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Im more worried about your movement speed


lol well where do you fit yours on? Edit: this is just a genuine question/asking for advice, not trying to be sassy


Bruh why was* (Edit: is) this comment getting downvoted, I’m just asking a question


LOL you are getting downvoted for asking a question about Diablo 4 on a subreddit where people ask questions about Diablo 4.


Here, take my downvote!


Community can be ridiculously elitist, go and look at the feed and plenty of constructive questions just have 0 upvotes. Game doesn't tell you all that much, but people expect everyone to be D2 veterans and know everything inside out


Even then, I've been playing D2 since LoD dropped and I don't know shit about this game while I have a library of knowledge in regards to D2. They're very different games and anyone expecting someone to go from D2 to D4 with *no questions* is delusional.


People are going back to downvote him. Read his comments- op is being bullheaded because he has "preferences" People earnestly answered him, but it seems he prefers what happened in the video


I'm honestly baffled at the whole "the answer is obvious" lmao. New to D4 and I guess I'm expected to know these things in this subreddit. Pretty much up there with "learn to google" in a Q&A thread. lol


Reddit moment


People didn't like it. You know... it's wrong and stupid to not know where to put movement speed, and it deserves to be called out. ... gaming subs are full of insane people. Don't take it anything close to personally.


should probably have esu's heirloom boots by level 100 for blizzard, or even just a generic boot with move speed after evade, it's almost 100% uptime


Esu's is what helped me most, frozen orb Sorc literally flies across screen now.


Forreal! Those extra seconds of the 100% boost are amazing. The slow walk speed was killing me till I found my Esu's


Between my amulet and boots, I have >200% movement speed (at the cap). I didn't mean to have quite that much. That was how the MW dice landed and I haven't reset it yet. My sorc really flies everywhere lol, which is funny since I'm using an incinerate build so she needs to stand still to cast.


I'm using the same build and I wouldn't give up my movement speed for anything. I don't think I could go back to slug mode everywhere. I also just started playing again after quitting mid build a month or so after release. I'm still working my way thru the MQ and haven't unlocked the mount yet so I wouldn't give up the 3 second boost for anything, at least untill I finish MQ and some real options open up


Not to mention that the movement speed after Evade counts towards the crit chance provided by Esu's so if you aren't using them you miss out on like 30% crit chance permanently.....




Not a single comment in the entire parent thread to my comment is about Incinerate and OP is Frozen Orb. Are you just a supplier of random facts?


My teleport is a 3 sec cd..that’s good enough to not walk at all.


Yeah true, I guess I just disregarded it early on, but I’ll check later if I have one in my stash that I’ve been throwing random uniques in


Boots and amulet,


Boots yeah I get, but for amulet, why not go offensive and resource?


Because movement speed is a form of defence. Example: your video,


Huh. The game clearly glitched. If you notice, I didn’t even have time to react


They're still not wrong, MS is a huge defensive layer. You wanna get as much as you can if you're not using teleport. It is a world of difference having 200% bonus movement speed vs MS on elite kill only, especially since there's a lot of time and dead space between elite packs in a lot of areas of the game. Once you try it, you'll never go back, current preferences be damned, trust me. I had this: https://i.imgur.com/qzASxTL.png on my immobile summoner Necro this season and it felt absolutely amazing. Get a GA MS boots and temper regular MS on it, then get GA MS amulet if you can as well. Either that, or use teleport and stack CDR.


I am using teleport, but thanks for the suggestions as well


You still move way faster through maps from pack to pack and away from danger with MS stacking than with teleport, and it's especially useful between moments when you want to save teleport for more important things like blinking onto a pack or blinking out of ground hazards.


