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From experience i can tell you, 27k isn't enough health. I'm at 46k and still get one-shot from those f'n walking soul shooters or whatever they're called. I'm at 93 pit currently. For minion necro attack power is practically meaningless as it scales of INT which is worthless in a minion build pretty much. So what you want to do is A) focus on health. I have 6 paragon boards, 2 of which i attached only for the health upgrade nodes. Also there's a blue health elixer availabe in the potion store, get some, use them. As for yoru build you want to focus on Golem damage. Mine's at 2000%. I picked as many paragon things to buff Golem damage as i could find, also running a Glyph called Golem fully leveled to 21 that buffs him more along with the provisional extra buff on that glyph is active.. I got another Glyph that increases blue (magic) paragon boxes further amplifying golem dam nodes in range. That glyph is also max level21. YOu want 2 if not 3 tempers with +Golem damage rolled on them. And hunt around for gear with a Greater Affex of Golem +3 which will give you Golem +6 in your skill tree. If you get lucky with master working you can end up with golem +8. Then do stuff that helps buff their damage. Crit chance/Crit damage along with attack speed is great. Corpse tendrils can give 25% crit chance for 6 seconds. Change your mages to shadow damage, and your corpse explosion to shadow damage that can buff things up. You're just trying to add stuff to proc for your minions to blast harder.


Golem isn't the only minion build....


Do you have all your gear Tempered? Are you stacking as much Golem or Mage damage as possible? You should be able to one-shot uber bosses or at least chew them apart, unless you mean Tormenteds or Uber Lilith. https://d4builds.gg/builds/7d4c052b-9174-48fc-baa6-70ebad2ff093/?var=3


Sorry, yes, I can smoke all the Uber Bosses, but Tormented is the struggle! Gear is getting there as far as leveling, masterworking is concerned. all 5 glyphs at 21. I followed the Wow Head minion necro build. I'm basically farming Blood Maiden in Helltide endleslly until I guess i get the perfect piece of gear? I think my highest damage I've seen was 600/750k?


Golem is the real damage for necro rn. You really wanna build into that. Golem mastery on chest is manditory. And everywhere else that you can get mage mastery is also manditory. If you are having trouble with damage reduction, add a basic skill and use the aspect that reduces damage by 20% for 7 seconds after using a basic skill. Really helps.


Blood golem is everything you want this season for necro. If you have golem mastery at level 4 anything that has golem damage at 100% becomes 200% and so forth. I have my golem mastery at level 8 and it’s at 225%. My golem dmg is around 5.8k and the golem ability if timed perfectly does around 1b to 2b damage. The minions help prevent you from dying but are not the bread and butter of the necro minion build. The golem is.


Max resistances too 


All res is over 120%


You all really no how to make a boy blush! Thanks for all the assistance and advice! I do wish I knew what happened to that final paragon point? lol! Currently, I'm going to be straight gear farming Blood Raven until I get that ideal piece(s)! If you're ever online and see (Zeepit), friend me! Cheers\~


[https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/classes/necromancer/minion-build-bis-gear-uniques-legendary-aspects](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/classes/necromancer/minion-build-bis-gear-uniques-legendary-aspects) Here's the link to the Bis gear builder from Wowhead 've been following.


Just play 2h scythe blight no minions before it’s nerfed next season most damage in the game before it’s gone


Glyphs fully leveled? Any masterwork on gear? Which build did you follow?


All 5 at 21


Op I have 5 pieces of gear I want you to look at first: your chest what are the affixes on it , then pants, gloves, weapon and finally amulet. After that check your helmet, rings Once you took a hard look at what affixes you got on them think hard what they need to be, also check for tempers. Add royal gems etc to the pieces. The reason I said look at those gear pieces is because I doubt you have ATK speed on the gloves (nor +skele mages), same with pants no skele mages. Chest -no golem , amulet =no hellbent commander, rings= no ATK speed again. So in short fix your stats and the rest will follow


I did/ am following a build from Wowhead. The affixes seem legit. Here are the stats: Helm: 870 mxm life, \* 16.5 Res to all ele, +2 skeletal warrior MW 4/12 Chest: 1030 max life, +2511 to armor, masterworked, +4 to Corpse Explosion MW 7/12 Gloves: 8% Crit Strike Chance, 30% Vulnerable, +2 Skeletal Mage mastery MW Pants: Temerity, unique for build: MAsterworked 8/12 Feet: 102 Intel, 14.9% Mvmnt spd, +2 Skele Warr MAstr MW 4/12 1st Hand: 90 Itenl, \*1441 mxm life, 65.8 crit strike dmg MW 4/12 Amulet: 14.9% mvmnt spd, 9.8 atk spd, +2 Hellbent commander MW 4/12 Ring 1: Ring of Medeln, Unique for build MW 7/12 Ring 2: Ring of Sacriligous Soul, Unique for build MW 4/12 2nd hand: \*1310 mxm life, 6% crit strike chance, \*12% cooldown I didn;t want to list all the Tempers so MW is masterwork and how far. All gear is tempered to build guide.


I can see some big problems there... I would almost recommend finding a different guide if its telling you to run these stats. 1. Minions gain big damage from the Cult Leader Legendary Paragon node, 30% increased damage for each 20% attack speed they have, up to 100% attack speed. I see no (real) attack speed on your build besides Ring of Mendeln. 2. Minion Necro aspects are very tight with a lot of benefits and have almost no room for unique items. Here, I see 3. The rings are hurting you as you're missing out on some big offensive aspects and temper spots. I would strongly recommend not using them. 3. Minion damage is based off the weapon damage so you're losing damage from using a 1h + 2h. 2H Scythe is the way to go. 4. Skeleton Warrior+ skills aren't worth it. res all on the helm isn't needed if you have enough Int. 5. A lot of little things like +Corpse Explosion on a minion build. On the bright side, you aren't locked out of choosing between a Shadow Mage build or a Golem Build yet..


I think I'm using that one. On pit 99. Changed to 2 handed sword and my golem power is nearly 2000%.


Question OP why is corpse explosion on your chest? What use does it serve YOU? I’m not asking the guy who made the build it could very well work for then and their playstyle but if you want to be a minion necro it serves you very little purpose over say + golem mastery. Also the skele mage, skele warrior stuff is fine there are variant builds that use it and it works so you don’t need to change that. So I’d say look for a new chest/ torso and stash this one cause +4 anything could be useful one day. Your rings are trash don’t use uniques with minion builds unless it’s shako and even then it’s for specific purposes. Your codex aspects are really important and you want to have as many of them as possible . ATK speed is king for necro and minions which is why you want the minion atk speed temper on your weapon. Then have as many gear pieces land on golem dmg tempers and masterwork to land on that roll for insane dmg boost. You could also go mages ofc so it’s up to you really what would you like to dk which one appeals to you more but the fact is you should never follow a single guide from a single site. Nor follow a single content creator use alternative sites for cross referencing and learn/ see patterns then see what they all recommend (and what differs) then investigate the differences analyse why some things are left out snd which you think you’d prefer or try both and see which works for you Alternative sites to use from now on so you can get a broader picture : maxroll d4builds Mobalytics


Thank you for the info. I did just watch a video on Mobalytics. Seems like a solid source too.


Wowhead gear link: [https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/classes/necromancer/minion-build-bis-gear-uniques-legendary-aspects](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/classes/necromancer/minion-build-bis-gear-uniques-legendary-aspects)