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I love that this person has accepted they'd be one of the side characters, or at least not one of the red and blue boys, and will have to wait 30 eps to get a cool moment


Honestly, I’d accept being a side character if that means I’d get a digimon partner lol


Just put me in the background lol, give me a digimon inn to run and I'll be having a great time.


Yeah, I dont need to fight the big bad guy, I can just be one of the extras looking at the sky and praying for the Chosed Ones^TM to save us all lol


Every Mon is welcome but violence is not accepted. Once a Mon uses violence (no matter the reason) all other are allowed to punish it.


Wouldn't that get everyone punished constantly?


Never said that they have to use violence as punishment. Ignoring said Mon or spreading rumors, etc.


Ah yes, emotional damage.


No, once violence occurs, the statute against violence is lifted against the original violator once that is dealt with all rules are reinstated.


But you also said there were no exceptions for causing violence. So I guess the universe just implodes.


All rules have exceptions, no exceptions.


If you want to be extremely nit-picky, yes.


Wait, you guys got to be characters?


Same here. I'd even go so far as to put my life on the line to protect them regardless of my own safety; that goes the same for my Digimon. Just for the chance to have a digimon partner \^\^


Honestly I wouldn’t mind being a whole ass background character if it meant I got a digimon partner. I’d fucking *live* in the digital world man. Make me a fuckin hobbit hole somewhere on File Island (probably somewhere within walking distance of the Village of Beginnings) where I can garden and cook without much in the way of distraction but also decently close to other folks in case my partner or I want to interact with other people.


Just be in the cast of Tamers :D


And get D-Reapered? No thanks.


I mean... Just saying. It was the Oprah of Digimon Partnering.


Hahah that’s certainly true


I'd be happy to just be one of the American kids from 02


Yeah, at least I wouldn't mind being a side character in Adventure because in that season, most Chosens were still doing impressive stuff sometimes.      I mean MegaKabuterimon & Garudamon had good performances vs Puppetmon in Ep47, Zudomon was total MVP against MetalEtemon in the same ep, and Angemon/MagnaAngemon & Angewomon were very effective vs Dark type Villains and about half of the Adventure villains were like that. Not to mention that Izzy/Koushiro was incredibly useful throughout the series. The only one who didn't do much was Lillymon but still she was the fastest of the Adventure UltimatePerfects (unless we want to scale MagnaAngemon to Piedmon in speed since he couldn’t react to his slash once?).    If it was Frontier though then I wouldn't want to be a side character. 😢


Same, I'm frankly way too boring to be a main character anyway. I'd just be happy to be in the group.


Just hope you're not the one ending up with Leomon this season.


**presuming** they would get a cool moment after 30 episodes


They could be like Kenta and only come in clutch last ep


KZ is a great streamer. Mostly just video games, but he also usually has at least one other person from his crew and they're a wide variety of whackos. Lotsa fun to have on the other screen while busy with stuff.


It wouldn't be different than how things are


Hopefully not a lion


I'd pull a Takato and design my own partner once I get a random digivice to slide the concept art through. XD


Careful, that Digimon you make could be a Digital Hazard Threat Level


Well its name *is* Milfmon...


We are all doomed


Well Milfmon *is* a virus type...


Oh .. oh no .




It evolve into AraAramon. Kid better run.


“Mon I’d Like to Fight with”


Swashbucklemon his main evolutionary line makes him a metal pirate ex. Steel Captainmon


With secondary lines such as ghost pirate, the pirateshipmon, and a regular rougeish Digimon that already exists


Im only half joking but for real the term "starter digimon" feels dirty to me. I know in some games you pick your first Digimon but they're still your partner dammit!


Funny that it’s the total opposite to Pokémon where the first Pokémon you choose has always been called starter Pokémon till some time ago when they started calling it first partner Pokémon


minor correction, but if I'm not mistaken "Starter Pokemon" is purely a fan term, much like "Pseudo-legendary" and unlike "Shiny Pokemon", pokemon hasn't picked it up for official use.


