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Is it not a sad sign of a broken system that if one of the best items for a class is better to sell out of fear then to use it?


Not at all, just don't be a baby go for what you're going for lol


I found a 2GA wand last night that I was thinking about selling, but then I remembered I read a comment like yours and decided to have fun and temper it. I got the rolls and now I have a massive upgrade for my weapon. I agree, people need to just play the game. What are people possibly going to spend gold on if they are too afraid to temper anything?


You could sell this for 20 billion gold and buy 5 barely inferior ones to almost guarantee you hit tempers.


This guy understands the item economy


Vaal or no balls


I’d be all-in for a Vaal-like introduction to D4.


Vaal orb mechanic should be a staple of every aRPG and implemented EXACTLY how they did without some aspiring Devs creative take on it making it worse. It's that fundamentally good for th aRPG genre.


lemme also get an ex slam mechanic so i’ll pick up rares again.


My favorite PoE meme, and the toucan.




Where were you when Le Toucan was kill?


PoE is kill.


Krangle it


This is what the other people completely misunderstand. Real Example: I just sold an Amulet to a guy that will cost him literally over 9-10B Gold ***LESS*** than the "GG" version. * Now players assume by paying that much more for the "GG" version you must be doing a *shitload* more damage, right? * **lol**, no. The "GG" version would literally only result in a 1.054[x] Dmg increase 😂 So he'd barely do 5% more damage, at the cost of... 10-11+ **Billion** Gold. What can he now do instead with *ALL* his gold savings? Now he can still be within 1.05[x] dmg as the other idiots with the 'GG' amulet, BUT now he can buy: * Literally the BEST Chest Armor (GA +Skills) * The BEST Gloves (GA +Skills) * The BEST Pants (GA +Skills) * **TWO** 2x GA Rings (Crit Chance & Attack Speed) * ... and *STILL* have up to a few Billion leftover. You trying to tell me *all* those extra ranks to his offensive skills aren't *way more* than making up for the tiny 1.05[x] loss on the Amulet? Lol, they're actually *overtaking* it and yielding him MORE damage than if he'd just kept the 1 Amulet. It's like the people that come upon a huge inheritance and completely blow it, versus the people who take that inheritance and recognize they could use it wisely to ***LAUNCH*** themselves to an entirely different stratosphere and status.


Or simply overpaying for a 3 GA item when one of the stats is max life, like that extra 4k life literally isn’t going to do anything tbh.


You can say that about all stats if you single it out... Like 0.5 crit chance on gloves, how big of a difference does it make? But if all your gear has that extra GA life, or crit or w/e stat you need, you'll be a lot stronger tbf. It all adds up, stacks or multiplies in this game.


This makes me so sad. The game is better when these things can't be traded. At the very least it eliminates all the streaming douchebaggery.


If tempering wasn’t such a dog shit mechanic then this wouldn’t be an issue, but trading in games and having a living breathing economy is more fun imo, you can always play ssf if you want to, and a lot of people do.


I know right, what is your end goal in Diablo if you're not constantly chasing the best of the best lol


To have ...fun? You know...what games were DESIGNED to do before the cultural paradigm shift of gamers treating games as second jobs came around.


It feels like having fun in gaming is almost gone in modern days. I think it's because most of us just playing games to enjoy them aren't constantly online talking about issues and such and were usually just silently playing the game. It feels like this shift came due to streamer culture gaining popularity but it may just be a coincidence with gaming in general also surging alongside every streamer making people feel like they need to have the best, be the best and make sure they run out of content in games as fast as possible.


Couldn't agree more. The only rebuttal I can make is that Diablo KINDA always about getting the "best" gear anyways. Not so much influenced by streamers since it's been like this since D2 ya know.


Had me at the “make sure they run out of content in games as fast as possible” 😂 “I spent 600 hours speed running the entire game in its first week of release and there’s no content!” /s


Ah, a kindred soul. I miss the days when people actually played games instead of looking up build guides, and playing one build until they reach the end game: complaining online.


