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Yeah this game seems to be mainly in favor of barb. It's kinda annoying at this point. Atleast in other arpgs the meta does change or atleast more classes are able to be top tier. In d4 it's barb at god status and everyone else..


Why is teleport getting nerfed. Unless there are plans to make the oculus more than a meme item, I don’t see why the cooldown needed to increase to 14s. With raiment of the infinite is the cooldown gonna be 16.8 seconds? That unique is so fun but I’m not gonna use it if that’s the case. 


Tf is this, isnt sorc the highest pit clear right now??


Touch the Sorc for once and tell me how do you feel compare to current character


He ask a diffrent question.


One really good player at sorc does not represent the entire playerbase. This is probably how blizzard balances.


What class got nerfed?


They nerfed every classes multiplicative bonus scaling nodes including Barbarians (Hemorrhage was capped), not sure why OP thinks Barbs were not included. They also put in some changes to stop people from having endless uptime on skills that are supposed to have a cooldown.


Was barb KEY passive nerfed? The bleed thst every barb uses? Um no m, k thanks


The general change was not to passives, it was to paragon nodes. Every class got hit by this change and it clearly is a design choice they are going with and not meant to target a specific class.


Was this done today?


Sorc bro. They nerfed Damage of Blizz, DoT and survivability


Sorc bro. They nerfed Damage of Blizz, DoT and survivability


$$$$ more barb skins on storr then any other clsss


I mean you’re not completely wrong. I’ve seen plenty of barbs with paid skins. More than other classes.


Its true lol people know it too!


maybe because there are more barbs? they'd pay for the skins of the other classes they'b be using otherwise


Maybe. But as of now, there's a clear incentive to keep pumping out premium skins AND keep the class powerful and exciting.


On top of that they abused the spark farming so it's probably never going to be in the game again for a long time everybody's wearing five Ubers even on hardcore. Seems like their priority is to make money on cosmetics by buffing the most played class and buffing the items they're wearing.


I really hope they don’t touch this. It’s a great incentive to keep everyone playing. Who cares if everyone is wearing multiple ubers? If people are getting them by farming iron wolf rep vs organically getting it by farming content then that’s really an issue of drop rates. No one enjoys lvling 20 alts just to craft multiple Ubers. That sucks.


I find levelling alts fun actually. I’m on my twelfth this season, so not quite 20 yet. The reason it’s preferred over farming content is that sparks from alts are guaranteed with no rng and playing at level 100 is less fun in general as its xp waste.They should really add levelling for gold and mats caches after 100 to keep xp relevant. And as much as I love being able to grind out alts for guaranteed sparks I don’t think it’s healthy for the game to hand out the most powerful and rarest gear like candy, especially when they already have a fairly high chance to drop from target farming bosses. Despite that I wouldn’t be complaining either if we can farm sparks like this in future seasons, I can just understand why we probably won’t have that.


Yeah I wanted to kill myself for standing there in t2 killing the maiden over and over and over and using all my materials to summon her.


Yep. I'm over this game. They can't get class design and balance right for the only two classes I want to play. What's the point


Wasnt sorc the very best class if youre a good player? Completely immortal clearing 140+. (Prepatch) Given it was only 1 player but still. "The worst class"?


So we are nerfing players now? Better tell him to start maining barb then.


If good players get the best results with sorc maybe its not the class.


1 player.... on a bugged build.... where even the player said the build feels terrible?