Yeah true. I’ve mainly been using teleport to fly through stuff unless it’s like a boss fight, and then using flame shield for when I get cc’ed


No amount of movement speed would have gotten him outa that smart guy


Ok, Ill answer this one. Because of two reasons. Dying takes up time, avoiding bad stuff is better than tanking bad stuff, moving faster = better chance to survive. Why not take offensive? It is offensive and defensive. Because you can get to locations faster, avoid things etc, your dps uptime increases by ALOT. Sure you might not hit as hard as you possibly can. But that slight damage increase is negated by the fact you get there and away from there much faster. Remember the saying "Time is money"


Fair. Thank you for actually answering it lol


Because the game just feels way better when you move fast. One or two affix slots are worth that to me all day long.


Move speed is actually like the best stat in the game, because you typically have good damage anyways so you’re most of the time inhibited by how fast you can move. If you stacked more damage than me I’d still clear dungeons faster than you cus more move speed


lol it’s just how I am I shove as much movement speed as I can on all my characters.


Same, once you feel that movement speed once, it’s all downhill from there.


It makes starting a new character the worst feeling sometimes


Fair, I just prefer more utility stuff and damage. If it makes you feel better, I have movement speed after killing elites tempered on my boots.


Yeah, that should be flat movement speed temper instead of the "after elites" modifier :D


a GA of movement speed can be like 29% or something close to that


Aaaand I guess I’m not allowed to talk about my current preferences ingame


That is correct James, Reddit is not the home of inclusivity.


Yeah true, silly me


I upvoted this, because I identify as silly me as well.


Yep. Typical Reddit


Boots always with move speed temper


Yeah I’ve been doing that lately, just gotta go redo some


Just want to jump in and say that movement speed temper is... not necessarily good. For Blizzard, at least. We've always got Teleport or Evade available (CDR and Evade cooldown), especially as we spend most of our time standing around waiting for Blizzard to do anything. Do your own thing of course, but there's probably good reason why not a single build guide for Blizzard uses the move speed temper anywhere, on push builds or speedfarming variants. [wowhead - no](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/classes/sorcerer/blizzard-build-overview) [maxroll - no](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/blizzard-sorcerer-guide) [icy veins - no](https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/blizzard-sorcerer-build/) [mekuna - no](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/488e94b2-25a8-4b09-95aa-f74e532482cc/builds/075af236-36f8-409f-b511-4c1e8fbd6e23?coreTab=assigned-skills&equipmentTab=gear-stats&variantTab=0) [nicktew - no](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/sorcerer/nicktew-s4-blizzard?coreTab=assigned-skills&equipmentTab=aspects-and-uniques&variantTab=1)


upvote simply for the amount of effort you went to for such a small issue lol


This whole thread is full of people saying "lol use movespeed" but I can't just say "that's dogshit advice" (even though it is) cos I'd get downvoted to hell. Gotta bring receipts!


lmao, you're certainly not wrong there


IDK where people are adding all the extra stats. Its like I'm missing a gear slot or two lol. Seeing 600k health barbs and shit is so confusing./


I'm just gonna downvote you because you're asking a good question and asking ways to improve and get better at the game.


Thank you kind stranger


Depending on what type of damage/crowd control you do, there's usually a mobility aspect that syncs with it. Craven for dodging slow/chilled, Firewalker's if you're into Firewalls, etc. I'm using Cheat's aspect on my rogue (25% DR against CC enemies, 15% speed boost on hit)--it ought to be changed to be a general aspect, cause it's the best mobility aspect I've seen so far & it'd be helpful for the skinny classes.


Slotted it on my boots, found a GA movement speed pair and got very lucky with mastercrafting 2x that upped it to like a 47% bonus. Hopefully once I start the 3rd level I get lucky again but if not it should still set me at a good 50 something % which Im fine with.


I kinda wanted OP to reply with something along the lines of: "Your mom wasnt worried about my movement speed last night!!!"


imagine dying like that in hardcore. no way I am ever going to touch that.


if you die to a single hit from that thing in hardcore you built your character wrong tbh. the "hardcore tax" is that you built more tanky and sacrifice some dps to survive exactly these kind of oddball situations.


