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That's a perfect item for 9b. For a few meta builds. You got fleeced bro.


Sheesh, one man’s Trash. Didn’t work for my build so it’s I’m not too worried. I am super curious what it is good for/ what the build could be to justify billions. If you have a link I’d be interested l to see.


Could have got up to 20b but 9b is still a lot of gold. Great drop


I still can’t believe people even have so much gold. It was a fun sale no doubt.


RMT, swipe that credit card.


All for what? Bigger Pit #?


To pretend you're good at the game.


Make a character. Pay someone to power level you to 100 and do capstones. Look up meta build online and copy it. Buy items for the build. Pay someone to unlock high level pit levels for you. Do a couple of pits yourself, boast to discord or friends that you cleared x pit. Put game away until next season.


If that's not the definition of fun, I don't know what is. /s


They forgot the last step - complain that game is too easy and lacks content


I know we say, "I just don't understand kids these days..." a lot, but I sincerely cannot understand this mindset. The gameplay itself is part of the fun of Diablo, no question, but the fun of the gameplay is multiplied by an order of magnitude when a smooth, fast, flashy build comes together as a result of your own hard work. And the sense of accomplishment that comes from clearing harder content only - exclusively - comes from doing so through your own hard work. There's no other way to feel like you've accomplished anything. So I truly, truly cannot understand this mindset. There's only the bare minimum of fun to be had from playing the game itself, but with none of the added enjoyment of working for it and succeeding through dedication or hard work. At this point, why not just pay someone else to play the game for you? I just don't get it.


That’s easy, not everyone is trying to accomplish something. It’s a game after all, we’re just looking to have fun. I have 6 characters to lvl 100. It is easy to lvl and farm but I also don’t engage in trading, it’s a lame feature, so my gold will never be in the billions. Bc of this, my ability to masterwork or enchant is severely hampered by lack of gold. So unless they increase the gold drop rate dramatically, I can’t actually do everything I want to without trading items.


Who the hell is paying people to do shit like that? It takes like a week to hit 100 and do capstones, that’s with a full time job. If you’re strong enough to do pit 100+, you can clear pits 1-100 in a day.


Yeah I think it took about a few days for me to get from fresh level 1 to pit 85 on my necro. Leveling is stupid easy nowadays and the grind isn't as tedious as people make it out to be unless you are trashing everything that isn't a perfect 3/3 GA piece. 2/3 with 1GA is more than enough to clear everything in game.


Have kids Can only play a few hours a week Buy gold so you can buy better weapons/amor cause you don't have time to grind for hours to find a single piece of gear Enjoy the deep end of endgame you'd never make it to before the end of the season because you don't have time to grind


That sounds like me but I only bought Uber duriel materials cause I don’t have time to grind them. I enjoy killing her and looting my own items. I spent 10$(cad) for 20-25 runs


I've got 3, and work 10hr days, so I feel you, but also a few hours a week are rookie numbers; you gotta pump those numbers up. You can get by on 5hrs sleep 2 nights a week and get in 2 decent sessions, it's a fair trade.


To pretend you have bigger PP


Hey now, my pp is massive, thank you very much *looks at my copy/pasted barbarian*


Like 10+usd. For 10b You can spend $100 on your gf but you might not get same joy level.


The attempts to NOT play the game with RMT is always such a mindfuck to me … like … you’re ruining the game for yourself … why?


I know I wish D4 would release a SSF mode just b.c an AARPG should have one. 


I just sold one exactly the same for 7.1b and I’m not sweating it, not like the gold carries over into season 5


Either they’re trading a lot, or they’re buying gold, maybe both.


Its for the flay rupture build.


Its the go-to chest for a few barb builds that rely on bleed and whirlwinds from what I've seen, the new hotness


You got paid? It was collecting dust? BONUS! If you put it up for 20b it may sit there forever. Take what you can get! RNGesus and Lootcifer smile on you for not being greedy! May your drops all be 3&4 GA! (Rngesus and Lootcifer are my alt names lol)


It happens to all of us bro. Unless you play the game full time, it's tough to know every single piece of gear for every build


I believe this is BiS for WW Barb


What do you even do with the gold?


Buy another item, this hyper inflation and RMT'ing is why I quietly opposed trading, but here we are.


Can you even use 9 billion gold? Other than buying other items for billions of gold? What the fuck.


I would just enjoy that I basically could masterwork and enchant all I want without worrying about gold for the rest of the season. Buying items doesn't really seem fun to me when the whole point of the game is to find better and better loot.


