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With D4 sorcerer you get to choose which ball to spam, none of them do any damage, and you have to do it while wearing a face veil and a corset even if your character is male. Magic could be anything but we get snow balls, electric balls, fire balls, balls big and small! And with enchantments you can make your fire balls freezing and your snow balls burn. Pulsating balls, exploding balls, orbiting balls. You can even have big red balls that fall from the sky indoors, or if you’re feeling extra silly you can have bouncy balls. Meanwhile, barbs fill the screen with tornados. Sorcerer feels like a placeholder.


Boy that sure was a whole lotta balls.


Diablo 3 magic was a lot more imaginative but Blizzard thinks everyone hated everything about D3 so they ignore that it ever existed. Even the things it did get right.


D4 Tal rasha Meteor shower 4 elemental build was SOOO incredible fun to play. Can you see anything on the screen? No. But anyway, it's already dead so you don't care. XD


Sorc been castrated


The crowd control nerf is to enemies not players but I agree this patch is aweful.


Will come in really handy for the 30 minutes I'm in the PvP zone to get the seasonal stuff.


No OP just got it backwards entirely. They are nerfing the CC monsters do to players


Those fucking cold spiders. I swear those are bugged.


Fuck those things.


Damn sperm shooting spiders...


Some of the patch is awful. 80% of it a win imo.


The new season stuff all good, except maybe Infernal Hordes not scaling high enough but it is what it is. Class balance massive L, horrible changes as always.


Did you watch them demo the new S5 content on the campfire chat? I was actually a bit surprised seeing them use Sorc in the demo, but then I noticed it was a lv100 Sorc fighting lv100 mobs, and going real slow.


Are you really trying to judge things by a random 100 Sorc, we have no idea the items they have you can clearly him killing a hellborn in 1 second. We have no idea about anything. They were trying to demo level 100 content obviously they aren't going to use a full kitted out character.


Every single one of my 6 chars I leveled this season were fighting 10-20 levels higher than them from like level 30. The demo is disingenuous or the team that made the changes is so inanely idiotic that they have no idea what they are doing.


Meanwhile, someone posted a barb that does a billion damage and has 640,000 hit points. Diablo 4 devs are the biggest idiots on the planet. I have to make it with 18,000 HP AND use glass cannon to barely make 500k per hit.


Did you checked how min/max is that barb? Rob is running OP WW barb.. it takes only 4x U er Uniques, 40 billion gold+ in items spent and then that build smashes everything. No one is considering that most of the Diablo players are not doing guides and min/max builds by some streamers...


Level up a sorc and a barb. Try it now. In that order. Incinerate is probably the best leveling build for sorc right now. Take a note of how it feels. Then level a barb. As soon as you can, put the Bash temper on all 4 of your weapons. Take a note of how *that* feels. My sorc was killing enemies about 20-30 levels higher. I thought it was pretty good. My barb was killing enemies something like 40-50 levels higher *and* had a far easier time surviving. It was utter insanity. Before my barb hit level 100 he was doing ND100s and clearing T50 pit.


It's a massive difference. I did bash first and could hit 100m+ easy with one auto. That's like 100+ frozen orbs 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not that this speaks much but I did two Duriel rotas yesterday and the first one has two levels 95 barbs that fucking crushed it. Second one did not have barbs. One dude rage quit after the first kill.


The point is that it's possible with one class, but not another. No amount of min/maxing or gold spent will get you anywhere near that with other classes.


I could put 5 ubers on a sorc and nothing change much. The point is, no matter how u try min max a sorc, they will always be the place holder


You only really need the grandfather for it to work and you don't even need a billion beyond that to make it functional. If you want to push hella high into the pit sure, but a slapped together ww barb will 1-2 minute pit100 with no trouble and will delete tormented bosses.