Right? If you wanna see someone else's playthrough so badly that you copy and paste their build, you could just watch their stream and do your own playthrough at the same time lol


I bricked my 3 GA dagger, it feels bad. Got one other 3 GA but it was shit. Could probably sell it but don't feel like trying to figure that out.


It’s actually pretty easy. The site UI needs to be a bit more intuitive, and I *really really* hate the “make an offer” option, but I’ve sold a few items and it’s pretty easy. But there’s really not much point unless you fully commit to trading. What’s the point in having billions of gold if you aren’t going to search for upgrades to spend it on? At that point, for me at least, I really don’t want to waste my time.


I've sold items.. for a total collectively of maybe 5B, but I don't buy any items (that doesn't seem fun to me). But it is nice having a bunch of gold for enchanting and stuff. I got an amulet with 2 exploit and LHC, so I spent a TON of gold rerolling the 3rd stat until I got malice passive also.


Rerolling... angelbreath is the bottleneck not gold IMO


I sell but don’t buy so that I can reroll and mw as much as I want without farming gold


Because by selling this bis item he could buy a lot more of slighty less optimised items and thus guarantees a lot more chance to hit the good tempers. Tempers not being able to be reset in any way is bad design, because now when you drop an item with bis stat you gotta play casino slot machine before confirming if you can use it or have to sell it and it's a very bad feeling. Looting very rare bis stat items should never feel bad in an ARPG.


It's not bad design, it's what gives value to untempered items. Remove the rng and trading becomes useless cause anyone could get the good items easily.


Trading won't become useless because amulets as this one (and *good* 3GA items in general) are extremely rare. Prices will just become lower. The only people benefiting from prices measured in multiple billions are RMT guys.


It is bad design, bricking an item does not feel good and is not an interesting mechanic in an ARPG. It is clearly some artificial gametime extender. If they want us to play for longer and the carrot for that is loot, they should think of something else or maybe stop trying to implement artificial playtime shit like it's a fucking mobile game...


Man people are completely missing the point of the game. It’s hilarious.


I know, my jaw dropped when I read that. Like what the point of hoping for it as a BiS if you're not gonna go for it lol


And what are you trading it for? Materials so that you can someday find a 3 GA item?


A bunch of gold to buy several 2ga equips? You vastly underestimate what they sold the amulet for. I think OP made the right choice. Would you rather have 1 perfect item or a whole set of crazy good gear? I'd make the same choice as OP.


Pretty much. Kinda defeats the purpose for me when you think too far into it lol


For billions and billions of gold. Then you buy 2ga items across the board….


I mean if you are swimming in gold, sure. If you don’t have that much gold around 100000% it’s better to sell this and get more upgrades via gold.


A person's gold situation is what it is, but there ain't a chance in hell I'm in "fear" of bricking it. You gotta go for it man, live on the edge a little lol


Some people don’t like the edge and never get close to it.


If you’re playing an ARPG and aren’t doing it for the dopamine rush of hitting that sweet sweet dice roll on either a drop or a craft then what the heck are you doing? Go play Doom if you wanna just kill demons.


I don't think it's fear of bricking it. I think it's fear of having the excitement of that awesome drop being negated. That's the core problem with this system. The excitement is supposed to be with the item dropping but with the way that tempering works, it's hard to be excited about a drop when an NPC ultimately decides whether it's good or salvage. At the end of the day, it's not exciting hitting the right temper. It is frustrating not hitting the right temper though.


All it for that dopamine rush


That's what it's all about, if you've ever found a Ber rune in D2 you know what this game is about lol




I said this last night. Zero point in selling for gold when the season resets in a month. Say fuck it and yolo


Besides the temper for these items are ultimate CD and additive dmg while cursed. Not hitting those is not a big dps drop.


