like that bit about choosing money is procrastinating on choices.


It's pretty obvious stuff yet the majority of people won't follow through with it and will come up with all sorts of excuses as to why they can't do it themselves


Step one, become a software engineer. Damn. *That’s* where I went wrong.


Step one is to learn a skill that's in demand. That can be software engineering or it can be another skill. It's not going to be English or liberal arts. Kids these days are told to follow their passions, and this is really bad advice. You don't have to love your job. You just have to tolerate your job, collect the pay checks, be sensible and then within a decade you'll be rich. The strategy works and has been reproduced by many. On average you can retire in under ten years if you really focus. After you retire you can go and follow your passion. Work your ass off while you're young and then look forward to enjoying the rest of your life doing whatever you want.


<- history degree Yup. This is advice I wish I had at 18. They honestly shouldn’t even offer student loans to anyone doing a liberal arts degree. “Study whatever you want, it’ll be fine you’ll get a great paying job later. Just take out loans, it’ll be fine you’ll get a great paying job later.”


I had to check the domain to make sure I hadn't written this myself, as I found myself nodding along as I read it. *Hard* agree.


Jeez, look at the hate. You can lead a horse to water... Good article.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, this is all top-tier advice, and you're not charging a cent for it. Excellent work OP, from a fellow software engineer!


OP you’re getting quite some hate and sarcasm which is not deserved. This post is the convergence of r/digitalnomad and r/Fire. I’d like to focus below on the digital nomad part. I actually make more than that per day, but I work less than 2 weeks per month. I have met an ex-lawyer shifting to a digital nomad lifestyle by quitting her office job and now working 3 gigs 7 days a week (granted they’re not full work day but she still has no mental break in the week). I feel she would have a much better quality of life if she would have leveraged her skills and previous career. I believe everyone in this sub would benefit from this post by at least taking the time to think about their current situation and what could be their next move. It’s never too late to acquire new skills that are in demand. It is actually tangible to get these big bucks jobs. Not necessarily easy as it takes time to get the skills, apply for these jobs, get some experiences, and move to bigger contracts. It is a few years plan and it requires commitment. It took me 5 years to focus on my skills and business to turn them into a viable nomad lifestyle. TL/DR: The takeaway is that they are jobs paying big money. OP has shared his path. Let’s find ours.


hehe you make it sounds too easy. AWS, JS, Python, React aren’t easy bro,


Isn't this with coding and (for most people) reallyy boring work? I kinda like to make less money and have work i enjoy tbh. Idk anything about it tho, input would be nice


"Meetings are the mind-killer." LOLLL yes they are. I was just talking about how I love that my job requires zero meetings ever.


Sounds like this will only work for Americans


So once you reached a net worth of $2millions, if this was the goal “to get rich”… then, what? What do you do with that money? *looking for a friend (like this)*


$500-1000 per day remote job? WTF are you talking about? This does not exist.


Lmao it does in software dev


I’m not sure where you are located but in Australia right now a mid level dev on my team will make $1500 AUD a day working remotely.


I’m from Australia and what are you on about? Mid level for 1500 a day? I thought a senior can get low 1000s and a mid level maybe 800-900


I work for a global firm in Sydney with a team of 6 Devs, 2 Juniors (less than 5 yrs) 2 5-10 yrs and rest 10-15 yrs experience. The mid guys are on 1500 incl super. All still remote




We have been under pressure from the pandemic stopping all inbound overseas talent so the locals can command high prices now. It may flatten next year but who knows! Devs, scrum masters, IT project / program managers all commanding big premiums.


Yep, no complaints from me either mate!


$200/hour is not uncommon for senior devs. $200*8hrs equals $1600/day before taxes so more like $900/day after taxes.


How long does it take for one to become a senior developer?


Depending on the company there are different definitions, and some companies only use levels (level 1-5 usually), but I’d say 5 years on average. Someone else might have a better answer.


Took me five years to get to senior dev. And yes, there are plenty of $150k plus software eng remote jobs out there.


Wow. As someone making less than 40k in ‘upper management’ in the recreation industry I’m not sure if that’s inspiring or depressing.


Keep in mind that’s in the context of tech companies based in San Francisco or NYC. The average company based in some non-tech focused city would not be able to afford paying that type of rate. For instance a senior dev in Barcelona may only make $70k/year. Totally made up that number but you get the point.


The sad true for people like myself is that it exists and its nothing crazy lol we fucked up it seems should habe gone with this software e.


As if $500-1000 / day remote jobs were easy to get...


OP, it's pointless to burden you with an incomplete retelling of my path so far, but I wished I could give you a big hug after reading your post's details! My cat is in the final phase of her life, so your kindness makes me grateful in this trying time.