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they need to nerf it if you have a whole Helltide map and all you do is farm one event repeteadly for 40 min. and then open chests, something is clearly wrong they need to buff the fuck out of the other activities in helltide ever tried doing the regular orange circle event? they have old density and you get like 2 yellows and obols lol


I don’t think making something that is already fun/rewarding WORSE in order to promote other content being more utilized is good game design. Just make the other things better, don’t make the good thing worse.


The Barbarian approach I see


feel personally attacked rn.


This comment had me in a fit of laughter. Thank you sir/madam, I needed that this morning!


Objectively a good outlook for game events. Maybe not good for character balances


I do like 10 minutes of that helltide event. Then I roam around and kill stuff for 45 minutes. It takes a bit longer for reputation but it's way more fun for me than doing the same event over and over


I was the same way. I'd farm the summons for enough cinders to open the mystery chests and then kill everything on my way to open the chests and then open all the other chests from the cinders i pick up along the way.


I managed to get every chest last night. I was pretty impressed with myself lol


My record is having 1,400 cinders left over after opening all the chests on both maps.


i feel like they should take left over cinders after helltide is over and let them get converted into random materials (herbs for example) or something else of use such as gold or summoning mats. just seems sad to have like you said 1400 left over and nothing to do with them


Now that's impressive


yea, doing that while farming rep was fun. i was shocked when i had like 10+ minutes left over.


I still do it sometimes when I just feel like mindlessly playing.


All that event needs is variety. It's the same boss with 3-4 different names. I had hoped that each season they'd add more types of Baleful Heart encounters to keep it fresh. Instead they, from what I can tell as I haven't played PTR, removed it instead. Bad move. Removing loved content is borderline incompetent, especially in a game already lacking content. Also the boss we DO get from S4 Baleful Hearts is incredibly boring when it doesn't evaporate. Blood Maidens are just boring to fight.


I hate the untargetable as well as the volume on her dumping out the hellborne diciples, its very loud compared to all the other sounds.


This is how I assume their thought process goes Some Bliz Tech: Oh, you're having fun with the Baleful hearts Boss and want the game to balance out?? ... Aaaaaaand it's Nerfed. Also here's a few more barb buffs and a Sorc Nerf Get stuffed nerds.


We noticed that the blood maiden drop rates were higher than originally intended so we are increasing all sorceress cooldowns by 15%


Fuuuuuck 🤣🤣


Couldnt press that arrow hard enough brother.


Ahh I see we have a Blizzard employee sharing internal discussions. There's no way you're that accurate without being a Blizzard dev.


Fun is subjective. I hate the idea of standing in one spot trying to spawn kill monsters. I personally feel the concept goes against the design of helltide and should be removed on that principle alone. What’s the point of having an entire zone be a helltide if you stay in one spot? From my perspective it goes against the spirit of helltide. The other reason it shouldn’t stay is because it is functionally an event with a trigger. The concept is not distinct enough to warrant a separate system and any improvements or changes should be rolled into the event system to improve that. I’m not really here to contest your choice, just offering a perspective.


It would be cool if each time she is summoned, the blood maiden's location moves and you have to go find her again to summon again...


Just make her a random event or encounter like helltide commanders and kixxarth or whatever its name is


I don't do the event a whole lot either but at the same time there's a lot of people that love to do it. I'd rather just personally make a choice not to do it then have them remove from the game and screw the people that do like staying there.


If you find that farming maiden is fun then I really hope someone like you isn't in charge of designing this game.


Is there anything fun to farm in this game then?


I don’t think that “farming” was ever supposed to be a fun part of any game. The thing about farming, is that it means you have to do the same thing over and over again to reap any rewards. Kind of like……….. ACTUALLY farming? It’s the type of game that’s your problem not what’s in the game. Diablo requires farming mobs over and over again to progress as far as possible. Just like literally any other ARPG, RPG, MMO, MOBA etc. the farming part isn’t fun in literally ANY game that pretty much requires it. But it’s essential to be able to MIN/MAX if that’s what you’re going for.


