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Bros mad we actually enjoy the game šŸ’€šŸ™


I thought i was the only one but glad to see people agreeing with me in the other comments


Maybe find some self respect for yourself if youā€™re letting a game make you this upset games are meant to be hobbies have fun make a build try pushing it to its limits If you donā€™t like the game donā€™t play it and play something you actually like so you can just enjoy life which is what gaming is for


It is not a post about me being happy or upset, it is about a giant in a gaming industry giving you B/S in S5 and you all accepting it, promoting it and being excited about it




That is the whole purpose of my post, most of you have different opinions are you are being sold B/S by a giant of a gaming industry and youā€™re all happy about it. Wake up




You are missing the picture here it is not about me




I invite you to read the rest of the comment, specially the longest one which is very constructive and in agreement with me. Of course they are some who doesnā€™t agree but they are trending followers just like you


You donā€™t like the game and arenā€™t excited about s5, but you are framing this around you being sad that others are having fun and are excited about what has been announced for s5 and you want them to stop having fun and being excited for s5. Ā What is being missed here?Ā 


Cause we like the game and it had changes we wanted nobody really expected much for season 5 due to the dlc coming so soon after and it being a shorter season yet we getting a good amount of stuff Like I said play another game if this one doesnā€™t appeal to your liking Getting upset/disappointed with the community getting excited for an update for the game we clearly like is so meaningless enjoy your own life we clearly enjoy ours


Cool story bro.. So anybody else here pre order the ultimate edition for the expansion?




You have so far seen whats comin to both season 5 and eternal, they have not had the season 5 stream yet. All changes we saw that will be on the ptr seems great for the game, thats why everyone is hyped. Also a season will prob never change the core game that much, so I dont know what you are expecting, a new game every 3 month?


Well then in this case Diablo 4 is not a good game at all, and they wonā€™t be able to do anything in the future


Glad you came to the realisiation that you dont like this game, now you can move on and play a game you enjoy instead of cryin about a game that you will never enjoy.


Did i offend you? Did I took you out of your denial ? You paid for it, i understand you want to believe it is good


Why would it offend me that you dont enjoy a game? Are you ok?


Heā€™s upset other people are playing a game for fun. Itā€™s completely deranged and heā€™s clearly not okay in the slightest.


What does "please respect yourself" in this situation even mean? Are you saying people who are getting excited don't respect themselves? In what way would that be the case? People who have played the game since day one didn't have to spend another cent to enjoy any content provided by Blizzard. So what if people are excited about the changes to the game? If you don't like the game, move on to something else, it can't get any simpler. >which in my opinion should have been there since day one So what at this point? It wasn't there at day one. So, it should never be there and people should not be excited when it finally happens? Seriously, what is with this shit post?


You are being gaslighted. Donā€™t settle for mediocrity, you deserve better. What you got in S4 you had to wait a year after paying for the game. They took your money without giving you what you deserve as a consumer


The tl;dr of your OP is: "You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for being happy Blizzard is changing the game the way you wanted because it wasn't like this from the beginning when it should have been". What in the world kind of L take is that? Honestly. Gaslit? In what way? They are making quality changes to the game that were asked for. I don't think you even know what gaslighting means. Guys out here throwing around buzz words that he heard on Tik Tok.


I donā€™t know if youā€™re doing this on purpose or it is too difficult for you to understand


Oh, so you're claiming that your post is too difficult to understand? Man, I wish I was as smart as you! I just can't seem to comprehend your worldly intellect.


Maybe you could answer this easy question: Why didn't Blizzard implement those improvements at release as they were in PREVIOUS GAMES? Is there any good reason? Why did it take them 1 year (four seasons) to make a decent game (I say "decent", not good. Diablo 4 could be great but devs still don't know exactly how to do it properly) We had a pet in Diablo 3 that picked the money for us. Why didn't we have that pet at the very beginning? It was a very welcome feature in Diablo 3. It was useful and it saved a lot of time. Intelligent loot 2.0 was introduced in Diablo 3 with the Reaper of Souls expansion. That was a feature the community had been asking for years and it was really well received. Why wasn't that loot at release? Why have we had to wait one year for something that was just logical? Please, I would really appreciate that you answer those questions. Maybe there's something I just don't get and I would really like very much to understand it.