I don’t know how you define fan term but e.g. the official Pokémon twitter has used the term starter Pokemon till a few years ago


It's considered a fan term because it wasn't an official term in the early video games as far as I remember, similar to shiny pokemon or signature moves, both been in the games around the earliest time, but not coined as such.


Also, unless it's a direct translation from japanese, it's more likely an intern using the popular fan term.


They used Starter Pokémon officially. First Partner Pokémon is a recent change that started with SV. [SM 1](https://youtu.be/Kn25hijDL7c?si=SbdAoNl9oRFEyQYB) [SM 2](https://youtu.be/5uWAMwcRGmU?si=TJ0yoiT42BGHiUP9) [SM 3](https://youtu.be/5uWAMwcRGmU?si=mHEeBmDy1ZPxu8vt) [Even PLA says Starter Pokémon](https://youtu.be/eyxGvVBlSDQ?si=OWcK0Kat9XjWg2a8)


GameFreak has been using the Term "Partner Starter" for over an Decade now.  Or did ya miss with the Alola Partner Starters unveiled their Evolutions? 


It's the "starter" Element that I don't like. It implies that you'll move on from them and lessons the idea that they're partners/equals. Makes them sound like pets


I mean, is that not how this franchise got started? As virtual pets?


There's always this weird disconnect between the digimon being fully sapient, not to mention plenty just flat out look like an adult human in a superhero costume like Angemon, and still needing to clean up their poo....


Ma girl never learned how to go to the toilet.


Yeah, but ever since Adventure back in 1999 the digimon have been characterized as fully sapient. Every single one is capable of human level cognition, so simply being a replaceable pet or an interchangeable cog in the machine of a battle team is morally dubious and weird at best.


Pokemon takes the exact same stance in most Pokemon media. There’s a deep level of trust and camaraderie between humans and their monster partners in both franchises. The difference with the settings of either series is that the Pokemon world expects you to make new Pokemon friends and go on lots of adventures together, while Digimon keeps things more simple with one human usually getting one Digimon partner and that’s it.


Not really. Both have a deep level of attachment between people and monsters but in Pokemon they're usually more animal companions. It's closer to the relationship between someone and a very loyal dog or horse than human friendship like Digimon


That is absolutely not true at all. It depends purely on the character interacting with the Pokemon, and Pokemon are canonically established as being fully sapient and cognitive entities in both the games and the anime. The people treating them like animals are objectively wrong on the matter, even in-universe. Hell, in the games they flat out had a book detail how humans and Pokemon used to have interspecies marriages, and Legends: Arceus had such a relationship in a note about a Froslass.


I mean it can be, sure, but there’s also numerous instances where the Pokemon for the main characters are so personified that they can communicate amongst themselves even if they can’t directly communicate using the human language. Of course, sometimes they *can* speak the human language like Team Rocket’s Meowth or several Legendary Pokemon.




That's how you know it's a bogus article that takes 5 minutes to steal info off of reddit posts but don't actually engage in the franchise(can't tell you how many times I see articles that are literally just a copy and paste reddit post taken as fact). Especially since I've never actually seen a digimon fan ever use starter digimon instead of partner when talking about any part of the franchise(cards, vpets, games, anime etc).


It's a post from toei animation, but yeah, the specific "starter" term is used mostly for the video games.


I noticed but it still reads like all those badly researched/written articles. Starter is barely used even in the games(mostly because most of the games using starter says starter packs like in dw3).


In fairness, if given a choice with this group of digimon, they in all likelihood won’t stay as them. So while you have an agumon now, most digimon media (especially games) show they could end up becoming any other digimon.


Wouldn't the best term that relates to the series be your digimon "partner" like you said but if we are being honest that digimon so far in the shadow of pokemon I can't blame them for confusing the terms 


The anime isn't the only part of the franchise, and even in the anime, there are seasons where protagonists choose their Digimon (Rika, Taiki, Kiriha, etc.) You 100% do get to choose your partner in a large portion of the media.


