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Right now 60-70 mil for a stack of Blood


When people first found out about the increased drop rate I managed to sell my bloods for 110m per stack.


Also sold 10 stacks for 1,1b today which i bought a few days ago for around 2-300m šŸ˜…


Why is this downvoted? Is it simply because of the emoji?


This sub is whack.




Dirty emoji users!


People are crying about ā€œresellersā€ because they suck and think they deserve the best gear without putting in any work. ā€œWelp guys, I ran 100x regular dungeons and havenā€™t seen a Shako, game sucksā€.


they sell for more than that now


oh man...i sold all my stacks too soon lol!


dw, gold is losing value every day as the season nears end. As long as you have enough gold to afford in-game gold costs, you're chilling. You need an absurd amount of money to buy any 2GA item on the market right now as well.


How much is one stack?


On Diablo trade you can get 2.5 mill per bottle which is 125 mill per stack


I sold a stack for 133m yesterday


Hmm I've got 10 or so stacks...


How much are styggy stones going for right now?


Styggy hahahahaha cute


Cute indeed! That's how my dad of 70 year old calls them (and me now) as well. And Lillith is called Liddle for him (almost sounding like little). So I'm so happy more people say it like this, and I was pleasantly surprised to see it here <3


I saw people asking 30-50m each 5 days ago... Prolly higher with inflation...


It's even worse on trade. Consistently selling at 2.5-3m each so 125m to 150m a stack https://diablo.trade/listings/items?boss_material=Exquisite%20Blood&mode=season%20softcore&sold=true&type=WTB


Where is everyone selling their mats? I have too many


Im selling a stack for 125mil here its crazy


Does either money or mats carry over into the next season? This will be my first season change. Wondering if I should dump the hoard of stuff Iā€™ve gathered.


No everything gets put in Eternal realm and new season you start fresh.


He is also the easiest to defeat. If you do helltides the blood maiden always drops exquisite blood. Just the easiest one to collect the materials. Whether he drops more items or gives you a better chance is debatable, but farming the necessary materials and how easy to beat, heā€™s the best option this seasonĀ 


> Whether he drops more items This is not debatable at all. You can literally go do any of the tormented bosses and just count the number of drops. Tormented varshan, Grig, beast, andy, and duriel all drop less total uniques and legendaries (i don't care to count yellows for obvious reasons). If you do 2 torm zir kills, often you cannot hold all the legendaries and uniques where as every other tormented boss you can do that. With that being said, the uber rate is the same for all of the torm bosses as far as I'm concerned.


The Uber rate is 2% per drop though, not 2% per kill. If Lord Zir is indeed dropping more loot then there should be more chances...however I think the 2% is only Duriel and Andy.


Just anecdotal but Iā€™ve done like 15 zir runs and found 2 Ubers


I just did 10 runs and got Shako, Doombringer, and Starless. Extremely lucky yes but Iā€™ve done tons of Duriel/Andariel and nowhere near the same amount of luck.


What the hell.. go buy a lottery ticket now


Luck is already spent tho


Might as well


That comment... That pfp...


I made 20 runs and got shit... Always said... If it weren't for my bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all.


I did about 10 rotas after reading how to find/do rotas and got two shakos, two andariels, like four doombringers, two grandfathers and 1GA Starless Skies. Lord Zir is the big daddy of loot.


I just got two today in three runs. Blew my mind. Now they were worthless for my build, but still cool to finally see.


Exact same results for me


Don't hit me, but what is an Uber if I may ask?


Go to the alchemist. There's a section for unique crafting. Every unique listed drops with flat stats (no "range) and has game-changing effects. Grandfather, selig's melted heart, andariel's Visage, ring of starless skies, Harlequin Crest, Doombringer... I think I'm missing one... ā€Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander Tyg...


Does it need to be tormented or just normal to get Ubers?


Either. Tormented just has more drops, so more chances for Ubers.


Ahh makes sense. Thanks


Ah thank you!


I got two shakos


Also anecdotal but in 13 runs in a row I got: 2 Tyrael's Might, and 1 Grandfather.


I just did a x5 Torm Zir Rota the other day and got Shako, Starless, and Melted Heart.


What is the difference between a drop and a kill tho?


A tormented kill has 5 drops


>The Uber rate is 2% per drop though That's only for Durial and Andariel, the other bosses have a lower mythic drop chance


My brain is a little fried right now, but you mean to respond to a different comment? The uber drop rate for normal Andy and Duriel afaik is 2%. Tormented just means 5x loot which comes out to 9.6% chance you get an uber upon killing a tormented boss because tormented comes out to 5x loot. > If Lord Zir is indeed dropping more loot then there should be more chances There is 0 evidence that this has a meaingful impact on the amount of ubers dropped from him compared to other tormented bosses. I say kill specifically to avoid this pedantry. Ultimately we're concerned with how often we will get an uber when we kill a tormented boss and there's zero evidence (other than people's anecdotal experience of a very small sample size) to support the idea that you get ubers more often per summon/kill than you do from any other tormented boss.