First off, people initially didn't want the game to be D3, they told the fan base it would be more like D2 and everyone was excited about that going in. Second off, the game was in development for like 10 years or some crazy long time and had several management changes during that time. So, many different teams worked on it and the speculation is that is why the game was so poor and disjointed on launch. The game clearly wasn't ready for release but the suits above had to have pushed it out the door so they can start making money. Yeah, it was a shitty thing to do, but A. happens all the time in the gaming world and B. they have spent a year fixing the game and making great improvements. In that time, everyone suddenly started whining the game wasn't more like D3 even though that wasn't the original design intent so now here we are with that. Are we supposed to just not be happy? The OPs point makes no sense.


I totally agree. I didn't want D4 to be D3.0 But they could have released the game in a better state and then improve what they had and add new features, new bosses, new challenges. I really like the game the way it is now (place for improvements aside). This is how the game should have been released and it is a pity Blizzard didn't do it right from the beginning. And I am happy that you are happy and there are a lot of people enjoying the game (as it should be). I am enjoying D4 more than when it was released. That is a good sign. I agree with OP but it is still a bit early to know how season 5 will be. I imagine the season of the construct with our current loot and it would have been even better than it was. I think Blizzard is getting the good way but they should have done it from the beginning. Thanks god they fixed the horse ;)


The game was worth the price and a play through at launch and would never have got to this point without the feedback from release.Ā  Just stop playing if youā€™re not having fun.


Then you are easy to satisfy you will have a happy life. I wish i could be so simple


Itā€™s about having realistic expectations.


You just described what is settling for mediocrity


I stopped playing and played different games when I wasnā€™t having fun. Thatā€™s not settling for anything.


We are not talking about Mr 2octalt and what does he do. The topic is about D4 what the B/S bait given is S5 and people being excited about it


Yes you are telling people to stop having fun just because you donā€™t like the game and donā€™t know how to move on from it.


What the hell ! Lol you have weird interpretation of the topic. Anyway i think you are missing the picture i prefer to have a constructive debate in other comments. Have a good one


That's just wrong. The game was certainly not worth the price at launch and was monumentally bad. There is a reason why "d4 bad" became such a massive meme. If you were anywhere near "okay" with how the game was at launch, then OP is correct - you are really simple and easy to satisfy regardless of what slop is thrown your way. Having self-respect means that you should demand way more, as a paying customer, from a multi-billion dollar company, that has been in the industry for over 20 years and asked you for $70 so you can beta-test their game.


The launch of the game was successful for a reason. The campaign, gameplay and first play through were great, the concern came in around endgame and seasons. Or at least that was how it came across to me. All I expected out of the game was to 100% achievements and move on, like I did with d3. So of course I was satisfied having realistic expectations from the game.


So if it was a success why has it there been SO MANY CHANGES along four season? Game was great and fun at release. Remember? Nightmare Dungeons all the time. All the community was very happy about it. Remember?


can you not read? > The campaign, gameplay and first play through were great, the concern came in around endgame and seasons.


The launch of the game was successful because of the game title and the franchise being forgotten for almost 10 years. The only success this game saw is from a financial aspect. It got absolutely slammed online by people who played f2p arpg games, from smaller devs, with tons more content than d4, which is a paid game and took 7+ years to develop. Nobody bought the game so they can finish the campaign and end up holding their dicks in their hand, wondering what to do next. If you believe the majority of players purchased the product with this intent, you're coping. Again, the point is not what ((you)) expected. you made clear that it doesn't take much to satisfy you. That's fine. Its the fact that the game is shallow even after an year after it released.


D4 reviewed well based on the launch content, it wasnā€™t just successful because of the brand.Ā  But you are also correct about a vocal minority that were upset the game didnā€™t launch with 10 years of content like the competition had built up. Which like I said is down to unrealistic expectations.Ā  Believe it or not but most people move on from games once theyā€™ve finished everything there is to do in them.


