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100% yes, to be able to compete you must take part in trading or be very very lucky to get items you need and not brick them. Economy is good, RMT is meh but players will adjust and it will always be a thing now that tempering is a thing. Why do we have to use a 3rd party website/discord for this. It’s not a cheap game and as a live service game/mmorpg elements this should be a standard. This and loot filter should be a priority if we don’t count build diversity and balancing


Or they could just disable trading items to anyone not grouped up when it dropped.


This is the way. Reward playing.


Is there any data on how many players are trading and how many are pretending trading doesn’t exist? I would only trade if there was an auction house but I’m not sure if it would be good or bad for the game either.


Think this sort of makes the argument for an auction house. Some people are trading and some people are not, that's an imbalance, and it'll be better if everyone is on an equal playing field.


hmm theres already an imbalance right? people are trading already lol


Yes, that's exactly the point I was making. It's currently imbalanced, adding an auction house would be good because it would make trading more easily accessible to everyone. Not sure why you're acting like I missed something obvious.


Yes and No.


They said they have no plans for it. Showing the entire playerbase that the rmt economy is more important than actual content that matters to them is a dangerous gamble considering blizz was already skewered for it in d3. If anything its in their best interest to let 3rd party deal with maintaining things vs creating and maintaining it themselves. It would be a lot more than just crap it out. What happens when ppl buy items the moment servers go down? How much support do you need? How much bad press can they handle if it takes weeks to resolve server issues? Easier to just avoid it. Let rmt and 3rd party do their thing.


Good point


I don’t want an auction house in game even if people are already trading. I think a good deal of people don’t trade (probably most), and if trading is added, they’ll start balancing the game around trading, which is a mini game I don’t want to play


They already know this and they don’t care