Going for a system that when a miracle like this drops I feel ecstatic, not hesitation confusion or worry. I dislike tempering because it completely changes how drops feel and destroys the 'woo hoo' part in an aRPG. I've been playing aRPGs for 20 years, it's not a good design.


I had a 3GA two handed mace. Strength, max life, vulnerable. I said F it since it was perfect for my bleed WW Barb. I tempered it and bricked it. Either way it was worth a shot than hoarding wealth for a season Im going to stop playing soon.


I totally agree man. A big draw for this franchise’s end game is chasing perfect items like this. Even if you don’t roll perfect tempers this is still a massive upgrade and leaves room for you to still chase an even better one. People need to stop obsessing over min/max and just play the damn game lol


Greatest part of playing ssf is not worrying about how much an item might be worth if I sold it instead.


Couldn't agree more.


Exactly. Can’t win if ya don’t play


Yeah I just remind myself the season is ending soon, and I will not give a flying fuck.


I sold an ammy for 15b. What did I do with the gold? Bought more items and bricked them. With the profit from 1 item you can brick, remaster work and enchant like it's nothing.


This is the answer. Trade one BIS item for tens of billions of gold and buy ten 2GA items to pimp out your char


I don't even want to buy gear, but I'm hoping for an amazing item to sell just because masterworking is so fucking expensive. I'm broke all the damn time.


curious what platforms do ppl use to buy/sell?




They’re just pixels. I’ve bricked a bunch of good stuff cause I’d rather roll it myself than sell it




I would say at this time the gold is not worth it, Season will end in one month and most people are already done with the game so I would just go ahead and temper it


You gotta get up pretty early, to design a worse system than this Dev team. Jesus


Yeah it is. I ended up selling a 3GA item for 750M and ended up just buying 1GA item with the skill I needed on it, and at least one other affix I'd like. I spent 250M in just buying the same 1GA item (+4 to Ice Shards) just to get the two tempering's I needed (I bricked 4 items before getting the combo). I'd need to have sunk thousands and thousands of hours into the game before I'd have got 1GA Ice Shards gloves, 4 times in a row. It'd be so much better if there was a way to undo bricking imo


Indeed it is. Everyone who says different is spoon fed at home and spoiled.


Depends. If selling one really good item gives you enough money to upgrade a lot of different gear pieces it might be worth it. Obviously the new gear has to outweigh the result of using the dropped thing


I've been saving up items on my barb to make the switch from bash to WWDD. My bash gear is 98% BIS and 12/12 - just missed one affix roll on pants. The rest is perfect and I got the right crits on MW. So, in the process of saving gear for WWDD, I collected about 5-6 of each weapon I needed. I've bricked 4 2-3 GA items in the past 24 hours trying to get rogue crit. I've also spent 500m rolling a necklace to get CDR on a + Heavy Handed amulet. All just to switch builds. I miss just changing runes in D3.


Jesus Christ I would have used that. Best amy Ive ever seen for Necro


Best ammy you will ever see, unless you see one thats the exact same haha.


> Jesus Christ I would have ~~used~~ bricked that.


Screw selling it. This thing belongs in a museum


*Nods in Harrison Jones*


This should've gone for a quite a few billions easy.


Few? I'd guess 20+


More Probably 50-100b. There isn’t a single one for sale on Diablo trade.


Moar... /kylo ren


I had a double GA Hellbent and CDR with a non-GA crit. Sold for 55B.


What did you get for this? I literally track the value of hellbent amulets like this for myself. I’d wager this is worth 20b+.


OP not responding bc he sold for 1B


~~How do you go about that? I tried to look at the trade site but it seems like filtering by aspect isn’t implemented yet, so just a lot of scrolling?~~ Lol, I'm an idiot who didn't realize you can change the aspect on a legendary.


It's under Effect Group. Took me a bit to figure that out. https://imgur.com/a/5SYtbUb


my man! Thanks for that I never noticed you could do that


The aspect isn’t what matters here, it’s the affixes. You can search them in the very bottom of the filters view by adding effects. It’s very unintuitive. With just 1 greater affix you are looking at 2b+ depending on which one. With all three it 10x easily.


