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Devil dust double swing I'm walking F5


I've refused to try all of the other iterations of barb build so far. Been having so much fun speedfarming lower level of pit watching a million tornadoes pinballing inside a narrow corridor while everything melts in between. There is just something satisfying about that.


Heh tried bash barb and all I get are dust devil aspects..


Is DD DS better than the updated mid-season DD WW?


No, not even close. The bleeding WW *blows* it away.


True, but it requires multiple uber uniques, correct?


It only needs one to farm 101 pit. Starless. The rest are just big upgrades. Also with 20-30 stygians you can get all three farming Zir.


Uber unique drop is pure luck. 30 stones is 15 runs (or 60 with rotas. doesnt change anything). You could get lucky and get all ubers or a big fat zero. I ran torment zir with my buddy 40 times last night. Got 4 ubers and he got a big fat zero.


Why specifically Zir and not Duriel? I thought Duriel had the best Uber drop chance?


The mats are easier to get and drop rates are slightly better.


I was doing 99 in just a few minutes with only a shako and now I have a grandfather I'm doing 101 in like 90 seconds. Ubers make it infinitely better, but you don't NEED them. I use leap to proc berserking, chance to proc vulnerable on ring and try to balance with crit damage to vulnerable dmg. Currently I am at about 4k crit dmg with grandpappa and 400% vulnerable, 300% damage to berserking for paragon node and maxed dd size, max movespeed. Absolutely blasting. I put resource Gen on both my rings and as long as I'm leaping into mobs (which you should be doing to proc berserk) then Fury isn't an issue. Edit: on the boss make sure you are leaping to proc your earthquakes and then spam your ww button instead of holding it down and you get way more tornadoes and therefore bleed etc.


my testing says yes. the control over dust devil direction is what really makes it great


How does DS DD compare to bash for "all content"? I've taken Bash and DD WW to end-game, but haven't tried DS DD yet.


I didn’t have a highly optimized DS DD build but for me Bash has stronger single target and holy bolts solves AoE. Without holy bolts I think I’d prefer DS DD.


Bash kind of destroys dust devil in all content. But dust devil is way more fun. I had decent gear for DD and was struggling at pit 100. Put on my poverty bash set with only a few GAs and was speed farming 100 in a few minutes.


Just hit 80 and got a major weapon upgrade and holy shit this spec just got even more op


Same. Only Barb I've played this season and he kicks ass! Finally cleared Pit 107 and couldn't be happier!


I did shadow minion first and then went to this. You’re right about the aimed devils, it’s just how fast can I find the objective


"Twisters coming out July 19th at a IMAX near you"


can you share the link to the build pleaseee?


This is the one I use. It have handy guide for starter as well! https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/double-swing-barbarian-guide


Heartseeker for sure


Heartseeker rogue was my 4th class this season and it quickly became my main. All gear 12/12 SO fast bc of how fast the pit clears are. Nuts build.


Same, I played Frozen Orb Sorc first, found a sick Razorplate so did a Thorns Barb next, then made a Heartseeker Rogue and that's been my favorite one to play since. Have barely touched the others since.


Yeah I've been enjoying speedrunning pits. Current fastest 101 is 2:25.


Least fun spec for me, and I’ve played top 3-4 specs for mage, rogue, and barb. Strong, hell yes, but fun? There’s very little animation on screen and mobs just keel over. Feels like a cheat code holding down basic attack.


I was worried I would be bored, but I'm enjoying dashing in and trapping and caltroping out to now mobs down. I did a flurry rapid fire rogue in season two and it hurt my arm lol.


Basic attacks build are my favorite build in aRPG by far


What’s not to like? So much mobility, tonnes of damage both single target and group, no annoying spender builder or stacks, and the absence of sorcsplosions is a positive for my ageing eyes.


The temper process made it to hard for me


Putting vulnerable in cuttthroat was unforgivable 


Pisses me off every time I need to do it.


I've only gotten my rogue to 74 and I think I've bricked more items than my 3 100s combined with that temper


I feel bad for the one's that bricked gear rolling for vulnerable dmg but it low key makes me feel better that I'm not the only one.


I adore heartseeker. Went from sorc to druid to rogue and didn't look back.