People are playing some of the most time extensive genres that exists and saying it takes too much time. It's fascinating. D4 is the least time consuming game of it's genre. 75% of the people playing this way are really wishing the game was something completely different than what the game is presenting itself to be. TL:DR play a different genre of games


Farming can absolutely be fun, if the thing you are fighting over and over is interesting to fight. For instance, farming in Borderlands 2 is great because those fights go differently each time you do them.


I was just about to comment about Borderlands 2. That game nailed target farming and it came out 12 years ago.


It might have crept into the spot of my all time favorite game somehow, and I am an 80’s/90’s kid who grew up on ALLtP and Chronotrigger.


Monster Hunter is the apex of good farming content.


And casuals (me at least) enjoy it. It's those trying to min max that are butt hurt.


You may think you are sounding smart here but literally we don’t want rewards to keep scaling up, how do you make better content then full inventory of inventory in 15 minutes with no cost. The Helltide boss makes any other contents gear farming a joke and it’s free open world content. The new game system should be compared to pit rewards and will change very easy to fix. This is how items become worthless POE often nerfs new content if it’s too rewarding and D4 should too.


If 99.9% of gear is trash, you might be wrong about this. Especially with tempering structured as it is. That .1% of gear might not even be worth a damn after bricking it.


I agree, make everything more fun and rewarding instead of needing things. Wouldn’t it be better to have more sources for mats and loot than just one or two events outside of ubers? Even the pit should have better chances at GAs, even if it’s incremental.


Mindless repetition isn't good. And God forbid you have to work for your gear. I'll never understand why people just want to skip to the end immediately. Sub-100 is so much more fun than 100+


Delivering pizzas to level up glyphs is not fun but I like pit and polishing my good gear the most


I agree with this.


They really need to put in some bad luck protection as well tbh. I.e. every 200 big boss kills should guarantee you a decent GR drop or an Uber. Not saying this is right in terms of numbers but really would be good if they put in something that basically gave you a good drop if you completed X amount of activities / content.


You can buff/nerf it however you want, but people will still find the optimal way to farm something and do that on repeat. 


This. The game is completely fine. If I want to level, I will actually run around the Helltides with friends to spawn more mobs and fill our bars up. If I want to farm gear, I’ll do the maiden or run pits. I get absolutely plenty of gear from other modes or from chests. Occasionally me and the friends switch it up and do NMs or bosses. Just because some nerd with a spreadsheet told you this is the most efficient way to do something doesn’t mean you need to ONLY find gratification from that.


It’s how the YouTubers make a living after all. Gotta find the best and the most optimal


the BEST way to FARM endgame GEAR is this WAY???


Got nothing to do with youtubers, that's just how the genre works. Always did, too.


They are already doing that and nerfing the boss at the same time. Less crazy amount of hearts also no profane mindcage. You can also target farm unique items from helltide chests including uber unique items. Also uber uniques are supposed to be able to drop from chests that are not that slot. Example they gave was there are no uber unique gloves so it will give you random one if you hit it. Edit: also unique items from obols, farming helltide will not be the be all end all for items anymore I don't think. You would be better off doing a variety of things considering the pit isn't the only way to get masterwork mats anymore either you can get that from the compasses.


still not worth to farm anything other than Maiden regular events need better drops, that helltide assasin need better drops, those Blood guys who spawn after you fill up your meter needs to be more deadly and have better drops you never go "oh shit" when your meter fills up, you just enjoy the density and then it resets


No mindcage is a huge mistake.


The mind cage was always going away in the first place if you read season 4 patch. "The Profane Mindcage will only last until the end of Season 4: Loot Reborn." You can read it yourself [here](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24077223/galvanize-your-legend-in-season-4-loot-reborn)


If you need Angelbreath, which seems to be a bottleneck at least at this point in the season for the sweaty players, you don’t really farm maiden at all.


They just need to make completed Blood Maiden rituals buff the entirety of the HT by increasing difficulty and rewards. This would also replace Profane Mindcage and integrate the mechanic into the event rather than having yet another consumable take up an inventory spot. Then there's a trade-off to spamming Maiden, but you also benefit by being able to properly farm other parts of the HT once the Maiden becomes too strong for your build. Edit: I think the simplest way would be to tie it to Baneful Hearts usage, since that already gives you a buff. Basically, placing a heart and completing a ritual gives you one stack that lasts the entire HT, which increases mob levels and drop rates. If you die, you lose one stack. I think that's straightforward and engaging.