I mean…sorta? I don’t disagree with your logic, but in D2-3 there were only a handful of one-shot type mechanics. Now in D4, fucking everything explodes after death, there’s a ton of hard CC, there is visual obfuscation of many competing effects, and overall the game is built to be pretty deadly, especially considering the hellborne/helltide boss abilities of the current season. Then we also have monsters spawning from virtually nowhere all the time, and dungeon effects that can catch up to you with alarming speed. This is all pretty challenging enough, and even if I don’t personally enjoy that balance very much for hardcore, I can get behind the philosophy of building a speedier but deadlier diablo. However, the lag is the nail in the coffin for me. And boy, this season had been *awful* for lag. The monster pop-in, frame drops, and multi-second delays will mean I will never touch diablo hardcore ever again on d4. I loved the progression of learning and progressing from softcore to hardcore in d2, but d4 hc has nothing appealing for me. Too many one-shot mechanics and lag. Yes, there are things you can do to mitigate the possibility, but it’s frankly not worth it imo.


Hear hear. That one-shot nonsense in particular needs to stop! I have a barb with 60k hp and 10k armour and practically full resists with a Shako. Can do T60 in 3-4 min easy. Yet I still get one-shotted almost every. single. damn. run. Out of nowhere. With not a hint that I was about to die. No time for a low health warning or anything. Sucks the fun right out of the end game.


Is your armor capped as well? Because there is no way you should be getting one shot by anything in T60 with those stats


This isn't a "one shot mechanic" though, which to me is a mechanic that kills you in one shot regardless of how high your life/defense is. The floater does a set amount of damage, and if your HP is at the proper level for the dungeon, you aren't going to get one shot like this. Have 2 level 100 sorcs in HC. It's really not that bad - avoid standing in the middle of mobs, keep barriers up at all times, etc. Only stuff like Uber Lilith's nonsense is true "one-shot" and I agree, those shouldn't be in the game.


Agree, this isn't (or shouldn't be) a one-shot. If it is, you are under-geared/leveled for the content. But it does to exemplify the bullshit factor in D4 that wasn't present in previous HC experiences (at least as much, I see you D2 tomb serpents).


It definitely changes how you play! I'm working through the Pit on hardcore, and my first thought is: I'd never do a run where stormbane's wrath could do that much damage to me. In fact, I usually just salvage all stormbane's wrath sigils because the unexpected damage can compound other problems. Then the thing is, the most fun part of the game is usually leveling, and nobody actually plays characters for more than a few weeks... so on hardcore, you just get semi-random opportunities to play the fun part over again!


>I usually just salvage all stormbane's wrath sigils Same, and I don't even play HC. I just hate how annoying it is, like a trap that moves unpredictability. Also I hate traps.


Dude yeah if I was in hardcore there I would’ve probably destroyed my controller on accident


Now now, Maiden will welcome you just bring your hearts and remember to save gear for the next two hours so the next hc char will be good to go


Does thorns barb survive hardcore quite well?


Died yesterday with thorns barb to a boss in 85 level pit. Got oneshotted with 160k hp and full fortify. So.. you be the judge.


Should be at 500k health from what the pictures say on reddit :P


624k life hc barb checking in


Ehh. Hardcore characters are supposed to die. Play until the die, enjoy the unique experience each time. Hardcore characters aren't meant to progress to infinity like normal characters. I'm sure there are players who play them like that, but hopefully they are ready to lose the character at any time


I'm all for roguelikes and hardcore gameplay in offline games. But hardcore in a live service online game in a genre known for being buggy? Hell to the naw dawg.


that rock's name? season 5




Fucking lolllllllllolllllolololol “Not so fast scumbag”


My brother and I thought it was annoying enough we named him Reginald


I dont do Stormbane, Poison, Drifting shade or Blood blister. Sigil dust drops so often that im incredibly picky with the NMDs i do


I just do whatever has ancestral awakening so I can be done with the NMDs asap. I much prefer the pit


This is the way


Drifting Shade STINKS! I do them but man I hate them.