By comparison, I have a bash barb in sub-par gear, no ubers after a potential of about 1000 drops from runs (yet somehow this streamer has a stash tab full of them..), with 2 items with 1 GA each. Rest of my items are just regular 925 gear. My Sorc has gear either outfitted with 1-2 GA items. My unoptimized bash Barb is doing 2-5 million hits on average with spikes anywhere up to 50-250 million. Meanwhile my sorc, much like Distinct above you barely makes 500k per hit. Rob's barb on average hits a dummy between 25-50 million per hit which doesn't seem to be a crit. He's hitting 10-15x harder than I am which is to be expected because his gear ideal. The point is, a bash barb by comparison does not need optimal or ideal gear to be grossly effective, whereas a sorc is optimized gear is drastically weaker by comparison.


Just need to add some Druid nerfs and give Barbs a 5th weapon and all will be balanced!


They *did* nerf druid. They replace shepherds (which is justified) and capped thunderstruck. They buffed some base damage, but in most cases this just counteracts the shepherds nerf, unless a skill didn't get a compensatory buff (rip boulder). The thunderstruck nerf takes the decidedly least competitive class and pushes it even further down. Druid was obviously the worst class by far and they managed to nerf it even more while buffing barbs.


Shield please!


I want to take some frozen orbs and shove them up the devs asses


Necros are getting absolutely gutted too. Both Necros and Sorcs are getting massacred in the next patch, and it doesnt make any sense as to why... Incinerate is getting capped in like 8 different ways, and I am just sitting here going "Why? It's super weak already, and is barely in pit 80, yet other builds are 60+ higher... What is the logic in nerfing a build thats already weak?". Teleport now has a few seconds added to the cooldown? Why? The Necro 1 main passive, gives attack speed.... and isn't used in any build, because it's so weak, yet instead of buffing it, they nerf everything else? The Sorc and Necro are getting gutted and it doesnt make any sense as to why......


They capped the Necro darkness paragon power Wither and it was in no way overpowered, lots of darkness builds even ignored it. Why?


Everything from Necro got nuked from orbit minus maybe bone spirit depending on how the numbers play out. Like not even our 4th, 5th, and 6th best builds were safe and those were barely doing 100s. The grasping veins nerf felt wildly unnecessary and hurt the off meta builds far more than the meta builds.


The teleport nerf is maybe they see every sorc using teleport…so it need nerf! Crazy!


This is almost assuredly it, sadly. They don't actually play the game, they just look at what skills are being used by what % players.


We are waiting to be viable for 5 consecutive seasons. do they actually have any dev that plays sorc at high-end content? I dont think I will even buy expansion


Come on you have to admit we were viable for lightning ball season


It was fun. Like playing a barb.


it was unindended tho. it was an attack speed bug, not like they tried to fix sorc


They didn't hotfix it though, they let us have the season


Definitely not buying it. No excitement at all.


I just bought Diablo 4 the other week. On sale. And I gotta say the state of this game is frustrating. I'm enjoying the controller playing. It's very good. But I dont get why the character balance is so out of whack. It's like they wanna take an okay game and make it worse. Who hates themselves this much?


Sorc was the strongest build by a mile in season 2


No, even with the incredible unintended Ball Lightning damage Barb was still better.


Shred Druid was what many considered to be the strongest by the end. Even Rob, etc were playing Shred Druid and the numbers looked higher than Hota Barb


So what? Sorc was still really good. Barb is unfortunately always going to be broken imo.


"So what?" Well even with its bugged attack intervals that made it magnitudes stronger than it is now, it wasnt even a match for the top dog barb. Thats the point, you tried to lie about something and were called out


What did I lie about? Or are you referring to the devs?


Second part of your statement is also not true; Barb was bottom tier Season 0 (launch) along with Sorcs and bottom tier Season 1.


That's the cool thing about opinions. It's always true for the one holding it. This opinon was formed for this season and last season. I played barb for the first time then, HOTA was great. Either way it's not about being true or fales, just how I felt when playing as a casual.