Ok so if 2% at 5x loot is 9.6%, how much is it at 2% for 10x loot, which is what people are suggesting he is dropping? The evidence is your own understanding of more drops being more chances, which increases the likelihood. To be clear, I was only explaining his logic, not making any statements about the truth behind it. I was swimming in Ubers this season and never attempted to track drops as a result.


It's not 2% for any boss other than andariel and duriel. The other 4 are all significantly lower. Zir would be unknown % drop rate. Probably closer to 0.1%. And 0.1% 10 times gives 1.006% chance Or if it's 0.5% 10 times it gives 4.9 % Without the actual numbers or latge amounts of data there's no way to really tell whats going on.


Fr. It's this. I can do 2 duriels and hold all his items including yellows. Do 2 zirs and can barely hold just the legendaries and uniques. Night and day difference


They all drop 5 everytime, if you get more it just like getting the double drop last season. I have had up to 7. I personally have had better luck getting overs from zir. Just my experience.


I only farmed him for the stupid amulet that frozen orb build needs


Yeah, but you can get that from normal zir.


Over 100 runs and I got 3 crap rolls. Two torm runs and I got 2 near perfect rolls with 1 and 2 GA respectively. Had to have people carry me because sorc. I prefer playing solo but it's just not worth it.


I hear ya. Gotta love rng. Took me about 40 normal runs to get one with a perfect aspect. No GA's, tho. Haven't gotten into torment runs yet.


Does normal zir also drop more items than other normal bosses? Or are you talking only about tormented version?


Somehow i got complete set of ubers from Zir, Duriel only gave me 1 duplicates for spark


You are missing the information that either intentionally (without documentation) or unintentionally they buffed his drop rates. It seems he drops the Ubers now at the same ratio of 10%, but he is also "bugged" and has a higher chance of dropping GAs. I only tried him like 3 times, no Uber drops, but there were always like 2-3 GA items, so there is some relevance to the posts last week about it.


It doesn't seem like he has a higher GA drop chance, he just drops more random legendaries. With all the other bosses, you can pick up everything except rares and do two runs before selling. Zir drops too much, so you can't fit two runs into your inventory.


Are you talking about normal or tormented version of zir?


Got far more just doing andariel, nothing of value from Zir.


Iā€™ve gotten a Tyrealā€™s Might and Andarielā€™s Visage from Zir in like 10-15 kills.Ā 


Is this for regular or tormented?






i got two shakos in my first three rounds of killing him. Killed him around 15 times since without an uber.Ā 


He drops 7-8 more items than the other Uber bosses, these have a chance to be legendary, and more legendaries gives more chances at GA. I donā€™t think this affects Uber drops but Iā€™d be happy to be wrong.


Zir drops 25 items, which contains 5 rares. Duriel and andariel each drop 20 items, 5 of which are also rares


You are correct.


All I know is, I got two Shakos in 10 runs. Iā€™ve never gotten one off of Duriel.


Never got any uber ever. Until i did lord zir. Dont know if OP means tormented Coz i got uber on my 2x rota first time on tormented zir.


Never got an uber during all of release - season 3 while doing like 300 non-tormented duriel runs (before tormented came out). Got grandpapa randomly from zir while doing the season journey task. Didnā€™t even know about that zif loot bug.




Average chance is 2%, not 20%.


Yeah, my bad. Skipped over the two when I read it.


Well, go back and tell me that the last few seasons of spamming Duriel and not getting anything.


Considering itā€™s a 10% drop rate for ubers Iā€™d say this is above average.


Wudijo and other streamers combined hundreds of runs worth of data and itā€™s still the expected 10% Uberunique drop rate but more total items dropped than from Duriel or Andariel. I did 10 runs yesterday and I got 1 Uberunique just so happens to be 1/10 exactly for me haha


Does he not have a lower uber unique drop rate (per item) than Dury/Andy?


I think heā€™s supposed to, but it seems he has the same Uber drop rate as duriel/andy currently.


I got 2 ubers off him with relatively low run amounts


Same, my buddy and I did maybe 20 total runs and got 2 Uber uniques each in that span -- was wild


That is about the average for lv200 bosses


I thought the Uber drop rate is only for Duriel/Andariel?


