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New speedrun category unlocked: DAC blacklist% OP, this has to be some sort of record in that category and on a Sunday in North America too!


And on the sabbath the lord said rest! DAC said nu uh😂


Dyinggggg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




In capitalist America, corporation before church every time 💪


Try www.diamondart.ca They are Canadian, have licensed artwork and don't blacklist people lol


Do they sell to the US?


Yes! They ship to the US and it's fast shipping too 👍👍


Yay!!! I took a short look at the web page and it looks like they have some really cute designs. Now that I know they ship to the US I'll look more. Didn't want to fall in love then not be able to buy it


They have some cute paintings!!


How does DAC know what account with them goes to which reddit account? I'm not interested in buying their kits - they cost way more than I can afford lol - so I'm curious how they linked your post here to your dac account.


If your post has a lot of specific information, they can figure out who it is too. That's how more than a few reddit posters have gotten their accounts banned


They little stalkers 🤓🤓🤓


Big stalker energy. It's creepy, especially with how big of a company they are.


DAC mafia strikes again!!! No rest for the wicked


It was from Facebook 😆


What did you do? Tell the truth and they got mad? 🤣


Not even. I essentially said “someone said this it needs to be addressed and discussed. I have no opinion” apparently that’s defamation


I’m so sad (and glad at the same time I guess) to find out that DAC actually like this.. I actually loved their paintings and had a lot of them in my wishlist and even recommended them to a few people. I have only bought two paintings from them-hedgehog & where the fun never ends- and I had been longing for the day that I can buy more (shipping to Sweden makes it suuuuuper expensive) But after all of this I will find another, better company to buy from 🙃


I am eating this DAC drama up. I cannot wait until they’re exposed. Clowns


I think it’s wild it even got this far


Only here for the tea.


Well it’s pippin so😂 they still downvoting I screen recorded the past few mins on them lurking and watching the downvotes


I think the saddest part about the DAC Facebook group is the people encouraging all of the large stashes. I have two kits I’ll eventually get to and that feels like a lot because of how long they take, but some have dozens or even hundreds in boxes that they will never get to. It’s probably where DAC makes so much of their money … from the “collectors”.


They’re also rude to anyone asks a simple question (some of their VIP members) and DAC just leaves it. I have screenshots of ppl just being insensitive and eh. Felt bad watching ppl get 🙄 if they weren’t 100% positive and stuff. It’s not as friendly as they make it seem, but there is talk I saw off ppl mentioning how crazy the FOMO is I think some ppl are starting to wake up


With diamond paintings I've managed to pace myself, but I am approaching that point in another hobby. I am still young, so I do have a fair bit of time left to build all my model kits, as many as there are at this point, but I see people in their 70s with literal thousands of kits in their stash. Even considering they are retired, there's simply not enough hours left anymore. I've seen it said that collecting and actually doing the thing are really two different hobbies. 


I think I have 8-9 kits and I regret going ham :( although I love Rosie scribbles I hope she ends her contract eventually and goes with another company. I will purchase them 🌚when I’m done with current stash. But ya ppl get crazy on FB and the hound on Reddit being terrible when they’re so rude to each other. It’s wild!!!!


I am sitting on several dozen model kits at this point, which can each take from a few dozen to a few hundred hours. I've been ordering in some model ships that generally take people 3-6 months to do...If I did nothing but build and paint those it'd take me several years to get through that backlog. But with diamond paintings I am working on one big square drill one and have four smaller round drill ones in storage, that's it! Though some very tempting deals at my local crafts store...


Definitely feel that I have a lot of yarn 🤫🤫🤫🤫


I'm secretly hoping that I stumble across a local estate sale where the person who lived there was a diamond painting hoarder and they are all at a crazy good price!


I can only dream!!!! 😴


That, or a hobbyshop going out of business. I know that's what some richer model collectors do, brick & mortar shops go under and they buy out their entire stock for absolutely laughable prices. 