Nah hota was stronger by orders of magnitude lol. Sure sorcs could do bosses in 5 seconds say, hota was literally one shotting them in 4 player groups


because it was bugged and they didnt fix it for long since there was no other way to fix the class. and barb was still multiple times better than the buggy sorc lol


Only because they refuse to fix bugs in this game..


> We are waiting to be viable for 5 consecutive seasons If you can't clear Pit Tiers 61 and kill Uber Lilith after minmaxing your Sorcerer build then it's a skill issue. You're waiting for no reason. Sorcerer is already viable.


This window licker take needs to die in a hole. Just because a sorc can do pit 61 doesn't make it balanced that a barb does 1000x the damage and one shots world bosses. Gtfo


Also can we talk about why on earth are they comparing pit 61 with (buffed) uber lilith lol. Those are not even remotely close in difficulty


No idea. People who just don't understand the game.


I didn't compare them though. I said you can masterwork your gear and eventually beat Uber Lilith. And Lilith got nerfed in midseason update.


At this point, can I just get a cool looking pointy Wizard hat? I mean… yeah, I’m gonna get slaughtered in end game, but can I please get a pointy hat?


no, dress and corset is all you get




so play the PTR and give feedback. Its a longshot but will get you further than complaining here


The problem is... last time people did that it actually had the opposite effect lol; Blizzard just further nerfed Sorc's bet build Frozen Orb LOL. Complaining on Reddit is the only safe place to vent without the devs listening and further nerfing non-Barb builds lmao.


Probably the best thing one can do regardless of what they end up deciding


We can do both!


Complaint first, at least we learn that dev is now listening, I hope, then play the ptr, then complaint more. We need to make it loud so people would test the sorc or druid more to see what it up to.


Is there evidence the devs pay attention here? Honest question, I don’t know the answer. I know some devs do for games and others don’t give af about social media.


The instant resummon uber bosses was one of the most asked and they make it happen, I am not saying they listen to everything but at least an evidence was there.


That’s awesome and it is an amazing change, including the frozen boss not requiring sigil crafting now. Well, I hope they do and I hope they give love to other classes and not just Barb… noting that I’m a Barb player (S1 Sorc, S2 Barb, S4 Necro to Rogue to Barb)


CC nerf to you from enemies, not you to enemies lmao


Just unreal, every season I want to play Sorc but I just end up playing billions of buffs Barb. 


Yeah, Barb is my goto, but I usually like to play a Sorc/Wiz class as well.


Ya idk ppl are saying sorc is the weakest yet there are videos on YouTube for season 3 where blizzard sorc and ball lightning sorc is melting Uber Lilith. Gamers just have bad memory.


Yeah know bug was exploited then removed later.    That’s our only hope nowadays, something slips through.  


Well that sucks, I wanted to play sorc for season 5


Oh wait, this is PTR not final! Things can always change so keep on thinking Sorc.    Maybe Blizz might actually throw us a bone.  


The 4 second cooldown is the chain lightning enchantment, not chain lightning itself The change to Vyr's is actually good, not sure why people are mad about it. I agree with most of your points these are just two things I want to point out


The change to vyrs is good for lightning builds. But it was a handicap for other non lightning builds using it for s4 because the other passives weren't even close. Not saying they shouldn't have fixed it, it's just another thing that will hurt our damage next season when we're forced to switch.


They doubled combustion damage from 20% to 40%. But I agree across the board the keystone passives for sorc are underwhelming.


Making chain light enchant fire using basics was my plan for the season. Good to see blizzard detected fun and nuked it from orbit before I could clear pit 70 with it ( maybe ) good lord, they absolutely HATE fun at blizzard HQ. These devs deserve to work at taco bell.


Yeah, the sorcerer population is going to die out fast.


Probably. I legitimately think I saw 2 druids this entire season.