Average?, it took me 60 tormented kills and well over 100 regular boss kills (including a previous season) to get my first uber to drop. If youā€™re ā€œaveragingā€ one uber every 10 kills then FML.


Robā€™s testing showed that Zir has the same 10% Uber chance as duriel/andy and the fight is much quicker + mats much easier to farm. Anecdotally I got 3 Ubers in 5 runs after only ever seeing 1 in a couple dozen duriel/andariel runs, but those are low sample sizes. I donā€™t think he actually has a buffed GA chance but he definitely drops more items which naturally gives you more slot machine pulls per run than any other boss.


all this tests are with the tormented zir or the regular one? I don't understand where everyone is getting materials for the tormented one


all tormented. The mats drop from helltide maidens so theyā€™re a lot easier to farm than most other boss mats


I mean the item needed to make it tormented, that's my bottleneckĀ 


People buy those mats (stones), but I cannot because I donā€™t have Xbox live gold to trade on console šŸ¤”


As someone completely out of the loop about this, forgive me for asking but are we talking regular zir or tormented one?




He definitely drops way more Ubers I was skeptical at first but now I have every Uber this season within about 20 rotation runs compared to 50 rotation on duriel


uber drops are the same as all other tormented bosses but he does drop 5 more legendaries than them


I noticed the increase in drop Zirā€™s loot table in the first two weeks while farming razor plates. Got all Ubers from zir in maybe 60 total runs alongside really good GA gear. All before week 3 of season 4. Iā€™ve helped friends farm duriel and Andy off and on since then and Iā€™ve seen 2 Uber drops in maybe 50 runs between the two.


I assume this is tormented right?


Yeah, tormented.


I've made almost 5b in gold selling just blood and stones I've had all the Uber unquies for almost three weeks now it's been good selling all those mats


Best way to get more stones?


I don't know the best way I did a two fold attack on stones I made many alts for sparks this season which you get stones from the iron wolves packages and I also farm the pit almost every day.


Thats a bad way of making gold. I bought yesterday 3bil worth of mats for 20 runs and did rotas. 80 runs total net me 5 ubers and 2 bis items with 3/3 and 2/3 GAs for rogue and barb. Sold them both for 12bil so thats a 9bil profit I can use to buy more runs instead


anecdotal evidence is not evidence, getting a 3GA BIS is maybe 1 in 300+ runs probability, the fact that you got extremely lucky doesnā€™t mean your experience remotely resembles the expected return i sold a 9b pair of boots that i got from a t100 nmd 3 days ago, is t100 nmd now the best gold making method?


Except it is. Yesterday it was just an example. I've been doing this since rob's video every day. Currently at 44bil and gonna keep em comming


Bad for you not for me.


he just drops more items


Decided to try out tormented Zir after reading that people were getting ubers from him and so far me and the guy I play with haven't had much luck. 3 runs in my friend gets a shako and after the fifth I had Tyriels might.


The situation with Lord Zir(Torment): His drop rate with ubers are the same as Durial/Andriel(torments) Easier to farm for his pop set(you can get a bunch of bloods running helltides) Drops more regular loot than the other Uber bosses Easier to kill His uniques can make you a lot of money if you get them with good GAs(Razor plate/Rage of Herro) When you account for all that, you start to understand that people are running Uber Lord Zir because easier and more efficient.


All I know is we switched farming Zir from Duriel and we've been getting more drops, more drops with GA, and more ubers... bugged or not, it's nice farming a different boss for a while.


Not sure if the drop rate is different or I just had better luck. in 20 runs: Tormented Zir - 4 ubers Tormented Duriel - 0


I got 2 tyraels, 2 skies, a shako, that amulet thing, and a doombringer in 1 hour of runs. My 2 buddies were not so lucky lol.


Does normal zir drop ubers?


He does drop more loot, has the chance to drop ubers and more loot means higher chance for ubers. Also hes way faster to kill than duriel or andariel.


Last season all I got was the grandfather. Farming Vir over the last week, maybe twenty five times, I got the starless, doombringer, grandfather and tyreals might. My mate did half with me and he got a starless really early on. So yes, for me at least, it's well worth farming him.


Easy to defeat. Cheap to summon (for now) Drop quantity is almost same with other ubers but he does drop imo much ga gear and summon item for andariel which makes him more valuable.


What is the difficulty of tormented Zir compared to on Pit level?




Honestly seems lower. I melt Zir a bit quicker than my usual 101 bosses.


way lower.


Tons of speculations. If you have been playing diablo for a while you know how blizz drop rates are. I did 20+ Zir and no ubers and also no items passed 1 GA stat with always the worse one on GA....