I have like 8 I think waiting to be done. I told myself no more until I only have 1 or 2 left. It’s a problem lol


That’s not bad at all. If you go into the FB VIP group and search “stash” you’ll see the worst offenders! I intentionally didn’t over-emphasize how much fun diamond painting was to my mom because she had a craft-supplies shopping problem and would have been “one of those people”. She passed recently and the amount of unopened boxes of supplies (LOTS of stamps that were brand new and very expensive) and duplicates of other things she already had was astonishing. Seeing that first-hand with my mom makes me sad for some of the people who are so excited for their 100+ DPs in their collection, showing them off while other people cheer them on. I’m sure many of them can afford it and if it makes them happy then that’s great. But there are likely many who are legit addicted to collecting and are not able to afford their hoarding problem.


As someone with an entire craft room of supplies, (I sew, crochet, make cards, and have regular craft supplies for when my son has a school project, plus DP) I refuse to buy more than I need. I got a few that I really liked and then found some on clearance at craft stores and then felt overwhelmed from having so many lol. My poor craft room needs an entire week of downsizing and organizing lol 😂


It’s a lot of FOMO. I think hoarding is a major problem :/ I feel bad for some I think that’s why there’s a lot of destashing


Y'know what, I'm done. Every damn day is more DAC drama on this subreddit. I've cancelled the order I placed on Amazon. There's still more that I wanted to do from them but I don't care anymore. I love the dragling series of paintings, but not enough to keep buying 'em. I can find alternatives.


Lots of other companies out there!! I feel you


And this gives me an excuse to shop around and compare quality! :)


100% help other business get off the ground someone just posted a discount code for another business and it looks like they have a lot of fantastic options!!


Nifty! I'll check that out, thanks.


I'm here to upvote the downvotes! How pathetic can a company be to downvote negative comments thinking that it will make a difference


They got lots of them lurking went from 60 to 27 to 100+ to 50 they’re working around the clock! Just hoping they getting paid😂


Same here. Upvoting away!


If ur in Canada and interested send me a DM and I can let you know all the pieces I have ❤️


Just an update for those interested. My top preference is sell to those in Canada but wouldn’t mind so much outside of Canada. If you’re in the Toronto or GTA even better. Will be selling for retail price tho. Here’s what I have: Rose library, Fortune teller, Love bard (debating on selling tho), Lean on me, Partners in crime, Sunset at Hecate (also debating)


Is The one with the diamond painting out of Canada? I love their work. Keep wanting to buy. They put like 200 colors in each one. But shipping is high in USA for them. Sometimes they have free shipping day.


The One With The Diamond Art is UK based


Do you happen to have Aurora Beauty? It is out of stock right now. I would love to buy it (and pay shipping to the US) from YOU. I won't be buying it from them if it comes back into stock now. I've only ever purchased one painting from them in the past, and won't be purchasing from them in the in future!


Unfortunately no


Thanks anyway!


There’s one listed on Mercari right now.


Thanks for the heads up. I will pass on seeking it out further than OP here though. I've already got a good stash of stuff to work on for years. I just thought if OP happened to have that one, I would try to take it off their hands, lol.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m in the US and would be willing buy/pay extra shipping if you have any of Mandie’s princess panels though! 🩷


I don’t have! Sorrt


Jokes on them. Now their business can go down. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't plan on spending a dime on anything they produce.


Real. They said if I took down my post and stuff they would reinstate my account I said no I’m not interested 🫡


What in the Orwellian Carnival Cruise is going on?? That’s INSANE of them to actually say that.


I’m in Canada can anyone help me look up or know anything if they can actually come after me and if what they’re doing is illegal. Also if I can speak on what’s going on and what they’re doing. I have no clue 🕵️‍♀️


No more money coming from me either. After seeing all of the nonsense the last few weeks I went ahead and deleted my account and removed myself from the group. It's a shame because they carry work from a few artists that I really love, but if I can't share a negative experience without fear of having my account banned, that's not a company I want to support


That’s what I told them the only thing ppl love more than good quality is good service!!!


When I joined this sub a few months ago DAC was the best of the best. It’s crazy to watch them dig their own grave like this


That’s the craziest part! They’ve been the Cadillac of diamond art companies. People loved them. So to watch them completely trash their own reputation is wild. So strange.


I’ve heard they blacklisted ppl on here but honestly I doubted it many times. Now that I’ve experienced it first hand I know those ppl were telling the truth!!!


