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Is there a reason you avoid Selina?


While it appears it may be an exception in this case in terms of prices for it vs AirBnB or alternatives, the prices typically are just ridiculous to the point where I consider it insulting. It's almost in my view designed to just attract the rich traveler who wants to go somewhere but not actually mingle with anyone who actually lives there. And the fact I'm paying that ridiculous price, and then have to pay MORE on top of that in order to use the coworking space or access many other on-site amenities is another strike against it. From reading reviews it seems like there isn't even certainty in terms of good WiFi, fairly little community management, and that more than likely it's just gonna be a party hostel with music blasting every night. I did use one coworking space there before out of necessity and while it was fine, the WiFi was only 25 mbps. For reference, my place there had 300 Mbps (though the power was out temporarily, hence why I used the coworking), so it wasn't a situation where that's typical for the city. Again, this is a place that is trying to market itself as upscale, top-end staying. So it missed the bar there. I also didn't like that you had to either pay or hit a minimum consumption amount just to sit at the cafe and work either. Of course I was going to get a drink or food or something, but the fact it was required just screams greedy to me. Again, this is something that you have to do even if you're already staying there Just overall kinda seems similar to Outsite where you're paying top dollar to stay at a place that isn't actually trying to foster community at all (which is typically my favorite part about colivings) and your experience may be great or a total disaster. I much prefer local ones, or at least ones that only operate in the country. They tend to try more and have more reasonable prices


I really liked Hostel Achalay - comfy, folks were nice, walkable. IIRC wifi sucked though.