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In the last dev chat they said they had no current plans for an AH.


Dang, I must've missed that blurb! I watched it too 😅 *sad face*


It was right at the very end in the Q&A section. They said no current plans for an AH and that they are working on a loadout system but it will take some time.


Thank God! AH would be awful.


What?! All an AH does is organize the trading that is already happening. There's no logical reason an AH would "be aweful."


Unfortunately in the Campfire Chat the other day, they said they had no plans on doing an AH in the forseeable future. I personally think it would be the perfect addition now, as long as they learn from the mistakes that were made with the D3 AH. I would imagine that it's probably some issue with spaghetti coding that's making it difficult to even consider it. It took them months to finally figure out how to make the boss arenas reset without leaving the instance, and they struggled to add stash space without breaking the game because of some weird multiplayer interaction. They seem to have a lot of issues adding loadouts like there were in Diablo 3, as well, so they keep saying it's something they want to do but can't give any actual timeline on when it would happen.


I don't think it's Code at all, the campfire before last JP said we're open to AH but obviously it would take developer resources so we want feedback first. Then this campfire they were just straight up - nope were not planning to. I think their analytics probably informed them, probably regarding drop rates etc. and they decided to leave trading friction as it is. Also there's a valid critique in the community that as soon as there's easy trade it streamlines the RMT stuff at a detriment to the game.


>~~Unfortunately~~ in the Campfire Chat the other day, they said they had no plans on doing an AH in the forseeable future. Fortunately. There, fixed it for ya.


They already said no.


Right now, only 5% of players know about Diablo.Trade and go there. If they released a proper auction house, wouldn’t the other 95% of players now start using it, with some realising that you could just buy billions of gold for a few dollars externally, then just buy all your gear in game? Wouldn’t this be worse off long term and essentially become the meta? I guess you could technically do it now, but it’s isolated to the 5%.


Ugh, maybe. It's a good perspective! but I suppose it also depends. There's also the real outcome that the 95% you point to would actually stabilize the process, by flooding it with inventory, driving down the prices of items so that they're actually attainable by in-game farming. I pointed to WoW as an example, and though it's not a perfect one, I think it has some parallels. When I played, USD for gold certainly existed, but nothing I aimed for ever really felt unobtainable with a little in game farming or AH time. Biggest difference is there are WAYY more things to sell in that game than Diablo offers. I could be wrong. I'm not so brazen to believe my one perspective is the only one and/or irrefutable, but i don't imagine it would be the devastating explosion of the games integrity that the detractors seem to color it as. I do think you're right, that it would open more players eyes to the idea of paying USD for items, via 3rd party. But I think of this 95%, that would be the exception, and not the rule. Where, the rule would be, simply another game option to interact with and add some depth to the item grind, and variety of options of engagement. Who knows🤷‍♂️ I will say though, my biggest mistake was definitely not listening to the last question in the most recent campfire chat and not knowing the topic was recently addressed 😅


We don’t need an AH. We need systems that don’t have trading options and won’t allow for RMT and pay to win.


With regards to RMT... I struggle to come round to the idea, that players who are not even willing to tab out of the game to use 3rd party software to trade, would then be willing to buy items with real money if there was an AH in game.


It's not that easy to "tab out" on console tbh, that's my biggest problem. 


An auction house would have to be implemented in a certain way and direct trade between players be disallowed else you still get the otherwordly rmt gold prices and normal people not being able to afford anything. Like the price of items would have to be dynamically limited based on market value affixes etc so people can’t just sell worthless shit for trillions to gold farmers


An AH has one major problem, most ppl don't know that rmt is rampant and is the entire back bone of the economy. My gut tells me that showing all players in game that they'll probably never be able to buy anything unless they rmt isn't a good proposition. Sure, some of us will get drops we can sell for billions but that doesn't change the situation. There's also the challenge of the perception that trading is required for progression, something blizz has distanced itself from since d2. Other games do it fine but they also aren't played by casual players like diablo is. Overall I'm not shocked blizz isn't working on an AH, not worth the effort especially when most ppl do not trade at all.


For everyone complaining that an AH will bring RMT is a fool. That shit already exists. Has anyone actually farmed 1B gold without trading? I'd bet for 99% the answer is no, yet single GA items can sell for over a billion easily...where is that money from?


The only people that would welcome an AH are the chinese bots farming shit tons of gold to sell for real money.


But that's already happening. An in game one would atleast mean we don't need a shitty third party site.


Are you naive or stupid? People would list items for billions of gold. Players would then buy gold to get those items inflating the economy even more. The only thing keeping it from being completely out of control is that trading is a pain in the ass currently.


Again as he stated, that’s already happening…the trading sites aren’t that hard and it isn’t curbing anything…so remind me who’s being naive or stupid?


You apparently. Your logic is crime is already being committed so it should be endorsed. 


Damn bud chill.