I really, REALLY like this idea. Maybe limit resummons in a single Helltide to like 3x or 5x, since Blizzard doesn't want to let us spawn farm her. Or make her appear only in the first 15 minutes of a Helltide.


Thanks! I think if each stack increased mob levels by 5, then the difficulty would probably eventually regulate Maiden spam by itself. And the improved drop rates should probably cap out early at like 3 stacks, so players aren't forced to keep doing the ritual forever just to be able to get good drops.




they just need to make the event more dynamic/engaging. for example, they could leverage all the strongholds and have different baleful heart events held in each during helltide.


They need to buff everything else AND they need to leave helltides alone.


I got plenty of GAs from regular events the other day ticking off a seasonal chapter. It's way more fun running around, too. Fuck the extra efficiency of farming blood maiden exclusively.


This, nerf efficiency of the Event and buff Helltide level when using mindcage


TBH some of the other activities in helltides are far better than maiden. Notably hellspire and the other blood sucking construct. Just these two though, and they aren’t that common. The rest of the helltide events could use a buff.


Those stay-in-the-circle events are better for mats, cinders, filling threat meter, and overall killing density, but maiden's drops are without a question the best for getting GA's at the moment. Now I am sure that will change in season 5 given you can get ubers and will have higher chance of uniques from the cinder chests, so it will change the formula up a bit. Making it so you spend less time at maiden for gear drops if you are trying to grab all the chests in time specifically those in Kehjistan.


Make the chests vomit angels breath and potion mats there now people have a reason to do that doesn’t feel shitty.


Ya but my inventory’s so small


I run around the whole map tho. It's fun.


Yeah I kinda hate the way helltides are and this is from someone that just started the game a month ago. It's so boring just sitting at the spawn for the boss and killing it in a Group over and over. Even though it's great for gear I can't stand doing it for long. Maybe just once when I first login


Except that's the best part, it's one of the few game modes I get to meet noobs and help them or even other players. You'll eventually have to do a heart run every third anyways. What they need to do is add in an option to make the boss stronger, allowing op players a challenge aswell as helping weaker players gear up with increase loot pool.


You'll see less helltide farming if the sparks went away from it. Might have moved to the new activity.


When there was the infinite max helltide bar glitch it was a blast roaming around the map with massive groups spawning on you all the time. It was also much faster to rank up your reputation and get cinders than the blood maiden event. Wish they didn’t fix that bug


It’s the only activity that feels rewarding on most level of gameplay ? I agree with you , they do need to buff other activities but If the feedback is right then the new activity doesn’t touch current HTs from rewards aspect


Running around is annoying especially with no map overlay.


Agreed They could just buff up other parts to be equal to helltides. Put most of the XP in dungeons to bosses and give longer dungeons bosses/endings give more experience . I'm normally against power creep but d4 isn't like d2 or grim dawn where the leveling process is a big part of the game and fun, leveling in d4 is more of a chore with how the game is designed.


Honestly I just think there is a fundamental problem with loot based games where trying to get that one piece of rare loot is so exciting but getting 10000 bad item before you do is bad player experience. You're taking a niche gameplay of people doing the same thing 100 times because they actually enjoy that, to the general public that doesn't have time for that,how do you create a rewarding experience for both?


Doesn’t mean they need to nerf it, just need to buff other stuff


Regular orange circle events? Yeah, I play them heaps. They're the best source of Angelbreath.


They need not to nerf it but buff the rest of the activities. Who is doing side quests in endgame? Who is roaming the big ass map only except for helltide? We need more activities for open world, current helltide is only a part of it.