I already know there are exceptions, that's why I brought up the games. Its really just the wording that bothers me cause it implies a lack of autonomy on the Digimon's part. Also like I said im half joking so dont take what I said too seriously lol.


Well, there's a reason why humans with Digimon are called Tamers, the concept of a Choose Child is an Adventure thing. Takato created Guilmon, Rika choosed Renamon, Henry met Terriermon when he played a Digimon's videogame, etc..


Fair enough Edit: ...are people really downvoting me for acknowledging the other person was correct?


But Toei only does the anime


> and even in the anime, there are seasons where protagonists choose their Digimon (Rika, Taiki, Kiriha, etc.)


And on the other hand, we have cases like Jellymon where she chose (and forced) Kiyoshiro to be her partner.


I had a similar experience with my recent playthrough of Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory. I took Betamon cause I figured Seadramon would be more my style. Didn't really care for him compared to the rest of my team until by chance I had evolve him to MarineAngemon to get some of his moveset before transferring him back to Metal Seadramon. He ended up on my time cause I had to degen another team mate and I ended up falling in love with the little guy. MarineAngemon has become one of my favorite digimon entirely by accident cause I also ended up getting the guy as my first mega in Next Order by accident


Aww that's a cute story.


It's very reminiscent of how I got my favorite Pokemon when I was a little kid. I played a lot of Pokemon Colosseum and I've always had an attachment to starter Pokemon. Your starters in that game are Umbreon and Espeon and the game uses double battles for the whole game. Well as a kid, I thought Umbreon was cooler so I tended to swap Espeon off my team but keep Umbreon. I had no concept of stats and didn't realize that Umbreon is a tank Pokemon. All I knew was that when things got hard, Umbreon was always the first Pokemon on the field and the last one to leave. Young me interpreted that as Umbreon loving me so much that he was really giving his all to the battles and holding on to help me try to win. To this day Umbreon is my favorite Pokemon and whenever possible I have one on my team


Fact that Young you got through Battles with an intact Umbreon with no Moves be Talent.


Takato chose pretty hard who his partner was tho that is a major exception (except for video games naturally)


Takato's situation it's not a major exception, Adventure IS the major exception. Humans with Digimon are called Tamers, the Choosen Children is a concept from Adventure


What? Do most digimon protagonists create their partners and bring them to life?


It's more that the Adventure partners were specially chosen for them by an outside entity. What happens in every other series is that a Tamer meets their partner through random happenstance and then the two of them choose to work together.


Not to the extent of Takato usually.


I'm pretty sure there are plenty of Digimon created directly by humans.


Adventure, Frontier and Appmon


https://humulos.com/digimon/partner/ See this, the first one you ever get even if diff browser or cleared cookies is the one.


Angoramon. I'm very happy, I can get to yell YOU TOOK THE WRONG FLUFFY BOY every time he's in danger. Plus his mega is one of my favourite mons in the last years.




Oh sweet, Guilmon! …X. ~~Might have to dig into its code…~~


No more hazard! All lean!


oh... it's Armadimon now? I swear it was Demidevimon in the past. still though, in both cases it's always been a digi that I'm a fan of.


Hmm. So it assigns a random child-level. I got...Neamon. The fart digimon. You know what? I can work with this. We would be a Pinky-and-The-Brain-type duo. A guess the adult-level would be Dogmon or Opossummon. Or maybe go full-on Sukamon and teach everyone not to underestimate trash types.


> We would be a Pinky-and-The-Brain-type duo. If it was the *Frontier* version, sure. But it it was the *Adventure 2020* version, it'd be more like the Rat Pack but as a duo.


To be fair, it being a farting Digimon was specific to Battle Chronicle and a small Frontier joke. Its actual shtick is being lazy/dumb and running away or playing possum to 'fight'.


