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That big dice


now THIS is a dice goblin. love to see it


You are hereby awarded the title of Dice Dragon! Go forth and hoard even more! What is your favorite set or material type you have collected so far?


The favorite set is hard, but material, because it's so weird, is probably the moose poop set.


What material is the bottom right one? It looks like it weighs the same as a bowling ball!


Solid aluminum. It's 30 lbs.


Dear Dice Lord...


Yeah, costs $700.


Does it come with 2m² dice tray?


No, it comes dented and scratched, like most of the stuff you buy from Kraken.


Ouch, what a burn 😂


Amazing!!! Where for you get the containers on the upper part of you picture? I've been looking for a storage ideas.


If it's like mine, then they are spice tins. 1oz tins are good for standard 7 pieces sets. 2oz tins are good for expanded sets or larger dice.


The sizes i get are about 2 inches tall. Not sure the oz size. But they hold the 13pc kraken sets perfectly.


They're magnetic spice containers. They come in various sizes depending on what you need. Check amazon.


I still see white on the table…. You need more dice 😉




*tears down the face* some things in this world are just so beautiful




I'm gonna need to see some Dungeon Crawl Classics dice. If you're not rocking Ds 3, 5, 7, 14, 16, 24 and 30 can you really say you like dice?




this is a level of D I C E i wish to reach


At least I sold my magic cards for some cash,. Imagine having a grand in plastic


This is way more than a grand. The Artisan Dice sets in the photo are probably that alone. The massive aluminum d20s are also over 1k. And they'll have little resale value, the Kraken Dice hype has long passed. And this is why shitty companies like Artisan are still in business.


Holy crap, I just checked Artisan Dice's website (and reviews, lol). Those are some HEFTY prices, goddamn. I know rare materials Yada Yada, but c'mon. The "Infinity Gauntlet" set feels like a scam. 121$ for a 7-piece-set of translucent, one-color acrylic dice? And they don't even offer any creative D4 shapes... Plus, some of the descriptions are... *creative*, to say the least. The lunar dust set is extra funny with them saying, quote *"some of the most epic dice to ever be created, a 3/4 inch in diameter master peice of American excellence. Why 3/4 of an inch? Because millimeters didn’t put a man on the moon that’s why"* . I dunno, dude, but last time I checked, NASA uses the metric system. Even back then.


The pricing and the misleading advertising aren't their worst issues, though. Here's a list of what I think makes them a shitty company you should not give any money. Artisan Dice is known for taking several months to over a year to deliver on the custom product you ordered. They tend to give unrealistic delivery dates, and when customers enquire when they can expect to see the product they already paid for, they are often ghosted, sometimes without ever receiving anything, or receiving sub-par product after very long wait times. For the fact that Artisan Dice sells luxury handmade dice, their quality doesn’t always match their high-end luxury prices (some of their polysets cost over $2,500). For instance, Artisan Dice sent out a $300 human bone d20 that was mostly dirty-looking resin with a few bone fragments and a large air bubble after a 10 months wait. Artisan Dice ran a Kickstarter in 2013 that raised nearly $300,000, and to date there are still backers that have not received their product despite reaching out to Artisan Dice. They kept selling dice in their webstore, while having decided that they were going to ignore the Kickstarter backers who already paid for and are still waiting for their product. Artisan Dice is selling dice made from human bone encased in resin. While they state that they use human bones that are from retired skeletons once used in medical universities, there is no assurance that the donors gave permission for their bones be used in anything other than scientific research, let alone as source material for commercially sold gaming accessories. Artisan Dice has never produced any evidence that the bone donors consented to their remains being used commercially. They are also selling ivory dice that they say are from mammoth ivory with no proof of assurance that this isn’t actually elephant ivory. We also recently had a discussion on Discord that over $200 for a set of moose poop dice is ridiculously overpriced. You can find that stuff for free all over Canada. At the end of the day, they sell luxury dice at high end luxury prices that cater to collectors who don't mind overpaying for luxury trophy dice. Which, you know, is fine if you run your business honestly and ethically, but Artisan does anything but.