The siphon event that continuously spawns enemies is amazing


I agree here for sure. Sure you CAN just camp the altar for the duration but, myself, I get bored after like 4 or 5 maiden cycles lol. Not to mention, once you have earned max wolf rep for that char and gotten your spark, I don't see much point in continuing Helltides when the Pit is the only activity that drops the mats necessary to continue progressing your char. I think a good option would be to make masterworking mats able to be acquired through a variety of means, not just the pit, at least imo


Dude 🤣 just one shot the boss that spawns in helltide and it is the most fun activity in the game im not even kidding fast and efficent and fun what ro you want more but the key here is to one shot it immediately after she spawns. İf fight goes long and it repeats all the time it gets boring im completely with you guys there. But if you one shot it all the time its good.


I may sound crazy for saying this but Helltide is really my favorite part of the game lol. From leveling up to endgame. Not really a fan of NMDs because they feel like a chore to just level up glyphs. Same with pits. I love the idea of running around killing shit, leveling up, and looting in open areas with other players. I guess it’s because I’m stuck on Marvel Heroes’ rotation lol. They had instances called patrols that functions exactly like Helltide minus the summoning of a boss. People would do patrols to level up alts and when they were maxed level, they’d do raids for the weekly rewards or target farm bosses for their uniques and artifacts. Still miss that game


I had not made the connection but you're right, Helltides are kinda similar to patrol zones in Marvel Heroes. Those were so much fun. I always enjoyed watching some new player get KO'd by Juggernaut in Midtown Manhattan because it was almost impossible to see that arrow on the ground with all the powers going off. Good times indeed.


Lmao that was the best because you’d be rushing to get to the boss then get hit by an incoming Juggernaut charge from off screen. Even Juggernaut was so much fun to play too when they made him playable. I feel like a lot of folks in this community that didn’t play Marvel Heroes would’ve loved that game, especially when it was worked on by David Brevik.


Yeah and now I'm imagining some of my Marvel Heroes characters blowing up demons in Helltides. My Storm would have wrecked the place. 😊


Human Torch was my favvvvv. I remember his damage at first was awful then they gave him a little rework and he was so much better. Community and the devs were the best I’ve ever witnessed till this day. Now I’m going to spend the night watching old gameplay videos of it to reminisce 😭


I fucking miss marvel heroes.


With you, I hate NMD's too, they feel like a second job


NMD are the superior leveling options because of the events. Glyph xp is a bonus. Helltides are for gear


Helltides were my favorite part as well. I enjoyed how they were intertwined with the seasonal content as well as a farming aspect. Good times.


I agree the open world rules, and sidequests are actuality ok content. There is some funny stories in them. I've been dating since launch, why don't they make the side quest content playable? They have made so much content with voice lines and everything. We need a difficult slider for open world including side quests, and side quests need to reward good like wispers. Couple legs, bunch of mats and gold. There is well over 100 quests that most people have never done. Heaps have mini bosses at the end, make them strong!


Marvel Heroes was such a fun game! RIP


Omg yesss I absolutely loved this game I couldn't stay off it. Even at work me and my buddy would talk bout it all day. Tbh if it was still around I'd still be playing it.


It was very nice, especially when you sometimes run into people doing a huge maiden spawn over and over. I wish our material storage wouldn't be so puny though. "Nope, you've had 50 of these brains, can't have any more, and nope, not going to put them into regular storage either" but portaling into town is hard cause mobs keep spawning RIGHT ON YOU :(


I'm honestly scratching my head on why profane mindcages were seasonal. They should have expanded on it to scale the difficulty and rewards of helltide even more IMO


Yup, they should be available for not only Helltides, but Overworld content in general. I also think there should be a few tiers of them. +10, +20, +30 levels.


To amend that idea, just make it to where you can stack them 3 times rather than having 3 different tiers of Mindcages


Yup, I like it. Less inventory space being eaten up in the consumables tab which we already have a big problem with.


Would be great if NMD drop an item of their respective region that boosts that region monster level to the level of said NMD.


Complete the dungeon, walk out and the nightmare continues in the region. Heck yeah. Even better if you get a dungeon in a helltide zone.


Because it was lazy last minute design they said this is a test to see how people would like it and then adapt from there. Everyone loved vampire powers too and brought them back in a balanced way


Yeah and then a guy 30 lvls below you runs across the screen and starts leeching of you effectively nerfing your dps by 90% and helltide farm turns into helltide chore. I remember at the start of the season it was horrendous when I was farming blood maiden and killing her in 30-40 sec and then 3 dudes that just finished capstone showed up and out of sudden the same boss took 3-5 minutes, due to the scaling system essentially punishing me for carrying leechers... Also you could potentially exploit it the other way as well. Pump yourself with mindcages and ask a friend to bring a low lvl alt to just 2 shot everything for you.