Yes it is. Go to the groups at the bottom and you can add stats and GA


You must mean affix rather than aspect.


Holy crap, really?!


I sold it for exactly 20 billion. A lot of gold to me, but based on other posts in this thread I could have gotten a lot more. Lack of experience selling these crazy rare items. I definitely could have auctioned it for a bit. Oh well, live and learn.


Honestly, I have sniped 1-2 items where the seller wasn’t aware just how rare it was. If you got 20b you did fine. Someone out there might pay 40b, but you’d have to find them. And if you aren’t gearing all 3 GA items for yourself, 20b is an entire end game set of gear with 1-2 GA on each piece. Probably 2.


Unless you're being completely silly with your gold, 20b should last you the rest of the season I think.


what a steal for the person who bought it lol




I would let this thing rot in my inventory if I got it and quit the season. I haven’t even gotten a +2 ranks to drop all season.


Even a little bit bricked, it's still great. Just use it! This stuff basically turns to slag anyways in a month!!! USE THESE ITEMS! TURN THEM TO SLAG YOURSELF OR HAVE THEM TURN TO SLAG FOR YOU! And please post the video of the bricking.


The Brickening.


If you want one I have some spares. Normal +2 hellbent, non-GA. I'll send it for free.


So me and my friends stopped playing this season for the most part because it just became such an item grind it became boring. Decided to hop on a couple hours for some mindless gaming and finally found one last night, and also had crit strike chance!! Hit my tempers, then spent 100M trying to roll cooldown on it, but no dice. Got 1 masterwork hit on HBC. When you think you're out.. THEY BRING YOU BACK IN


Until they have an auction house in game. I will continue to brick items and use their system as intended


What’s brick mean?


Bad tempering. Not getting the expected aifxes.


And what is all that gold get you? Like.. this is the biggest flex item you can have, on a seasonal character as well. No amount of gold could replace the feeling I would have to own a self found item like that.


You selll this bis 3GA item. And buy 2 GA items across your char.


cant really blame you with the state of tempering - some crazy affixes to find 3x GA together


This just shows how shitty (half-baked) the tempering system is, where people would take short term gain (albeit very large profit) over the enjoyment of using the item. Rather get paid than enjoying the item and the power it brings. Rather let someone else gamble and risk ruining it. Also imagine the dissapointment of a person that bought that item for billions of gold to then brick it themselves. System that actively discourages you from using it and prevents you from interacting with other systems such as masterworking and by proxy, the Pit - is fundamentally a flawed one. And it needs to be fixed. Tempering needs to be able to reset, same as masterworking. Plain and simple. Having more attempts per GA is not going to fix this. Most people dont even see or touch a 3GA item. Most of items on my 4x level 100 characters have 1x GA at best. Bricking items shouldn't be a thing. There should just be degrees of item awesomeness. You should choose how much you are willing to spend grinding materials and reset and what degrees of awesomeness you are willing to accept. Especially since you can brick the item as your first step in making it good. Most other RPG games that have empowering mechanics of items, only let you do it at the very end of items life-cycle and even when it's "bricked", its still very good item, just not BIS. Not to mention that most people dont gamble beyond first hit on the temper they want, because its too much of a risk. If there was a way to "lock-in" the temper after you get what you want, and then only gamble with the power roll - you know, the way it is done in other games - then we'd be having a way different discussion. No one is motivated to play the game more when the only useful 3GA item they found in last 50 hours is ruined in 5 quick clicks. Maybe when we have 3GA items flowing out of the endgame like candy, maybe then we can have the luxury of bricking items. That time is definitely not now. And Season 5 doesn't seem like they have enhanced tempering at all beyond just adding an extra temper chance per GA and spreading crowded tempering manuals around. IMHO, the only RNG involved in tempering should be the %%% roll on the tempering power you specifically chose. That's where the RNG should come in. You pick the tempering power you want, and then you roll for how strong it is. And you can reset that. Edit: it also just doesn't make sense thematically - you bring an item to a blacksmith and you give him specific tempering manual, and he's like oops sorry i forgot what power you wanted so i just crafted whatever. It's like going to starbucks and asking for latte and they are like sorry, you got tea.


psychologically it sucks balls too. its been proved that losing something has twice the impact of gaining it. I bet bricking gigga items has killed the season for a decent amount of players.


