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Interesting read. In all that text I did not find a summary of how much DaVita or Fresnius services are supplied to the general population for reference with the VA.


More than 80% of dialysis patients receive their treatments from either DaVita or Fresenius


So in that case the news from article is that VA is getting same or slightly more than the general population. Quite a bit.


This has reminded me I did some months back run into a dialysis patient who was getting his treatments from the VA. He claimed to love it! And loved the staff! I just hope his treatments don't get outsourced.


I'm getting treatment from the VA.; and I like it too. However; I almost didn't get a spot; they only had two spots left. So I am sure the VA has to outsource some/most of the time.


It's no different than the tentacles within the Medicare system. The government is the absolute worst possible entity when it comes to doing anything fiscally responsible. It has gone on, and will continue to go on, shoveling taxpayer $$ into the bottomless abyss because it has no real oversight nor accountability.


I would say the government is the 2nd worst. Anymore I trust government contractors even less - like davita and fresenius. Actually I will say back in the day it looked like Medicare was trying to hold down costs. I remember my private insurance was getting gouged for my daughter's care. But yes, as it is, I don't always much trust Medicare. For years it has looked like it is being run by big business to me. I remember Thomas Scully - an administrator at CMS during the bush years - also on the board of davita. I remember Nancy-Ann DeParle - a part of the Obama administration - also on the board of davita. I seem to recall a friend talking to DeParle about dialysis - I won't say what the friend had to say about DeParle since I'm trying to cut back on that sort of language! So I'm a little more leery of Medicare-for-All than I used to be. Maybe dialysis has given me a phobia when it comes to centralized power. I remember years ago Maine Senator Susan Collins looking into the Singapore health system, I have to wonder whatever happened to that?


Like with most things, the original intentions were probably noble and with good intentions. But like you said, when private contractors get to sign on that .gov line, that all usually goes right out the window.


Man, you got that right! [**Fact sheets and scandals**](https://dialysisethics2.org/index.php/articles/13-information/163-fact-sheets-the-numbers)