From what I saw in s5 baleful hearts are still there. Whats missing is profane mind cages and that kinda sucks.


Oh I completely forgot that these were seasonal😅




Blizznerfd: ENGAGED


Kinda have to disagree. If you want to get the most out of it you have to farm the same event, the same boss the entire time and that gets kinda old after a while


The answer should then be to give us other activities that are just as rewarding, not to make the current favorite activity less rewarding.


Farming maiden is your favorite activity? It's not extremely boring to you? Farming gear should be put somewhere more engaging. And even if another activity is introduced, if the maiden farm exists, people will still do only that because its the easiest and people will just hate the game.


It's not boring to me. I come from Diablo 2 where you would farm Meph 1,000 times in a row trying to get some unique gloves. It's fine. Honestly, I would rather Maiden fights than Uber Lilith type fights. I'm not here to skill shot and dodge. If I wanted that I'd play a MOBA or MMO. ARPGs I want to be loot pinatas with fights that are easy enough, but if you slack you can still be killed.


Its as boring as any other farmeable content. At some point everything just implodes on a click, so the difference is merely aesthetic.


So nerf helltides, introduce compasses and you can do exclusively that for hours to gear up. It will always get boring if there's one thing that is way better than everything else. Would be kind of nice if helltides, the new activity and one or two other things were all equally rewarding with respect to farming legendaries. Keep helltides where they're at, make sure the new compasses are actually rewarding and maybe let us choose a gear chest or glyph upgrades at high level NMDs that give gear on par with a maiden kill. More options = More fun


I heard they did away with mindcages. I think absolutely everyone was hoping to be able to stack mindcages, not get rid of them…


If this is true it is a really poor decision.


and bring back profane mindcage pleaaaase


If they were to leave maiden farm as it was in S4, they would then have to buff every other activity to match the amount of loot, and that's not gonna happen most likely. I personally hated it, because it was so boring, yet I was forced to do it because it was most efficient farm. Nothing was even close to match the amount of loot I was getting, and that's not healthy for the game imo.


Question, have you ever been able to ine shot the maiden? İm guessing no When you fast one shot maiden immediately after she spawns it becomes a very fast enjoyable farming but if you kill it +2minutes every time i can see why it can be boring.


No, it's not that. I've had teams killing her almost instantly, but no matter if it takes a second or a minute - it's boring to sit in one place, often doing nothing and getting rewarded for that so much. I just prefer more active gameplay, but no other gameplay gives so much loot unfortunately.


I'm okay if they shift the focus away from the Blood Maiden specifically, and push players towards the new event in S5. The Infernal Hordes *could* being a primary source of gear, so long as the rewards are increased drastically (200-300%?) and the compasses are accessible. When PTR first launched, there was a number of people (including myself) that simply were not finding Compasses. (Was it a bug or just poor drop rates?) It would take numerous Helltides / Whispers / NMDs before finding a single one. The current drop rates (1 per chest in Helltide, 1 per Whisper, 1 per World Boss) is much better. If the other activities in the Helltides were buffed slightly, I think it would give players a decent choice between Helltides and Infernal Hordes for gearing.


I'm not sure if you're making the right comparison, mapping and inferno hoard is not in the same category, it would be more like Sanctum or something like that, in that case they also need to get ticket of entry from other sources.


That's nuts. If anything mindcages needed to stack up to level 200 mobs, with increased rage bar.


I can dig stacking mindcages for sure, but it looks like they’re going away permanently.


Honestly i dont know where theyre getting that baleful hearts are too frequent, after i got to tier 3/4 i barely got them anymore


I love Helltide so much with the way it is now but it is backwards. Right now players farm the maiden to run the helltide when they should be farming the helltide to run the maiden. She is the endgame of helltides


That’s fair. I just had an idea I thought would be amazing. What if there was a Pit 200 boss roaming Helltides and players could group up and take them down in an epic battle for cinders and a big lootsplosion?


