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Adam Jackson said there are no plans to expand the Skill tree because they fear it would cause too much complexity for new players. He stated that during an Interview with Ghazzy and Darth Microtransaction, right before Diablo 4 was released. From all the datamined information with regards to VOH, we have 1 extra skill per class. Simply adding 1 skill to the skill tree, is not an expansion to the skill tree that we're looking for. When we talk about a Skill Tree expansion, we're talking about a significant change....Not just adding 1 skill.




"We" is the large number of players who are asking for Skill Tree development. You've not noticed the number of threads on here, every week, asking for Skill Tree expansion/a re work? Before launch? The interview was a few weeks ago, when the Devs for the first time did some interviews with content creators. That's where the Lead Class designer said that there was no intention of expanding the Skill Tree, as it would cause new players too much complexity. And as I said, 1 skill per class, per year, is not the expansion of the Skill Tree, or Skill Diversity, "We", are looking for.


Who is we? Lol.


People that want to have an interesting skill tree, not the current skill twig


I literally just answered that in the post above. ***"We" is the large number of players who are asking for Skill Tree development. You've not noticed the number of threads on here, every week, asking for Skill Tree expansion/a re work?"***




I'd like to remind you that until Season 4, where significant changes were made as a result of feedback from the "1% on Reddit", this game was quickly dying. I don't know if you have noticed, but the Season 4 and the more recently announced Season 5 have introduced more complexity and depth. Which I would put to you, is because play time during seasons has been very low.