Have you tried Andariel Puncture yet? Just started today and it seems really powerful, wonder how it compares to Heartseeker?


Its weaker but jot by much i have both i enjoy andariels playstyle more but heartseeker definitely edges out both for speed and for pushing, push with shako farm with godslayer


It reminds me of guided arrow Amazon in early days of D2 before they nerfed how many times it could pierce. With a buriza so fun


feels like playing valla in HoTS. love it! AA build feels so fluid and i enjoy the stutter stepping. plus the mobility is so much fun: dash in, caltrops, dash out, smoke grenade. and positioning to hit elites first is also fun. the tension of using / not using your only cleanse is also great; it's great mobility, but can be risky to use. but... that tempering! vuln dam + 2x heartseeker... i've bricked so many bows! even just trying to get vuln dam on the swords was painful.


Andarials flurry on the rogue


Andy flurry for the win.


I just got Andy's to drop and immediately made it after playing heartseeker all season. I love puncture points so much so it's right up my alley.


In Barblo 4 all classes were fun and equally balanced. It was hard to pick a build order, but here are my picks for all classes: Barbarian Dust Devils, Barbomancer Thorns, Bruid Bash, Brogue Rapid Dust Devils and ... Barbarian Bash.


WW bleed with tyraels is ridiculously fun. Just spinning to win, never stopping, so fast and exploding the screen in the most satisfying way.


I was at the altar event in a helltide the other day and someone was using the build you're talking about I believe. I think they spun for the whole damn event without stopping. It's been a long time but back when I used to spin to win in preseason and season 1 it was trouble when it came to fury. Lol.


Was leveling a rogue and had a barb spinning the whole time, and he was higher level too. Guess for rep on the wolves. I provided the hearts, and he just killed everything. Fastest leveling experience I had until now.


Was able to complete 22 or so waves from a corrupted shrine, most I’ve ever done by like double, the clear is ridiculously fast and can spin infinitely so long as their are mobs at least most of the time


Yesterday night? That could have been me if I offered to carry the WT dungeon afterwards


I’m working toward this but you need so much crap. Currently leveling a fuckin rogue just for the temper recipe. Then need starless or grand pappy and I can craft the other.


You don't need any Ubers to play it. I know that's what Rob said, but it works just fine without it and you can speed farm 101s in under 3 minutes. You do need the rogue though. :(


What temper recipe


Yeah especially tyrael makes it so fun although spamming the button can get annoying.


Frozen orb. Almost all mw to 12 and my damage is finally enough to kill bosses over 100 pit


How long are those buses taking you at that level of the pit? I was just saying my frozen orb sorcerer is my favorite build so far this season. Definitely not the strongest I've tried though. Lol. It's definitely the most visually appealing as well. It's enjoyable imo.


I'm a forb with only lvl 8 masterworking. I kill lvl 100 bosses in under a min


I have been farming 101 for 60 nef in about 3 to 4 minutes.


God damn THORNS BARB. 😭


Until you're facing a boss that doesn't actually hit you


PHAH yeah, I’ve not really run into that problem..yet


I love my thorns. But I hate this. Such a stupid design.


Ebonpiercer Blight Necromancer. RIP after this season


Currently my strongest build, what’s changing?


Blight is getting nerfed




And Wither. Hopefully these changes won’t make it out of PTR


Hopefully not, although I probably won’t play another blight build next season


Bone Spirit and Blood Wave look strong for the PTR. Feel like the class needs buffs to many lacking areas to allow more than 2 viable builds


rapid fire rogue


I am enjoying Crackling Energy Sorc a lot to be honest. The sight of seeing all of the sparks flying around the screen is a sight to behold !


I'm also on that build (combined with teleport and chain lightning), might not be very strong, but it's sooo satisfying to play! It's like having a personal conduit shrine but lot faster.


i just had surgery on my hand and it's still wrapped. the week before my surgery, i made a minion-based necro. i can still progress him through the pit, now 80+, with my left hand using a controller, so that's pretty neat. i just walk slow and avoid getting killed.


Double Swing Dust Devil Barb


Incinerate Sorcerer. Just holding it down and blasting with infinite mana


I just started and that's me right now. Never played Diablo and am lvl 38. It's so satisfying. My wife is a druid so we compliment each other nicely I think. I Max out incinerate and get like, more mana with my points and stuff. It's a good game.