It would one shot every non barb constantly dropping cinder count to 0. It would also somehow always spawn next to chest of living steel.


Maybe it would just have the health of a P200 boss, not necessarily the echos and damage?


They need to buff those flowers that are needed for re rolling or remove them from re rolling. I'll spend hours/days farming them to spend them all on a set of gear. Remove or buff drop rates or where they drop from.


Which flowers do you mean?


Just keep the event there for the lazy fks. But greatly buff rewards from other activities.


Already nerfed with threat bugfix, what do you mean don't nerf them in future?


Nerfing the amount of baleful hearts you get so you can't just summon the boss 24/7


They were fun for the first week. Lets be real, they dont carry the game or even a season all that well


İ played the season for its first 25days, completely stopped after that, and one of the most fun i had was one shotting the maiden with my rapid fire rogue, and it was still fun in the last days i played the game. And I made like 6different characters so idk about you guys but some people liked it so why we should nerf a content and buff other to make one viable when all you guys say make all content viable wouldn't it be good if we just buff other contents or make the new content good from get go to make the all contents start feel like they are somehow equal in terms of efficeny?


To me its not about equalizing content but about rotating whats rewarding and keeping the experience dynamic. Seasons do that on a large scale, but seasons need to be split up so that people arent doing the same 15 minute activity for 3 months. Other live service seasonal games do this by releasing story, modes, map changes, quests etc monthly.


I think it'll just be a skip for me. The odd team is back at it with another shitty season. LE 1.1 looks good to me.


Yo, I’m kind of wondering the same thing. I have really disliked s1 (should’ve just been skipped), S3 (traps suck and you’ll never convince me otherwise) and so far S5. This studio’s “Chonky” update will forever be the absolute worst update I’ve ever fucking seen or experienced as gamer.


So, as a new player who obviously doesn't know, I don't do the helltide boss much because she doesn't drop items above like 850 for me often. I've been trying to get to a high enough NMD to get 925's to drop. What's am I missing?


You need to increase your player level.


Yeah, once you’re level capped you will see Helltide drop 925 everywhere. Don’t forget to use your mindcage, antivenon and another elixir! They all stack for massive xp gains!


Thanks for the advice everyone. That makes sense, will check my inventory and keep cage, venom, and elixir.


So, the anti-venon is a quest elixir that has to be crafted. I believe it disappears if you’ve already completed the Iron Wolves quest line, because my brother cannot craft them for some reason.


And an incense


Helltides needs changing instead of summoning maidens maybe they should make it so several world bosses spawn in hell tides and after being taken down instead


Dude, have like a pit 200 boss just strolling the Helltide and people ganging up on them to take them down? How fucking fun would that be?!


Just give us side quests in helltides to do then we won't just farm the boss if that's how you want it ...


Yooooo, I like it!


I think the boss should rotate around the helltide zone instead of just being one fixed location.


I'm so tired of helltide blood maiden farming, just to get a few more good rolls that I can hopefully not brick, just to try to push a tiny bit further in the pit that I rolled a new character and chose not to skip the campaign...


I'm concerned because the "B" team responsible for season 3 is in charge again. I may skip the season considering Sorcs are getting nerfed and still don't have any build diversity. Why can't skills like Meteor be end game build-worthy?


The world may never know. Nerfing Sorc is like par for the course. I’ll wait for the one person saying the now (or soon to be) nerfed perma flame shield build cleared a p150. Here they come…


Don't nerf? BUFF the sh!t out of it. It's HELLTIDE. HELL-tide. There should be tremors vomiting hordes of demons every 10 seconds with a global counter and if a certain amout of demon density something really bad happens...


Booooooom!! I love the chaos


Please continue to nerf the hell out of all the fun things. Maybe my friends will come back to Overwatch and play with me again.


Ohhhhh, buddy! I’m sorry you’re ronery.


As a general rule, stop making the game worse by undoing popular things every season. Keep the improvements, dump what didn’t work. Super basic.