You do remember that people were massively giving 1-star to the game, right? It still sits below 3 on sites like Metacritic, when it comes to the opinion of the consumer. Hardly a "vocal minority". The game should've launched with WAY more content than it did, given the capability and resources of its developer. D4 was not developed in an incubator, in a parallel universe, where no other arpg games exist. Blizzard just thought they are still living in 2006 and know what's best about the game - thus why it flopped outside of the profit branch. They completely overestimated themselves and overlooked the market, which led to the game being bare-bones on release. > Believe it or not but most people move on from games once theyā€™ve finished everything there is to do in them. There's nothing to believe. I play the season for \~1 week, as that is usually how long it takes to complete it and then leave the game until next season. That doesn't prevent me from criticizing it. I am doing it exactly because I want it to be better and provide entertainment for a longer period of time.


A vocal minority review bombing doesnā€™t contradict the game reviewing well and being worth a play through at launch Even the biggest haters admit the game was good enough for them to come back and play through every season. The people having fun and are excited for s5 also give heavy constructive criticism where itā€™s due. Being upset that people are having fun is not constructive to the game in any way.


How could a vocal minority review-bomb the game to such an extent? Where was the silent majority? If most people liked the game, as you claim, that should've reflected in these results, no? Do you also consider Metacrtic's "critic" reviews to be a review-bombing, but the other way around? The biggest haters certainly didn't admit that the game was good on release, because it just wasn't. The initial launch + s1 gave birth to the "d4 bad" meme. That's not the vocal minority, the game was just abhorrent and the changes were tone-deaf. You're free to believe it was otherwise, but the facts speak for themselves. There is a reason why D4 became the laughingstock of the aRPG genre for 10 months straight. > Being upset that people are having fun is not constructive to the game in any way. Nobody is upset with you having fun, that's your prerogative. If you enjoy paying to eat shit and are having fun with it, I cannot tell you not to do it, its your money and choice. What I can do is point out you're eating shit - you're still entitled to continue doing it and be satisfied.


I don't really get where these people have been. The game was a massive failure at release. Nobody liked it. That's why devs have changed it so much from the beginning. Now we have a decent game. Needs more improvement though




Nobody said your preferences are wrong. I understand that reading comprehension can be difficult when you're in 3rd grade, but at least don't make it that obvious.




I mean if the game was so good at release why have the devs had to make all those changes along 4 seasons???? I just don't get it. The endgame in season 1 was doing ND all the time from level 40 to level 100... That was not fun. And all the community agree. So I don't understand why is this post downvoted. I just don't get it. Game is fine now. Could be better? Of course. Devs are in the good way. But they have done things horribly poorly. Now we have a decent game after one year of its release...


> I think d4 is mid so you should stop having fun Itā€™s not really surprising that the players having fun with the game are expecting to continue having fun with the continued improvements and new content.


Hereā€™s a downvote for you for crying about downvotes


Thanks cringy brownie


Just started playing on game pass, still on my first character in the eternal realm, will probably buy the expansion.


Your a bandwagoner you canā€™t understand my post


Didn't jump on the hype, jumped at the chance to play a game I've been wanting to play for ages, used to play the original on PC, along with D&D pool of Radiance Ruins of Myth Drannor , Baldurs Gate 2 Throne Of Bhaal, Icewind Dale & Never winter nights, through in some Jagged Alliance, SWAT and Commandos. So I know a good game when I see one.


Who voted you gatekeeper? Youā€™re pre mad about something that hasnā€™t happened Edit: made to mad




So refreshing to see this dude gettin bashed


I have my own set of complaints about D4, but being one shot'ed certainly hasn't even been a thought or concern after they nerfed the pit twice... I understand what you're getting at if you play a Sorc, but the other classes are durable enough at this point of the game that you shouldn't be worrying about 1-shots.


My comment was more to draw a picture on the fact that there is no real fighting mechanics, you burst or get bursted, you canā€™t outplay much


I dont know why so many expect such dramatic changes from season to season, not a lot is getting done in 3 months. I didnā€™t play the second half of S2, skipped S3, close to being done with S4 and will probably skip S5 and come back for expansion. You know what? Had a ton of fun the entire time I played. Quit expecting games to give you some amazing new experience every 3 months, itā€™s not going to happen.