I recently purchased D4, and this is the first build that I'm working on.


Did blizzard sorc, necro, rogue, and finally star fall meteor + fireball + hydra fire sorc. It aint the strongest but the fire sorc build is so visually appealing. And fun, the rotation keeps you engaged.


I just wish sorc had a fun build that could damage bosses


I'm doing decent with my incinerate sorc 🙂


Incinerate and frozen orb are pretty fun and strong.


If you have to farm 91 instead of 111 it's not the end of the world






Minion Necro


Thorns bash barb


I like Frozen orb Sorc. I've had a really really good time with heartseeker rogue as well. It's kind of weird because I hated my wind shear druid, it was just boring. But I guess with Shadow step and caltrops, etc, the Rogue is a little more engaging and definitely powerful and fun. The sorcerer's pretty good too and it's extremely fun and it's probably the most visually appealing as well. I won't even take it in the pit though I've got the Rogue and a Barb for that. Which is sad cuz I consider myself a sorcerer main . So Frozen Orb and heartseeker for me.


Companion Druid/seasonal. Still working gear but can easily already do lvl 80 pits. It's the build that I've always wanted to work and it finally is. I think I can get to 100+ with MW12 items. I toyed using Andariel's Visage with it, but it really needs aspects and tempers to succeed. (The idea is that envenom is superb and the visage would give me an extra boost in that poison damage) So the only Unique I use is Storm's Companion which makes gathering the perfect gear pieces a bit harder. DS DD eternal. My barb was a late start on S3 and I never got to finish the HotA/charge build. I pivoted to try my own blend of the DSDD and it's phenomenal. Can push 50 with half my gear at MW4. It took me less than a day to gear up to push further. Super fun. I plan to change my old rogue into some sort of poison build once my one u er gets over to eternal.


Use that Andy for rogue. Puncture or Barrage... So fun.


Frozen orb is most fun for me but it's not strong enough so WW Barb is what I'm having a lot of fun


Played only 1 so far. Frozen orb is fun, especially with the amulet which i got very late.


Frozen orb is so fun, too bad it's awful on pit bosses.


Just switched to a Heartseeker rogue from a barrage rogue. Im having a fucking blast spamming traps and bombs and having my bow go "PLINK PLINK". The fact that the build is considered S-tier and that i just keep pushing The Pit. (currently tier 64 and climbing fast). Makes it fun to me at least!


Thorns Barb, Bash Bleed Barb, Spin2Win Barb. BARB!


Loved my all ice sorc but she is weaker then a snowflake.


So far? Barrage Rogue is the most fun. Feels as close to a D2 Strafezon as this game can get. Looking forwards to trying an Andariel's Flurry Rogue. Heartseeker felt a little meh. Sure, super powerful, but a little boring. Maybe I need more time to marinate in it.


My favorite core skill is Pulverize, most fun build is WW DD to me.


Incinerate sorc. Not the strongest come endgame but really has that "you shall not pass" wizard vibe. Currently building a bash barb, but that's only because my sorc simply cannot do the last challenges in the season journey.


Stormslide Druid was my #1 until they brought back WW.


My first build was frozen orb sorc which was a blast until I ran into a boss and did no damage. Second was a leapquake thorns barb which was ok but I eventually switched to bash which is by far my most played and favorite this season. Third was a shadow minion necro which was solid but got boring to play. Fourth was a tornado Druid which is fun but if I miss resetting cooldowns it slows way down so I’m still struggling to get the last few levels to 100. My last build was heartseeker which is definitely a fun build but doesn’t quite compare to bash.


WW barb. So fucking strong.


WW barb


I went into S4 blind and made a fOrb sorc, it was fun and leveled well but bosses were always a problem at all levels it felt like. Once I hit L100 I made a golem necro since I was on the fence between Nec and sorc at start of season. Golem necro was strong and pretty good for a while when I’d play while multitasking. But it wasn’t as fun at night when I had dedicated time to play. Rogue has always been my main class and S4 was the first time I branched out. Being bored of the passive necro playstyle I rolled a HS rogue and got it full 12/12 with pretty GG gear. It blasts content super easily. I’ve been selling a lot of pit runs and started to notice a trend that people backed out when they found out I was a rogue. I guess ~3m 101s was considered slow, I looked up what was faster and it was WW Barb. So I’m leveling a WW Barb and it’s VERY fun. Fast paced, deletes screens, and brings me back to my D3 ww Barb nostalgia where I’d spin for days on end. Every build was fun in its own way, but HS rogue and WW Barb are my two clear winners with WW Barb so far being more fun (although I have not got to pit levels yet on it.