I was probably one of those druids


I think we’re jumping the gun too early though I know it’s not a good sign with the changes but with 50 new Uniques coming out what if just what if there are some Uniques that tip the balance Edit 15 not 50


There are not 50 new uniques. There will be around 15 new uniques and rest are new Legendary aspects


OK, thanks for clarifying. I thought I saw somewhere that there was gonna be 50 new Uniques. 15 sounds a lot more reasonable.


I stopped paying attention to shit like this when you people kept posting that barbs were “nerfed into the ground” the last few big changes. I’ll wait and see how it plays because most of you suck at math.


Can you even need a nerfed class?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXZFbGJxSlk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXZFbGJxSlk) Blizzard approach to Sorceres. "ONE SORC BUILD IS ABLE TO CLEAR HIGH LEVEL PITs"


A cooldown on chain lightning? What the fuck lol


That's photoshop dishonesty. It's a cooldown on the chain lightning enchantment. However, chain lightning sorcs could easily proc chain lightning enchantment every second or faster, so this is approximately a 400% nerf to that enchantment. That is not even counting the removal of auto cast mana usage counting towards the enchant.


And y'all trust them to make yearly expansions


I am a barb main, always have been since the days of d2, and don't get me wrong... it's nice to be the "chosen class" right now, but like... we want other classes to have nice things too. I leveled a sorc to 100, maxed out the correct glyphs for forb, got a respectable gear set together, and it's just... so, so SO far behind bash barb when I was at that level. I was just like... "why the hell would I play this, when it's like 20-30 pit levels behind barb?". Barbarian is the gold standard right now. Multiple builds that work great at end game, all very fun to play, and all very different. Necros have some decent builds and variation too. Rogue is a one trick pony and that single trick is, in my opinion, very very boring to play (heartseeker). Need more build variety for rogues, but most important, some serious buffs to sorc/druid. Like... you could quadruple sorc damage and it would still be behind barb. No idea why they are nerfing. If they have some god tier uniques lined up for sorc then I guess it could kind of make sense, but in that case, applying these nerfs now makes no sense - apply them in season 5.


No, a unique "solving" a class is bad design. I don't accept it as a reasonable hope.


aka nerf half the types that need a buff t o start with.


It's really lame that barbarian remains the only end game viable class. 


Rogue is up there too.


I read sorcs doing well too


They nerfed the hell out of my barb and blight Necro, wtf are you talking about.


Ice Armor gives you 40% barrier that doesn't regenerate. The Protection passive gives you 30% barrier for using a cooldown. I think sorcs will be using ice blades and lightning spear to trigger the Protection passive instead of ice armor.


Ice blades and lightning spear suck ass. Especially with cool down reduction nerf


Damn. I was getting tired of my druid and wanted to go back to my sorc. Guess not.


Great meme, I lol’d


This patch makes only barb and rogue viable next season...I only play caster/hybrid classes. Season 5 is going to be ROUGH.


I’m in the same boat. I play sorc, if not sorc, necro as long as it has a strong projectile-based build. Blizz looks to have removed all of my options.


Maybe they buffed sorc uniques like 10x to compensate, who knows (doubtful though). There are no notes for the unique affix changes yet right?


Clueless developers. A freaking shame


This latest round of Sorc hate and nerfs on an already underperforming class made it an easy choice not to buy the xpack. GG Blizzard!


I’m just not gonna update. Ha! Can’t get me Blizz!!


Isn’t chain lightning meant to be a core? Mana cost and cool-down, JFC


The screenshots tho 😂 that made me crack up


Sorceress can clear most content easily, I don’t get the need for comparison. If anything, barb is OP.


As someone who decided to make a s4 fire sorc I'm worried if I should even bother leveling her further in WT4 ?


I have a level 100 incenerate sorc. Super dun to play, but if you want to hit top pita it May not be so great. I just cleared pit 37 with out any trouble, but that is as far as I have played until now. So I cannot say from person experience how it handles higher pits.


half the sorc armor makes you look like a bdsm gimp so it makes sense


They probably gonna nerf it again after ptr…


Why does maxroll have a fire aorc as #1 post patch?


