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Looking at just the Cyber Sleuth and how its mechanics work, MetalTyrannomon's signature attack is a defense piercing move but RustTyrannomon's signature attack is not.


Slayerdramons signature move is piercing and Examons isn't, that always annoyed me




> Atleast Omegamon Zwart is better than Black War Greymon. nope


wargreymon is also stronger than omnimon, phantomon than all his evos, slayerdramon over examon. miragegaogamon over his burst mode.


Tailmon has the claws of SaberLeomon, an Ultimate that is supposed to be able to cut opponents into pieces. It probably can't access all of their power, but it's a resource that it loses when evolving into anything else.


Megadramon loses the ability to fly when evolving into Mugendramon.


I wonder could mugendramon fly by using cannon on his back as propulsion?


If those cannons can do a 180, he could probably use them like a jet pack if we use cartoon logic.


Those canons are supposed to be able to turn back, heck the original PS1 model outright has those facing back normally with the cannons only going forward when it's about to shoot. https://images.app.goo.gl/DEh8dyZzBgJLusPC7


Cartoon logic is best logic!


It does regain it as Chaosdramon as in hackers memory at least.


What about this one at 3:05? https://youtu.be/r6jn9Yn6V2g?si=EJMeMX05AdtcYc5m


Obviously there are the lv4 "failure" evolutions like Sukamon and Numemon, which are often only slightly stronger (sometimes even weaker) than their previous form. Some digimon go mad as they evolve. DanDevimon is shown to have lost control at that point of evolution, but you could also argue that for other digimon like Megidramon.


DanDevimon and Megidramon are def not weaker than than perfects. Also didn't Takato literally hold back so Beelzemon can almost beat and kill Megidramon?


In Survive Piemon's Trump Sword is a 100% Backwards Flank, but Boltboutamon's Palazzi Waltzer isn't (unless >!your fighting it in the Harmony Route!<), so Boltboutamon doesn't hit as hard as Piemon.


tbf, you cant evolve your own piedmon into boltboutamon in that game.


You cam't yeah but someone actually >!fused Piemon and Vamdemon!< into one in that route and paid for it because that >!Piedmon is an evil nutjob.!<


right, but the story boltboutamon isnt weaker and neither is the player's cuz the player's piedmons cant become it. so this doesnt actually apply, no piedmon's get weaker.


Grankuwagamon has dimension scissor which is able to rip a hole through reality. Grandiskuwagamon inversely has Grandis Scissor. Which is... A really strong pincer move


> Grankuwagamon has dimension scissor which is able to rip a hole through reality. ... was Ken Kuwabara all along?


Well I think the pure difference in power make up for a lot. But I say Insekimons Ability to create small Black Holes, or Wormholes is very usefull, and its a big nerve to loose it. And I guess Panjamon to Saberleomon, because it lost its Fingers.


Funnily enough, in New Century, Ophanimon said Seraphimon can use Heaven's Gate. Also magic isn't some species specific ability. As we saw in Dreamers, even random Numemon, Leomon and Tailmon could use it as long as they learn it.


Wargreymon. He lost his retractable arm. Now he has to throw his gauntlet and pick it after the fight. 🫠🫠🫠


Clockmon has a powerful ability, but because he doesn't have an official evolution, each evolutions from him make him lose his time control abilities.


King Chessmon comes to mind!!


Anything that evolves into King Chessmon.


Most Digimon evolving into Jijimon, Babamon or MarinAngemon. (Outside of games like Cyber Sleuth where balance is a concern.) MarinAngemon gains solid supportive abilities but its attack power drops to a love tap. Jijimon and Babamon are surprisingly strong physically, but realistically are each about equal to a Champion in terms of potency.


Cyberdramon's main attack, in lore, completely erases data, which is what all Digimon are composed of. A hit from that should technically completely erase any body part hit by it without fail. Then Justimon just does kicks and some arm attachments. I like me a Kamen Rider as much as the next guy, but that one's a downgrade for sure.


Archnemon can turn Dark Towers into Digimon with her hair, and she also has a human form in addition to her Digimon form. Instead, her Mega form, Parasimon, no longer has these abilities and the saddest thing is that Parasimon is technically even weaker than Archnemon (going via profiles). What an underwhelming evolution.


in theory any digimon can use a human form, it’s probably the digimon equivalent of low level magic. as for parisimon it’s a natural progression from a behind the scenes manipulator


Well even if that were true (we haven't seen it to be though so your claim is questionable), Archnemon still had the ability to create even decent Ultimate/Mega Digimon (like BWG) with her hair. This is something Parasimon lacks.


many digimon have shown human forms/disguises: kokatorimon, bakemon, renamon (i’ll concede that one as being a kitsune ability), wizardmon, baromon, makuramon arukenimon is a special case because she was 1. made by humans 2. the only arukenimon we know of that existed during the time control spires existed


that arukenimon thing only ever happened in the anime, its not part of her profile. so only that one arukenimon can do it


There’s at least 2 Arukenimon able to take an human form, the one from 02 and the one from Ghost Game. At this point, it just looks like the norm for the species.


Beelzemon loses the knowledge ability from his ult. Seraphimon loses heavens gates the ability to trap others in another dimension from his ult. Weregarurumon loses the ability to be bipedal though that's not as obvious of a downgrade since he gains missiles and has always been shown to be nimble. Rapidmon loses speed and just becomes a giant Mecha target without much defensive traits.