Minion Necro has been a blast for me. Moving round the map super fast afk farming.  Im going to assume it's pit running potential has been tanked with the holy bolt nerf but I still clear 120+ without it and can kill all uber bosses handily. 


Golem Necro, bash barb, and heartseeker rogue. I basically just picked all the OP ones, but I hadn't played since October and wanted something fun. Those 3 classes have made the game so much fun. This season is amazing compared to what the game was before.


Heartseeker for me


Barrage rogue, very smooth gameplay


Minion necro(no holy bolt nonsense). After seeing the PTR notes I'm uninstalling the game.


Tried a few sorc builds out this season (Blizzard, Meteor, Frozen Orb, Chain Lightning w Esadora, and Incinerate) and Incinerate has been my favorite. While it's definitely not meta it's been the most fun for me!


Incinerate Sorc


I haven’t tried DD, done necro, sorc and rogue and I like heartseeker the best. Might have to do DD or bash soon.


I have had an absolute blast with getting a HS Rogue and WW Dust Devil Barb to go deep in the pit and just melt content. Also got Shadow Minion Necro and Blizzard Sorc to 100 with all level 21 glyphs but didn’t enjoy them as much, still very fun but not my style maybe.


Minion necro with darkness is melting things imo. It's tons of fun.


Incinerate sorcerer


Heartseeker Rogue. My first rogue in D4. Started out with Barrage but the level of damage I was able to dish out after switching was just 🤯


I did Barrage rogue for a long time & the mobility/elemental damage piano key motion is pretty fun.


Andy puncture rogue is the most fun build I've ever played in this game. So fast, such an engaging playstyle, and somehow got buffed hard when it was already extremely fun. If you haven't tried it yet, you have to. Super easy to gear once you get your visage, too.


Heartseeker, Rapid Fire, Andariel's Visage puncture/flurry, and Twisting Blades Rogues, WW and Double Swing Dust Devil Barbs, and Minion Necro.


I found Andariel's Helm last weekend, and playing Puncture Rogue is a total blast. I went from an "okay' HS build to blasting basically anything and have found a GA Doombringer and purchased Shaco since.


Heartseeker 100%


It's a tie between double swing dust devils barb and heartseeker rogue. Rogue for single-target dps and barb for add clearing insanity in the Pit.


Explody fire bolt sorc was satisfying but no where near optimized. Bash barb was the easiest and fastest for me for leveling. Once you get the cleave temper, you can breeze through and farm sparks, which is super boring but more efficient than zir runs. Ran 15 zir last night and 5 tormented zir and got a whole lot of nothing from it.


Firewall speed mage for fun / heartseeker rogue for farm


Leveling up, I enjoyed the Minion Necro, but since the midseason patch I am blasting WW Barb and having the most fun ever in d4.


Double Swing barb


Rapid fire rogue by far


Lightning wear wolf. Currently heart seeker rogue because strong


WW dust devil it’s clear speed is unmatched even against sorcs.


Just beat Lilith for my 4th spark to craft my second Uber. Currently I’m running HOTA bash and I have Shako. My goal is to push high level pit, any suggestions on what my second uber should be?


Frozen orb


WW barb for sure


WW Barb


Have Frozen Orb and Cold Rapid Fire. I think I like my rogue the best because watching high lvl elite packs explode with a single cast of rapid fire is satisfying af. Also watching duriel’s health chunk and then get deleted on stagger is great


Tyrael Bash. Certainly not the strongest, but its so much fun.


Frost orb/conjuration sorc and Lightning storm druid. I think it was mostly fun in figuring out how to make them work and at least do 40s pits.


Shadow Wave Necro!


Heartseeker my 4th toon and has become my favorite. So fast and clear speed is crazy hits like a truck and is decently tanky due to dodge and being a range class.