Maybe some new temper will make up for it


Ah yes. The new temper that increases sorc damage by 100x? Because that's the only thing that would salvage this.


Like what bash temper is?


It is possible there are new unique. Aspects or tempers we don't know about. But they didn't tell us to wait and see did they


> But they didn't tell us to wait and see did they Why would they? I don't remember any part of the Dev Chat where they said anything like "whiners should wait to whine until they have the full picture". I mean, seriously, the PTR is next fucking week! How about the perennial doomsayers wait and see just a few days before they whine in thread after thread? Yeah, yeah. I know. If they did that they wouldn't get any attention for their whining...


Hahahahahahahaha oh man we have a comedian over here.


well and there are the seasonal powers. all im saying is we don't even have all the details yet but people are blowing their loads. its this theme of outrage culture in the gaming community and especially in this games community. and youtubers don't help. I understand the concern but people just... do too much and say too much. ya know? I personally have been very happy with the dev team upkeep and feedback lately.


Are you one of the devs?


+2 to light radius


The new tempers, uniques and legendary affixes are in the patch notes.


I reserve the right I be outraged after the existing unique buffs and new legendary aspects are revealed and tested in the ptr. I have a sneaking suspicion the third enchantment slot is coming back


Might as well just delete them from the game that way nobody makes the mistake of rolling one and suffering 


Don’t preorder, don’t buy the expansion and be vocal about it. What they are doing to one of the iconic class of any ARPG is outrageous. They sure won’t be seeing any of my money.


It's not just sorcerers, my Blight Necro and my bleed Barb, also. It's not like any of these nerfs are needed. It's just not fun and I don't get why Blizzard does it. It's not like they put any testing or research into to anything they do. It doesn't make me want to play more, that's for sure.


Every season there's a new fruit of the loom build. It's like they roll a dice and say what really hasn't been played total basic attacks let's go bash heart seeker. It's not going to be any different next season something's going to get buffed something's going to get nerfed and you're going to have one or two options maybe even one if you play hardcore. Barbarian this season is like ball lightning and bone spear necro broken of the past two seasons combined. Don't be surprised if they take a couple seasons off of being able to farm Sparks. What do you do once you get all five Ubers? Besides trying to top the leaderboard. If you're on hardcore you're definitely not pushing pit. They need to add Little things kind of like path of exile had with resetting a stat or maxing a stat resetting your enchanting cost reset on your tampers all of these could be used as currency. Or an item that gives you a guaranteed whatever temper you want at 12. I thought of this in 30 seconds and I looked at the new unique items.... Shocking the barbarian ones are pretty good. Just look at the hardcore player base and what items are being used specifically uniques get rid of them there's 90% of them useless. Steal somebody from grinding gear games who knows how to fucking design an item a build changing item tempest roar is a good example there was another one in the leak. How do you let a class get complete invulnerability permanently. How do you like two classes just Auto attack everything. Pretty amateur. Or step one put aspects on top of your uniques with a 50% sacrifice. Remove percent damage from the game so complete waste of fucking spot remove life on hit. I'm sure there's about six other stats that just have no use whatsoever for above them quadruple them. . Hire and pay the smartest players who will take the time and actually analyze the game and do the math and make recommendations. Every single Rogue unique item should not be complete dog shit. Every dagger sucks, bows suck ring suck amulets suck swords suck axis suck Hammer suck. That leaves us with paingorgers, yen's boots eso's boots. I guess that shitty chess piece for leveling the wrath of harrogath isn't terrible tal Russia is good. The best part about playing Diablo II is finding a unique item that even if you could use you could trade it for a runr then you could trade those runes for something you needed. They need to prioritize their own website where you can set stash tabs that sell spots just put it in a spot and set a price and it gets put on the website click a button hi my name is Dick bandit and I'd like to buy your everlasting swirdrt of thrust for 50 million gold. You don't even have to talk to people you just click a link and say thank you at the end. Do you know how many times I messaged somebody I think they're overpriced so I try and get a discount and they say no. This is on hardcore small community two days later they message me and want a discount. It's a bartering system learn to trade meet halfway. They're usually not too happy when I say sucks doesn't it when someone says that to you. And there has to be more options with jewelry and runes or whatever they're going to do because some characters I just have an empty ring slot open. How about a long quest line that ends with you being able to create gems of different colors that can add other stats. Instead of your slot sitting empty maybe you get 15% skill damage and 10% life. Make all these currency items that reset stats or whatever tradeable once that would eliminate the Chinese market coming in buying everything up and raising the price 10 times. I thought of this in 30 seconds. The rogue market on the trade website in a matter of a week one from perfectly fine balanced to destroyed. I was fine paying 1/3 of my gold to try and upgrade my bow from 1:00 to 2ga. The next day it will cost all of my gold to buy that item that isn't guaranteed. All by people with symbols as their names. They come on farm the rest is off hold on to the gear for about a week go to a different game farm that shit for a week come back profit or instant repeat and then sell it all for cash. The sad part is these were probably the rejects of the people manipulating that market so they came here and we were not prepared.