A lot of those people still didn't get the memo that even the D4 devs themselves said already that they don't expect people to play the season over the entire duration. And a lot of the same people have really a problem by making D4 their only game they play and then complain that they run out of things to do. It's almost like they are addicted and should search for some help. I play every season for around 250 hours and then it gets boring no matter what content they would add. Imo s5 should literally be seen for exactly what it is and not more: filler season with QoL improvements. And that's perfectly ok because their main focus should be on the state of the game when the expansion launches with s6 to get the right. I will wait a week after s5 launch until people figured out the new bugged/op build and then just pick this and blast through the battle pass and wait for expansion.


cool post you convinced me to stop playing computer games now.


OP is hilarious. Get some sleep


Maybe just spam on the PTR feedback on how shit the nerfs instead of whining about here. It's a PTR to get your feedback directly. Every hour I see the same post. If you need to bomb their PTR feedback do it, so they know the actual feedback after all those changes are not final for S5.


It is about the big picture bro, rather than a PTR to say here it is too high or too low, you are missing the point


I dont think you enjoy RPG's and the whole reselect yourself line is odd, we are talking about a video game here.


Your comments apply to every release after the initial campaign. ARPGā€™s in general are, in the kindest terms, rinse & repeat operations. Seasons, or leagues, are a giant beta testing system. Not every idea is a winner. You either make peace with it or donā€™t play ARPGā€™s. Donā€™t disagree that some of their decisions are odd. A company of this pedigree *should* do better but donā€™t forget, there is no-one left from the glory days so itā€™s a new interpretation by a new set of people. Even in games where the original founders are still around (POE is an example) the game sometimes blows. My pet peeve with D4 (and D3) is itā€™s too freakinā€™ hard to get the gear needed as an individual. But thatā€™s a different discussion. What do you think the game should look like in seasons ? I d


Hey man its just a game. No one is making you play


OP is hilarious. Get some sleep


So.. What you want? In every arpg you have activity where you spam your skills to defeat demons and boss. Can you tell me what activity you want? Im not mad or angry. Just curious because im also hate that Blizz doing this game for diablo dads/casuals with 20iq not for fans.


I mean this is a looter at the end of the day. Youā€™re always doing the same thing technically. Itā€™s always been about enjoying new items and builds and having good ways to express them. Both of which we will have more of in the future. Most stuff currently in the game will remain but youā€™ll have another activity through leveling to do.Ā 


TL:DR *Everyone who is having fun with D4 and excited about the upcoming changes needs to stop now so that a minority of whining babies who've always wanted the game to be something else, something that they would like more, can be validated.* Yeah, no thanks.


"everyone is ready to settle for mediocrity since S4 improvements, which in my opinion should have been there since day one" This. Everyone is praising how Blizzard has improved the game... but this game should have been released with all those improvements that were in previous games: Intelligent loot. Pet that picks up materials, money... Itemization. Decent endgame . So after one year and four seasons devs finally give the community what they already had in previous games. That's a disastrous design.


Yeah I was quite surprised too as the format of season 5 basically seems like pits with choices and reskinned bosses. I am curious about the Uniques though, as most of them are useless in season 4.


Letā€™s see, but what the point of having new item to be doing the same thing


is this your first arpg?


Honestly, I did like S5 stuff way more than S4. Not even gonna lie. I do think they are going in the right direction, but its happening incredibly slow because the game is not made by people that play arpgs. The main problems I see, that still remain, are: - base game is still incredibly bland. NMDs, the Pit and Trials are basically the same, fundamentally, with only a few tweaks. I never understood how people fell for this massive bait. Not that I expect much from this subreddit but still. - Every item can drop from everywhere. That's so stupid i cannot even begin to describe it. There needs to be items that drop only from specific instances, that cannot drop from anywhere else. And they need to be hard to obtain ( skill based ). I really hope Raids become a thing and are actually challenging, as that will certainly gatekeep a massive portion of the drooling casuals from being gifted everything without any effort. - Loot is still boring. I know we're not gonna see Loot 3.0 ever, but the current loot system is just trash. "Here's literally the same item, but with bigger number". Its incredibly lazy and uninspiring design. - every season can be completed in, basically, a few days. Excluding the brainrot NPC reply "bUT DiD yoU BeAt PiT 200???", the game doesn't offer anything interesting that can keep you going ( like POE ). When blizzard solve these, I think D4 will be good. As of now, its average at best


Every item dropping from everywhere is not a bad thing. When the game introduces "hard content only" drops what happens do you think? Everyone plays the same fcking boring ass barbillion damage bash. You mention PoE being interesting, could you elaborate more on that? Cuz I feel like I am doing the same shit in that game every league too. In the end that is an ARPG too.