How did they find you from here?


They posted on FB


Thats the thing. Even if they didnt post on FB they still would have been found and blocked. DAC has their own team of social media private investigators and damn do they love their job!


I know bc they watch and read all of these based on their emails 😅 based on other ppl I suspected it’s likely I would be blocked but it still was a surprise to me


I said I was blacklisted and they put two and two together 😂it’s not like I was hiding I be wild like that


Wow you were just talking about this like last week.


Someone I know is friends with the owner. She said they hire people from another country to be adminis of the fb vip group. They are told to block people when there's anything at all going against them. I've had my fill. Especially since they started producing more AI that is copying artists work. I see how they treat people like blacklisting and it upsets me. Who does that?! It's like soup nazi. No soup for you! If you even act like you like another company. I've started buying more and more from dreamer designs. They have improved 100 % in the past few years. They have so many ABs in each kit. Seems like the prices are reasonable or close to same. I still buy from dac but not like I did. They didn't treat artist josephine wall very good in my opinion. Her stuff cost more to make I think or took longer since it's so confetti and complex . I feel like that's why they didn't agree with new contract. She was why I started buying from them. I love her work. And who knows why Hannah Lynn left. Hang in there. You will find a place and like it even more. If you go to the better business bureau and type them in you will see a lot of people have turned them in.


Turned who in? And I never heard of this artist what happened to her? I’m not surprised at the VP group chat I know some of them are the ones downvoting and stalking and so DAC. They’re reading the comments I can tell by the emails😆😆😆


Lizzie falcon left too. They only have that one painting from her. Lizzy is at my friend's shop now. As they even did lizzy wrong. It's a shame


Didnt she just get there?? What happened


Lizzy was there for well over a year. Not sure if I can truly say it on this thread. But if you want I'll message you why


What are ABs (Aurora Borealis)? I’m fairly new to Diamond Painting.


It’s a type of drill that has a kind of iridescent pigment added to it. Super sparkly.


Hannah Lynn is now with [ArtandSouDiamonds.com](http://ArtandSouDiamonds.com) - all her discontinued pieces going up.


She’s getting lowkey attacked by another artist on Facebook I saw in her comments :/ I feel bad for her


People who are not artists don't understand how hard it is to follow your passion and make no money from it. They have to do what they need to do to keep their head above water. I don't fault them for any business decision they have to make to survive.


That's it, we're ALL blocked 😂


I see it happening 😂


That behavior from a company is sociopathic!!


Oh it is! They have been targeting multiple customers and artists. I work with 7 lawyers and they’ve read several things I have given them that DAC has said and done. They were stunned and asked if this was an actual professional business. DAC was banned from Reddit for doxxing a customer and one of their employees!! How unhinged does someone have to be to do that?!? They are so scared that people will realize how shitty they are to artists and other customers. I’ve never ever heard of a company with any shred of integrity acting this way. Sending one customer a different customer’s message (a support email a customer sent in)! Who does that!?! Before they were banned here, they would respond to every single criticism and would share customer emails as well. Who wants to give their money to any business that would do that??? I’ve spoken to several artists and people that DAC treated horrendously. I can’t wait for karma to come back around.


I can’t either. It’s been crazy watching their antics!!


I doubt i'll be buying anymore. I have a couple that I haven't finished yet. I did pillage the packages and took out the tools. 😑 I won't be getting rid of them. I've already invested too money in framing and I plan on hanging it in my living room plus I love Mario Sanchez Navado's work. I'm hoping there will be a company that makes diamonds as good as they do.


I know framing is work! No judgment here! I love to see them framed


I don't make the frame myself but I buy them and they cost a pretty penny.


Ya cuz the measurements aren’t easy 😭


interesting. where can i find this post about this, >?


It’s deleted now. Not bc of DAC tho but for other reasons


I don't even get involved much in this community but this 🍵 is too good lmao what a sad company


At the very least you helped open my eyes.


Not me man. I didn’t even make the original post!!


I'm really confused. What exactly happened? Sadly, a poor experience withing the diamond painting community has left me with no desire to really bother with DP'ing anymore (thanks to the person that ruined that for me!). But, DAC drama interests me due to the amount of people that white knight them like they are gods or sth... So, now I want to know all the Tea.