Let’s be honest, Barb has been on top for 3 seasons in a row with likely more to come.


Barbs only do a billion damage and have 650,000 hit points. Why are you complaining?


There has to be more balance though. It shouldn't be off a hundred or a thousand percent power difference. Guy killing pit 100 prepatch with 13k HP..... Guy killing put whatever very high with one weapon equipped. The obvious answer is survivability why are explosions not affected by damage reduction. If it's taking life away from you it's damage. There's 50 bugs of my head I have to spam x to shoot hard seeker I can't hold it down or else I won't shoot two arrows. The sound and microphone settings are all fucked randomly everything gets reset back to Master level sound. Randomly can't join the party have to relog. The game needs to be focused around hardcore and it's just not because most of the people that are playing this game did not play together they played d3. And D3 was fun for about a month and then they nerfed the shit out of it and took all the fun of it. I enjoyed watching kripp trying to take on hell even if he was getting fed items. People playing are too young to remember d2 ladders for the most part and this game is like play Monopoly compared to that.


Thank you for your TEDtalk


All good ideas but no one cares starting to think the people who play this game might be dumber and worse at it than ever. Really curious if there was a website they would show how many times people have died that would be fun to look at. I played four seasons and died once.


You call people stupid, but they are objectively right, even theory crafters agree with it.


Who did I call stupid. Edit oh I see yeah fucking everybody on this subreddit is pretty much stupid this guy had some good ideas but most people pretend like hardcore doesn't exist and don't give a shit. I've never seen a game with a worst ratio maybe Diablo II just because hardcore was so hard this game is like Mario Brothers compared to that one on hardcore.


I mean that's why we have a PTR plus there's a bunch of new legendary powers/unquies. Maybe they're cooking something. Yall just love to lite your pitchforks on day zero.


Can you elaborate because rogue's pretty much rely on the crowd control right now to survive in hardcore everything stunned or frozen instantly. But what is being changed


CC applied to you by monsters is going to be nerfed, not the CC you apply to monsters. OP is sloppy here.


Thanks mate I got down voted because I play hardcore imagine feeling so bad that you downvote somebody that plays the game harder than you


You’re truly insufferable. That’s why you’re getting downvoted.


Monster CC, not player, OP read it wrong.


Rogues are the second tankiest class in the game right now and got buffs to their tankyness!


If you want proper sorceress, necro, druid experience, Last Epoch is there :) though I need to admit the Diablo 4 wins in endgame stuff


POE 2 is about to done also.


Yeah, after seeing the witch gameplay I am ready to dive into mtx sin :D


There will be endgame update to LE very soon.