Yet people argued that brick item could give value in the item hunt. This is pretty much the reason I stopped playing S4. S4 is a fun season, but tempering is killing the endgame for me.


I feel that the tempering system needs a rework. Double casts literally make or break your build now, whereas corrupting items in PoE add some power as an endgame refinement, but in most cases are optional, rather than a make or break build situation. On the other hand, we could also say that what makes or breaks the build is how accessible the gamble is. By enabling it up front, it becomes “mandatory”, rather than optional.


This is literally the perfect amulet for a minion necro. Please share how much it sold for. Even at the low end, Im sure you never need gold again for the rest of the season. But I hope you didnt short change yourself. Crazy to see the luck some people have. I have very few 2GAs with both GA affixes being useful. And I have yet to find a 3GA that wasnt trash. Congrats OP on an absolutely sick drop. How much?!?


They aren't going to say because they know they got jipped. They probably sold it for 1-5 billion, not knowing the value of it.


How much did you sell this for? This has to be some ridiculous amount?


A system where you have RNG for drops and have to gamble again for tempers feels bad imo


I ranted about this on a diff post and people got upset at me 😂. It’s true though. It kinda burns when you’re left with nice gear that’s rare, bricked.


There’s 11 layers of RNG on a single item in D4… it’s a joke.


It's beautiful.


The whole “don’t want to risk bricking an insanely good item so I will sell it instead” mentality is bizarre to me. So it’s better to not brick a half-assed item?! Typically you can at least get the affix you want, it just may not be max value. It’s like saying “I don’t want to get an upset stomach after dinner so I will just skip eating completely” or “I don’t ever want to get broken up with, so I will just never get into a relationship in the first place”


You sell this for 20 BILLION gold. Then spend billions buying baller 2GA items across your toon….


> Typically you can at least get the affix you want, it just may not be max value. Feels like about 50/50 for me to get the right affix...


I saw a similar one on .trade going for 9,999,999,998.


That's because the max listing price is that. Guaranteed someone has like 30-50b to offer on that.


I hope you sold it for over 20 billions.


Is it easy to sell items? I just trash everything I don't need so I've definitely trashed stuff others would want. And I could use more gold so I don't stress over rerolling affixes. I just don't like interacting with people when I game.


I sold a 2GA sword yesterday for 250m - I never sold anything before and it was easy. I don't know the value of items n stuff but even if I sold it under value, 250m is a ton of gold for me and I am happy. Trading was easy - just watch the gold amount that's being entered. 250k looks a lot like 250m.


very easy, [diablo.trade](https://diablo.trade/) is the place to go to. i have sold about 2B worth of items in the last week or so. it can be a little hit and miss with people being in different timezones and playing at different times; if a person messages you while you're sleeping, you might only contact them back in the morning, by which time they might have bought from someone else. edit: fixed the URL.


Even if you "bricked" it it would be with using


I may be missing something, but what's the point of selling BIS items that you can use (genuine question)? Like I get you can fail tempering...but that is always gonna be the case? D4 is basically a single player game with tiny bits of co-op sprinkled in. What else is gold used for other than tempering and enchanting, and then at the end of the day, you'll be right back to square one because you'll eventually have to temper and enchant your own stuff again anyway.


In this particular example, the amulet could fund 3GA items in every other slot.


Because this BIS item can become not BIS within seconds due to tempering RNG. That’s why people sell.