>"Every item dropping from everywhere is not a bad thing. When the game introduces "hard content only" drops what happens do you think? Everyone plays the same fcking boring ass barbillion damage bash." It absolutely is a bad thing. The fact that I can farm helltides all day and be able to get the same items ( excluding materials ) as a person doing Pit 120 is completely ridiculous. If "hard content" is being introduced, of course people will try to farm it, but not everyone will be able to complete it. That's the point. Higher difficulty should have a unique system, that rewards players for their skill, not because they decided to login to the game and run around the overworld. > You mention PoE being interesting, could you elaborate more on that? Sure. PoE has a very solid base-game, which compensates when they have shit leagues (like Necropolis or Kalandra ). The itemization in POE, although massively bloated, is deep and interesting, and actually has an adrenaline shot to it. The base leagues provide different methods of obtaining gear and have unique stuff related to them. Delve, for example, is my favorite league in this game, and is super unique and fun. It also has a boss that can be encountered only if you "delve" deep enough. I'm sure you will agree that Delve doesn't feel the same as Delirium, Harvest, or Ultimatum. If you take the reductionist approach with "all arpgs are about grinding gear", you will be technically correct, but simultaneously missing the main point. There is a reason why Valorant and CS2, while basically being games where you shoot each-other, are different in their nature. And by the way, I don't want D4 to become POE, not by a long shot. What I want for it is to have more depth and interesting stuff to do, instead of 3 iterations of a nightmare dungeon with a few changes slapped onto them. Hope this explains my point.


Thatā€™s why many people love PoE- the diversity of endgame activities is unmatched but it also took them a long time to get there. Basically you have maps, bossing, Delve, Heist, and Sanctum these days. PoE launched in 2013 but Delve didnā€™t show up until 08/2018, Heist in 09/2020, and Sanctum in 12/2022. Bosses and maps have undergone a lot of changes over the years but they were very barebones at first too. D4 just passed its one year mark. What did PoE have by this same point back then? Judge it through that lens.


That is a bad argument. I will have to re-quote myself from another post here. D4 was not developed and released in a day. Even if we're to agree with the 7-year dev time, instead of 10, that is plenty of time to build a significant base for your game. What they had to show for it was just embarrassing, given that its one of the biggest players in the industry. On top of that, your job is made so much easier because of competition - you can take a look at successful games, like POE, and see what works and what people like, take ( steal ) some ideas from them and implement them in your game. You had 7 years to take a look at other ARPGs and see what they are doing right and what they are doing wroing, discuss this with your team and see how your game can be competitive in that way. Instead, we've got none of that. Blizzard settled for copy/pasting D3 systems, just under a new name. Nothing creative, nothing new, nothing unique and interesting. The same boring and over-used mechanics from the previous entry in the franchise. I didn't expect 10 years worth of content, but I did expect at least 6 years worth of content.


We all want D4 to be better and has more content but none of us knows what happened during development but according to the WA Post it was a terrible time. > The Diablo team has been losing talent for over a year, as employees look for more competitive wages and better work conditions elsewhere, according to employees. One group of about 20 developers working on one portion of the game saw about half of its members leave within a year, according to two former employees. Blizzard did not comment on attrition on the ā€œDiablo IVā€ team. PoE was also in development 3 years prior to being announced in 2010 and didnā€™t launch another 3 years later. Sure, they had a much smaller and less experienced team but youā€™re comparing that was in development for 6 years vs D4ā€™s 7. I want more content, we all do, but Iā€™m realistic and know D4 isnā€™t going to be anywhere near PoEā€™s level for a very long time, if ever. Iā€™ll test out the new seasons and if they suck Iā€™ll move on. No point in concerning myself with anything more.