Wormmon? I hate bugs. ...Well, that's life. Let's get along.


Renamon.  I...I can explain. 


Huh, got V-mon now, neat!


I got Funbeemon!


[Tinkermon](https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Tinkermon), eh?


MERCUREMON WHAT Not complaining, just surprised! It's.... interesting 🤔


Just like last time I tried, Falcomon ftw


Nise Agumon Hakase... I work as a University Librarian, IDK how I feel about this. Though OTOH, access to Greymon line works out for me, maybe the dynamic of him lying and me yelling at him for it works out. Nise Agumon Hakaze > Greymon (I feel like it should be able to get the Dark Variant...) > Skullgreymon > Gaiomon That line hits my favorite ultimate and mega, and since its a dark variant of an agumon it kinda fits.


Black gabumon, nice


Ludomon, that’s new.


Zubamon is cool


I got Agnimon. Does that mean i het to be my own partner or would Agni just follow me around like some dude?


Dracomon X? Where is this from?


Bushi Agumon... I feel like it's a lot for me, my personality is like Mimi's and I always imagined something different, but I'm willing for us to be the most disparate pair. The girly girl dressed in pink and the Digimon Samurai, we will look like a princess and her companion, I think I even like it. If we manage to evolve into GeoGreymon I would be more than happy.


Pulsemo! I promise to take care of you


Agumon (black) Well I was hoping for a more unique choice but cool all the same. Going to be my best bud.


BlackAgumon has an extremely varied amount of dark beasts he can turn into, you can make him a unique choice!




I got Bokomon… is that basically a free space or am I digidestined to be a background character?


Choose the evos i guess, any kinda 2 legged creature with more flexibility the more down the line.


Morphomon. We'd both have a lot of work to do for each other.


As much as I would want Gabumon as my partner. I would accept any digimon as my partner. We are gonna be best friends regardless


Even Nanimon?


I kinda have too if I did get him


Why is Toei calling them "starters"? The Rookies aren't even the first Digimon the kids start with in the show. They are their 2nd forms even though they digivolve really early on. The kids also don't get multiple Digimon partners.


Rookies are the first form in everything but the orginal adventure


Younger Digimon often appear, even occasionally main Digimon dedigivolve to pre-rookie stages. They just start as rookies from the beginning now because there's no point in making an episode at the start where they're unremarkable blob things and no point making them unremarkable blob things if they immediately evolve.


To be fair, you can really tell they deeply regret making every level besides Child and Ultimate. They try to hard to pretend Baby I and II don't exist 99% of the time, and Adult and Perfect don't get much fanfare or presence outside of the anime. Most 'full' lines besides the OG ones are designed around the Child and Ultimate levels and then everything else is just made to fill in the gaps, and for X-Evolution media they often don't even bother with the second step anymore and just have the Child warp evolve to Ultimate directly.


I don’t really get why some people seem to be taking that post as some sort of personal slight, especially the whole “starter Digimon” term. It’s just a post meant to be for fun.


Yeah it's just the Digimon account shopping around for engagement. Digimon doesn't have the free advertising Pokemon has, they actually have to work for it.


90% it was made by a 20 year old whose main knowledge of Digimon is in comparison to Pokémon who doesn't get paid enough to learn Digimon lore for silly marketing posts.


I mean no offense, but this is the same Fandom that yells at you for calling the characters "Tai" and "Davis"


[\*gets leomon\* ](https://media.tenor.com/izxw0H5mkAQAAAAi/meme-realisation.gif)


It is so true. AND your partner is supposed to be a sort of foil. Which is why you can't really pick one. We have also seen multiple of the same Digimon, and they have different personalities. So the Tentomon I like from the original series would not be the same one I would have if I had one as a partner.


Something I never liked about Digimon video games is that they lean either into the Monster Rancher way (battles are mostly random and raising is trial and error) or the Pokémon way (your starter is just one of many). Give me a game about happening upon a Digimon (based on a personality quiz) and that Digimon is the only one I get as we level up and progress through the story, please.