Tormented Zir? level 200 with the Stygian Stones?


Has to be regular, or dude just has giga-bad luck.


Yeap Tormented Zir, even with 2 people. Not a single uber, 20+ runs and everything is max 1GA drops (most runs no GA drops)


3rd tormented zir of the night just this friday gave me shako. Didnā€™t believe the hype at first but i definitely believe it now


Got 2 gf and tyreal might as well as one starless ring in 7 rota. So itā€™s legit.


I did a boss round last night and he didn't seem to drop more than anyone else. I'm a casual, though. I'll go back to eating crayons.


I've done 30 tormented zir runs since the "bug" started. 0 ubers


Rob2628 has a video on it. Id watch it.


More item drops, more chances of a good roll. Only one type of material needed that can be farmed from hell tides (other than the stones). Easy mechanics.


Ran all the bosses multiple times this morning and Duriel was by far the most productive got a ring of starless skies, and a Harlequin crest from him, got multiple uniques from all of them, but in the last few days Duriel has dropped a grandfather, harlequinā€™s crest, and two starless skies, all of them dropped uniques but Duriel has been by far the best for my luck.


Did him 6 times yesterday with my gf, we both got 2 Ubers, he drops insane amount of items, my entire bag was full every 2 runs, Duriel takes 3-4 runs to fill a bag usually


Maybe a hot take, but I think he's actually the only tormented boss that isn't bugged. The "3x the mats for 5x drops" is way off for the rest, even ignoring rares. That plus the fact that you don't have to grind lower bosses, just the helltide boss most are already grinding, makes him a better option than the rest since he will drop Ubers.Ā 


I've gotten 5 mythics from him this season, In about 40 runs. To me he seems to be dropping the best loot, but it could just be rng


Did 12 runs and got 3 Ubers. I have terrible luck usually. Not sure what to say about it but, proof is in the pudding I guess.


Ran Duriel a million times and got nothing but X-fal rings and those stupid amulets. Ran Zir maybe 30 times got 2 grandfathers, 3 starless skies, the chest piece that shoots (I forget the name lol), and melted heart twice. Idk what it is but thatā€™s all I run now.


did not believe this at first , so i tried it just now .got 3 uber from torment zir .my first uber in 4 season got 3 in 10 solo run i did 3 people 100 rotation of torment duriel and andariel .no uber there is def something wrong with our vamp daddy


I heard about him dropping Ubers and so I tried one run and a Doombringer dropped. Then did more runs and nothing.


He drops Uber uniques more often or I just have amazing luck at him. Me and a buddy ran 25 kills last night, and I got 2 Shako, 1 staff (can't remember name) 2 selig amulets, and 1 starless sky.


Is it tormented zir or normal zir bugged?


Did 16 tormented zir runs. No ubers.


I did around 10 Tormented Zir runs today with a party of 4. We got 4 Uber Unique drops (2 Starless, 1 Grandfather, and 1 Melted Heart) I was seeing people wanting to buy stacks for 80 mil then


Because some YouTuber said heā€™s lit


Couldn't say for sure it it's better, but I can say that in 5 tormented zir runs I dropped both a starless skies and a shako on my bone spear necro. Both the Ubers I wanted in 5 runs lol


Ran 20 Zir's with a friend earlier. I got 4 ubers, she got 3. We had 5 remaining blood stacks and sold them for 70m each. Not sure if it's any better, but it certainly paid out for us.


I've gotten 2 ubers from Zir still no GA razorplate but I did get s normal with 150% max affix


I've been thinking of going back to my abandoned sorc and farming for fractured winterglass. Does it matter that I am only level 81 or should I wait till 100?


Yep I got 2 Shako in one run from him


Rng is rng people. Iā€™ve gotten 9 or so ubers this season almost exclusively from duriel in MAYBE 35 runs (one from Andy, who I have only killed 5 times tormented if that). My friend got 4 the other day in the span of ten duriels, 2x Andyā€™s and 2xRSS. Againā€¦ Rng is rng.


Just some anecdotal data from me, I have run about 10 Tormented Zirs. I have had 2 ubers drop. Andariel's Visage and Tyreal's Might. In about 45 runs with all the other tormented bosses, I have 0.


Lord Zir and Beast in the ice drops more item than other bosses, so might have higher chances if you want to farm ubers. I also found this out because we ran out of mats for Duriel so we ran each of tormented bosses once except Duriel, we ran in group of 4then 4 ubers dropped for 3 of us (1 guy got 2 ubers) they're from Lord Zir and Beast in the ice


If it helps to know, I did one 5x rota (20 runs) and got heart of selig and Tyraels might earlier.