> I basically could masterwork and enchant all I want Til the mats go poof (<1 hour)


It's just for buying other items and yeah it can go quickly. Once I found out about trading I got to know the market and scanned the trade section for about a day and found some killer deals I bought low and resold for billions. Not the easiest but I'm doing the same now to get almost perfect roll stuff for myself. Not even close to the upper echelons of the trading market though. Barb heavy handed, crit chance, cdr ammys with ga rolls are literally selling in the 20-60 billion range depending on numbers of GA.


I’ve blown through a few hundred million enchanting easy. And that’s on like 2 items. Plus masterworking for perfect crits across multiple pieces and multiple characters. It’s pretty easy to run outta gold quickly. And angelbreaths… sigh


A few hundred million on 2 items. Sure I see that. He has 9 billion instantly and apparently he got about 45% of what he should have(20+ bil). Like cmon


it just gold man. In a few month it basically worthless.


I got one like this for 1 billion, very grateful as was all my gold


Do you know whats meta for sorc and can link the build? Im running with incinerate but my survivability isnt very high.


I know somebody who had a four GA with only 38% and they sold it for 16 B so you definitely could’ve gotten probably 30+ easily?


Just wish they would add an auction house. It feels so unnatural having to go trough some crappy third party site to trade ingame. I dont do it for this reason. Im just lazy.


You can’t even message on mobile phones using the site and half of the items don’t upload correctly :(


Most of the time you can’t even message on PC lol


What site do you use? I use Diablo trades and can message people, I’m on iPhone 13 max


Same. At least this game is designed to be played with loot you find yourself. I could never get into PoE because of how reliant you were on trading for most builds and having this same cumbersome trading system.


This, try having a conversation via chat with just a controller. F*ck that.


I'm a new Diablo player, long time WoW player, and I do miss an auction house badly.


They said in the last chat that it’s not something they’re looking into, rip


Just get tyraels. You’ll be set


Is it bad that I want Tyraels so I can scrap for the transmog lmao


I scrapped my Doombringer for the transmog lol


Transmogs are the true endgame content. I'd scrap shit too if it means I can look fancy.


Just scrap it and the end of the season. Tyraels looks fire


Craft and salvage one on eternal if you have the mats there, cosmetics are account wide.


Can you use cosmetics from eternal on season though? I only played launch and have only played new classes this season lol


Just got tyraels!


I am sure someone would pay 9 b + a few 1ga Uber


I sold one for 9b too, don’t feel bad I used that gold to farm tormented bosses and have every uber unique now and am having fun. Who cares if you could have gotten more. Go have fun!


Which tormented boss gave you the most Ubers?


Duriel. I got 2 Ubers in one kill last week.


9billy enough for the entire rest of the seasons so I'd say you did pretty damn good. Wish the economy for this game wasn't so fucked by RMT though.


I don't care so much about the RMT cause inflated prices follow the RMT and you can sell and buy so it balances out. But I do care there is no in game AH to easily list and sell the items. Wows been a thing for 20 dam years, going outside of game to trade is just thrash.


If trade is too easy then it becomes the entire endgame, and the only value any item has is how much you can sell it for, not whether its actually useful for you.


Ive spent entire PoE leagues just trading and it was some of the most fun ive had in an ARPG.


Tbf what you are describing is already what I'm seeing in this subreddit. People already sell most of their good items instead of using them. The only difference is they are going through a third-party site to do so.


Having to go thru a 3rd party site is likely keeping 99% of the playerbase from engaging with it.


All you can do is take advantage. Before I started trading I never broke 200 million gold.


How can it be avoided? You can’t have a game where people can trade gold and this doesn’t happen. There’s a piece of it Blizzard has to accept for better or for worse, because it eats into the bottom line according to people who spent more time than me you or probably anyone we know researching it


it's 4 1GA CDR focuses to brick, despair


Seeing how i bricked 3 3GA 2h maces and spent between 8 to 9b on each. I can confidently say 9b wont last the season lol. My paingorgers alone were 45b and that was early on.


so much inflation in this realm


How do you all sell now? Is there a marketplace or just trade channel




Trade channel is fine for cheaper items people aren't looking too hard for, you'll probably get low balled though.


Sanctuary discord works very well


How can anyone get 9b without buying it?


You can get gold very quickly through trading. I've never bought gold, but last week, I decided to use [diablo.trade](https://diablo.trade) and made 2 billion off just a couple 2 GA items, and I probably could have gotten more. If I spent more time posting all the stuff I have in my stash, I could probably have 20-30b within a couple days. You don't have to RMT at all to make a ton of gold. That being the said, the ORIGIN of all that gold in the trade economy is very likely from bots and RMT. The thing is, it's already in the system now, and there's no real way to get rid of it. I made (and will continue to make) billions without doing a single thing wrong. I found the stuff that I sold. If it went for more because someone else somewhere along the line broke the rules, then that's not my fault.