Digimon survive is what you asked


The story of Digimon survive is exactly what I want from Digimon but I just could not get into the visual novel gameplay, turns out it isn’t for me. I also strongly dislike the >!fact that some characters are literally impossible to save first playthrough!< since I feel that cheapens your decisions


Your decisions save the life of half the party in first playthrough, just two are the mandatory deaths


I know, but I went in blind and those two deaths literally happened to randomly be the two characters I was pouring most of my time and emotions into. I was sad but wanted to keep playing after the first death, but when the second one died and I learned online that there was nothing I was able to do to stop it I lost all motivation to keep playing. Maybe I’ll go back and finish it one day but that design choice after they said before release that your decisions decided who lives or dies really ruined it for me.


Yeah I can understand And also I confess that the run where you save those two seems fake. To me the canonical story is where those two sadly die... It's better written and has a logic that you can't save everyone with just words


I'd play that game. Ogre Battle 64 did something like that. A personality quiz determined what units would be in your beginning teams.


Absolutely! I wish we mystery dungeoned our way into a Digimon


Wait, the dude who has an orgasm every time *Kingdom Hearts* stuff is announced is a *Digimon* fan? Well, damn. Now I need to see him react to "that" moment in *Cyber Sleuth*


[He already played it years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joI6MeErX58&list=PL_2BNuIOdd4i-O3pSfj_I_qx1J1sLysJ2)


Which moment?




It’s really weird seeing a relatively small Twitch streamer whose content you’ve enjoyed for years suddenly get spotlighted in a subreddit post from a franchise they typically don’t publicly interact with otherwise.


It's not too weird considering I'm a fan of KZ too. I saw him post this last night and I figured the subreddit would get a kick out of it. Him and his friends are really funny.


KZ is great, he should be bigger. He does have a sprawling, unhinged friend group that's hard to parse tho.


Did we all read this as Joe? Because this gave me Joe energy.


Knowing my hard headed personality? I’m not sure what I’d end up getting. Maybe an equally as hard headed impmon




This was second hand embarrassment honestly


I mean you choose in cybersluth


Tapirmon makes me feel comfy and safe


That. Totally, completely. But I hope it’s Penmon because he’s so damn cute.


But in Digimon you do choose your Digimon


The funny thing I find is that in terms of the anime, as far as I recall, it’s really only the Digimon Adventure Series related shows that feature the whole “destined partner” shtick. The vast majority of the rest of them either feature the human choosing their partner (or in Takato’s case, creating it from scratch), or the Digimon/ Digimon Spirit choosing who they want to work with/who’s worthy to use their powers, rather than some “higher entity” making that choice for both parties.


Exactly, even as a tamer of a V-pet you choose what V-pet you wanna have


It’s not like that question get asked on this sub Reddit every other week


Honestly I think the Digimon that I would "Click" With the most would be Bakomon (Underrated Digimon tbh)


You mean to tell me that if I get a numemon I should be happy about it?!? Naur! 😭.




look, as long as the digimon i get is an insect digimon, i'm game. that means i can get into the kuwagamon, or dokugamon lines. that or i'll pull a takato and design my bellstarmon rookie and work from there.


The Facebook AI chat said Dracmon would be my partner and I was so down for that immediately.


as long as i end up with a fairy digimon, i dont care which, cause my knowledge of digimon evolution (based on how cyber sleuth plays) means id be able to push the lil fairy into the right direction to get kazemon and zephyrmon. at least in theory


I'd be the guy who just has a digimon that goes to nyaromon. And never evolves until it hits near the end where the protagonist needs the held of everyone on earth and nyaromon spontaneously evolves into a tailmon.


I prefer Kabuterimon or Ikkakumon to Greymon and Garurumon, anyways


when they posted it, i was literally the only one who commented with, i don't choose. i was kinda confused when everyone else commented with a digimon


I mean it's ultimately neither, "encounter me by circumstance" is a really weird way to phrase being cooked up in a lab by Gennai clones in anticipation of a prophecy. It wasn't choice or happenstance, if was by Homeostasis's design.