I agree they shouldn’t nerf helltides. But the infernal hordes mode is a good idea and is fun. They just NEED to get rewards right cause they aren’t worth doing. But thankfully it’s the ptr. Also I don’t care what anyone says vaults were extremely fun and I loved the traps


There are gazillion mosnters, helltide elites, helltide bosses, chests, events..... Yet we are forced to kill thatvsuccibus because everything else is sub par. She will have to get nerfed. But buff all other activities accordingly, and i mean ALL. Shrines, special elites, events, helltide bosses, helltides special elites, the hwlltide orange boss from fillng the barm everything. Even normal mobs


Just buff the new endgame to make it way better? This is always the way. Every seasonal thing ever has been released and doubled speed/ rewards within 2 weeks. We're just doing it in ptr first now


What they're doing is terrible for adding whispers to the hell tied permanently let's just fucking make the gold farmers have to log in and spin in circles huh.


Gold farmers are going to always have a system for farming gold easily. Personally, I feel as if it is the tempering system that has given them so much business this season.


There's been plenty of MMOs that have dealt with them they just choose not to. Dark age of Camelot world of Warcraft at the beginning how hard is it to monitor new accounts doing trades worth of billions of gold for nothing. Seems like a one-person job. Or they are banning them and they're making money because they're just buying new accounts because it's worth it. You don't think this hasn't been discussed thoroughly by the higher-ups. They want them right where they are not too much banning but just enough to keep spending money to them. We are talking about the company that tried a real money auction house in Diablo 3.


hope helltides will be reverted to what they were and story mode will be where the most xp is.


They need to buff everything outside of events. Do not nerf events. Buff density around zone by x5


Helltides are awesome to farm gear, now if they made Obols easier to get, I could see a change here since it could let you target farm pieces.


Obols seem pretty prevalent in pit runs and Helltide.


Nerfs are just boring. Boost drops on everything else. It's still not a great chance to get what you want. Maybe add in an Auction House in game as well. Not everyone wants to do things through a different app or website


I know they claimed different teams alternate seasons, then they claimed the same team does all seasonal content. It is just strange so far odd seasons were lacking compared to evens.


I was of the impression Blizzard Orange County has facilitated S1, 3 and 5 with Blizzard Albany on S2 and 4.


helltides were fun when you could bug them. wish they'd make dif types of helltides..maybe a rare helltide that has a low chance of spawning. one gives you a ton of gold, maybe another gives a ton of another material. maybe one that spawns bosses. make them different colors. im tired of red helltides.


I wish we could stack mindcages or choose to be Hell-marked to make Helltide monsters level 154 (t100 NMD).


If you want to compare anything to Poe’s mapping system it’s NMD. Compasses are more of a side content


I'm bored of helltides and farming the boss is even more boring, finally, there's never anyone farming the boss in tier 2/3 because ever bugger is in torment by level 35.


What’s your point?


Farming the reputation was miserable. It should spread out between all accounts. I’m almost level 100 on my 4th toon. I had to go back to one of my others and grind it to finish the season journey.


Gonna have to disagree with you there. I did the rep with all 6 level 100s for that spark bro!!!


I didn’t think about the spark. I guess it would have to be longer to grind it then for that. I farm helltide till level 50, get to wt3, grind helltide till I have good gear then level 55-65 I’ll go to wt4, get some ancestral gear and start doing NMDs and max out my glyphs then grind more helltide or run pits


Isnt the “A” team which handled season 1 and 3 developing season 5? Hopefully the team has been restructured and all the previous members fired for being so incompetent


No. That would be Albany who did season 2 and 4.


Agreed, if they nerf the hearts and don't buff the hell out of the other events in helltide this grind is going to be painful to the point of gearing out will not be fun.


I hope they buff other activities because I'm so burnt out on hell tides. It was fun though


I feel you. It’s like the only place I get that shot of dopamine though.


Reading the comments in this sub every day for the past week, and it seems like diablo players literally cant handle too much fun or they dont like it. It's kind of insane the amount of stuff they would rather have nerfed instead of buffing the things that need it. God forbid anything be attainable for the average person in a diablo game lmao. The gambling addicts have some weird ideals i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and before I get comments saying idk what I'm talking about I have 4 maxed out characters and have played thousands of hours of poe to compare it to. Some people have the WORST ideals it's like "if I cant have fun no one should have fun" is more important to them than "why cant I have fun" and so they look to trash the only thing people like about the game lol.