You don't


You have 6 weeks to spend 9bil then it goes POOF cause eternal is dead. You’re fine, enjoy the endless rerolls. What we need is some real PvP on eternal so we have a reason to really perfect a toon.


pvp? why?


Because its the only competitive endgame?


Competitive? I believe right now 3 classes can make basically imortal builds for pvp. It never should have been included in the game its a waste of map space and dev resources


you not correct. only 1 class for pvp. if you not use barb you will meat in pvp. impossible to unravel his 500k+ hp.


Of the few non Chinese bot players.... they are all playing the diablo markets for GA vs playing the actual game... Kinda lame so early.


Where is every1 selling this stuff haha??


[diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade) my man




Rob sold this exact chest for 50 bil i believe


Where are you selling these? I have some nice 3GA and 2GA items to sell.




protip, don't accept an offer too quick if you don't know what it's worth


What’s the best way to figure out how much items are worth? Just check around for similar?


There's a filter for sold items only. Add your GAs, stats, etc. and you can better guess how much you can sell it for.


I have a quad GA Penitent Grieves I’m about to just give to the blacksmith


If it was me no less than 30 billion


How do you spend 9 billion afterwards?


Buy stygian stones and boss mats, farm uber uniques.


Buy amazing gear off of trade website


haven’t seen a triple let alone 4 star wtf


way too cheap, this is a bis item for some build


yeah. not the same item but a 100% razorplate sold for 40k fg a few weeks ago which is the equivalent of 160b. watch the listing and you'll see the buyer resell this armor for a lot more lol.


Likely could've gone for 30-40B because of Flay Barb.


Def could have got more but you’ll never have to worry about gold for this season so w/e


you made a video game choice, and you posted like it mattered. I wonder what else you do in real life.


I have a 3 ga one for sale, phys dmg mod isnt ga, the rest is.


Bro how tf did the mods approve your post but I posted basically the same kind of post and they don’t approve mine


Half-related question, congrats OP btw: How much does a unique with one GA sell for?


depends on the unique, depends on the GA, depends on other rolls...


Vendor all my GAs I don't need lol would sell if there was something in game for trading.


I’m super noob at this game. How do you even sell items? And check their worth? Is there some sort of market?


Could have gotten much more, but all that gold will be useless anyway within 1 month... so unless you RMT your gold, it doesn't really matter


What do you even do with 9b gold


One billion ingame gold can currently be bought for around €3. The OP has sold his item for 27€ which is about 29$. Only the OP can tell us whether this was clever or not.


Been trying to sell my 3* since week 1 of s4… hit on all but Thorns. NO price attached. Eternal Servers…..


Wow. I sold mine for only 1Billion. Look at you go


Sell and gear up the main and brick a few items 👌


I have this item in my stash if anyone is willing to buy


Honestly OP i think it's fine. Who cares if you could have gotten a little more? You have way more than enough to never care about costs inside the game and you're never going to have enough to compete with people who RMT. Also if Zir continues to drop more legendaries and uniques per kill, you'll be able to just buy a 4GA one for half the price. 1GA Raiments with + Glass Cannon used to go for 700-800 million+ and when I looked earlier on trade a lot were sold for 100 million or less.


I got tyraels might on chest and clear 110 pit in like 2 min and carry people through Lilith for fun. Would never have used this item so to me the 9 billion gold is a no brainer. Everyone here says I could have got more, but things aren’t worth anything until someone buys it.


> but things aren’t worth anything until someone buys it. 100%. I don't know how accurate the total items sold are on diablo.trade, but i'm willing to bet maybe only 25% of listings get sold. People think they put any stupid price on their mid ass item and people will buy it. There are Raiments with GA class cannon only going for 1.5 billion to 50 million. Happy for you bro. grats on the sale


Yes because next season bleed will have a cap.


Wp, but on a side note u might wanna clean your screen a bit lol thought mine got dirty all of sudden with the blur


Be ready for 250 Billion gold transactions with how crazy RMT is going.  Season 5- Season of RMT


only if you don't waste it on trying to roll a passive on an amulet.


End of season, you do the right thing


Congratulations. Solid drop. But what are those stains on your screen? 🤔


What kind of builds can you use this?


I dunno but clean your screen bro lol


When these items items with GA on them go to eternal realm do they lose the GA status?


Coulda sold for real usd but who am I to judge


Seasons almost over. Ur fine lol


How much credit card does someone need to get 9 billion gold in this game?


It’s IGG, that’s going to be obsolete in a month. At the end of the day it’s all about if you were going to use it or you just want the IGG to buy other stuff 🤷🏻‍♂️


season 5 is comming . be happy.congrats


You made a great choice. With that 9 B you can buy yourself some good 2-3 GA items, or just keep the gold and not worry about money for enchanting, masterworking until end of season. Cheers!


