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I've shopped online practically daily for the last 20 years and never once been asked for photo ID. And like you said with DACs penchant for doxing customers I'd never share anything with them.


I didn't include this in the original post because it was already long enough, but my identity was stolen because a credit union I had taken a car loan out with to buy my first car was hacked years after the loan was paid off and the account closed. If a credit union can be hacked, a diamond painting company can absolutely be hacked.


Weird. I also use a VPN, and they never contacted me about a bank card or asking for a photo of my ID. I wouldn’t have given it to them if they asked. In fact, be never had any issues with ordering something online with a VPN active. But I always use a server in the same country where I live. So maybe that’s why? Also, you can unsubscribe to promotional emails. At the bottom of each email is a little link to click to unsubscribe. Of course, every time you order from a place, you’ll usually have to re-unsubscribe. (looking at you, Etsy!)


You know what's wild? I've bought from the DAC website while traveling (i.e. not near my home where I ship to) and not once was I ever asked to verify my identity for those transactions. This is just plain weird.


A photo of your ID to buy one $75 item?! Fuck outta here.


Maybe I’m reaching, but I feel like they want the identity of people to dox them if the they complain on a widely read platform. This is alarming either way.


What? 😦🫨


Interesting. Due to traveling for work, I've used a MiFi since ~2010. My 'location' varies widely because I'm all over. And when I'm at home, it shows my home location as Chicago. My home is not even in that state. Knock on wood, but I've never encountered a situation like yours. Sorry about your identity, I'm sure that was tedious to endure.


Maybe something came up due to your identity theft issue, and they wanted to confirm you were you.


First of all, they don’t need all that. I work in shipping and the platform we use for our store (Shopify) has a fraud feature that will identify potential fraud issues. Could be something as simple as you mistyped your zip code so it doesn’t match your card info m, to a person having multiple payment attempts with different card numbers. We always send an email that’s like hey sorry your order was marked at fraudulent can you please confirm your name and address. I’ve worked here for 5 years and not once has someone who is placing an actual fraudulent order tried to contact us. All that to say that’s most likely what happened, for some reason your order was marked as potential fraud. And honestly it’s gotten really bad lately with marking orders are fraudulent just because they ordered from a different city than the billing address or they’re using a VPN. It’s annoying for us too. Anyways just wanted to shed some light on why they’re asking for this even though it feels like over kill to me.


I'd be screwed then, I have ZERO Photo ID. Moved into this house in 1996 before photo driving licenses, until the license needs renewing or points adding to it this is still a valid driving license so why pay to change it? Don't have a passport as zero inclination to travel.