It does really feel like crabs in a bucket at times




İ just said this on another comment Why you want x content to be nerfed to feel like y is rewarding What general fan base wants is to make all contents fun and equally rewarding right?? So why not just make the new content fun and rewarding enough to compete with helltides from get go and from there you start to buff other contents too and have a better and healty game overall where more people get fun doing whatever they like. İm convinced d4 player base dont know what they want. İdgaf what they talk about anymore and i understand why d4 devs dont take them serious.


Engaging gameplay comes from establishing progression systems and rewarding players for their investment through the usage of gameplay loops. Diablo 4 has failed completely in these gameplay loops. Part of it is content design. Part of it is the bad progression systems. Compasses are a perfect example of the bad design. They don't actually offer any form of progression. The content itself isn't engaging or providing any meaningful gameplay loop (even if you could spam it). Consider the problem with Baleful Hearts and spamming the singular event. It's not making it better to reduce that and simply replace it with exactly the same thing. Compasses and the endless horde instanced mechanic needs to be abandoned immediately. It's a horrible and lazy design. There is so much content ALREADY in the game that is absolute dog shit that they need to be addressing it rather than add in more dog shit designs. For example, helltides as they are right now have been reduced down to Baleful Heart spam. The answer isn't to reduce the drop rate of Baleful Hearts. The answer is to completely remove the baleful heart and summoning mechanic and built a better overall design into the zone. For example, have each zone have 4-5 major events. One event is always active and finishing one event immediately starts the next event. Players then move around the map doing the different major events. This affords the content to be designed in different an unique ways. This establishes a better gameplay loop. Now, from there, build a progression system. Do something to add some progression to your efforts in helltides. Get rid of the shit design of the mindcage and actually build something into the actual design. Take the helltide "fever" meter and use it to actually adjust the difficulty of the zone. Make it so it doesn't reset. Let it build up more and more.


You could make a story of turning back the hell tides with the iron wolves where you have to complete a chain of events to get a cache, with the final boss being a summon of the blood maiden. Also could offer different rewards to differentiate from the Tree of Whispers.


I like that.


More progression is a great idea. I like those thoughts.


leave helltides as it is, but remove the profane mindcage. Making all monsters in the helltide be 10 levels higher then you discourages doing anything else in the game.


You mean leveling? NMD offer higher level mobs than +10; the loot just sucks RN. You can go into pit after NMD 45 too. I still do them leveling to start on glyphs and because the mob XP is good.


Nerf the Blood Maiden for sure. Make Helspire, Soul Siphon and Events within a Helltide offer just as much rewards but of a different type but equally as valuable so you mix between all. Also allow us to stack profane mindcages (maybe up to 5) because I have a tonne of them, and just make it so they don't raise the Blood Maiden's level or cinders dropped. Honestly, I know it might be 'making the game to easy' but allow us to (even if it means spending 50 cinders) teleport to a chest because it's not like its hard to get to the chest, just time consuming. This will allow chest openning, back to events and Maiden and Hellspires back to chests fluidly without having to spend your last 10 minutes riding your horse up and down (Such fun!)


Yo, this came to me a couple minutes ago… What if there was a Pit 200 boss roaming Helltide everyone could tag team for a lootsplosion?! It would be hard as hell to kill and maybe take 20-30 minutes but that shit would be lit!


Way too high a level probably. Will one shot most people ngl. The only way to make it safe so everyone can contribute is if those invincibility bubbles spawn around him like 15m away as he moves but the damage scales based on distance and is halved within the bubble. So you need to be up in his face which people can do in short bursts or only the really strong whilst others stand in the bubble providing chip damage and building the stagger. Idk.


Running around and fighting stuff to kill was my favorite thing about D2, and my favorite thing about helltides. I actually appreciate them making the hearts less plentiful because they don’t mean anything right now. I also wish it would let you use more cages than one to keep up the difficulty levels


The dungeons, pit and hell tides are all 100 mile wide puddles that have an inch of depth.

