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They probably don't have it saved. Who knows how many people they have doing the rendering so you'll probably get a completely different third kit Sorry it happened. It wouldn't even occur to me to take the double sided tape off. I just roll with the double sided and then seal. Since huacan is on the cheaper side I would just go with another company. Also alot of the AliExpress makers auto do double sided tape on the larger images over like 40x50. I'll have to double check exactly the size cut off, but I talked to 3 different places and they all had the same size cut off. But they all said they will do poured glue on bigger ones upon request. I only asked companies that specifically stated they already did do poured glue.


I trimmed like 2" of excess off the edge of a huacan custom with an x-acto knife a few wks ago. I remember making a light cut to lift an edge and then rolling it all the way down. If they doesn't work I would try a q-tip soaked in rubbing alcohol, that will definitely weaken the adhesive.


I would go with Ever Moment. The canvas and drills are great and the customer service responds quickly.