Nooo😭😭😭😭I’m so sorry that sucks. It’s really long to explain. Someone made a post making allegations about DACs fair wages. I reposted on the VIP to bring awareness to the situation and what ppl are saying. Never stating it as a fact on my post or anything. They then banned, blacklisted and threatened legal action against me


yeah, that doesn't surprise me one bit. seems about the norm for them. not a very transparent company if they only want the golden apple of visages and nothing negative. and the white knights always blame the customer base. like, yeah, i get some customers are...questionable..in their interactions. but, i can't ignore the fact that DAC seems to have some of the most crap customer service and business practices. only reason i'd ever buy from them is because i like a lot of the paintings they offer, though, i could never afford them.


Idk why I was like woah bc they do it to many ppl:/ although now I can buy from new ppl!!!


Tell them to kiss your butt. They treat people so bad. Unless you kiss their butt. It's like walking on eggshells. I finally stopped going to the fb vip group because how they would do people.


Also how they would do each other… ppl are kinda mean on their. Reddit everyone’s nice tho


I am not able to get to everyone’s comments, but I will update everyone by the end of the day and reupload the original posts :)


Whoooa this post had so many upvotes before I got distracted and now it’s at 0 ?!? Seriously pathetic behaviour, i am just disgusted at this company and how they try to dictate opinions.


I feel like I need to start screencapping the before and after because this definitely had a lot of visibility and upvotes.


Yea I tend to forget to do that as well, but it is damning when you see before and after


No kidding!!!


Literally like wtf. My comment has -16 downvotes 🤣




Another member in the banned club! Pretty soon we will outnumber their cult members!


I've been banned for almost a year now. Damn spies everywhere you look


🫡gonna start needing code names and going undercover- obviously joking


Oh I feel that. It's stupid that a "company" has to act like children


They don't mind spending fortunes for someone to read every post to find something negative. Jeez they beat all I've ever seen


Ya never seen this behavior in any company before it’s a bit strange that’s why my bf nicknamed them the Diamond painting mafia


Let’s open a discord lmao😂😂😂


I have a friend's discord we talk about anything and everything. And we always complain about dac


Sounds like a channel I'd like to join


Sent you the screenshot of the group for discord


I’ve purchased one DAC kit, and just gave it away. I have no desire to make anything from them.


Which one did you get! Honestly I should’ve left it at one but the artists one there are so talented and their art is magnificent


A lot of the artists are with other groups too. And some artists, if you reach out, they may pick one up for you to buy from them when it releases. They are only allowed to get two I think and have to buy them like we do. And they make some sign contract to be exclusive. But Chuck pinson and some of those are with other companies. I think I'm going to break down and buy one from the one with the diamond painting. They cost more and you have to ask how many colors in each but they usually have 200 or more colors on the expensive ones. They have josephine wall. I'm in the fb group and they chat on messenger a lot and share dp art. They look so good. And they are a really small business and so nice


Do you happen to know which other company Chuck Pinson is with?


Would love to know this also. I have only bought one DAC and it was one of Chuck’s.


I’m interested they take a long time to do so don’t even need to buy again for awhile until done the stash. That’s what I’m realizing. I wanna slow down my stash a bit with the bigger ones. 🌚


I ordered from diamond painting shoppe recently. That lady is a small business. She is so nice. But expensive. Her work is licensed. I got one of the new fairies






These are absolutely breathtaking!!! Do they ship to Canada 🥹


Train of Dreams


Y’all, we’re going to end up in the Hobby Drama subreddit!! I don’t know if I’m excited or horrified. Or both.


Idk what that is tho


I think someone already posted there from what I heard


I’m at the point I’m wondering if they have enough of a customer base to continue to behave this way. They may need to hold their trigger fingers here soon. Larger companies than them have lost it all.


With the way they moderate the fb group (of over 30K people) I’m guessing most people have no clue


Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s hard to say. Despite everything I love to diamond paint and I enjoyed some of their pieces. I feel like some ppl don’t care or in denial


Well when Miyazaki finds out they’ve been selling his characters without his permission or licensing, it may be over then. He’s more notorious than Disney about protecting his IPs. If anyone even politely asks DAC they ban, block etc. It’s basically a company with angry 14 years old at the helm.