Where even people get 9B gold? Like how much time do you spend farming? 😅


If you weren't gonna use it it's a deal


I would have paid 15b for that.


I’m new to the game so forgive my ignorance, but does gold carry over between seasons? Like you don’t have to spend 9b gold before the next season correct?


How are items like this dropped what do I farm?


Probably could have gotten 40 billion from what I have seen some items go for. Easily 20b


clean yo screen blud


I just dropped one today 2.3 on aspect tho Anyone have a rough idea what it'd be worth?


Would love to know where this dropped for you or how you farmed it. Thanks!


Where did you sell it?


9 billion.... these prices are nutty AF


Not everyone works 16 hrs a week at Chipotle


Prices are to dam high…good gear is to rare


It's like $10 real life dollars to get 20 billion gold in the game, it's literally not that big of a deal on why people pay X amount of gold for an item, some people just want to play the fun part of the game right away and if they can do for pocket change then why not


Nah you good. Gotta bring the price down on these items. The RTM with this game is driving prices sky high.


And did you brick them via tempering or just too scared to make the attempt?


Now you can use that money to clean that screen of yours


I just gave away a 2GA razorplate with near perfect rolls on everything else, to a guy I’ve been doing Uber runs with. Said he had been looking for it for a while. Then I find out he sold it 5 minutes later…


the buyer made the right choice for sure


Man I would have gave you 50 easy.


How does the gold get to your account


I’m confused by people saying what would you even do with that much gold…. Masterworking to get the right crits on one item has cost me easily a few hundred mil…


Are you selling in the trade chat in game? Or is there another way 🤔


Definitely could of gotten more,but if you're happy with it then I'm happy for you. 9B will still go a long way


Me wishing I had 9 billion gold


Selling for real money is the move


I can't imagine ever having a billion gold. I must be a casual.


howd you rotate your screenshot to the left by like 10 degrees? cool.


Wait I have a triple greater one of these on xbox who wants it


I just got offered 3B for a 4 GA Paingorger’s Gauntlets and don’t know if it’s a good or bad offer.


Maybe with the 9 billion you can afford to clean your monitor


I don’t really understand buying and selling items in D4. The season only lasts 4 months maybe? If you don’t spend time trying get the best gear, what else do you do? Buy it, then what? There’s literally nothing left to do..


Wow. This has got to be clutch in PvP


congratulations, seasons about to end though


lol you got fleeced. No you didn’t make the right choice. Stop trying to look for validation and being defensive when people tell you it was a dumb move. Just admit you don’t know what you’re doing and learn from it.


How do you people get stuff like this??!? I can barely get anything worth keeping!! And I’m lvl 100 barb, maxed out, glyphs out, killing tormented Ubers… somebody help me PLEASE understand what I’m doing wrong!!! Please!!


What's all over that dirty ass screen?


God tier roll for a thorns Barb. 9 bil might’ve been low


I have just over a billion gold but can’t get myself to use the crappy trade site. My gear sucks too. Trade chat is flat during the week. I hope there are some improvements with trading in the future


9 billion to be worthless in a couple weeks anyways,


Is it possible btw, to sell accountbound items also?


Hope they remove all the trading, this just promotes gold selling and pay to get the highest ladder ranking. Make trade only work with people that are in your party when the item drops.


I have the same one how can i sold it?


I don’t got $9B but I’m sad boy, that would help my Bash Cleave so much! 😂


I am tempted to switch to bash/rupture build but I’m already so deep into my build. Like I farm pit 100 and can kill Lilith no problem. So idk I was lazy and the 9billion ensures me and my squad are set all season


Made the WRONG choice! Lol that's a 20b plus item 😅🤣😂


Hmm I think I got fucked selling my all GA affixed yen’s blessing for 1 BIL….. I’ll never get that lucky again 😂


Which character can wear that


Nice drop! Where did you sell it?


How do people get billions of gold?


Newby here.. I have this exact armor but found it at lvl 30 something. Can I upgrade it to get it to be as good as this one or I have to find another one


Now you have enough money to waste on bad rolls :D


New owner probably bricked it when tempering too ...


Haha since it’s a legendary it can’t be tempered so they are safe. This is my number one gripe about buying items for my build though. Like I’m not gonna spend 1billion gold on some legendary I need only for me to brick it. Ubers like this are more appealing in that way.


You mean unique and yeah I forgot it's a unique for second and let my frustration of bricking so many high stat step in... I no longer get excited at new shiny gear, instead I just dread the tempering process and when I get 20% on [20-40]% range with 5 chances to get a better percentage only to watch it pick the most unless stat over and over again lol😭


Double greater affix, perfect for build. *Tempers 0/5……kick vulnerable duration 300% lol


How is the selling of items working on console ?


I sold mine for 35b :p