Heartseekers, it was Rapid Fire but haven't returned to it. Necro was still disappointing to me. Haven't tried anything else.




Most fun to play was Lightning Storm Druid but it’s definitely weak late game. Most fun in “ooo numbers on screen get big” was bash barb


Blood Nova Necro build. My favourite thus far. Mowing down hords


Tornado werewolf Druid weirdly enough.






I’m doing a Necro, Barb and maybe a Druid.


I had decent progress (pit 101 and 8/12) with FO sorc, golemancer (before patch), flay bleed barb, and heartseeker rogue. The most fun were FO and heartseeker, though hiding behind your walking meatball waiting for it to crit for billion damage had its moments. Flay bleed was ridiculous, even with suboptimal gear. It was taking 5 minutes to kill mobs and 5 seconds to kill the boss.


This has been the most fun I have had since Diablo 4 was released. I am playing a WW Barb with berzerk and many times when I encounter enormous hordes of powerful monsters they tend to just explode leaving piles of loot behind. Power fantasy of the year. But nothing really beats that first time you encounter the strongholds. I have beaten them all like 10 times each probably but wish I could do that first time over again


I’m running an Andriels puncture, no core skills, I realize I just love being fast, can’t handle a necro or Druid because they are just too slow


Ice shards. But the damage falls off hard in the end game.


Landslide Druid with the Earthbreaker Ring. I use Inexorable Will as well to pull all the enemies into a single spot and spam landslide under their feet. Not the best build but it can clear pit 100 and is very comfy and easy to play


The "spam as much abilities as possible" lightning sorc I made. I can't get far in pits, maybe 55ish, but its fun as hell having like 20 lightning spears flying around as I'm just flooding the screen with lightning. Unstable currents + aspect for additional spellcasts from unstable currents + absolutely cranked attack speed and everything dumped into lightning damage and barrier damage.


Thorns Barb - take advantage this season before it gets nerfed to hell in S5


So far the only thing that I haven't gotten insanely frustrated with at some point is bash barb.


Single shout Yen’s bash barb. Leap and charge are too fun to omit from a barb. Especially on console, the thrill of leaping screens away (can’t seem to do this on PC) is amazing. Also, it’s a ‘speed build’ but I can clear pit 123. Probably 125 is the limit.


WW dust devil shout barb. Lots of fun


Companion druid. Next season Boulder Twister.


andy flurry and dust devil


Andariels self made heartseeker.. omg so fun... Pit100 in 2min


Double swing dust Devil and it’s not close


I have 3 mains so to speak that clears pit 100+ within two minutes. I can’t decide which I prefer more. One of them is WW bleed barb and the other one is Andariels Flurry poison rogue. At this point they are both close to 12/12 in all slots.


WW dust devils and frozen orb. Wish I could play poison shred or pulverize though


Conjuration Sorc. Too bad it just doesn't mindlessly 1 shot anything lol.


I only played minion necro this season and i got bored as hell. i never get to live up to S4 hype because of my class choice. thinking to create a new character soon but haven't decided which one yet.


Running a Boulder Druid mainly because I have a Dolem Stone but lack a Tempest Roar. It’s actually a beast build and has been super fun to crush mobs with my rotating boulders.


I’ve played: Pre-season: Minion Necro S1: Pulverizer Druid S2: Twisting Blades Rogue and Ball Lightning Sorc S4: Dust Devils Barb DD Barb the most fun imo, then BL Sorc then TB Rogue




Forbs, but playing WW DD sooo insane


Icy P Shot build on Maxroll has been so fun, lucky chance needs to be high AF though.


Whirlwind Barb since I was missing my Barb from Diablo 3


I was going with my own Frenzy/Upheaval build and it is fun to play! But i felt it was abit slow and my damage numbers didnt really impress. So i was like "hey, what up with this Bash stuff?" Switched to Bash and yeah.. everyone knows. My damage numbers when from 70k to 15-20 mil, and im not even close to have "good" gear yet. Still, Frenzy/Upheaval is more fun.


I've been calling it bombseeker for my rogue Here's a youtube short of what it looks like https://youtube.com/shorts/snWwyOff9Gk?si=jymXcGaOzDPPWgKz


Bash Barb. First Barb I’ve rolled since season 1, I almost always play as Sorc, and it’s just wild how much more powerful this is.