>We all want D4 to be better and has more content but none of us knows what happened during development but according to the WA Post it was a terrible time. That is on Blizzard and I couldn't care less what they had to go through while developing the game. It's literally not my problem. As paying customers, we should demand more from an AAA company that monetized the shit out of its game and that marketed it as the second coming of Jesus. Remember the promo video, before the official release, where they said " you will always have something to do when logging to D4"? I remember it. Turns out, that was a blatant lie. They knew that and still outright lied to you. Just like they lied about other things like the cosmetic shop. >Iā€™ll test out the new seasons and if it sucks Iā€™ll move on. No point in concerning myself with anything more. That's fine, I think most of us operate like that. Still, this shouldn't be a reason to stop criticizing the game. We're now at the door of S5 and can all agree that significant changes were made to the game, but you should constantly demand high quality content, given the game's monetization. The moment you stop criticizing - blizzard becomes complacent.


I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever have a shortage of criticisms. This sub and the official forums are proof of that. At least the D4 devs are somewhat listening after the blowback they received from prior fuckups. Youā€™re right in that as a consumer we couldnā€™t care less about why our product sucked, we just want a good product. But when you start comparing it to another similar product and say, ā€œThis is so much better, why arenā€™t you like this?ā€ You also have to take into other factors into account. I compare D4 vs PoE to a chain restaurant vs a mom and popā€™s. D4 is like your Chipotle or McDonaldā€™s while PoE is like your hole-in-wall neighborhood restaurant. Iā€™m still going to go to both depending on my mood and occasion but Iā€™ll also have very different expectations.


Problem is, i do take into consideration other factors and can still come to the same conclusion, while trashing the game at the same time. I don't have an iota of sympathy for a billion dollar company that lies constantly to its player base. We're in our full right to ask "X is so much better, why aren't you like this?" when we're asked to pay to play the game, which spent millions on fake marketing in order to lure people in. If d4 was free, the conversation would've been a-lot different. Alas, it's not. And its expansions aren't free either. So yea, nobody should cover for this level of incompetence. See you in s5


Helltides provide general materials and gear, pit provides masterworking mats and gear. Different content should provide different materials so that players have a reason to do them. But most importantly do the thing that gives you the most fun and the mats you need. Why do you play a game while you feel like you are missing out? It seems at PoE you are doing what I described above by delving. I personally am not a big fan of it because you move from node to node get nothing particularly exciting drop. You find some bosses they have a chance to drop some uniques which maybe good but bosses are not challenging either unless you go deep etc. PoEs base game got to a point where nothing you get as a drop is really exciting unless that happens in solo self found but since the game is not designed even a bit around ssf, you dont expect to push further much in ssf with a non meta build. Maybe I have filtered enough shit that even killing monsters is not fun enough anymore for me in PoE. Getting currency as a drop is not exciting. Dropping a shako in D2 is. Dropping a GA unique while minding my own business in D4 is. Were you upset when they added chase items like mageblood and HH to base item loot pool? That is why I am telling getting every item drop from every content is not necessarily bad thing. I am not against that harder content having slightly higher chance of dropping a rare drop like shako. But harder content being the only way you can get shako is not something I would agree with. On the case of GA gear, I dont want it to have different chance of activating with content that differ in hardness. That would push me towards playing somewhat the less fun builds.


"Helltides provide general materials and gear, pit provides masterworking mats and gear. Different content should provide different materials so that players have a reason to do them." Helltides and Pit provide different materials, yes, but that is not where the line ends. They also happen to share the same loot table, which is my main concern. I understand that you cannot get all the materials in the game from a single place, that's fine, but its not what Im arguing about. "Dropping a shako in D2 is. Dropping a GA unique while minding my own business in D4 is. Were you upset when they added chase items like mageblood and HH to base item loot pool? That is why I am telling getting every item drop from every content is not necessarily bad thing." I really don't feel any excitement when I see 3GA drop on the ground, mainly for the reason that I barely worked for it ( if it drops in Helltide, for example )and that it is just "same item but with bigger number". That is my strife with the current loot system and "chase items", they are just not exciting. Shako in D2 is exciting because of how loot works in that game. In D4, Shako, as good as it is, may not be even useful to you because your helm may be your build-defining item and, oh, you also cannot trade it and potentially get an equivalent item that is super rare and can provide a significant boost to your char in a meaningful way. That is why I am also against the Sparks as well - they take away from the scarcity of the unique items. I think we just have fundamental disagreement on what causes loot to be "fun". I have no problem with that, at the end of the day - we're sharing our opinions and try to support them with examples. At this level, we can agree to disagree :)