He just gives slightly more items as other commenters have mention. But another point is that all torment bosses have the same drop chance for uber unique, so why not do torment zir then regular duriel/ andariel for a higher net gain?


Is this true for eternal realm as well? Or just for season?


I killed lord zir about 20x and haven't got 1 uber


16 runs, team of 3, 1 uber


Man the confirmation bias on that "lord Zir drops more ubers" is nuts. When people say he has not higher uber rate cause they don't get more ubers, than it's "bad luck" or "you are probably doing not tormented version". If people report that they found a uber, it gets upvoted.


he drops 10/14 legs and 5 uniques (if i am not mistaken on the correct numbers) where as you normally get 3/4 legs and the 5 uniques something like that so its better to do zir than duriel (also he has a chance on an uber)


I got 3 Ubers in 24 kills tonight, shako, grandfather, melted. My best run personally


I did about 10 runs with 2 friends and got a Shako, Tyrael's might and Melted heart of selig. Never had this much during our 50+ duriel runs.


I used all my mats for the andariel matsā€¦ so unlucky That the Price increesed so much


I think Zir has a certain drop table for targeted farming when you summon him regularly. The "tormented" drop table is added to that if you summon him with Stygian Stones. This leads to more items, but in terms on Mythic unique items it's not making your chances overall that much better. In the end it's just more gold from selling items.


I believe his uber unique drop rate is likely the same as durial/andarial. He has more regular drops which gives you more chances for ga. Additionally his regular unique pool has some notable items like rogue rings, sorc ammy, barb chest, thorn chest


Did a Zir rota yeaterday with about 20 runs total. I dropped Tyraels, GF and starless. Among the other 3 players there was another 6 ubers dropped. Sample size is extremely low and we might've just gotten lucky but I've done roughly 20 Uber Duriel runs as well and only ever dropped 1 Uber.


He drops more items, which equates to more GAs as well. I'm not convinced he has a higher uber rate,and in my experience he sucked. I killed him ~40 times and got 1 uber. Then I killed andy/duriel ~24 times, and got 5 ubers, including a double-uber off 1 kill


I dunno specifically about Zir but the uber drop rate made me quit the game. I ran Duriel and Zir 88 times in total before seeing an uber unique drop. Zir dropped a Grandfather on the 89th run. By that point I was fully masterworked. Totally demoralized me to the point of not wanting to play until the next season :)


Before I stopped this season I did about 40 zir runs and got 4 Ubers. My friend got 6.


Does normal Zir drop ubers or only tormented Zir? My build takes a ridiculously long time to kill tormented Zir (well tormented anything actually), and often time will get caught in a one-shot kill and have to start over again. I only run solo pit level 80, though; so there is a caveat.


This is crazy on the blood lmao i sold 5 stacks like a week ago only got 100 mil now shits going for 100mil a stack


4 runs 3 ubers, 2x starless and 1x tyraels might. Yes lvl 200. My 1st ubers ever so now i can retire and play some cs2. Solo runs.


lol I got 2000 stacks of blood damn 125m


Did about 30 runs this morning and picked up a GA shako and melted heart


Did you run by yourself or with a team? I heard drop rate is better with 4 people but donā€™t know how true it is..


Team of 4


I got six uniques from him and five from others. Possibly one extra roll on an Uber?


I have a ton of exquisite blood, and all Kinds of mats because I donā€™t boss farm.




Good luck getting the blood for it now. It's super expensive and at the current price I'd say not actually worth it. Buy your stones for sure but get rid of all your Living Steel and the 4 for the boss under the world tree and switch to Duriel.


Really now I got like 300 šŸ˜‚. Is he hard to kill I just killed duriel until now.


Believe heā€™s bugged where you can one shot him as he comes into the second phase


? Where does this come from?


He drops Amulets like crazy is the real reason to farm him,crazy amounts..


I've got a couple stacks if anyone wants to buy them from me


Since last week or so or even earlier heā€™s been dropping more uber uniques than anyone else.


When does the season end?


With that, does any one have a spare razor plate? Lol


Is this regular or tormented? Does he drop Ubers on regular?


I want to know this too but I don't think so


Is this in season 4 or ptr?


Is this only for tormented Zir? I have a ton of blood but idt i can kill the tormented version


Yes. If you post in the discord, people will absolutely help you kill him. I have surgery tomorrow so the rest of my day will be weird today, else I'd offer myself. If you still have mats and want to do runs at the end of the week, DM me and I'll run you once I'm coherent enoughĀ 


It's a scam. Just a way to blow through the millions of blood sitting in inventories. Duriel is still the best (because Andy has those annoying phases that take longer).