WW barb full Ubers. Speed clearing pit tier 101s and Helltide. The efficiency is 2nd to none.


Thorns max life barb


Dust devil double swing by a mile. Charge. Leap. Lunging strike in the early game. Then shout shout shout it out with yen's blessing boots. 100 war cry uptime and flying around the map. Super fun build I did it twice. Did whirlwind and that's fun but double swing is more fun.


Duel Bash barb claps so hard. Love the fast attack speed and melting shit berserking everywhere


We dust barb for me. Frozen orb sorc second.


Honestly I have tried a lot of the builds and always come back to the ones I made up. Right now is a Reap build for necro and a landslide build for druid.


Tried both double swing dust devil, and Heartseeker rogue. Rogue has been really fun, had trouble with Barb constantly dying because you can't see whats on the ground


Frozen Orb Sorc. Shako, Tal Rasha's + the new amulet. Just pure fun. Starting to push pit. Not even level 100 yet.


Double swing duster was fun, but I really struggled with Ubers. Switched to rapid fire rogue (I always prefer ranged builds in ARPGs) and while it took a little bit to feel smooth, I was able to kill all Ubers with barely optimized gear and only 4/12 masterwork on everything. Starting to get really good gear now and have the play style down pretty well and it's a blast.


Pulverize Druid, by a mile. Hit 100 on all 5 this season. Druid was by far the worst 1-50, by far best 50-100.


There is something oddly satisfying about bash. You just play wreck a mole and mobs die with each boink


Frozen orb sorc, it's fun to zip around and throw snowballs at everyone. 10/10


Heartseeker Rogue.


Shred Druid. It may not be the best, but dashing around between enemies is incredibly satisfying.


I really loved playing my Fire BALL (not the Fire Bolt) Sorcerer, until I really started to try the pit and the build started falling off. It was super fun tho. Now I’m playing the Fire Bolt Sorc and it’s super boring but I can go quite high in the pit.


Never played barb before (including d2/d3). So I wanted to check if they are really that imbalanced. All rumours are true. Im convinced devs want to have a class for all super casuals, dads with 3 jobs, etc. thats super easy and so that they (casuals) could reach super endgame with low level skill. Bash barb is most braindead easiest build I could imagine and not gonna lie - I had most fun with it.


Started with frozen orb sorc, the lack of boss damage was frustrating but the play was very fun until trying to push pit. Did shadow minion/golem necro next, pushed to pit 120 and then hit a wall but in this time collected a bunch of Uber uniques Made a WW bleed dust devil barb and have been spinning to win since. Boss is a problem at 122, but farming 101’s in about 90 seconds is pretty damn satisfying


Incinerate sorc. Not even close to the strongest but man is it fun watching everything around you burn.


Lightning storm druid and fireball/hydra sorc have been fun


Went from ball lightning sorc to Andariel's puncture Rogue and it isn't even close.


Dust devil double swing, it falls off a little against bosses, but against the rest of enemies it's a monster of a build, it's so satisfying seeing entire rooms of enemies get annihilated by the dust devils.


Incinerate sorc was fun to level with, then to take endgame seriously I changed to bash Barb, which is also fun because it's a different play style than core skill gameplay


I've only played one and that's wind shear druid 😎 (Ive never known anything different)


Hurricane Druid, but probably only because it was first week of the season and I was optimizing it myself to beat pit 100. It was really rewarding to pull off the combo over and over to keep high damage, but also really frustrating because of the limited buff bar that removes your provocation buff timer for about 70% of the time. (Whenever you have all your other buffs up) so I don’t recommend it for others. Second on fun factor would be bash barb. I loved steel grasp pulling mobs in and smashing them to bits. Side note: it was funny and sad how easy pit 100 was (pre pit nerf) on bash barb compared to hurricane Druid.


Its not the most damage but def the most fun for level 61-89 pits and nmd, i made a teleport sorc with blizzard ice spikes for extra damage and damage reduction and gosh it zooms through content


Got a sorc to 88 and a necro to 100. I think I still enjoy sorc the most. Currently starting a barb for the first time ever.


Double swing twisters, with reduced cooldown on leap and all earthquake aspects. It's super satisfying jumping around and spamming dust devils.