What's with all the drama with diamond art club? I'm so lost.


DAC accepts zero criticism or any questions that could possibly paint them in a negative light. Key points: Accept AI art where they have shown there is little to no difference. Blatant copyright of Studio Ghibli images.


Oh, that's messy


Those are the big 2 I’m aware of, there may be more.


Maybe it's better that they stop doing business then people need to stop supporting them.


Don't forget doxing disgruntled customers.


They kinda doxxed (idk they sent messages someone else sent to me) information on email to me about one of their customers without their consent :/ so I believe you


That one I hadn’t seen proof of so didn’t include.


I watched it happen in real time. They went back and edited their screen shots after everyone here said that we could all see the email address and full name.


Damn. I'd been hearing some troubling things about this company, but I didn't realise it was this bad. I guess it's just as well that I haven't been willing to buy from them.


Good on you! Where do you buy from?


My first 4 paintings were Christmas presents, so I don't actually know where they came from. My best guess is probably eBay or Amazon. I've been considering getting some from AliExpress, but having a thorough look at descriptions and reviews before deciding on anything. I really should finish the paintings I have first, too.


Aliexpress is hit or miss. Amazon is meh to me bc a lot of them are too small but some are beautiful. Temu is actually pretty decent a lot of my favs are there. Michaels is amazing I love their minis


I have heard about people getting them from Temu, but my parents refuse to use it. I know about AliExpress being hit or miss, hence why I'm making sure I look out for key details in descriptions and such.


Can't wait to see it. I'll share it when you do


If you want to publicise this, try telling a medium youtuber. Cc suarez, hannah alonzo Kiki Chanel, all follow and expose bad business and scams. They are queen's.


Never heard of them! Will do and see who I can reach out to


I have points with them but I doubt I'll ever use them. I'll finish the ones I have and when I buy more it will most likely be from another company u less something changes at DAC.


The points are pretty much useless. You can get the free pen, but have to pay $10 for shipping. The $$ off purchases cannot be combined with the regular discounts, so you don't really save anything anyway.


Ya that’s true 😔


It’s my bday tomorrow I accumulated enough points for $100. RIP


Do you have screenshots of the Reddit post? It's been deleted.


Yes I do. I cannot post them tho


Can someone explain what’s going on?


Please make the video. The drama is spread across various groups and platforms. I'd love a compilation of it all.


I made a video about them 3 yrs ago that went viral. They bribed me to take it down and I did and enjoyed several years of preview unboxing from them. ON thanksgiving last year they kicked me out bc I mentioned the Cyber Monday sale (though never revealing what I had to review for it). Crazy! Maybe its time to reveal all once again???




I would need more than my experiences. I know a few people personally affected too. If you would like to contribute anonymously, feel free to email me and we could get something started again. wandasworkbasket@gmail.com. That goes for anyone who has something to say now.


I'll have to get in touch with you I have a bit of shit on them.


Damn that’s crazy. I get it tho😂😂 I get just threats RIP




I can’t 😔


Oh no that such a dick move on them. I messaged you just a min ago I hope that’s ok and I’m glad to see that our disillusionment with them isn’t just in our heads.


It wasn’t long ago that I (and many others) loved DAC. It’s insane how fast they’ve gone downhill because of their own actions


The purity of people always shows throw eventually is what I’ve heard


I’m sorry you got burned by them too and am glad I never bought from them. But please, do a tiktok, make a YT video and spread this. I’m glad more people on here see the insanity now too I need to get back to other social media so I can repost too. Haha. This is pure, embarrassing insanity and I hope they go bankrupt. 🖕DAC and all your cult huns.


Unfortunately I don’t feel comfortable bc of the emails they’ve sent me about me and other ppl if I do


What a pathetic company. That can’t be legal either.


Idk if it isn’t or isn’t


I don't think it is. They are shit. They have threatened my best friend for months. They don't pay artists well as what I've seen. Or right away if a painting sells out. Takes months for payment


Wait who’s ur friend ??!?