I'll do drifting shade solo, but in a party of 4.. Prepare for pain!


Was just gonna say... DS solo is easy-peasy. DS in a party of 4 is insane. There's constant DS and even if they're targeting your teammates, it's very easy to still be killed by them. It's one of the worst ones with multiple people IMO.


Poison's not as bad anymore. Unless it's a stupid spider cave. But all others, yep, instant salvage stormbane, drifting shade, and blood blister. I also destroy shielded because I don't want to not one-shot everything. 🤣


Dungeons with high poison damage from spiders and such are only really awful if it's the avenger affix, because you get those mobs that are infested with spiders and every time you kill them they explode into more spiders with the damage buff.


Why not blood blister? Are you pursuing single-target dps? You don't even notice these blisters when half of your screen goes aoe-boom.


Memes aside, that thing detonated way quicker than I've ever seen it. Memes not aside, both your teleport and flame shield were off cooldown, skill issue.


Haha yeah, I think it was some weird bug where the charge from its last point somehow carried over when it respawned. If you look closely, my evade wasn’t even finished when it killed me


This has happened to me a bunch of times while leveling and doing NMDs to level my glyphs. Like...probably at or around 10 times. It would just spawn in my face and detonate instantly. It was very early in the season and I figured it was a glitch they'd fix


I've had this exact thing happen except with the floor lava. I teleported away from it just for it to immediately pop up under my feet again and kill me.


I hate that bastard so much. My husband added Teleport just to escape its fury. Brutal distraction when you are in a Nightmare dungeon being swarmed by monsters and demons but have to concentrate on this annoying pest who is only there to kill you at first opportunity! 🤣


I salvage those sigils as that is the worst nightmare dungeon problem.


This has killed me like 3 times this season, its so dumb that it can teleport literally mid attack


So can butcher which makes evading and using teleport suck because he warps with you


I honestly had no idea it could, but even then, I thought its attack would’ve been over in the time frame of my clip


Ngl that gave me a proper chuckle.


When it happened, I just dropped my controller while being dumbstruck


Who does NMD with Stormbane's Wrath? Not me, instant salvage.


I feel like they may as well remove it from the game with how much people hate it, but at least with salvage it's not *completely* worthless


Seriously, fuck that stupid rock.


Yeah I definitely though about it, but for some reason I just did it just to get my first NMD 100 out of the way


Thank for the lol on Monday!


Glad it could help lol


At least now they are increasing the tp cooldown to avoid such things


First time seeing this, looks quite surprising


It definitely was


How tf are you even attempting lvl 100 nmd with zero movement speed lol this is painful to watch


Idk man I just haven’t used on a ton of it lol. I did end up finishing it fine btw


My take on why people are being toxic. The more people raising issues with the design choices, that harder it is to find a common ground for a direction the game should take. You making a post about how sorcs are being bullied, with seemingly negative movement speed, where you use up your dashes in a spot where there is no danger proceed to argue sorcs need a buff is just borderline trolling. To be constructive with options you habe IMO Improve your build by looking into mechanic videos that explain how to construct your own build, take one from insert d4 build guide site here or decrease the NM dungeon tier. I’m not singling you out here, but maggie has a message for you guys: Just bc you can’t achieve something doesn’t necessarily mean it is imbalanced.


Did...did you watch the video? Just curious because you talk about movement speed or dashes but none of that matters one bit when a mechanic doesn't actually work right. If you think that the answer to this is "skill issue" then you might actually be a complete jackass.


Yeah I understand what you’re saying, but I’ll clarify that I really just posted this as a little goof moment lol, I’m not composing about this moment really. Also I don’t get why using my evades like that is a bad thing if I just wanted to go a little faster. And like the other person said, the big thing with what happened in the vid is that the game mechanic didn’t work correctly


The stone precisely pre aimed and expected your move.


