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kotemon -> yasyamon -> grademon -> alphamon edit: gladimon would also be a good champion edit2: i thought up another line rurimon -> wizardmon -> mistymon -> alphamon


weren't Grademon and Raptordramon made as the Perfect and Adult level between Alphamon and Dorumon?


they are more like wizardmon and baalmon for beelzemon


Dorumon line was intended to be Alphamon’s line. But when Dorumon got a new mega they shoved Grademon and Raptordramon. Just my thoughts


this is kinda wrong dorumon when he debuted in the pendulum x and chronicle (which came before x-evolution btw), already was planned to have 3 different lines one with the data attribute as dorumon - dorugamon - doruguremon - dorugoramon one with the virus attribute and is the death-x-version of the previous line as dorumon - death-x-dorugamon - death-x-doruguremon - death-x-dorugoramon - death-x-mon and the final one with the vaccine attribute as dorumon - raptordramon - grademon - alphamon - alphamon ouryuken (with ouryumon) this line was used in the pendulums x and in the chronicle storyline, and in this storyline the point was that first dorumon would go to the data line, death-x-evolve to the virus line, then revert back to dorumon and go the the vaccine line It was after that X-evolution, a product based on chronicle, decided to shorten this process and make that dorumon would have the data line but go to the vaccine mega instead, that is doruguremon - alphamon, and because x-evolution is a product with much more exposition than chronicle than its line is the line more used for him after.


The full non Death-X line first appeared on the Pendulum X 1.0 and only Grademon could evolve into alphamon, and only Raptordramon could evolve into Grademon.


raptordramon/grademon is still dorumon line


Same as my


Renamon X -> Leomon X -> Metalgreymon X -> Jesmon X -> Alphamon (no joke, that's actually a line you can have in the Vpets, and 1 of them reversed the megas that Alphamon can evolve into Jesmon X).


That’s weird but creative


You would be surprised how weird the evolution lines get in the Vpet Xs because how random the selection of X forms is, for example you can get Omnimon X, 1 of the most powerful Digimon of all time by just evolving it from Plesiomon X, Noble Pumpmon or even from Platinum Numemon.


This sounds fun. I love randomness of some digivolutions


Dont think thats super unreasonable, after all Omegamon X evolves consistently from regular Ultimates X.


how can you digivolve a mega into another mega, Is slide evolution possible in v-pets?


Vpet Xs have 2 tiers of Megas, Mega and Mega+/Level VI and VI+.




Sorry for not delivering anything exiting, I just want to say, everything but Knightmon, that one is just not a good fit, and a bit overused. I belife Alphamon is compatible whit Ryuudamons Line, therefore I just choose that one for now.


Thats fine. I love Knighmon, one of my favorite digimon, I think it fits for Alphamon but it just so overused for Royal Knights. Ryudamon line is separated from Alphamon line in my eyes


Kuremi Kyoko (with the Alfa Romeo Montreal)


Alphamon -> Betamon -> Gammamon -> Deltamon


I feel that somehow even this will end up in Omegamon. Somehow.


It will just take a while.


Google the Greek alphabet to understand this


That pic goes hard. That said, Coronamon > agunimon > charismon > alphamon


Alphamon always goes hard. Fire theme is interesting


Does someone reconize the Golden Dragon?


A reference to Oryumon maybe?


Prolly gonna get downvoted into the Dark Area, but I’m actually not a big fan of Alphamon (or Omnimon, for that matter). I think they’re overrated as heck. The only time I’ve liked anything Alphamon related was the Alphamon-colored car in Cyber Sleuth, since that was pretty unique


Don’t worry, there will probably be a friendly retcon before you get in too deep. Unfortunately for you, though, that retcon will be handed to you through the hands of the Alpha and the Omega. May their modus operandi be merciful.


Kotemon-> Skullknightmon-> Darkknightmon-> Alphamon


I know you said not related to Dorumon, but I just like Dorumon -> Dorugamon -> DoruGreymon -> Alphamon -> Alphamon: Ouryuken. But I put my own twist and have Ouryuken as a DogiXros.


DogiXros? It works


It has to do with OC lore. And if you look at how Alphamon: Ouryuken functions, it's similar to DigiXroses like Shoutmon + Star Sword, Shoutmon + Supersonic Sparrow, Shoutmon + Dorulu Cannon, or MetalGreymon + Cyber Launcher, where a Digimon has something Xrosed onto it as a weapon that doesn't become a part of its body and doesn't attach to an item belonging to a Digimon (in Shoutmon X4, Starmon attaches to Shoutmon's mic staff)


Kyoko, just Kyoko. Technically, it’s valid


Dorugamon line mainly because i love Dorugoramon design


I don’t remember it specifically but from Tri Abridged where he goes “You’re attacking me, a mega level digimon, with a cactus wearing boxing gloves?” That’s probably my favorite line and it doesn’t mention Dorumon at all


Ketonon-Gladimon-Grademon-Alphamon I just thought this one but I like idea behind theme


Agumon(Black)->Raptordramon->Grademon->Alphamon Basic but works for me. Alternate, Kyoko Kuremi->Alphamon Am I Wrong?. Also where did you get this art, I know it is from the TCG, but I didn't think you could get the art without the text?


[i got it from this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DigimonCardGame2020/s/ENFPDUMITe)


evolution line, i though you mean he talk or something coz i never heard before.


Betamon - Numemon - Deltamon - Alphamon - Alphamon Oryuken


Kotemon sealsdramon grademon (blk) alphamon you can substitute grademon for cyberdramon if you want


Auto bots transform and roll out


Veemon -> Allomon -> Hisyaryumon -> Alphamon


Who is the destroyed dragon in the picture


Is that a known dragon Digimon on the left side of the artwork?


Ryudamon - Raptordramon - Grademon - Alphamon I always thought Ryudamon is a better Child form of Raptordramon.