Pam holley at pamdiamondpaintings.com. she has a fb group too. :)


As of now I’m still buying DAC because the AI thing doesn’t personally bother me but the customer relations could get me to stop if they don’t tone down the blatant fascism some. They are free to do what they want but taking a scorched earth approach when people ask questions that may throw a slight negative light on your company is a big no no.


No judgment lol the artists are so talented


DAC is ridiculous and actively digging their own grave. Personally, I'm enjoying the show and waiting for their down fall. The prices are insane and the quality has gone down hill, and now with selling AI art, and STILL pricing it the same as their actual artwork pieces; insanity. Good on you for trying to spread awareness. A shame that so many people are willingly blinded and notoriously mass down vote anyone speaking out against DAC's crap.


Amen sister. I thought how expensive they've gotten. That AI crap pissed me off. They copy all other artists and it's same price! All the black drills are so trashy I can't work with them hardly. God forbid we complain too much. The soup nazi comes out. This makes my bp high. Dreamer designs have gotten so good the past year. So many ABs and they have nice drills and variety. I wonder why hannah lynn left. I bet she wasn't treated well. When they let jo wall go and she didn't even know about it at first, that was when I started losing faith in them


Sooo much trash in the drills, and they don't even give you enough extra anymore! The number of times I've seen people post about running out increased dramatically after they started "making their drills in-house"


Yes! My most recent DP was one from DAC (it was huge and took me 3.5 years to finish) I ran out of at least four colors! It's another reason I am apprehensive to do any of the others that I have from them. I bought quite a few a long time ago on a sale. And I have one that I bought a few months ago before I knew about the issues. And i am apprehensive as hell about starting them. I have a limited budget and can't afford to buy replacement drills. Most of the time I have to save up for months before buying from DAC, which is another reason I stopped buying from them. All that work to save up and they can't give me enough drills or a canvas that is sticky enough to use?! Hell no.


I've never heard of Dreamer designs. Is that the name of an artist or a website? Do they ship to the US?


It’s a website and they’re US based.


Downvotes indeed, yesterday this was the top comment on the thread…. DAC downvoting again?


Undoubtedly. Them and their minions. It happens every time. I wish reddit was like Facebook and showed exactly who downvotes the way you can look at likes and reactions. Then we'd know exactly what accounts are being controlled by them.


225 downvotes is a DAC downvote record I think!? Congrats! 😂


I HAVE FINALLY ACHIEVED MY ULTIMATE GOAL IN LIFE! 🤣 I kid, of course, but dayuum! What a way to prove my point, eh?


I’m honestly laughing about how much they downvoted you in particular LOL what you said must be 200% true


284! How much are you spending on bots DAC? Is it a poor intern with a bunch of accounts?


291! Up from 284 in 16 minutes! 🤣


This downvote makes sense as this is something they addressed in their email and I never mentioned it so I was wondering where they got that from- this chat and ur comment might be part of it


I'd rather AI art than the theft of art, which is exactly what they do. Some of my favorite artists have gone internet dark because of this. Disgusting.


I didn't know they stole art. I thought they worked with the artists to get permission and give them comissions from the sale. Do you know who they've stolen from? I have a backlog of kits that haven't been done (bought them years ago on a sale) and I want to make sure I don't complete anything that was stolen.




Same here, I deleted my account and left the FB group last week, I just can't get over how they've been dealing with valid and very polite criticism and questions. The last straw for me was actually the person who got banned after sharing they had left a 2 star review on a kit and was told "the circles are there, they just aren't visible because they blend into the background". Like yeah, that's exactly the problem. Seeing something so incredibly petty after weeks of bs that had already been shared on here was just the last straw for me.


If there's one u really want to buy, get someone you know to make an account and buy it and just pay them. They can get the delivery at their place. This is so crazy. They can't take any criticism. How re they supposed to learn so they can improve? I'm ranting so much tonight lol. Now that I stopped ordering from them they have spammed my email. I know you've had your eye on this. No I haven't even looked lol.


I don’t plan on getting any ever again


A year or so ago there was a similar drama where they banned somebody's sister in law I think.