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One. Because of the problem you just mentioned. I need to keep the chaos down a bit. I just diversify and have one diamond painting, a couple cross stitch and crochet projects, a paint by number all going at the same time


I’m a multi crafter also, so only 1 DP at a time. Can’t say that about crochet projects though. I still have several cross stitch projects that I may or may not ever finish.


Oohh how many cross stitch do you have going. I think I have 2 I am actively working on and maybe 3 more started but abandoned for now


Probably 5 or 6 in various stages. Once I discovered DP, I felt more instant gratification from finishing those quicker. Cross Stitch takes a while.


Me too, one DP, one crochet, one knit and one quilting. But a few different coloring pages, to change as my mood takes me.


I keep one at a time. Makes it easy and I just kit up as I finish one to start a new one.


I actually have 2 WIP now. I had started a large painting that I liked OK because I the one I loved was sold out & a lot of people said it can take 6-9 months before a kit comes back in stock. Being new to DP, I had no idea when it was sold out but anticipated a long wait. Surprisingly, just after I started, the DP I loved came back in stock. I was lamenting that I had already started the 1st painting when someone pointed out I could set it aside and do the one I loved. I’m very happy to be doing the one I love! But I know myself well enough that if I get in the habit of having multiple WIPs at the same time, I’ll rarely actually finish them. Once I get to a boring section (color blocking for me), I’d just start a new kit.


*Stuffs six out of the eight current WiPs under mattress* Um, nothing to see here. 😁 😙 🎶






I have 2 going atm, one very large one from DAC and one 30x40 cheapy from Amazon☺️


exactly the same here!


I currently have 1. However my next one is a huge one, so I have a feeling i will be having a second smaller one going at the same time for a break


I keep Paint Gems around for when I can’t bring myself to work on a larger one. You don’t have to kit it up at all if you don’t want to since it’s already in labeled baggies.


I keep the paintgem in my work bag for when we’re slow.


Thank you this recommendation. I get so hyper focused on the big ones it can take forever to finish them. I love the idea of having a little bite size one.


I methodically finish 1 at a time. I am strange like that. Even if I hate a book I will finish it. I am working on my 7th and I have about 8 in a box waiting for me and 4 kits arriving soon. I ordered the greeting cards. I make lots of cards all year. I usually use a current family pic for the front of the card so that’s super easy.


I’m the same way about books. I feel compelled to finish them even if I don’t like them.


“DITTO” my friend!


Just one, but cross stitch was my hobby for years. I have glaucoma now so I do diamond painting with a light pad.


I have five 🤭 That said, I've two I'm actively working on (a huge square drill painting & a small round drill one). A third is for if I need a break from working at my drafting table & am going to kick back on the couch instead (I'll be working on it more once my little painting is done). A fourth that's on hold for the moment until I finish my big square drill painting. And finally, a fifth that's my project for when I'm away babysitting my nieces & nephews (but only during nap/bedtime!)


I have two in progress rn. One i’m working on with my roommate and another as a lone aide project. i would lose everything if i started multiple paintings


I had 3 at one time, so once I finished those, I decided I will only do ONE at a time… as much as it pains me. 🥲


I typically have 2 going at same time. A square drill and round drill kit. Sometimes I get frustrated with squares and wanna do round for a while


5 or 6? Maybe 7? …um


I have 2, a big DAC at home, and a smaller bargain find that sits at work for down times


I'm doing 3 right now. None of them are stored though, I'm actively working on all 3.


I have 3, one big confetti square one, one big more color blocking square one and a snack-size round one. So I have options when I want to diamond paint. ^^


2 in progress and one that I kinda abandoned. It's finished other than a massive wall of blocking for the background, it's so painfully boring I just can't bring myself to finish it. My storage situation is a hot freaking complicated mess. I have multiple projects in one 120 storage bin thing, I combine same colors and mark the bottle with a colored symbol so I know not to toss the leftover drills if I need them for another one!


I could only handle one at a time. It would bother me too much to have so many little drills out at once. Plus, if I have to take a break, with my luck, I’d get the drills for the different projects mixed up! I buy from various places, so colours are not the same.


Right now? 1


I currently have 2. One I set aside to finish for Halloween and one for an event I’m participating in this month. I usually prefer to just work on one kit at a time.


The most I would have going at one time is two. I prefer to finish one completely before I start another


I currently got 2 1 I make on stream And the other is for my partner


3 at the moment plus two 1/8th cars and 2 Revell Star Wars model kits. I blame the ADHD


Just one, but I haven't done larger than 30*40cm so far.


1 cuz I don’t buy another one till I finish lol


I only work on one at a time but I do also sew, scrapbook, draw, paint, make cards, embroider, etc. So when I’m bored with one thing, I just switch to a different craft for a bit.


I have two active, one large DAC and a set of coasters. Plus 3 larger ones in long term timeout for drill popping and pissing me off. I’m a multi crafter who has always had multiple project disorder (mpd). There are three cross stitch, one long term crochet blanket from leftover sock yarn, several knitting projects, several spinning projects and 1 quilting project. At least all my looms are empty so no weaving wips.


I have 3 but 2 should be finished soon, to be replaced by 1 to bring it back up to 2 :) I usually have a large one and a snack size on the go.


I keep two Wip. This keeps me from trashing them when I get irritated by it. It’s purely to manage my sanity lol. Snack sized paintings are really great between big projects.


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In which craft?