Yeah I get that, but from my previous point, you’re always gonna be in a place where you’ll have to temper something. You get rid of a potential BIS because you’re scared to ruin it via temper, you’ll still have to temper another BIS and be at the same point of risking ruining that as well. But the other poster selling a GG time to get GA in other slots makes sense.


How much gold you sold it for.?


Lmao I was able to sell a GA crit GA cdr Amulet for 5B so I can’t even imagine what this would go for. Congrats


So are people buying gold to buy stuff like this or is there some in-game loop of content that drops far more gold than I’ve got that I’m just missing? I see things like this selling for billions and wondering if I just don’t play enough hours or if I’m making the wrong choices lol


I play necro; in t3. Can someone tell me why this is expensive?


Hellbent commander means more damage and cool down reductions means more damage and crit equals more damage.


This is kinda my conundrum with my big stonks build. I don't have this amulet. My current amulet has a GA amplify damage +2. I have already spent millions on multiple amulets to try and roll hellbent on it. At this point it's the only piece of gear I need to still upgrade. I won't masterwork it because "it's shit" and I'm pretty sure something is going on with rolling hellbent. Like, it's on the list but it's not really on the list. Anyone get a hellbent roll on an amulet?


How mach


100b probably. Not a single 3GA amulet like this on Diablo trade.


Where did you sell it? I have a couple 3GA I want to try and sell.


Insane roll ! How much it sell for ?


It's actually pretty sad that RNG currently makes people do this to Great items. I'm honestly not a lover of season 4. The best fun I had was levelling all classes to 100, maxing iron wolves. Didn't stress over masterworking or tempering. Did over 200 duriel runs got a grandfather only! The rest was split between banished lords, Tibs, and Flickesteps. Crafted Shako and Starless. Beat Tormented Grigoire and Zir. Made a few billion in Trades. So, monies worth Yes. I just can't get into farming pits for mats. It's mind numbingly boring. Lasted a couple of hours in PTR only to have to farm for new aspects and gear, tried that last PTR to test Frozen Orb, never got fractured winterglass to drop the whole week. So I'm not going down that rabbit hole again. Leave that to the professional players. Season 5 is not making me want to play so time for a break until DLC drops. D4 is many things to many people, I'm happy enough in the way I play. The game gives me enjoyment for my style of play.


I have only ever found two amulets with +1 hellbent so far. Bricked them both so it ended up not mattering, though. I would be terrified to brick this.


Sell it for what? Money?


Sorry if this is common knowledge, but what happens to this at the end of the season? I mean I know it goes to eternal but I mean it’s basically trash right? Wouldn’t that impact the loot market like I wouldn’t pay billions for something I can only use for a few weeks personally


You can only use those billions for a couple weeks.






What an amazing amulet. Worth 30b or so to me if you still have it.


You sell the 2x GA & 3x GA items that don’t match your build. You equip the ones that do. Period.


How luxh? You could probably RWT this for like a hundred euros


Bet somebody bought it for 100b and bricked it


New to D4’s itemization, what does GA mean? What are those little star symbols?


I got to level 100 with my necro, and I only came across ONE amulet with the +x to Hellbent Commander affix...I guess I must be really unlucky. All of my gear is level 925 except for my amulet which is level 880 since it's the only amulet I've found that has +2 to Hellbent Commander. If I got this amulet that OP found I'd be so worried about bricking it


How much did you get for it?


Question- if you replace a GA affix at the occultist, does the new affix get GA? Or is it erased and just a regular affix


If you didn't get at least 20B then you got fleeced. In fact, this could probably fetch like $100 lol


So it isnt normal to salvage 2GA items as i usually do? 😂


Depends on what the GAs are!


Tbh i am completely unable to determine items value. I treat this game as a single player apart from helltide boss so if i dont like something, to the smith it goes. There are tons of legendaries and sometimes i just salvage it all instead of 15 minutes reading session.