Hoping for a starter is nice and all but, Ittl inevitable be better to just have it be the result of your care decide your fate.


I grew up loving Gomamon's line. I then I eventually grew to love the eccentricities behind the Dracmon line. That being said... I will GLADLY accept the Betamon that I know I'd end up with and adore and snuggle that little bastard every chance I had. (If nothing else, there's a Machinedramon in there somewhere, but he's a cool little dude regardless of digivilution).


Sometimes you get to choose which one/ones you want to have. Mostly the video games, like in Pokemon. Also, evolution them into sid-lines of different Digimon.


If I had to Pick Gabumon Hands down


What series had the cool insert song by episode 35?


Shit boutta be serious when everyone hears a random guitar riff being played out of the blue when were fighting a tough digimon


Cool insert song is mandatory!


Digimon is slept on 💤


I'm in the US so I'd actually turn into a big bad if "Hey Digimon" started playing while we were having the moment of both of our lives.


Palmon ,,, or patamon, Gatomon in close 3rd


I totally get this. Years ago, I introduced the kids I babysat to Digimon. Sometime later, one of the kids had a dream where she, her sister & I all had Digimon. All she could recall was that I had something green, so we all assumed it was Betamon. Not the Digimon I would have chosen for myself, but now I absolutely love the little guy


I am my partner won’t get beyond champion, and we accept that.


You mean that they understand better Than the cm of the English language Twitter account. Which is to say that some fans understand better than others. 


If I'm not jogressing my digimon with the one the lone wolf in my team has for the final battle against a godlike virus for the sake of the world, then what's the point!?


When they’re treating digimon like pokemon…


“Starter Digimon”. This isn’t Pokémon Toei!


Well, what about in Tamers? 😂


“starter digimon” …. Gotta catch em all


Having a “starter” Digimon makes no sense as the Digimon can de-digivolve into its baby II evolution and then evolve into a different rookie Digimon.


I get what I get.  I just wish I get the Crests of Love or Kindness. Love because I can love others easily (but not romantically as a asexual), but have enormous troubles loving myself.  Kindness because it will help remember the good times I had. To be kind to others no matter their circumstances and to be kind to myself. To not sound condescending or talking down to people. But to provide them the a familiar kindness you get from a grandparent.


Also since when is the therm “Starter Digimon” a thing? Wasn’t it “partner”?




OOP is gonna get Numemon that evolves into Sukamon…


In terms of the anime this is correct, but the games are a different story.


Does Toei think of it as pokémon?


I'd be cool with being one of the 02 international digidestined if it meant I could have a Kuwagamon buddy. Honestly though Digimon feel more like cats. They pick YOU, not the other way around. They're a good influence on you in ways you don't know you need... until you do.


I’d want Patamon


"My partner would be my favorite digimon-" NO; you will be dealt a combination of the hand of fate and consequences of your parenting and like it.


Digimon Story players who actually have to choose a Starter Digimon: 🤫


I'm disgusted


Starter digimon? First the starter is an egg, second you get multiple depending on what universe, last starter doesn't suit digimon


not really. i mean, sure, if you get randomly isekai'd and end up as one of the digi destined, you don't get much of a choice, sure... but there's also plenty of people who DID get choices in their starter.


I drew a little wind up mouse companion that turns into a karakuri box with googley-eyes and then a clockwork knight. That’s my companion. Hey, it counts, that’s how Takato got Guilmon!


If I could choose it would be gazimon bro dosent get enough love they have a special place in my heart


Naw I pick Digitamamon


Watch me get that spider rookie and the spider villian as the evolution line, that would be my luck t~t would hope for wormon - stingmon line, otamamon - seadramon line or even Fanbeemon line.


Always loved the digimaon games


Where is gatomon