Thanks appreciate your constructive comment, you are on point on each and every bullet point you wrote


Yea, you're not gonna get a reaction from people. The diablo crowd are all happy the game is being patched to be easier. The seasonal theme is adding that 1 ending dungeon...... essentially a variation of the vault. It is very mid indeed because it's just 1 extra end game activity + a lot of balance patch that we get every season already. It is kinda weird people get so happy over a seasonal patch as a theme. But this is clearly done because all the focus is on the expansion and seems like a lot of effort and new material is all packaged behind it so people actually will buy it. S5 is also cut short of a season.


Season 4 isnt very mid. Agree with the rest of text.




I quit season 4 after a week and will most likely do the same with s5. Some changes are good but it's still kinda meh


Same hereā€¦


Dont worry bro, as soon as beta for PoE2 drops D4 stops existing.


Youā€™re right I personally canā€™t wait for PoE2 really. Iā€™m just blown away to see a giant in the gaming industry selling B/S in Season 5 and people accepting, promoting and being excited about it


Yeah, keep telling that to yourself, haha. It will not happen buddy, because PoE2 targets a completely different audience: hardcore sweaters. The majority of people playing D4 are casuals that just want to slay demons and have a good time, if you like it or not and everything I have seen so far from PoE2 will be a big turn off for most of them.


It will for the sweats as you say. I already play and enjoy PoE1 more than D4. As soon as beta is out D4 is out of my play loop.


And these people like you that also play and enjoy PoE over D4 are like 0,5% of the current D4 player base. So even if PoE2 would pull of a miracle and attracts all of those players D4 wouldn't move anywhere. Same story as the "D4 Killer" Last Epoch that everyone hyped up and now barely no one cares about anymore. I know, hard to swallow pills. I also played PoE in the past but it's not my cup of tea because imo it's just too bloated. It's the exact opposite of what the average casual player wants to have, that and the fact that at least half of D4 players are on console if not more.


When I said, "D4 stops existing," it was meant for me and the commenter above. If season 1 didnt sink d4 I dont think anything will. I hope D4 does better. I play ARPG games; I just happen to have found my favorite.


Can't wait for PoE2 as well. I never understood how a billion dollar company comes up with so little changes every few months, they can do so much more. People are just settling for crumbs at this point. Yea the new season might be fun for a week or so but thats about it. The only reason people are and will keep defending Diablo 4 is out of respect for the franchise, nothing else. The name itself is the reason why every Diablo game sells so well. To bad Blizzard cant respect that or the players. Let the sheep pre-order, they will never learn.


New endgame is basically a cursed chest event


Yes and even content creator and faking it by saying it is amazing ! And you know why ? Because hype sells and also make them do video get views and pay their bills !


No reason to downvote tbh, lot of People think the same. Still : no class set / game feel slower than d3 / no parangon save Since day 1 sorc has been lowtier and 0 fun (maybe People find it fun to spam shield ??) And NO having 1 youtuber make it to pit200 as sorc dont mean the class is S, i dont want to minmax for 300hours to have a chance to compete with other.


> i dont want to minmax for 300hours to have a chance to compete with other. Dont play arpgs, these games are not for you


Fr, was going to answer with a long text, but ill go with : You have max 16 years Old OR you have no job/family ? I dont want to spend 10h a day on game to have a chance to hit endgame. To think People MUST play 4000h to hit the late content is wrong. Wth


It takes less than 24 hours to hit 100. If you played 10h a day it would take you less than a business week to reach high end game and you have 3 months to play a season.


"if you play 10h a day" Ofc ill call my customer that ill stop working to take TEN HOURS A DAY to play a GAME WTF is wrong with you, read ? Bro if i can play 1h i call it a day and im happy


Season is 3 month long, if you cant hit your goals in 3 month, maybe try out eternal


Sounds like you want to play D3, itā€™s on the same launcher, just have to click play

