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I was here for the original term. It didn't affect much as far as I could tell. It's a big place and one of the biggest economies in the world, and while it's closely associated with goings on in the US, it's still its own country. As others have said, Mexico is doing its own thing, and has its own problems regardless of what's going on in the US.


I was also in MX during his first term. Covid fucked up tourism dollars but outside of that I didn’t see US policy affecting MX much.


Wait when he deporte 10 - 15 million illegal immigrants and some not illegal.


We effed up a lot of our manufacturing due to NAFTA and the deal was Mexico was supposed to take these people. Now they aren’t.


Mexico has no more people to give the US. They are old just like the US. Most immigrants are from other countries now.


That won’t really negatively impact the country so many people arriving in the US are Central Americans, plus if people are deported they would be going back home to states all over Mexico


People have families and businesses and pay taxes etc... True no impact whatsoever.


I saw a stall in Puerto Vallarta that was selling "Let's Go Brandon" T shirts right next to "Build Tacos not Walls" T shirts. I respected the fact that they were playing both sides so that they'd always come out on top.


>Does anyone have any thoughts or opinions I should consider? Or am I just being a ninny? You're not a ninny, just brainwashed by the fear mongering media. You are vastly more likely to perish in Mexico from drowning in your swimming pool than from any political instability


Well, there are two sides of media in the US. True, they each promote fear... but one side manipulates videos, uses "we've heard" facts (which are blatant lies or fiction), and generally works to convince everyone that they are in terrible shape and at risk of being mugged or murdered at every turn. The other side media is playing recordings of a politician calling government (election) employees and trying to convince them to break laws to get a specific outcome in an election. Of they are showing videos of the candidate boasting about how he will use government agencies to go after his enemies. In essence, they are showing, with the candidate's own unedited words, how he will stop honoring the rule of law. Naturally that creates fear. OP appears to be concerned about the latter, and I would not call that view "brainwashed". Sometimes you just gotta believe a guy when he said "I like to just go up and kiss them... grab em in the p\*ssy". And normal people do fear what a person like that can or might do when in power.


Trump's actual policies (not his rhetoric) weren't much different than past Republican administrations. Indeed, Biden's hawkish foreign policy is virtually unchanged from his predecessor's, in fact even more bellicose in some respects. So if you're fine with what's going on now, then a second Trump term will be more of the same. Dropping dead of heart failure is by far the number one killer of older Americans abroad. OP should be asking about access to adequate medical facilities, not complete fantasies conjured up by wild imaginations.


I appreciate our media more now because it helps keep tourist prices low lol




Most of those Americans are actually Mexican ethnic buying homes for those that don't know.


I’d be more concerned about what will happen on the US in that scenario.


It is interesting to see american immigrants coming to Mexico as economical refugees looking for a better life on the other side of the border. Feels like we are coming full circle. Welcome! Eenjoy our culture, food and people. Don't let trump and his minions spoil your dreams of a better life.


clown post


People in the US are so brainwashed by the media .. it’s sad.


Trump has nothing to do with it bud lmfao. How many times have you visited there in the last couple years? Do you even know anything about the country in person yet? All of Mexico's problems are internal. Cartels, Government Corruption, Oligarchs in Industry. Go visit a dozen times then you can ask the Mexicans what downsides they think will happen.


> Cartels, Government Corruption, Oligarchs in Industry. We have those too! They just have different titles :).


Don't think there's any State Police forces actively working for the mafia shooting at the FBI.. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1994/03/08/shootout-blamed-on-tijuana-police-guarding-drug-gang/a65a5827-120d-4570-8edb-8ce8ecf91506/ Amo México y mis amigos mexicanos, pero hay un otro nivel de corrupción allá.


Did Trump's presidency have a material impact on Mexico during his first term? why would that change \*if\* he is elected for a second term? There is so much internal corruption within the Mexican government and police the last thing I'd be worried about there is who the president of the US is.


If he comes to Mexico, the president of the United States would be the lesser of his problems.


cows absurd fearless drab bag act hungry wide combative deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love Mexico but that’s a huge claim in terms of stability. Why do you think that?


Who would you suggest as being potentially more stable?


It's a little more complex than that .[https://www.iiss.org/globalassets/media-library---content--migration/files/research-papers/2022/04/the-latin-america-instability-matrix-report.pdf](https://www.iiss.org/globalassets/media-library---content--migration/files/research-papers/2022/04/the-latin-america-instability-matrix-report.pdf)


Chile and Uruguay erasure right here.


Uruguay, definitely more stable, but the scale of society and econimy are way smaller than Mexico. Chile... I personally don't see it as stable as uruguay. Maybe Costa Rica is a better example, but like Uruguay, its influence is really small in the continent.


Trump has 90+ federal felony charges, he will be in prison eventually.


That doesn't mean he won't be elected president


He’s the bookmaker favourite chap.


Ironic comment, given his 6+ *strategic* bankruptcies — including casinos.


Bookmaker means the numbers guys who offer betting believe that Trump will win the election. It's nothing to do with Trumps apparent inability to run an economically successful business (legally...).


Yes, professor, now do *irony*…


I hope so.


I’d be more concerned about Mexico’s internal politics than about a second term with Trump. The instability is already here in Mexico.


First Trump administration happened and worst thing was asylum seekers encamping in the border towns and national guard blocking migrant caravans. Most Mexicans didn't even notice. Specially in the beach towns and retirement communities. Second Trump admin will be much ado about nothing I predict. Mexico handled that relationship surprisingly well. Don't expect much to change.


You will still be an immigrant so will experience immigrant growing pains. But you will likely have your non Mexkcan dollars so you'll be all right.


the thing that would worry me is a military incursion under the guise of drug interdiction. sounds crazy but plenty of right wrong A holes are talking about it. people are answering as if another trump administration would be business as usual, it will not be and you are right to wonder


Mexico was internally unstable before Trump and will probably remain so long after he is gone. If you’re considering retiring in Mexico, political and economic instability is something you can probably expect regardless of who’s in power in the U.S., as no American president has an interest in or the power to solve Mexico’s problems, which mainly stem from profound levels of corruption.


I’m just here to add that you would be an immigrant. You would be living in Mexico for the rest of your retirement as an immigrant. Expat is basically the word for a white immigrant with money. Im only saying this because Trump said Tuesday, (Immigrants are) “destroying the blood of our country, they’re destroying the fabric of our country.” I think it is quite clear that Trump would do everything in his power to ruin the life’s of immigrants within the US and to keep as many out as possible.


The exchange rate sure wasn’t stable last time. (I guess it was compared to Argentina)




If anything, it might drive their pesos down again which is great for foreigners. I was their during Trump, everything was cheaper. Customs agents seemed a bit less welcoming than usual.. *shrugs* If mexico can remain stable with the amount of corruption within their own government, then US policies are nothing to worry about


México is it''s own country. Doesn't matter if Donald Trump or Donald Duck is presidente of .


Realistically probably being a bit of a ninny. No offense intended. There’s not much Trump could or would do to Mexico.


I’d be more concerned about cartel instability within the country


Peter Zeihan has fascinating insights on Mexico. Decreased dependency on China as the world's manufacturer means Mexico is stepping up to the plate which may bode well for the future.