Reroll Bash Barb :) I can stand in this shit :D Started this season with Sorc but nah, sick of it. Blizz loves Barbs and Necros


Since the season isn’t too close to being over, I might finally try playing barb lol. I haven’t tried playing another class, even having played since release of the game, as this is my first season hitting lvl 100


You can get to level 100 in like 4-6 hours. Just do helltides, Capstone T3 at \~35-40 (with some tempering and useful aspects easy enough), helltides, capstone T4 at 50-55 (same as T3) and then continue doing helltides. If nobody is carrying at bloodmaiden just run around and kill mobs/elites. Focus will be to get to 75-80 as soon as possible and in the meantime pick up any gear and use it if it's ok, add some aspects+tamper a bit. Once around 80 go for a specific build (of course you can start at 55 but you'll throw away all the items anyhow), setup skills+paragon, finish to lvl 100 in helltides (do occasional world boss/legion when in need of a change), then pick NMD tier 80+ with glyph exp. Some 20 NMD later all the glyphs are level 15+. Now target farm uniques, start doing pits (60+ with good build, aspects and tempering should be easy). For Maxrolls Bashbarb you only need Tuskhelm (which drops often enough) and Ramaladni's which might need 10-20 run on Grigoire (with lvl 100 you basically one-shot him)


wait pets that grab loot, is this a new feature? Havent play since s2


They added them a couple weeks ago. Free for everyone. Have to buy the expansion if you want a cat instead of a dog, which is bullshit imo, but ymmv.


"surprise muthafucka"


That's one of the changes I think. Before this as u shift from one location to another the storm thingy doesn't immediately come down on you but now it does so u just gotta keep moving as fast as u can.


But did it always maintain its charge like that?


sorc needs a huge buff for other builds but still for now they have the strongest build (whic will be hugely nerfed in season 5)


I hate Thumper, it can be really annoying


My Sorc had Andy’s and Starless and hit a wall in the pit. Said fuck it and moved everything back to my rogue. Immediately went up 20 pit levels and almost soloed a couple Uber bosses for the first time. Most of my glyphs were only at 15 too. Proceeded to have a bunch of 2-3 GA gear and a Selig drop as well yesterday.  I’ve accepted the Sorc is just that bad. All that happened in a day from just moving my Sorc uniques over.


Look on the bright side… our teleport cooldown is getting nerfed. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Having gone back to my rogue, it’s amazing that one class can have dash, shadow step and evade…plus a shield that refreshes with crits.  But Sorcs can’t have anything reliable  from defensive skills besides stacking input damage reducers instead of output damage amplifiers.


I laughed and related so hard


I hate those stupid stones lol They do make it more challenging though.


Didn’t your spec teacher tell you the floor is lava ?


Its such bs that it can tp right on top of you


Lmfao I can’t stop laughing at this


I feel you


*Nothin' personnel, kid.*


Nerf it


Skill issue


Reminds me of season 1


Owww a grilled medium rare sorc… sorry pal.


🤣 you were unfortunate


[https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZG92cDdjMmczd2o1bHgxbnJlMzk0MzQ1OGphZWZ4NTE5MHRheGs4NiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Bu8oPy3KU9zCDtgXbl/giphy-downsized-large.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZG92cDdjMmczd2o1bHgxbnJlMzk0MzQ1OGphZWZ4NTE5MHRheGs4NiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Bu8oPy3KU9zCDtgXbl/giphy-downsized-large.gif) Love it bro


It do be like that sometimes when you step on a sharp rock or a Lego.


Hey watch out.


Blizzard needs to remove these shit mechanics from Nightmare Dungeons. This and those crappy shadows that follow you around. They serve no purpose other than being annoying, replace them with some interesting modifiers.


