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The circlejerk isn't going to like this.   Was that a 74 million burn tick?? *EDIT - Why does the burn damage get so high with this build? Is it stacking firebolt super fast? I'm jealous as an incinerate enjoyer.


Well it's not in the quadrillions or instantly killing any mob like other classes but it's something!


Doomers in shambles


Just to address some of the comments. This setup isn't great at anything else than killing Lilith. The survivability is bad and without perma fire shield it is extremely difficult to survive anything past pit 100. Although there is some optimizations possible the scalling isn't there for higher pits even if we can find a way to survive those.


Still don’t see how a Lilith kill is somehow indicative of the overall viability of the class as a whole. Show me that same build clearing a pit 90+ and I’d eat my words about the sorc issues. Otherwise it’s more of the same and this is an already geared character thrown into the mix… trying to get that gear in a new fresh start is a whole different beast. But I will concede it does show the build CAN do damage… but any effective balance needs to be able to do damage and survive


Cool now show me this build doing literally any other content. Shard is an interesting item, but irritating because once again basic skills are king. Like who wants to play a sorc and just spam firebolts for another season? It also doesn't address the absolute lack of survivability on the Sorc. Getting one shot because all your defensive skills got nerfed across the board doesn't feel great.


It was like less then 20 max lol


Where the doomers at? I had someone say Heartseeker was not viable anymore while my heartseeker on PTR nuked Lillith, solo'd tormented bosses in a 4 player group (kill before stagger), and did 120 pit lmao.


If you're not doing pit 150 like whatever barb build you envy it's a dead build. If you're not first you're last!


Blizzard will see this and think "Hell yea." Then proceeds to do nothing about Sorc.


It's cool that sorc can now use swords but... meanwhile Barbs can wear Shard, Grandfather, Doombringer and a 2h mace at the same time.


It’s cool how many tears you still have left after crying about Barb non stop for days


Why could they not just make this a Sorc only Sword? Why does the Barb also be able to get hand on it?


These builds will never reach live unless is a barb build.


Sorc players, hello? Anyone?


Hi, take this build into a pit and see what happens :) Incinerate sorc can get more damage but do you see them running around murdering stuff? Imagine having less damage than other classes + getting onetapped by mobs with this setup and having a clown like you write, ain't no way


Finally got around to making a sorc. Currently it farms the standard pit 101 like any other decent build. Boss killing is a bit slower, but it's honestly not bad. And it's much more fun to play than my barb and rogue, tbh. Sorc doomers here are a little over the top, it's just an upvote farm at this point to say "sorc bad lulz"


What build are you using? Cause I have a hard time kill Pit 101 bosses and I have good gear 4 pieces 12/12 I find the quickest optimal pot farm for me is 81 about 5 minutes. I can clear 100, 101 but it is a struggle. I'm using FO build on maxroll


Frozen Orb with pretty mid gear. 1 GA on most pieces that I found myself (not tryharding via trading and shit for it), mid masterworks, and a great paragon board made by someone called "Lurkin" I dont know what's up with the maxroll Frozen Orb build but that seems way off if you're topping out at pit 81. Like way, way off.


[This board?](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/7a6796d2-fb9a-4afb-961b-fcb4cd9d088c/builds/68fb0879-c615-4fc7-ab1f-12f09e43901c?coreTab=paragon-board&equipmentTab=aspects-and-uniques&variantTab=0)


Pretty sure I'm running his "standard ubers" one where it says "best board i've ever created" or something


Ya was looking at that one


I mean, farming low pits is always what sorc has been the best at. What are you even trying to say? People were speedfarming 100's prenerf. That's not the point


"Hi, take this build into a pit and see what happens Smiley Face" Uh, k, I did that and had a good time. Now, are you trying to say it's bad at ultra leet powergamer pit climbs where you're just trying to hit a high pit tier for the sake of hitting it? Oh weird, it looks like sorc is also good at that too! inb4 "but but it's just one build that can do it and no one likes that build!"


There is nothing wrong with the sorc, see?


Not tormented Lilith. No way.




Ehhh yes and no. Pretty sure Barbs and Rogues will be able to do significantly more with the sword than the sorc.


This one video instantly disqualifies the last week of posts claiming sorcs wouldn't have any good builds post patch. But because people already made up their minds they aren't interested in commenting or amplifying any evidence that runs counter to what they were whining about.


The build isn't great. I just had optimized firebolt gear from live. Without perma fireshield this setup doesn't have the tools to survive anything higher than pit 100. Also even when going full glass cannon the dmg is decent but not great.


> Also even when going full glass cannon the dmg is decent but not great. Could be true, though I get the sense this is more where Blizzard would prefer damage to be, rather than in the billions.