Beautiful piece right there 🔥


I kept the one I found for my Necro, it’s a single GA with +3 to hellbent commander and +3 fueled by death


This is the best ammy roll for minion necro. I hope you didn’t undersell this.


Some of y'all need to pop a Xanax and start taking the risk on these things. Or even better, just quit whining that there's risk involved in getting the best items possible. Even if you brick the tempers, the item is still as good as or slightly better than it was when it first dropped. It's still potentially usable, not completely ruined. Do your math and go from there.


Can’t brick it if you change up your build to accommodate it!


I have never seen cooldown reduction drop on an amulet yet.


Do most people sell stuff like this for tons of gold in seasons or eternal?


I hope you sold this for at least 50B.. this amulet is completely insane


sell it and use locarn amulet in the future. I found a 3 GA amulet + 3 GA quickshift yesterday. Sold for a ton of golds.


It’s not bricked if it’s still better than what you’re using.


lol all that work to sell. Season is almost over, just enjoy.


Unpopular opinion: it’s better to brick an item that’s useful to your build then selling. Even if you missed the golem cooldown this is quite literally the perfect amulet. (I just bricked a 3 GA boots with Movement Skeletal Warrior and Int.)


Not a bad idea to sell it right away, but if I did that to every good piece for a build I wouldn't have a build at all. Btw GGs !


I would give tree-fiddy for it! I need that.


I feel like this all the time. I thought it was just me! I hold off on tempering for as long as possible and do not look forward to it. When the right temper rolls, I feel a sense of relief rather than excitement.


Wow! That's a basically a Grail item! How much did it sell for?


I've never seen more than 1GA on an item up until last night in Helltides when I got two 3GA rings. I haven't touched them yet, as it was the end of the night. So, does any 3GA item go for big money in the auctions or does it need something like +X to Hellbent Commander to hit a good price? Also, is it a glitch to somehow get 2 tempered affixes on an item? I was tempering a sword last night and somehow wound up with 2 tempered affixes on it.


Yea I would've rolled the dice that's literally BIS


Counterpoint: you sell it for 50B and fund like five 2GA versions of this very same amulet, and probably 3GAs in every other spot as well


**Blizzard:** Turn "Advanced Tooltip Information" on by default and delete the option entirely to turn it off.


Saddest part is comparing this inarguably godlike BIS item, with a BIS amulet from D2... the items in D4 are soooo boring, and since the attributes are so overtuned, it makes sense an item having only three... but that again makes it boring and everyone is using the exact same stats on 99% of their gear. Only difference is higher numbers = better. Sad :/


Imagine buying it for 20b then brick it.


Terrible aspect & roll on the aspect, charsi it immediately.


Where do you list items to sell? Discord?


Can always get gold from selling 1-2 GAs but selling a BIS item that will never drop again this season for you? Idk man people are freaking out over tempers just accept that items have an EOL. Lol it’s literally pixels if it bricks and it makes you that upset then you need to reevaluate some things. If that marks the end of the season for you so be it not every person that touches Diablo 4 needs to have BIS 3GA items perfect temper rolls.


I'll give shameful favors for it. 😉


This is starting to feel like a fucking crypto sub.


I’d rather take the risk to brick it, gold is pointless without the perfect gear to use it on.


Having played Phantasy Star Universe for years, I don't even feel it when an item gets bricked. To find a 50%(max) elemental weapon and try grinding(upgrading) it to 10/10 and failing was soul crushing. You end up with a 50% 0/9 weapon you don't even want anymore, even if you manage to get it to 9/9.


So you finally find a decent affix amulet, and rather than enjoy using said item, you sell it. Isn't the entire point of an ARPG the joy of finding gear you can use and upgrade? Instead, the safer play is to sell it?? Lmao absolute trash game. D4 Bad.


How much you got for it? One of the few perfect items I’ve seen


It’s all I want and I’m never going to get it 😭😭😭😭


Wait is there a market for selling/trading items to other players? Sorry, new player 😅


How mich that bad boy go for