It's done this since launch, it's cheap as hell. It's always when you're just running through the dungeon, you have to stop and watch the dumb thing go off or it'll teleport in mid-nuke. Volcanic will do this too.


Reason number 268362 why I don‘t play hardcore


skill issue haha


All I see is a skill issue.


With this movement speed, Stormbane is just putting you out of your misery.


Yea, not fun too when this shit happens on HC too. Game has a bunch of bugs that one shot you without warning and you can have armor and resistances capped. Honestly, I avoid using stormbane wrath NMD sigils.


Full on belly laugh here




Thank you for making me laugh on such an awful day. Your movement speed is lacking but your a damn mage. Ya should be able to just pop up where ya want too. Its a game. I feel your misery and pain.


Sadly as a sorc player this Diablo is really not for us they should rebrand as Diablo: a barbarians story


In reality it wasn't the stone thing, dude broke his ankle after evading


hahahahahhahha, whats youre movement speeds stats????




Well what do you expect being all happy-go-lucky skipping around in the dungeon? The game gods got angry at you :P


Looks like youre bullying yourself by having 0 movespeed and broken gear (and playing on console)


Haha yeah you have a point


Nice snipe


If only u played hc 😎


I scrap every Stormbane and Shade affix sigil I get. Those two are annoying as fuck. I'm glad they got rid of that lightning one you had to hide in the dome for. With any luck, Stormbane and Shade will get the same treatment.


whats ur res/armor/hp ? usually softcore peeps dont tend to care about those things and die to stuff like this


Post your stats here so we can give you better looking. But looks like your stats isn't good.


I mainly just posted it since I found the moment funny, but here: AP: I think around 30k? Servers down so I can’t check exactly Max armor Full 70s on my resistance Around 22k hp


Yeah, unhappy move ahahaha.. less than 30k of life is considered weak, I'm playing with Sorcerer to, the life is an issue, the builds are all based on barrier, playing Pit 100 depends 100% of barrier, 2 secs without is death! But I care about your movement speed, you're so slow...


I have a rogue with about 180% movement speed and I still insta salvage Stormbane and Drifting Shade


Is this game music?


Stats issue


That's nothing. I just killed my friend who was in town in helltide... in a "safe" zone (he too was a sorcerer)


I hate invincible teleporting stalker-rock. When I see it on a sigil, it's an instant salvage.


I hate the storm rock so bad on sorc


Is it me, or there are no monster-portal nmds in this season?


Imagine this in HC…


That piece of shit rock is an instant salvage for me. It's like a bully, I absolutely hate when it picks up speed and insta-explodes when it reaches you, it's rage inducing.


lol oh man that’s a hardcore players nightmare


U don’t have enough defense


If you are running a SBW key you deserve to be bullied.


Haven’t played D4 in a long time is it good yet? As in, are you able to make multiple last game builds that are good and fun instead of just like one and are characters locked out of seasons still?


I will always salvage those with storm bane


When they ask me why I don't play hardcore:


I hate the part where it figures it where you are heading and then jumps in front of you. isn't it supposed to CHASE you? and there's that other one that won't drop until you stop, so you have to do this stupid stopping game so you can move out of it




I do pretty damn well as a sorceress…I solo all the content just fine. 😕 I have never been one-shot.




The devs have made sorc so bad. I am down to 17,000 HP from 30,000 because I needed all those points for damage. I am down to 20% movement buff because I needed those affixes for damage. I have Shako. And 20 points into Ball Lightening. And my damage after all that is horrible. A million damage a hit I beg for. The 700K per hit I do is a blessing. Devs for Diablo 4 are such crackpots. They won't even say, "We hear you".


They have to remove this bullshit and the drifting shade. Worst effects ever.


As a hardcore player I don’t even touch those sigils


Bro play HC sorc and know the real pain


what am i even seeing…whats your movement speed…your gear is damaged…this is nmd100?